Kitchen Affairs Part 10

Kitchen Affairs -

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He knocked and I seductively answered the door. Without saying a word, he scooped me up and kissed me hard on my lips. I heard him slam the door shut and kick off his shoes. We laughed as he stumbled through the hallway to my bedroom.

Less than a minute later, he was completely undressed lying on top of me naked. He wrapped his fingers around my lacey panties and pulled them off.

"I have missed you so incredibly much. Your touch. Your smell. Your smile. You intoxicate me, Molly. It was like holding my breath for two straight days. It was almost unbearable," Drake confessed kissing me tenderly down my neck and up to my lips. I moaned as I tried to find air to speak.

"I felt lost without you. No more trips, okay?" I teased. I obviously knew he would have to go on business trips, but they felt like a lifetime when he was gone.

"I'm lost without you too. Okay, no more trips," he bantered back. I knew he was trying to humor me, but at that very moment, all that mattered was that he was here with me.

He caressed my arms gently rubbing slowly up to my collarbone. The slower he went, the more I wanted it. Needed it. He rolled me to my side and gently pressed himself against me. He rubbed his hand up and down my body, teasing as much of me as he could. He tenderly kissed my shoulder as I arched my neck back for him. He parted my legs and inserted two fingers inside me. I arched back bursting into pleasure. I wanted to let him know how much I missed him and how much I desired him.

"Baby... you must have been waiting for me," he said playfully into my ear.

"I have been waiting a long time for you... longer than you know."

Suddenly, he rolled me over and landed back on top of me pus.h.i.+ng inside me. He felt amazing. He made me feel amazing. Oh G.o.d...

He continued making sweet pa.s.sionate love to me as we rekindled our love. I lied back in my bed panting out of breath. It was like I had just worked out at the gym for hours. Drake kissed my forehead with a small smile as he saw how distraught I was. He pulled his briefs back on and walked out the door.

I lied there frozen in my bed, unable to move. Drake reentered my room with a gla.s.s of water.

"Drink up baby. I'm not done with you yet." He sounded all too serious. More? Holy s.h.i.+t.

I sucked the water down needing to rehydrate myself. I didn't even bother getting dressed, I knew Drake all too well.

After giving me a few moments to rest, Drake lifted me off of the bed and swung me around against the wall. My legs wrapped around his waist holding on tight. He kissed me hard letting me know who was in charge. He was. Take me however you want me.

He entered me again and lifted my a.s.s cheeks up to grasp me harder. I felt secure with Drake no matter what even slammed up against a wall. He held me tightly never letting go of his grip, making sure I came over and over again. He lowered my feet to the ground and kissed me once again.

The next morning was another interns.h.i.+p day in the kitchen. I was ready for whatever Blakely wanted to throw at me. I wasn't going to take her s.h.i.+t anymore. Travis had my back and with that, I felt confident.

"Morning, Trav." I smiled walking up to him. I had a bright smile on my face.

"Good morning, Mols. Nice to see you again." He smiled back. "Did you receive our flowers?" s.h.i.+t, I totally forgot about that. After I hung up the phone on Drake realizing the flowers weren't from him, I saw the card.

To Molly & Stella Just wanted to say thank you for our wonderful double date yesterday. We had a blast! These flowers are as beautiful as you both are.

Love, Travis & Jacob I was completely thrown off that I had forgotten to tell Drake about the flowers as well as thank Travis for his very unnecessary gift.

"Yes! Yes we did," I stumbled. "Thank you so much. I'm so sorry we didn't call, we had a very busy day yesterday." I tried to sound convincing. Truth was I had been thinking about Drake all day and was sidetracked.

"Good, I'm glad." He smiled back relieved.

The first half of the day, Travis and I worked in our group casually preparing new menu items and learning new ways to saute vegetables. By lunchtime, I was ready to go see Drake and surprise him. I decided to grab a couple coffees and artisan sandwiches for us.

I walked right past his secretary smiling as she didn't stop me this time. She recognized me enough to know I was allowed to just waltz into Drake's office. I opened his office door and as I began to walk in my jaw dropped and the tray of coffees spilled to the ground all over my legs and carpet.

