Kitchen Affairs Part 4

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Oh G.o.d, please don't stop...

"Okay... I'll try. Doesn't mean I won't be undressing you with my eyes, however." He smiled. It was going to be difficult to ignore him while I was in the kitchen, but I didn't need to be hounded for sleeping with the hotel manager. I especially didn't want anyone to think that's how I got the interns.h.i.+p in the first place.

After our bath, we soaked up the Chicago view with a couple of wine and curled up on the loveseat. I've been single for so long and haven't known Drake very long, but somehow, this felt right.


Drake led me into the bedroom with my hands mangled in his hair, and his lips sealed on mine. I laughed in between breaths as we ran into the furniture on our way down the hall. We were like two love stricken teenagers that couldn't get enough.

"Careful," Drake smirked as I ran into an end table that displayed the vase of roses he sent. I was walking backwards attached to him, not seeing where I was going.

"Ooops," I chuckled leading him into my room. It was pitch black, but I was able to maneuver us to the bed. I tore his s.h.i.+rt off, and he pulled my pants down. It was like a race to see who could get naked first, but in the end, we both won. Best race ever.

"You are so precious, Molly. I don't think I will ever have enough of you." He pushed me on the bed admiring my naked body in front of him. I wasn't ashamed of my figure, but I wasn't used to having men see me naked. Somehow though with Drake, I didn't hesitate lying naked in front of him.

He was still standing at the edge of the bed when he lifted me up slowly and in one swift move entered inside me. I breathed slowly and opened up for him. He placed one of his hands on my breast making my nipples hard.

"Oh G.o.d, Molly, you feel so good."

Ahhh... feels good indeed.

When Drake and I made love, it was phenomenal. Perhaps it was the newness of the relations.h.i.+p, or it was just that I was finally ready to give myself to someone. I had always been an independent woman who was confident, but edgy. Drake had somehow made me feel whole again even though this was new, he has helped me more than I ever could explain to him.

We moaned in satisfied pleasure at the same time. I couldn't believe this man could give me such pleasure, and that my feelings for him were building up so quickly. I hardly knew the man, but I could feel the intense feelings between us.

We lied on the bed panting as we collapsed into each other. "So, tell me three things about yourself." I smiled, pulling my s.h.i.+rt over my head. I wanted to know him better, but I also wanted to see if he felt the same for me as I was starting to feel for him.

"Three things? Hmm... I manage a business..."

"Three things I don't already know," I pressed, cutting him off.

"Okay, fine." Drake smiled and stood pulling his pants up. "I'm a Sagittarius, my favorite breakfast food is peanut b.u.t.ter toast, and my favorite position is... whatever we just did over there." He chuckled, pointing down to the bed. He stood leaning up against my dresser, with no s.h.i.+rt on and his arms crossed. He was examining my response, expecting me to reciprocate.

I laughed as he made it clear that he enjoyed what we just did together. I fidgeted with my ear, wondering if I should invite him to stay over or not. "Are you hungry?" I asked nervously.

"For food?" He winked.

"Yes... food! I'm starving! Come. I'll make pancakes." I grabbed his hand in mine. "And peanut b.u.t.ter toast." He followed me into the kitchen and watched as I gathered everything I needed. He leaned up against the island watching my every move. "Must you stare?" I asked apprehensively.

"You fascinate me. You have a sense of grace about you when you're in the kitchen. It's as if everything is right in the world." He smiled as if he could see deep into my soul. Being in the kitchen was therapy for me. After Liam pa.s.sed, I couldn't handle the overwhelming sadness that overcame me, so instead I buried myself in the kitchen. After awhile, I felt I needed more of a purpose. I volunteered at a soup kitchen, where I had my first glimpse into using a commercial kitchen cooking for hundreds of people.

"It's my safe haven. I could get lost in here," I said honestly. The kitchen was one place I could let my thoughts loose and just forget everything.

"You have become my safe haven, Molly." He turned closer to me, putting both his hands on my face as he leaned in to kiss me softly.

"We still need to keep it cool until after graduation." I reminded him pretending to push him away with my fingertips.

"I know, don't worry," he said rea.s.suring me. The last thing either of us wanted was to be linked publically, and my interns.h.i.+p to be discredited.

I finished cooking our late night breakfast, and as we sat at the breakfast bar, we made small talk, getting to know each other a little better. I still wanted to know more about him, but for now, I was content.

The next morning, I woke up in Drake's long legs that intertwined with mine. I could feel him breathing slowly, and knew he was still sound asleep. G.o.d, he's beautiful. It was only eight, but I knew Stella would already be up watching her morning cartoons. I slowly rolled out of bed trying not to disturb him. I peaked under the sheets as I remembered he was only in briefs. d.a.m.n, he looks hot like that.

