Tucker's Fall Part 9

Tucker's Fall -

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A small amount of light began to fill the room, which she now recognized as some sort of staff locker room. In the middle of the s.p.a.ce sat a gorgeous blue velvet couch atop plush, dark carpeting. As she turned and surveyed the room, she found the walls were covered with different sized lockers and not much else. Staff room or not, the luxurious tone of the restaurant had been carried into the back rooms as well. The soft lighting from sconces on the wall added to the ambiance, further surprising her that a business would go to such trouble for their staff.

"Are we supposed to be back here?" she whispered.

"Everything is fine, little one. I know exactly what I'm doing." He closed the door to the outside and she watched him flip the lock. Before she could open her mouth to ask another question, he'd crossed the room and moved his big body into her personal s.p.a.ce. "I've already given you more than enough opportunity to change your mind tonight. Now it's time to obey. Show me your b.r.e.a.s.t.s."

Maggie sucked in a breath at the unexpected request. Such a demand might have been met with resistance from any other man, but not from Tucker. He'd used that commanding tone that sent a delicious s.h.i.+ver down her spine. She raised her hands and reached behind her neck for the knot that held the halter of her dress together.

An odd feeling came over her. Until this week, her s.e.x life compared to her research had been down right laughable. There'd been no adventure with her ex husband. They lived separate lives under the same roof.

So much of her life had been tied up in what she was supposed to do or what was expected of her. Tonight wasn't like that. When she'd accepted Tucker's gift and met him at this place, she'd finally shaken off the weight of her old life, giving her permission to start over.

She released the ties and allowed the halter to fall away. Cold air rushed over her skin and puckered her already sensitive nipples. Just being in the same s.p.a.ce as Tucker had her on edge. Add to that the little BDSM touches he'd included in their evening thus far and her body had begun to simmer a long time ago.

"G.o.d, you're so beautiful." He wet one finger and circled her nipple. "These are beautiful."

The simple touch of Tucker's wet heat set her blood to sizzling. Her areola tightened with a sweet ache she wanted more of. Fortunately her mind cleared long enough for her to remember her manners. "Thank you, Sir."

He smiled and that simple act made any last reservation about standing half naked in an employee lounge disappear. With both hands now gently squeezing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and flicking at her nipples, her core contracted, building the arousal another notch higher. Much more of this and he could do anything he wanted. She sighed and closed her eyes.

"No, Maggie. Keep your eyes open and on me." That voice slid through her consciousness like a sharp blade, alerting her to his displeasure. Her eyes snapped open.

"Much better." He slid his hand in her hair and yanked her into his arms. There was no time to breathe before he captured her mouth and fiercely kissed her. He wasted no time pus.h.i.+ng apart her lips and thrusting his tongue inside. She groaned. Their sheer force of his intensity made her weak in the knees. Good thing he held her to him, since he made it impossible for a girl to maintain her balance on four-inch heels.

She grabbed his biceps. The hard planes of muscle flexed and bunched under her fingertips. How had she ever imagined him as easy going-or dare she say boring? He was intense and rough, exactly as she'd always desired. A sudden pinch to her right nipple caught her off guard. As pain exploded, she gasped into his mouth. His animalistic and potentially out of control behavior pushed every d.a.m.n b.u.t.ton she possessed. Another light caress, even more dangerous than a pinch, because the pain gave way to more sizzling pleasure.

As suddenly as he'd grabbed her, he released her. Maggie wobbled on her heels until he steadied her with a grip on her elbow. Her body had gone soft and mushy.

"I could take you here and now. You'd say yes and beg me for more."

Her s.e.x squeezed at his sensual threat. She wanted it. Just as he'd said, the danger of being caught only made it all the more thrilling. He'd taped into another of her weaknesses whether he realized it or not. She imagined him pus.h.i.+ng her to her hands and knees and subjecting her to a hard ride. This time her arousal coated her s.e.x. Her body was even more eager than her mind. The last few days of heightened emotions and confusion came to a head in that moment. She needed him.