There sitting on his couch was a beautiful redheaded woman with long legs. She was flawless as she sat there in a white satin c.o.c.ktail dress and white stilettos. Who the f.u.c.k was this...

Drake rushed to the door seeing my surprised face as I dropped hot coffee everywhere. He acted more concerned about me being burnt than an attractive young woman in his office.

"Baby, are you all right?" he asked panicked grabbing the tray and coffee cups off the floor. He grabbed a few towels from his private bathroom and helped clean me up.

"Molly, come here with me please." He grabbed my hand and led me to a chair by his desk. Forget about me... who the h.e.l.l is that b.i.t.c.h? He grabbed my face with his hands and lifted my chin up to look at him. "Are you hurt?" His eyes begged for an answer.

"I'm fine. I promise. I was just startled," I answered quietly embarra.s.sed.

"I didn't know you were stopping by for lunch. I have a lunch meeting but can I see you for dinner?" he pleaded.

I nodded hoping he'd notice how uncomfortable I was. I handed him one of the sandwiches I bought and kissed him goodbye. Seeing him in there with another woman ate at me all afternoon. I could hardly function the rest of the day.

"What's wrong with you?" Travis asked after watching me spill ingredients and drop utensils several times. I could barely focus on what I was doing.

"Nothing... sorry. I'm just super clumsy today. A lot on my mind I guess." I shrugged hoping he'd let it be.

After the day was over, I went to pick Stella up and walk her home. I needed to clear my mind, so I offered Stella an ice cream treat before dinner.

"Ice cream?" Stella asked shocked and confused.

"Yeah, why not?" I smiled.

"Awesome! Can I get bubble gum flavor with gummy bears on top?" she asked excitedly like she knew exactly what she wanted.

"Of course you can baby. Get whatever you want."

I indulged in some peanut b.u.t.ter rocky road with marshmallow sauce. If one thing calmed my nerves, it was ice cream. For the next hour, Stella and I talked about her day and how she bragged to all her little friends about going to the Shedd Aquarium with her boyfriend, Jacob. She sure had a great imagination.

Stella was so happy and innocent; it made me feel relaxed again. We walked hand in hand back to our apartment smiling and giggling. The ice cream put Stella in a sugar coma and she plummeted to the loveseat and turned on her cartoon network.

"What's up my lovely ladies?" Michael chimed in through the door happy as a clam.

"Someone's perky," I smirked back. Michael was usually in this type of mood when he had gotten lucky the night before. He was definitely a man's man.

"d.a.m.n right girl. I have a-mazing news! You are looking at the next featured blogger for Quest Magazine!" He jumped up and down clapping his hands like a child.

"Holy s.h.i.+t, Michael, that's awesome!" I squeezed him tight. "We need to celebrate!"

"Chinese food and a gla.s.s of chardonnay is all I need!" he smiled. He was too easy to please sometimes.

I decided to call Drake to make sure he was still coming over tonight. I was hoping he liked Chinese food too. It was one of my favorites.

"Hey baby, how are you?" he asked still obviously concerned about me.

"Great. Are you still coming tonight? Michael has some great news and we're celebrating with Chinese and wine."

"No, I'm so sorry baby, I have to cancel. My lunch meeting ran short and we rescheduled for tonight. I promise to make it up to you, okay?"

"Oh.... alright. We'll miss you," I pouted slightly. Was red-haired bimbo part of his lunch and dinner meetings?

For the rest of the evening, Stella, Michael, and I chowed down Chinese food and watched chick flicks. Drake and Travis were both on my mind. I tried to act casual about Travis sending me flowers, but deep inside I wondered if they had any hidden meaning behind it.

Knowing that Drake was probably in a dinner meeting with that redheaded s.k.a.n.k ate me up inside. It was like she fed off my embarra.s.sment; just sitting there watching me wither. Drake hadn't explained to me why she was there or even introduce us. It made my mind flutter with worse case scenarios. Was that Kendra? Was she someone else from his past? How many women would come up from his previous relations.h.i.+ps?