"Good morning, suns.h.i.+ne," I whispered, kissing Stella on the cheek as she lounged on the loveseat eating an apple.

"Morning, mommy," she mumbled, not even looking in my direction.

I went into the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast, when I ran into Michael digging into the fridge. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" I glared. I know why, but I wanted to know what he knows.

"Girl... two nights in a row, huh? d.a.m.n, you have it bad," he teased pinching me on the a.s.s.

"Yeah, yeah... stop it," I mocked smacking his hand away from me. "He's still here, so be on your best behavior," I warned pointing my finger at him.

He held his hands up as if he was surrendering. "I always behave," he grinned. Drake was beautiful to look at, and I knew Michael would appreciate his beauty, especially just waking up and walking in the kitchen s.h.i.+rtless.

Well, h.e.l.lo...

"Morning, baby," he said leaning in for a kiss. He quickly noticed we weren't alone. "Morning, Michael." He nodded acknowledging his presence. Michael blushed as Drake said his name.

Stella arrived in the kitchen; blanket in hand. Drake hadn't officially met Stella yet, so I figured it would be good to do so now, especially if he was going to be around more. "Stella honey, this is mommy's friend, Drake. Can you say hi?"

"Hi," she said moving her head up to meet him. "Why are you here?" she asked bluntly. Oh, such a direct little girl I have.

"I... was just visiting your mommy," he answered unsure. "And Michael," he finished, hoping that would satisfy her.

"Oh... okay." She shrugged. That seemed to be enough for her. I grabbed a gla.s.s of orange juice, and set her up on the breakfast bar to finish eating.

"Good save," I said as I leaned up to kiss his lip. The first introduction was over, and he didn't do too badly considering Stella has a three second rebound rate.

"I'm flying to Detroit tonight for some food and wine tastings. I'll be back Monday afternoon." He mentioned. "Will you call and keep in touch?"

"Of course. We need to exchange numbers first," I reminded him.

"Contacts are in our phones already, don't worry babe," he smirked as he pecked me on the cheek. Sneaky man. "I have to run and get my belongings. I fly out at noon."

"Okay, I'll walk you out." I took his hand and led him into my room to gather the rest of his clothes that were sprinkled across the floor. I was about to pick up one of his socks when he reached for me and pulled me into him closely. He planted a soft, pa.s.sionate kiss on my lips. I was sad he was leaving, but I was sure I could make it a couple days.

"I'll miss you," he whispered into my mouth.

"I'll miss you, too." I patted him on the a.s.s, hurrying him along so he wouldn't run behind. And I'll miss that a.s.s.

After Drake left and the kitchen was clean, Michael and I decided to take Stella to one of the best Children's Museum that Chicago had to offer. Being an only child, she needed socialization time outside of school. And it was fun watching her with the other kids.

"Mommy, this way!" Stella screamed pulling my hand along in hers. "I want to go in the Safari room!" I followed her remembering just how much energy a four-year-old maintained.

"Okay, honey, slow down. Uncle Michael will lose us," I called.

"Whoa, you two are sure in a hurry!" Michael breathed, chasing after us.

I laughed watching Michael try and play keep up with us. He was a muscular man, but he did not play sports and was not the athletic type. "There ya are slowpoke," I nudged him in the ribs teasing his ability to keep up with us.

Michael and I had a blast chasing after Stella watching her make new friends. I decided to quickly run outside and check my cell phone messages. I was hoping Drake called me, so I knew he landed safely.

"Well, h.e.l.lo there," a voice echoed behind me. I felt goose b.u.mps on the back of my neck as I recognized that voice. I turn around and saw Travis standing there watching me.

Holy s.h.i.+t...

"Travis, hi," I said slipping my phone back into my pocket. I was hoping he wouldn't bring up the fact that I gave him the wrong number. "What a surprise seeing you here." I faked a smile.

"Same to you," he said inching closer to me. "I brought my son, Jacob here. He's five," he answered reading my mind.

"Oh awesome. I brought my daughter, Stella. She's four. She loves dragging my roommate, Michael around," I said chuckling, hoping to keep the conversation light.

This is so awkward.

"Yeah, Jacob and my sister could spend all day in there," he chuckled continuing the conversation. I smiled at him letting him know I was slightly uninterested. "So, I'm glad I ran into you. It seems the number you gave me doesn't work." He frowned.

"Really? I must have pressed the wrong digits," I lied.

"Yeah, some old woman, Beverly, answered. She said I sounded cute," he snickered as he obviously remembered the conversation.

"I'm sorry about that. But actually..." my phone rang, cutting me off. "Sorry, just one moment." I held up my finger.

"h.e.l.lo?" It was Drake. Oh, thank G.o.d!

"Oh good, I'm glad you made it!" I smiled. His voice was so soothing and rea.s.suring. He told me he was thinking of me as he saw the huge tub in his hotel room. "Michael and I took Stella to the museum, but I will call you later tonight." I smiled as we hung up with Travis watching my every move.

