Magical Moments Part 26

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He seduced her mouth next, tormenting her moist, needy lips until her lips chased his teasing ones, and they joined together in a flourish of maddening kisses that left them both breathless and wanting.

With his breathing labored he said in a whisper against her ear, "You feel how much I want you; now it's my turn to feel how much you want me."

His hands took hold of her nightgown, his fingers drawing the white flannel up and up until it was bunched in his hands at her hips. Then in one deliberate motion he pulled the nightgown up and over her head, leaving her naked, except for her white socks.

His smile was smug. "I'm going to buy you dozens of socks."

She laughed with delight and threw her arms around his neck. "Good! I detest shoes."

He lifted her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. "Good, then wear them no more, you actually need wear nothing anymore. Naked is just the way I like you."

He fell with her on the bed, his body taking partial possession of hers as he lay half over her, his hand instantly moving to intimately explore her. "Your skin is soft and smells so sweet."

He kissed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s gently. "I want to touch and taste you forever."

His fingers traced a lazy path down along her slender midriff and over the slight rise of her stomach to

drift into the tangle of soft black hair and crawl maddeningly slow inside her.

"My, my, dear heart," he said with a teasing grin. "You do want me."

She moved on bended knee to rub at his hardness. "As much as you want me."

He kissed her soundly and his laugh was a low rumble. "Tonight we share a magical moment. . . ."

Her breath caught at his words.

"The first of many," he finished and his mouth claimed hers once again, and he didn't stop there. When

he ended the kiss, to her reluctance he moved down along her neck to taste her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with a tongue

that charmed and t.i.tillated with every deliberate stroke.

Her nipples ached in their hardness and suffered the delicious torment all the more when first his tongue teased the sensitive buds with quick darting strokes before capturing each one in his mouth.

Pleasure took on a new side of madness, and she squirmed beneath him, but he only laughed before

moving farther down her body, his charmed tongue creating his own indolent path.

She gasped and cried out when she felt his fingers spread her in readiness for his tasty entrance, and her cries soon turned to moans of exquisite torment as his tongue pleasured her with a sensual wickedness she did not think possible.

Her hands reached out to tug at him, stop him, warn him that she could not go on like this. She could not control her raging emotions and very soon she would burst, explode, erupt in sheer pleasure.

He pushed her hands away. "Come," he urged. "I dare you to."

"No," she cried softly between labored breaths. "This time with you."

"Oh, dear heart, tonight you will come over and over again with me."

She groaned and arched her back after his tongue entered her with a quick jab that was meant to send her to the edge and it did. She teetered there briefly, and when he followed with strong solid thrusts she fell, crying out his name in her maddening descent.

Her climax was a fiery explosion that she thought could not be duplicated, but Dagon had other ideas.

After one last intimate taste of her he moved over her with the grace of a powerful beast staking his territory; slow and predatory his body claimed hers.

"Now another magical moment," he whispered and brushed her lips with his tongue to excite her

senses with the taste of herself.

She groaned and reached out for his mouth, the mingled scent of them too intoxicating to deny. She fed off him like a hungry cub aching for his familiar scent and for his love that she felt in every taste, touch, and kiss.

Dagon felt his restraint slipping. He chose to bring her pleasure first and selfishly wanted to taste her sweet surrender. But now he wanted to surrender fully and completely himself, and he wasn't at all surprised though extremely pleased when she reached down to take him in her hand and stroke him full and hard.

"When do I get to taste you?" she asked in an excited whisper.

He almost erupted in her hand, and his hand moved quickly and gently to free himself from her firm grasp. "Later," he promised with a kiss. "It's time for us to join."

She looked with wise and loving eyes at him. "I give myself freely to you."

He was aware her surrender was without conditions, his however was not, but that would be better left to discuss with her at another date. He simply said. "And I to you, dear heart."