"Turn around and hold your hands clasped together at the small of your back," he commanded.

Unsure of his latest request she stammered, "Yes-Yes, Sir." Pus.h.i.+ng aside the small shred of doubt that had popped up, Maggie turned and placed her hands as he'd asked. Facing away from him, a little of her previous confidence faltered. She missed his touch on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. A glance down showed the evidence of what he'd done. Her nipples stood erect and aching.

His hands skimmed down her side and settled into the curve of her waist for a moment before continuing to the hem of her dress. He pulled the fabric out of his way and grasped the naked globes of her a.s.s, spreading her cheeks. "If you haven't already figured it out, I'm a serious a.s.s man. And I have big plans for this one." He squeezed her flesh tight and then took a step back. "Bend down, legs straight, head toward your knees."

With her heart hammering against her chest, Maggie carefully leaned forward as far as she could while still maintaining balance. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize Tucker now had a fully open view to her plugged a.s.shole and her freshly-shaved p.u.s.s.y. Both of which only made her hotter. G.o.d, she really did want him to f.u.c.k her now. She ached for it.

With her thoughts running wild and wanton about Tucker pulling his c.o.c.k out and shoving it into her, she started to lose it when he began tapping on the toy sitting snug inside her. "I'm going to f.u.c.k this gorgeous a.s.s later," he promised. His finger rimmed the wide base of the plug and Maggie swore black spots swam in her vision. Nerves flared to life and she couldn't have withheld the low moan if she'd tried.

Instead of him moving closer like she wanted, she felt him step away. A soft cry escaped her lips.

"I know, baby. But not yet. I promised you a night in Purgatory and that's what you're going to get."

Metal clanged behind her and she realized he'd accessed one of the lockers that ran the full length of the wall behind her. Moments later, he pressed against her backside and squeezed her clasped hands. Something unknown and strange rubbed against the skin of her right hand. "Feel this?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir," she answered. Her stomach trembled and her s.e.x squeezed. He'd found rope.

"Before we head into the club, I'm going to bind you. You'll have full vision for everything going on but you won't be able to touch anything or stop anyone from touching you."

"What?" she blurted.

His finger tightened on a nipple in clear disapproval. "There's a private party going on tonight, so the rules are different than usual. Any Dom is allowed to touch an uncollared sub and her bare flesh without asking for permission." He reached around her and flicked one of her nipples. "So in your case, they'll have free rein to touch these."

She s.h.i.+vered at the thought of a variety of men being allowed to touch her at their will and her accepting it with no questions asked. This wasn't a simple fantasy anymore. Her body was about to be put on display in a public club where everything she'd researched had the potential of becoming a reality. Every muscle in her lower body squeezed at the image. Her p.u.s.s.y ached. This wasn't the time to a.n.a.lyze everything that happened around her. It was her chance to let Tucker take control and allow her to feel. No matter what happened, she believed he would protect her from anything she couldn't handle.

He slid his hand around to her backside again and this time her skirt s.h.i.+fted and his fingers prodded her cleft, sliding easily through the moisture gathered there.

"That's what I thought. You're so wet."

A flood of heat filled her face. He was right of course. She wanted more. Whatever he needed, she needed.

"You still have a safeword and I expect you to use it if you need to, Maggie. I want to push you but don't be afraid to stop when things go too far." He nuzzled her ear with his lips. "I know how you subs are. Always ready to please, sometimes to your own detriment. The club also accepts the word red as a universal safe word in case I am not within hearing distance." With one finger he pinched her c.l.i.t, bringing her into sharper focus. "I'm not kidding here, Maggie. If I catch you too afraid to stop a scene you don't like, I will punish you until you can't sit the next day."

Her head swam with all this new information. Every time a new fear cropped into her head, Tucker responded like he'd read her mind.

"I don't understand."