After Stella was tucked in for the night, I decided to take a bath to wind down. I didn't want to be one of those clingy girlfriends calling their boyfriends all the time. It drove me crazy not knowing what he was doing, but I knew he was working and that I shouldn't bother him. Still, I wondered.

I soaked in the tub for what felt like hours. The water had turned cold and all the bubbles were gone, but I didn't care; I could stay in here forever. Michael barged in without as much as a knock with my cell in his hand.

"d.a.m.n girl. Your phone will not stop ringing. Drake has called five times and left three voicemails. He's also texted you twice..." the phone beeped once again, "nope make that three times." He looked annoyed that someone could call and text so much in just an hour or so. He left the phone on the counter and walked out.

I quickly dried off and grabbed for my phone. Before I could check any of my messages, the phone rang once again. It was Drake.

Before I could even answer, Drake was on the other line panicking. "Molly? Oh thank G.o.d, you answered." He sounded out of breath like he had been running.

"Drake, what's wrong? I was taking a bath and didn't have my phone. Are you alright?" I was extremely worried now hearing him panic like this.

"I'm almost to your apartment. We'll talk in a few minutes," he rushed and then hung up. I quickly got dressed and waited for him to knock.

He barged in practically in a sweat from running all the way here. His face was flushed and his cheeks were red from the chill in the air. He bent over to catch his breath before saying a word.

"Molly... the photos... were leaked... tomorrow... press... Kendra," were the only words I could catch. He was panting so hard; I tried to figure out what he was saying. Holy s.h.i.+t... Kendra leaked our photos out. That f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h!

"Our photos were leaked to the press?" I urged trying to get him to tell me more of the story.

"Kendra came into my office today at lunch. She came to apologize for blackmailing you and to tell me all her files on her computer were stolen. She didn't think anything of it until she received a letter. Everything on her files were going to go public if she didn't give the person ten million dollars," he paused letting everything sink in. "She comes from a very wealthy family, Molly, but not even she can come up with ten million dollars in just a couple days time. They gave her until midnight tonight to come up with the money and that's why I have been busting my a.s.s off all night trying to come up with a solution and to protect those photos and files of whatever else she has."

"So now the photos are going to be leaked to the press?" I questioned trying to understand everything.

"It's likely. If they can't get the money from her, they'll sell it for millions instead while making a huge a.s.s out of me and anything else they found in her files." I grabbed him a gla.s.s of water and he finally sat down.

"Why didn't you bother telling me all this earlier? Now I have no time to mentally or emotionally prepare myself. What the h.e.l.l am I going to do?" I sat down slowly trying to speed think into what my life was going to be like after this incident. Blakely would never let this go, my teachers would all see them and suspect the worst, my parents would be humiliated, and the likelihood of getting a job after graduation would be slim. This could ruin me. Ruin us.


The next morning I woke up purely exhausted. I hardly slept. I knew what today was going to turn into. Although my peers at my interns.h.i.+p had already seen the photos, it was nothing compared to the whole world seeing them. How would I explain this to my parents? To Stella some day? This was humiliation.

Last night was a blur. Drake came over and shared the horrific news and after that, it was like I blacked out. A flash of what happened appeared in my mind...

"Molly... please, believe me, if I could change this I would. But there is no way my family is going to buy off some moron with photos of us. It just lets others think they can get away blackmailing us for money." Drake was begging me to respond, to say anything. I was numb. I just sat there starring into s.p.a.ce. I wanted to go curl up in ball in a dark cave where no one could find me. Unfortunately, I'd have to get up and go to my interns.h.i.+p tomorrow morning. This f.u.c.king sucks.

"Drake, you should go. I need some time to myself please," I finally said.

"Molly, please. Don't push me away, don't be mad," he begged, "I love you."

"How did you not know there were surveillance cameras in the kitchen? How could you let us get naked right in front of them?" I demanded answers.

"I know, Molly... it was careless of me. I don't know... I was in the moment. You were there... I was there... it was like my head wasn't thinking. I wanted you. And it just happened," he pleaded. He looked so distraught and weak. It made my heart hurt.