He entered her slowly, wanting to create an everlasting memory of their first joining, one they would remember forever and never fail to relive over and over and over again. And he himself wanted to remember the feel of every inch of her, recall her every moan of pleasure, her every cry of pa.s.sion, and he wanted to erupt in total surrender along with her.

"Dagon," she released his name on a long sigh.

He slipped farther into her.

Her sigh turned heavy. "Dagon."

His thrust turned strong and determined.

She drew out his name on a breathless sigh. "Daaagon."

He went deep and established a rhythm she immediately responded to.

This time his name sounded like a plea. "Da-gon."

He enjoyed hearing her call out to him over and over, and he changed his rhythm to a demand, and she responded, wrapping her legs around his.

His name was urgent on her lips. "Dagon."

"Wrap your legs around my waist," he ordered. "I want to go deeper. I want to touch your soul."

She did as he asked, for she wanted to touch his as well.

His thrusts turned rapid, his rhythm furious, and she matched both, their bodies moving in unison.

Rational thought escaped him, he could think of nothing, absolutely nothing but the exquisite sensation he felt being inside her, deep inside her. He wanted this to go on forever, he never wanted it to end, he never wanted them to part. And when he thought he reached the pinnacle of pa.s.sion, he felt her explode around him, heard her cry out his name, and felt himself erupt in a fury that stunned and shattered him to his very soul.

They convulsed in a breath-stealing climax, clinging tenaciously to each other as their bodies continued to

surrender all of themselves to each other, deep down to the cores of their beings.

They shuddered together, their bodies draining themselves of the last vestige of mindless surrender. And it felt good, gloriously wonderful and they clung to each other enjoying every memorable minute.

She tightened herself around him, and he moaned with the pleasure she brought him, though thinking she might have hurt him, she eased the pressure of her embrace.

"Don't," he said on a hasty breath. "That feels good."

She smiled and closed herself intimately around him, and he moaned again and kissed her.

"I like the feel of you inside me," she said honestly.

He raised his head and grinned. "That's good, dear heart, because that's where I intend to spend most of this night- inside you."

"Promise," she giggled.

"You may not be able to walk tomorrow by the time I get done," he teased.

She teased back. "And you may have a permanent grin on your face by the time I finish with you."

"That is a promise you better keep," he warned with a laugh and moved gently off her to gather her

against him in his arms.

With their breathing calmed and their bodies replete they shared the simple pleasure of laying quietly in each other's arms, both favoring the soothing melody of their satisfied hearts.

Sarina never realized how delicious love could feel, a love made of no demands and given from the heart

and soul. Why had she not been wise enough to see this from the start? Why had she wasted so much precious time?

Her answer came easily.


She had not found that rare love until she had found Dagon. And now? Her smile was for herself alone.

She had tempted fate and would wait for the outcome, but in the meantime she would enjoy.

She stroked Dagon's leg with her sock-covered foot and with her finger traced circle after circle on his chest. He grabbed her hand and stilled it. "You want to give me time to recover?" She looked with wide innocent eyes at him. "Must I?" He kissed the tip of her small nose. "Yes, you must." "Can I at least continue to touch you?" she asked, sounding like a spoiled child denied her favorite treat.

He released her hand. "You can touch me whenever and wherever you like."

"Carte blanche, I like that," she said and continued to trace circles, her hand drifting lower and lower.

"You're headed for trouble," he warned with a grin.

"No," she a.s.sured him with a shake of her head. "You are."

It was near dawn when her breathing calmed for the fifth time that night. She lay on her side, Dagon wrapped around her after pulling the covers over them and making certain she was comfortable.

She had been comfortable all evening with him. Their last joining had been fast and furious. They had been laughing and teasing each other beneath the covers when they both suddenly lost control of their emotions. Dagon wasted no time in entering her, nor did she waste time in accepting him. They coupled like two primal beasts, scratching, clawing, and biting their way to a unified climax.

She sighed with the pleasure of the recent memory.

"Are you all right?" he asked anxiously. "I was far from gentle."

"Neither was I," she admitted freely. "But I did enjoy it."

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