"Body language, little one. It gives you away every time. From the wet c.u.n.t to the frightened look in your eyes. I'll know. Now be still so I can get these knots tied."

With the first slide of the rope underneath her left arm she sighed. For years she'd admired many erotic photographs of women tied in various bondage and become aroused. The first tie landed in the middle of her upper back, leaving a straight band of rope across her chest above her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. With the second an exact duplicate of the first except below her His movements were quick and deft.

"You've done this before." She didn't realize she'd spoken out loud until he chuckled behind her.

"Yes, little one. I am far from innocent."

"So this is something you do with every sub you play with?" She couldn't help herself. For a minute, doubt began creeping back in. The thought of her being just another woman in the long line of women he kept didn't sit right.

He grabbed the tied rope and pulled her back sharply. "Don't do that," he warned. "What I did in the past has nothing to do with the present. I'm here with you because I need you. This is nothing like the past."

The tone of disgust in his voice when he spoke the word past left Maggie with questions. What in the h.e.l.l had happened to him? She longed to be facing him now, looking into his eyes and searching for the answers she needed. The urge to comfort him overwhelmed her.

"I'm sorry, Sir." It was all she could offer him while he continued to tie her. One section at a time. No more words pa.s.sed between them as he worked. He briefly stepped to her side to bring the rope over her shoulders so he could tie them at the front between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, creating a halter. Maggie gasped when his knuckles brushed her sensitive skin. Since when did her chest become so ridiculously erogenous? She tried to meet his gaze, but his focus was now on the rope.

The next tie bound the bottom and top bands around her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with one knot in the front. He moved behind her and tightened the rope. Maggie glanced down to see her bulging between the royal blue strands. She grit her teeth. As if she wasn't already aching enough.

Finally, he arranged her hands so each one was gripping the opposite forearm behind her back, creating a perfect square with her arms. He then fastened the rope around her wrist several times, checking each wrap with a finger to prevent cutting off her circulation. Of course with the secure position of her arms, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were thrust forward. She'd never seen them look this inviting before. Her stomach fluttered. There was going to be a lot of touching tonight. Her gut felt it.

Tucker's heat disappeared from her backside as she imagined him studying his work. "Beautiful. Now you're ready."

"But I don't- We aren't at the club. I can't go back into the restaurant like this."

He chuckled, the sound so close to her ear, her body clenched again. She might question him but in reality, her resistance had dissolved the minute he'd called her for another chance. She craved this more than anything else. "You're right, you can't. You need a little more warming up."

He grabbed her hair and turned her in the direction of the couch in the middle of the room. With his knee behind her leg, he pushed her face down onto the cus.h.i.+on with her knees underneath her and her a.s.s high in the air.

"Time to check on this a.s.shole. I hope you lubed it well like you were instructed." With one hand he spread her cheeks and the other he tapped lightly against the plastic, creating sharp vibrations that lit her nerves on fire.

"Ohhh..." she moaned, unable to control her response.

"If my driver had brought you around from the other side of the building you'd have probably noticed the small Purgatory sign. This restaurant is attached on the back side and shares its owners with the fetish club. For certain club members, for whom discretion is key, this room provides a private entrance."

The way he kept touching her made it really difficult for her to concentrate on what he said. Something about a private entrance and the restaurant. Maggie s.h.i.+fted, lifting her bottom for more of Tucker's touch. Her move was met with a resounding smack on her bare a.s.s that sent fire streaking along her thighs and down to her p.u.s.s.y. Was everything connected to her s.e.x?

"Be still and take what I give you, little one." He began pulling on the plug embedded in her tight hole and all thought of words fled. Her body tightened.

"No, Maggie. Relax. The less you fight the easier it will be."

She worked to follow his instruction by focusing on relaxing her muscle groups one by one until she'd practically melted into the soft cus.h.i.+on beneath her.

