Fruits of Culture Part 26

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LEONiD FYoDORITCH. Yes, yes ... can the lights be extinguished now?

SAHaTOF. But why is darkness necessary?

PROFESSOR. Darkness? Because it is a condition of the manifestation of mediumistic energy, just as a given temperature is a condition necessary for certain manifestations of chemical or dynamic energy.

LEONiD FYoDORITCH. But not always. Manifestations have been observed by me, and by many others, both by candlelight and daylight.

PROFESSOR [interrupting] May the lights be put out?

LEONiD FYoDORITCH. Yes, certainly. [Puts out candles] Ladies and gentlemen! attention, if you please.

Tanya gets from under the sofa and takes hold of a thread tied to a chandelier.

PETRiSTCHEF. I like that Spaniard! Just in the midst of a conversation--off he goes head downwards ... as the French say: _piquer une tete_.[13]

[13] To take a header.

BETSY. You just wait a bit, and see what will happen!

PETRiSTCHEF. I have only one fear, and that is that Vovo may be moved by the spirit to grunt like a pig!

VASiLY LEONiDITCH. Would you like me to? I will ...

LEONiD FYoDORITCH. Gentlemen! Silence, if you please!

Silence. Simon licks the matches on his fingers and rubs his knuckles with them.

LEONiD FYoDORITCH. A light! Do you see the light?

SAHaTOF. A light? Yes, yes, I see; but allow me ...

FAT LADY. Where? Where? Oh dear, I did not see it! Ah, there it is.


PROFESSOR [whispers to Leonid Fyodoritch, and points to Grossman, who is moving] Do you notice how he vibrates? It is the dual influence. [The light appears again].

LEONiD FYoDORITCH [to the Professor] It must be he--you know!


LEONiD FYoDORITCH. A Greek, Nicholas. It is his light. Don't you think so, Alexey Vladimiritch?

SAHaTOF. Who is this Greek, Nicholas?

PROFESSOR. A certain Greek, who was a monk at Constantinople under Constantine and who has been visiting us lately.

FAT LADY. Where is he? Where is he? I don't see him.

LEONiD FYoDORITCH. He is not yet visible ... Alexey Vladimiritch, he is particularly well disposed towards you. You question him.

PROFESSOR [in a peculiar voice] Nicholas! Is that you?

Tanya raps twice on the wall.

LEONiD FYoDORITCH [joyfully] It is he! It is he!

FAT LADY. Oh dear! Oh! I shall go away!

SAHaTOF. Why do you suppose it is he?

LEONiD FYoDORITCH. Why, the two knocks. It is an affirmative answer; else all would have been silence.

Silence. Suppressed giggling in the young people's corner. Tanya throws a lampshade, pencil and penwiper upon the table.

LEONiD FYoDORITCH [whispers] Do you notice, gentlemen, here is a lamp-shade, and something else--a pencil!... Alexey Vladimiritch, it is a pencil!

PROFESSOR. All right, all right! I am watching both him and Grossman!

Grossman rises and feels the things that have fallen on the table.

SAHaTOF. Excuse me, excuse me! I should like to see whether it is not the medium who is doing it all himself?

LEONiD FYoDORITCH. Do you think so? Well, sit by him and hold his hands.

But you may be sure he is asleep.

SAHaTOF [approaches. Tanya lets a thread touch his head. He is frightened, and stoops]. Ye ... ye ... yes! Strange, very strange!

[Takes hold of Simon's elbow. Simon howls].

PROFESSOR [to Leonid Fyodoritch] Do you notice the effect of Grossman's presence? It is a new phenomenon--I must note it ... [Runs out to note it down, and returns again].

LEONiD FYoDORITCH. Yes.... But we cannot leave Nicholas without an answer. We must begin ...

GROSSMAN [rises, approaches Simon and raises and lowers his arm] It would be interesting to produce contraction! The subject is in profound hypnosis.

PROFESSOR [to Leonid Fyodoritch] Do you see? Do you see?

GROSSMAN. If you like ...

DOCTOR. Now then, my dear sir, leave the management to Alexey Vladimiritch, the affair is turning out serious.

PROFESSOR. Leave him alone, he [referring to Grossman] is talking in his sleep!

FAT LADY. How glad I now am that I resolved to be present! It is frightening, but all the same I am glad, for I always said to my husband ...

LEONiD FYoDORITCH. Silence, if you please.

Tanya draws a thread over the Fat Lady's head.

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