"Boyfriend?" he asked melancholy.

"Umm, kind of. Yeah, I guess." I didn't know how to answer that, but I wanted him to know I wasn't interested in giving him my real number or going to dinner with him.

"Is it serious?" he asked being quite nosey.

Ummm, serious? Is he seriously asking me this?

"I don't know. I mean, it's kind of new still," I answered honestly. I didn't even know this man. What is with men asking such personal questions right away?

"I guess I can still take you for dinner then." He saw my surprised expression. "To apologize for damaging your phone," he rea.s.sured me. Yeah, right.

"That's really not necessary, Travis. It wasn't your fault," I shot back hoping he'd get the point. "I'm sorry, but I should go back and check on Stella." I tried to walk past him, but he stood in my way.

"I insist, Molly. Give me your number and I will make sure you have a wonderful evening," he pursued.

I was dumbfounded at how direct he was and how he wasn't getting my cues. Why are men so persistent? "Look, Travis. I don't give my number out to strange men. I appreciate the gesture, but it's not necessary," I replied as I pushed pa.s.s him.

I caught up with Stella and Michael hoping Travis wouldn't follow me. We left and went back to our apartment. Stella was worn out from our busy day that she fell asleep on the couch after dinner. Michael was heading out for the night to meet up with his flavor of the week, so I decided to call Drake and see how he was doing.

"h.e.l.lo?" I asked confused. Loud music surrounded my ear, and I could barely hear him speak.

"Heeeeeeeeeey! Who's this?" a female's voice asked. Who the f.u.c.k is this? She sounded drunk.

"Ummm... it's Molly. Is Drake there?" I said annoyed.

"I don't know, sweetie. He's... busy," she said laughing. I quickly hung up, p.i.s.sed off. I shut my phone off for the night and crawled into bed. I knew Drake and I hadn't even talked about being exclusive, but he was just with me this morning and for the past two nights. I was feeling jealous when I realized I still barely knew this man. He did have a reputation after all, its not like I didn't know, but I hoped after getting to know him this past week that his reputation was falsified.

I couldn't sleep and kept tossing and turning thinking about Drake. I pictured him laughing and drinking with bar chicks that would give it up to him in a second. The thought made me sick. I decided to get up and snuggle on the loveseat next to the Chicago view.

I woke up the next day with Stella's cartoons on the television. She was eating string cheese and olives. "Honey, let me make you some breakfast," I said, annoyed with her ability to eat whatever she could get her little hands on.

She glanced at me not noticing the dark circles around my eyes. I had hardly slept at all. I made coffee and whipped up some French toast. Michael dragged his a.s.s into the kitchen looking like s.h.i.+t.

"You look awful," I teased pouring orange juice into my cup.

"So do you," he scowled. He was right. I knew I looked awful. Don't f.u.c.king care.

I shrugged, not wanting to tell him what happened. "What are your plans today?" I asked, hoping to lighten the mood and change the subject.

"I have clients to meet today for the fas.h.i.+on blog. We're doing brunch." He poured himself a cup of coffee and headed out to the living room by Stella.

It was late afternoon before I decided to turn my phone back on. I had three voicemails, all from Drake's phone. I didn't feel like listening to them, I was still too p.i.s.sed off.

He knew I was going to be calling him last night, so why would he allow some drunken s.l.u.t to answer his phone?

I decided to take Stella shopping for some retail therapy. She enjoyed walking up and down the Chicago stores, oohing and ahhing at the expensive items. I felt like someone was watching me, so I quickly turned around and saw him standing there with his son.


Already in a raged mood, I marched over to him. "Wow, you are just everywhere!"

He looked surprised to see me talking to him. "I guess I am," he chuckled. "Jacob wanted to check out the Disney store. So here we are."

"Yeah, Stella did too," I said calming down. I was p.i.s.sed at Drake and even though we weren't officially a couple; I was still raged with anger. "So, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to come off rude. Give me your phone," I demanded. He was caught off guard, and reached into his pocket and handed me his phone.

I scrolled down to my name and fixed the last digit that I pressed wrong. "Here, now you have my real number," I smiled. I handed him his phone back, and I could tell he was a little confused.

"Thanks. I'll call you, and we can set something up," he smiled excited that he finally was getting his way.

Stella and I stopped for dinner at a cute little bistro cafe down the block from the apartment. Once we arrived home, she took a bath and went to bed. She needed at least ten hours of solid sleep to be functional the next day.

I slipped into the bathtub after she fell asleep and drowned myself with bubbles listening to soft music in the background. I still hadn't listened to my voicemails from Drake, so after my bath, I grabbed a gla.s.s of wine, and grabbed my phone out of my purse.

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