This time he pulled on the flared edge and it slid easily from her aching hole while dragging across nerve endings she hadn't expected. She'd tried this once on her own and she'd experienced nothing but frustrations over how uncomfortable she'd been. That same edge of discomfort still existed but the excitement Tucker's domination created easily overtook the pain to give her pleasure. Something in her core s.h.i.+fted as she opened more to his demands.

His body s.h.i.+fted and - Holy s.h.i.+t - somewhere in all this he'd freed his c.o.c.k. The white-hot poker of his rigid erection pressed against her backside.

Chapter Ten.

Tucker watched Maggie's eyes widen at the sight of his erection. Yes, her obvious pleasure fed his ego like n.o.body's business, but who was he kidding? He was so ramped up on this woman all his brain focused on was how to get inside her now. Their night a few days ago had left him with an ache and it had since evolved into full-blown obsession.

He fed the b.u.t.t plug back into her eager little hole with ease. Her tension levels were changing and soon she'd be ready for him to take her there. Once the toy was again seated fully inside her, he grabbed her hips and lifted her knees from the furniture. With her back arched, he zeroed in on the sight of her gorgeous c.u.n.t. Slick with her desire, he found her impossible to resist on any level. Especially this one. He leaned forward and slid his tongue between the plump folds of her p.u.s.s.y. The resulting cry from his new sub's mouth made him smile.

"Oh yes. Oh please, Sir."

The barely whispered plea hammered at his conscience. Tonight he wanted Maggie to get everything she'd been dreaming of when it came to her research. He hoped that a night in Purgatory would be the perfect remedy to erase her prior experience from her mind. If those bulls.h.i.+t charges against her hadn't been dropped, he'd have likely unleashed h.e.l.l on earth, AKA his lawyer.

He forcibly pushed outside thoughts from his mind and zeroed in on the goal in front of him. He was still a selfish man. One with every intention of wors.h.i.+pping Maggie with his tongue and c.o.c.k until she pleaded for mercy. Tucker lapped at her flesh again, this time making certain to cross over her more sensitive areas. He wouldn't be satisfied until he'd claimed every inch of her luscious body and mind.

As near to losing control as he could afford, Tucker placed her knees back on the couch, parted her p.u.s.s.y lips with one hand and nudged her opening with the head of his c.o.c.k.

Maggie turned her head to look at him.

"Eyes front. Stay in position."

"Yes, Sir," she responded while moving back into position. "I only wanted to see your face when I asked you to please f.u.c.k me."

Tucker ground his teeth and tried to hold back from her. It wouldn't do to let her know how easily she could manipulate him. His hands tightened around her hips. Seconds ticked by. Like it or not he was losing the battle.

"Please," she whispered, the guttural tone going straight to his d.i.c.k, snapping the last of his control.

He shoved forward, driving his c.o.c.k through tight muscle and warm heat. His vision wavered. Maggie gasped. For a few moments he couldn't move. The base of his spine tingled, letting him know that if he wasn't careful it'd be all over before they got started. Which was exactly what he got for denying himself the last time they were together.

No control.

Fine tremors erupted under his hands as Maggie, too, struggled with the overload of sensations. He smiled. He'd forgotten how much he liked watching a sub struggle to be good and follow his instructions with his c.o.c.k buried inside her. With her, it seemed even better. The idea of his Maggie precariously perched on the edge drove him a little crazy.

"You're mine now, baby. I hope you understand that." Not looking for an answer, Tucker pulled from her clasp and immediately drove forward again harder than before. She squeaked her surprise. Pleased, he did it again and again, setting a harsh driving rhythm that left no question about his intentions.

He'd not forbidden her to speak or make noise because he didn't care who heard them or came to investigate. The staff here were hand-chosen from the BDSM community and well-versed in what to expect from many of their patrons. If they pa.s.sed by the door and heard Maggie's moans, they wouldn't blink an eye.

With every clutching pa.s.s, Maggie pulled Tucker deeper. He dug his fingers into her b.u.t.tocks and rode her every bit as rough as he'd dreamt these last several days. He needed to come. It was that thought that finally brought Tucker racing back to reality. He jerked back and stumbled a couple of feet before catching his balance.

