Daring Deception Part 17

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"He asked me to take his port into the library. He often sits there after dinner when he don't have other plans." His eyes roved over her impudently as he spoke.

"Were you wanting to talk to him? Mayhap it is something I can help you with."

"No, it is not. Would you ask Lord Sea brooke if I might speak with him in the library?"

At the disapproval in her tone, Coombes pulled back with a sneer.

"Here he comes. Ask him yourself," he said insolently, turning his back on her to saunter into the library with his tray.

Frederica stepped towards the double doors of the dining-room as the earl emerged.

"Might I have a word with you, my lord?" she asked quickly, before she could lose her courage. What was it about this man that caused her heart to race so alarmingly?

"Cherry!" Lord Sea brooke favoured her with a delighted grin.

"The very person I wanted to see. Please, join me in the library." He motioned her ahead of him as Coorobes came back into the hallway.

"Perhaps you would care for some sherry?"

"No, thank you, my lord." Frederica felt ridiculously pleased that he appeared glad to see her.

"There is something I wished to ask you."

"Fire away," he said cheerfully, settling himself in an armchair near the fireplace and gesturing to the one opposite.

He helped himself to a gla.s.s of port while she seated herself, and Frederica found her gaze irresistibly drawn to his strong brown hands as he replaced the cork. "It... it concerns Christabel, my lord. More particularly, her parentage," she began tentatively, unwilling to spoil his convivial mood.

As she had feared, a slight frown creased his brow.

"You're not having second thoughts, are you, Cherry? You knew about it when you agreed to take the post, and it would pain her greatly if you were to leave, now that she has grown so fond of you."

Frederiea swallowed.

"No, no, it is not that." Though, of course, she would have to leave before much longer. The thought of causing Christabel unhappiness troubled her deeplyu'I was remembering something you told me the other day, about her mother. "

The eafi's expression relaxed.


"You said that she had always claimed that she and Christabel's father had married, but that you did not believe her."

He sighed.

"Poor Amity. That fantasy doubtless helped to keep her from despair. I hadn't the heart to destroy it."

"But suppose, my lord, just suppose that it wasn't a fantasy? Is it at all possible that she and Captain Browning might have married without your knowledge?"

The earl was already shaking his head.

"It makes no sense, Cherry.

Why should they keep it a secret? Amity knew I would not oppose such a match, especially as I had been the one to bring them together. And why would she have said so only after Browning's death? "

Frederica could sec the shadow of bitterness in his eyes again as he spoke and wished she could erase it.

"But perhaps there was no opportunity for them to tell you sooner. And what about his family? Might he have wished to keep it hidden?"

"Amity had no cause to blush, either for her lineage or her accomplishments.

She would not have shamed the highest peer of the realm!" he protested stiffly.

"Of course not, my lord," agreed Frederica primly.

"But Captain Browning's family may not have had a chance to become acquainted with her sterling qualities.

And what of my other question?

Could they have managed it? "

The earl was still frowning, but he answered thoughtfully,

"Our father's estate was in Northumberland, less than a day's journey to the border. But I cannot believe they could have made the trip in such secrecy."

"You do not know, though?"

"Browning and I were a.s.signed to different regiments after I was promoted to major. I rather lost track of him after that, until I heard that he had been killed in Spain. I went home upon my father's death two months later. That is when I discovered how it was with Amity." Rage quavered in his voice for a moment and then he sighed.

"And now she is dead, as well. Everyone I ever cared for is dead. Why dredge up the past?"

"For Christabel's sake," said Frederica softly. "Think of what it could mean to her. We owe her that much, do we not?"

Lord Sea brooke met her eyes with a searching, almost tender gaze.

"You really do care, don't you, Cherry?"

Frederica forced herself not to look away. "Yes, of course I do."

" She was only beginning to realize how much. Alarmed at the direction her thoughts were taking, she hastily cleared her throat.

"Christabel has become very dear to me, my lord," she continued in a different tone.


should like to improve her lot in life if it is within my power to do so. "

The eafi's smile was kind, but sad.

"I am grateful for what you are doing already, Cherry.

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