Magical Moments Part 36

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Sydney tossed a defiant chin at him. "You obviously don't believe you require any a.s.sistance; therefore,

it is pointless to offer any." Remarks flew back and forth, and Sarina listened quietly on the other side of the doorway. She shook her head with a sad smile and walked to the kitchen, grabbing the heavy navy blue cardigan from the peg by the door. "You need more than that sweater if you're going outside. The air has a winter bite to it today," Margaret warned. Sarina seemed not to hear or chose not to pay attention; she simply slipped out the back door and walked down the nearest path, needing and wanting to be away from the castle if only for a while.

She was at a loss as to how to proceed from here, and giving it serious thought, she realized that her hands were tied. She had made choices, taken a chance, and now what was needed was faith. Faith in love and faith in Dagon. But how would he react when he learned the truth? The answer came easy. If he loved her, truly loved her, it wouldn't matter. She sighed away her frustration and hugged herself. "Cold?"

Sarina turned to smile at Sebastian.

He wore a brown, worn leather bomber-style jacket with a heavy navy knit sweater beneath and chinos.

His casual attire fit his casual mood, and she felt relaxed with his easygoing yet strong nature.

"Not really, the bite in the air feels good."

He walked up beside her and strolled along the pebbled path with her. "I know what you mean. I enjoy

the sting of a good cold day."

"It refreshes."

"It is also the place to be when your wife chases you out of your room," he confided with a smile.

Sarina nodded. "I understand. I felt my own need to escape the castle."

Sebastian didn't pry, he seemed to understand and continued the conversation. "I was wondering about

those candles."


"The ones cast during the Winter Solstice? You never did get a chance to explain how you knew about

them." Sarina stopped by the mermaid pond and decided honesty was her only sensible choice, and besides, she sensed Sebastian was only seeking confirmation of what he already suspected. "I've cast the candles." He nodded slowly. "I thought so, and if I'm correct, that makes you a wise witch and an old one." She smiled. "It's not polite to ask a woman her age, whether mortal or witch." "Can't help it, prying is in my blood, and my instincts tell me that you're older than Sydney." He waited for confirmation.

"Your search-and-find skill is not only remarkable, but natural as well. It is no wonder why you do so well in the security business." "I feel my business is more like a hobby-that's how much pleasure I derive from it. But diverting my attention away from my question will not work. I'm still waiting for an answer. "How old are you?" Sarina was as honest as possible. "Older than you think or want to know." "And your powers?" "Waiting." "Don't understand that one," he admitted. "It's best you don't."

Sebastian accepted her answer and didn't pressure her to explain, though he did add his own opinion. "It will all work out well."

"Do you think?" she asked hopefully.

"Dagon won't have it any other way."

Sarina hugged herself tighter. "He may not have a choice."

Sebastian s.h.i.+vered at the helplessness in her voice and was stunned by her sudden change when she turned to him and asked, "Let's practice levitation."

Sebastian rubbed his hands together and grinned. "At last-a viable volunteer."

Dagon retained his controlled demeanor while Sydney and Ali lectured him. Ali had returned looking for

her husband, and when she didn't find him in the dining room, she proceeded to join Sydney in berating Dagon for his foolish actions where the Ancient One and Sarina were concerned.

"You think me dim-witted?" he asked, looking from Sydney to Ali.

Ali considered his comment. "Dim-witted, never. Stubborn, definitely."

"We do have something in common, don't we," he said with a teasing laugh.

"At least I'm not foolish," she said.

"That's a debatable issue."

Sydney allowed the two free rein, sitting back and savoring a second cup of coffee.

"Why don't you admit you love Sarina?" Ali asked, standing face to face with him near the tall narrow


"That's for me to decide."

"I admitted my love of Sebastian to you."

"You practically shouted it from the rooftops."

Ali narrowed her eyes. "You're impossible."

"First I'm stubborn, now I'm impossible, make up your mind."

"You're impossibly stubborn."

"Like brother, like sister."

"So help me, Dagon, I-" Ali stopped abruptly, her eyes widening. "Oh, no!"

Dagon followed the path of her shocked glance and his own eyes widened.

Sarina lay flat on her back floating in thin air over the mermaid pond, and she was smiling most delightfully.

Dagon and Ali raced out of the room not hearing Sydney's warning.

"Don't disturb Sebastian's magic." Sydney shook her head and went to the window to watch what she was certain would be a predictable and entertaining scene.

Sarina laughed with pleasure. "I had forgotten how delightful this was."

"I'm doing good, then?" Sebastian asked anxiously.

"Excellent," she a.s.sured him. "You have moved from novice to pro."

"You're not nervous? After all, I am really nothing more than an amateur witch."

Sarina scolded softly. "Never refer to yourself as such. You must believe in yourself, or you will never

possess the full power of your skills. Belief and faith in yourself make you who you really are. And to prove how much I believe in your abilities, I want you to turn me slowly around so that I am looking down at the pond. I would love to view the water from an aerial angle."

Sebastian sounded reluctant. "I don't know if I should attempt that feat. What if I accidentally make you spin?" "I'll grow dizzy and it will pa.s.s." "What if you drop in the pond?" "I'll get wet and I'll dry off." He laughed. "You have an answer for everything." "I wish."

They both laughed.

"Give it a try," she urged. "I don't mind, and when next do you think you'll get someone to practice on who is as willing as I am and enjoys it as much as I do?"

"You've got a point."

"Then go for it."

Her encouragement convinced him, and he used his finger to execute a perfect turn that had her looking

facedown at the pond.

She shouted her excitement. "Hurrah, you did it!"

Unfortunately her gleeful shouts sounded like screeching pleas to Dagon and Ali, and they broke into a

run, Ali shouting out Sebastian's name.

Sebastian thought his wife's anguished shout a cry for help, and he turned suddenly, forgetting about Sarina. She descended rapidly toward the water. Dagon and Ali immediately pointed in her direction to guide her out of harm's way. Unfortunately Sebastian got in the way and went tumbling into the pond from the force of their magic, b.u.mping into Sarina and falling with her into the water.

Ali and Dagon stood speechless at the pond's edge watching the two attempt to stand. They were laughing much too hard and slipping with every step they took, and they looked to be having the time of their lives.

After several failed attempts, Sebastian and Sarina emerged dripping wet from the pond. They hung on to each other as they stood confronting Dagon and Ali.

Sebastian immediately took charge. "We were doing fine until you two interfered."

"He's right," Sarina agreed, hugging his arm, to Dagon's annoyance.

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