I finally got out of bed to begin my normal routine. Stella school, me interns.h.i.+p. Drake was already in the kitchen making coffee and breakfast. He already had his lawyer on standby incase the pictures were released. I tried not to think of what could happen if they were leaked. Like another celebrity scandal. I could see it all over E! as being the next big story. It wasn't that Drake was famous or a celebrity, but his family name was as popular as Trump's. It was a big deal.

By noon, I still hadn't heard anything from Drake, so I a.s.sumed no news was good news. Oh how wrong could I be? I went to walk down to the deli to grab a small sandwich when a mob of paparazzi ambushed me on the sidewalk.

"There she is! Ms. Woods! Ms. Woods! Over here!" They were like vultures ready to swallow me up at any minute. I couldn't believe the press was already all over me. I wasn't expecting anything like this.

Luckily, the deli was just down the block, so I was able to escape from them shortly. What did they want? Did they expect me to be like oh hey what's up y'all?

I hid as far in the deli as I could until they were out of sight. I decided now would be an appropriate time to call Drake and freak out!

"Babe, are you okay?" he asked panicked. Apparently, he heard the news.

"No, Drake I'm not! I'm hiding in a deli from like twenty paparazzi. They won't leave me alone. They followed me over here and now they're just out there waiting for me to leave. What do I do?"

"Oh my G.o.d, babe. I had no idea this would spin out of control so soon otherwise I would have warned you. I just got news that the photos were leaked to a local tabloid magazine," he sighed. I could tell he was as frustrated as I was in that moment. Our privacy was no longer our own. "Stay right there. I'm coming to get you," he said ending the call.

I waited for ten more minutes before I heard more commotion outside; sounds of cameras clicking, people yelling Drake's name, and people hollering on the sidewalk. This is crazy! Drake pushed his way through the ma.s.s of people and walked back into the deli where he found me. He softly kissed me lips and grabbed my hand. He squeezed it tight as he pushed back through the crowds to where his white Escalade limo was waiting for us.

"That was insane!"

"I know. Pictures went viral only an hour ago. My lawyer is pet.i.tioning to get them removed ASAP, but until then we need to lay low," he directed towards me. "Mark, take us to Ms. Woods apartment please," he commanded to his driver. Apparently going back to my interns.h.i.+p was not an option for me today. f.u.c.king great.

At the entrance of my apartment building was another herd of paparazzi standing guard to get any pictures of Drake and I. We pushed through them and hid out in my apartment the rest of the afternoon. I called Michael to fill him in on what was happening since I wasn't able to go out and get Stella after school. What would I say to her? Would she understand?

"So do you know who's responsible for stealing Kendra's files and the pictures?" I asked Drake hoping to get some answers on what we were going to do next.

"My security team has a few suspicions. They are working on it. Until then, don't speak to any paparazzi or anyone about the pictures or us. They will use anything you say and twist it around to make a better story," he said looking worried.

"What am I going to do about my interns.h.i.+p? I can't just not go. I need to be there to earn my credits for graduation."

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it," he answered sternly.

"What do you mean you'll take care of it? I need to be there Drake. I'm not getting through this with any favors from you. They have already seen the pictures anyway, what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that they'll be getting swarmed by the paparazzi too just to get answers about you. Anything you say to anyone can be used against us."

"I won't say anything unless I have to... about the cla.s.s and cooking only," I pleaded. "Please, Drake. I have to go. I can't let them keep me locked up inside. I need to go to my interns.h.i.+p and"

"Fine... but I'm having someone go with you. You aren't safe by yourself. The paparazzi can be dangerous, Mols, and I don't want them anywhere near you," he negotiated.

"Okay, deal. I won't say a word unless I have to. Promise." I gave him a half smile so he knew I was a little happy inside that we were able to compromise.

He scooped me up off the chair and swung me in his arms kissing my lips hard. With all this craziness going on, we'd forgotten the real reason we were in this mess: we were completely madly in love with each other.

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