"No..." she protested.

Tucker ignored her pleas. Holy f.u.c.king s.h.i.+t motherf.u.c.ker. He'd forgotten a condom. Not once in his s.e.xual life had he forgotten to wear protection. He closed his eyes and prayed for sanity. Obviously three days of seclusion with nothing to think about other than Maggie's perfect submission had made him crazy. He looked down at the succulent flesh of her p.u.s.s.y and sighed. It wasn't too late.

Doubt crowded his mind. His vow from years ago to leave this lifestyle behind floated at the edges of his conscience. Tucker tightened down the memories and ground down on his jaw. This was different. Maggie was different.

As much as he hated to do it, he tucked his stiff-as-a board and still-damp c.o.c.k back into his pants. For now, they'd both learn the hard lesson of denial. He flipped Maggie's skirt down and gently helped her to her feet. He could see it was a struggle for her in the heels he'd purchased but d.a.m.n if her legs didn't look incredible. Unfortunately, a small frown marred her beautiful face.

"Don't fret. It'll be better this way. There will be a lot of things you'll see tonight that turn you on and keep you on the edge. It might not seem like it now, but trust me it's a very good place to be." To reinforce his statement, he pulled her into his arms and placed soft kisses along the seam of her mouth and jaw line.

"I'm beginning to worry you might be more evil than I originally believed."

He grinned down at her. "It's the pretty face. Fools them every time." He cupped her chin and lifted her head sharply even though she'd already been looking at him. "You're smarter than most girls though, aren't you Miss Maggie. So smart, you think you know all there is to know because you've spent a decade researching."

"I know a lot. It should be enough to keep me out of trouble." He watched her body stiffen, her eyes grow wary.

"If that were true, I don't think you'd have run from my house like a scared jack rabbit."

"I don't think-"

"Enough." He covered her mouth with his hand and tightened his arm around her shoulders. "I don't require anymore explanations at this point. What I do need is a sub who listens. One who obeys." He gentled his hand across her face. "Purgatory generally doesn't have a lot of strict protocol in the club area. A lot of first timers come in and say and do things that cause some of the regulars to roll their eyes. But we aren't going to the main floor. I prefer to keep this first visit a bit more intimate."

She nodded, the relief obvious in her expression.

"The members only section of the club has certain expectations for all their Dominants and subs. Especially the uncollared subs like you." Tucker released her mouth and waited for the rapid-fire questions that never came. "If you appear less than one hundred percent into what we're doing, you'll end up fair game for the other Doms."

"Seriously?" she blurted.

"Yes, seriously. Not all who come here are in it for the strict rules and protocols, but they've been set up nonetheless to keep the peace. As long as we're together, if anyone wants to play with you, they'll ask me first. It will be my choice to say yes or no."

Her eyes grew wide at his implication. Of course her nipples also grew tighter and he imagined her p.u.s.s.y wetter. d.a.m.n, he loved her easy responses and lack of desire to hide them. Tucker skimmed his hand down her side and gripped her hip, pulling her tight against his body. He didn't want her to forget for an instant what she did to him.

"You're not ready for that, little one." He nipped at her ear lobe. "I haven't had nearly enough of you yet to even consider sharing anything beyond a few touches." If he hadn't been so in tuned to her body's reactions, he might have missed the tiny shudder that trembled through her.

"We could always skip the club and go home instead."

He drew back and stared down into her face. "Don't think I haven't considered it. But I have specific goals for tonight and I'm nothing if not goal-oriented."

In an unexpected sweet gesture, Maggie laid her head on his shoulder and sighed into him. "Whatever you wish, Sir."

His groin tightened again. Dear G.o.d, how much of this could he take before he exploded? For a fleeting second, he considered scooping her into his arms and rus.h.i.+ng them back to his place. He had no doubt all the D/s she needed could be found in private.

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