Blur: A Sports Romance Part 2

Blur: A Sports Romance -

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Thanks, man. Im good. You need one now?

The man"I think his name was Rob or Bob or Bret, I hadnt paid much attention"shook his head and stepped back, now looking more impressed yet fearful I would challenge him to beat my weight and reps. Im set, man, gotta go. Nice meeting you, and good luck this season. Ill be sure to let Mike know you took him up on his offer.

I cringed. I wasnt sure why I decided to indulge Mike Richardson today, other than I needed a good workout, and if he wanted to pay for this fancy gym, I was smart enough to use it. I watched Bob Rob Bret walk away and hook up with a much smaller guy who was struggling with the cable machine. I laughed out loud and moved to pick up the weighted bar on the floor and count off a set of squats. I was feeling the adrenaline pumping through my muscles, and my workout was flowing with perfection. I believed a lot of it was the fact that Mallory was going out with me tonight.

I smiled to myself as I switched positions, feeling my calf and thigh muscles tense and define with each lunge forward. Mallory was innocent, and I found this fact beyond tantalizing. The thought of my muscles wrapped about her pet.i.te frame made my mouth water. I felt animalistic. I knew this was the endorphins, but I liked the way it made me feel. Tonight I would play it cool, take it slow, and let her get to know me in her own time and way. I, of course, would be taking it all in and savoring every morsel Mallory would serve to me before I showed her how much I wanted her in return.

I jumped several times in place, shaking the electric energy out from my core muscles to the tips of my toes and fingers. These work outs served my physical form, but they also gave me a quiet heads.p.a.ce to sort out my thoughts and know what I really wanted to move towards in my life, too. It was my own personal drug, a safe drug, the only type of mind-altering activity I would ever do every day. I grabbed my s.h.i.+rt and my towel and headed back to the locker rooms to shower and get ready to pick up Mallory. I was looking forward to a hot shower where I could indulge my fantasy and maybe find a release for all this pent-up tension. I knew my routine with women"fast, hard, aggressive, sweeping them off their feet and right into my bed. But Mallory was going to be different, because if I played it right, shed be in my bed for a long time.

The soft soles of my sneakers whooshed over the decline ramp into the pit of the gym. A shower was going to feel good after this session. I could hear someone else enter the hallway and start in my general direction. I hoped they moved along on their own. There was nothing I found more annoying than being recognized when I wanted to get showered and get out and on my way. I wasnt opposed to talking shop with fans, but I had a mission, and her name was Mallory.

I sped up my stride, hoping to outpace whoever was behind me. I listened, and the invisible steps sped up too. It might have been my imagination, but I was starting to think I was being followed. Fans sometimes become stalkers, and this was a new place, so someone could have recognized me. Without my usual known staff around to deter, I was on my own. I ducked into the first shower room, it wasnt where my bag was, but I needed to throw this fan for the sake of time and my mental mood. My heart was racing, and it wasnt from my post-workout endorphins. I pressed myself flat up against the cement wall and waited, maybe he would pa.s.s by.

The man entered the locker room and walked past me. He was dressed in street clothes, jeans, and a leather jacket. He stopped and turned. Our eyes locked. His blue eyes grew wide. It was obvious he hadnt expected to see me standing there, waiting. My own eyes narrowed as I had a flash and fleeting image of recognition, but I couldnt place it. He took a few steps toward me, closing the gap between us. I stood my full six foot five in height and held my chest out with my chin high, giving off the aura of self-a.s.sured, testosterone-filled masculinity.

Can I help you? You new here? I asked, tilting my chin upward, which added an intimidating height advantage. I wanted him to think I was a regular to this gym.

Actually, you can. Youre Adrian Maxwell, right? He offered me his hand.

My nerves relaxed. He was probably an upcoming fan just wanting to meet me or get an autograph. I smiled and shook his hand. Yes, I am. Are you a Mavericks fan? I tried to be friendly.

His fingers tensed around mine, tight and firm. I jerked my hand away with some effort. He had moved in closer so that his breath flowed warm over my throat. He still hadnt offered his own name. Nah, not really. Im more of a Mets fan.

My friendly exterior dropped and was replaced by cautious suspicion. Who was this guy? He wasnt here to discuss my talent or get an autograph. Thats great, man. Baseball is a great sport. More of a Sox fan, personally. Need anything more, or are we done here? My tone was laced with obvious indignation.

I started to step away, and he placed his hand on the wall behind me, blocking my path. I could feel my fingers balling into fists. I glared at him and took note of the crooked s.h.i.+ft of his nose. He must have broken it at sometime in his life, and if he didnt step back soon, it was about to get broken again. If were done here, Ive got somewhere to be.

A smile played on his mouth, and the vague familiarity was like a flash of lightening in my brain, quick and unable to be grasped. Relax, Adrian. I only want to have a chat with you, nothing more.

Im not one for small talk, dude. Who the h.e.l.l are you?

Lets just say Im a facilitator of sorts. See, me and you, we have a mutual connection. His hand pointed back and forth between our puffed out chests. And Im here to make sure these connections get the biggest bang for their buck. You see what Im saying?

I shook my head. Nope, not really. My mind was circling around to figure out what was going on and maintain the position of my fists. Id clock him if I had to, but I didnt want to bring any bad media to the team.

The mans brows drew together, and the tight muscles in his jaw twitched. Youre a smart man, not educated in the formal way, we know that, but a smart man nonetheless. Think hard.

I was nearing my end of tolerance. How did he know anything about me?

There are a lot of people, my people, your people, looking forward to your big season. You are gonna be a star, he paused, but before that happens"and it will, my friend, well make sure of it"but before then, we need you to do something.

Whats that? By this time, I was sure this man and I had no mutual acquaintances.

This go around, his finger drew a circle between us, this next game, we need you to take the fall. Nothing major, just a few points on the losing side. Wont harm your status at all. You see, winning brings big money, but this time, losing is key. You get me?

I scoffed out loud before I could stop myself. f.u.c.king, not gonna happen.

The man slapped his hand hard against the cement wall, and the sound echoed in my ear. He dropped his head and shook it with disappointment. Adrian, Adrian, Adrian, I need you to open those pretty-boy ears and hear what Im saying here. Let me put it this way: you lose, you win, but if you win, then you lose. If you help us out, my investors are willing to make you very comfortable for your efforts. If you dont play with us, then life is going to get hard"painfully hard. I heard him emphasize the last word.

That was enough. No jacka.s.s thug was going to threaten me. I had hit my limit. I shoved his hand away and walked past him. Im not throwing the game for you or anyone else, so go tell your higher-ups to get f.u.c.ked.

The man started walking backward toward the door. Adrian, give it some thought. A poor interception in the third quarter is all it takes, and you can be rolling in some nice beds of green. Think about it. Ever do your girl on a pile of hundreds? Gets them so hot. He thrust his hips forward and groaned.

I rushed him and grabbed him by his leather collar, my blood hot like lava, pinning him to the wall. If you dont want to be coming here for rehab for the rest of your f.u.c.king life, you better back the f.u.c.k off. I have no issues taking you down to the dirt level that you came out of, you piece of s.h.i.+t. I will not throw any game, and you can take your money and shove it up your bosss a.s.s on a f.u.c.king bed of roses or whatever else gets you off,. I shoved him away, turned my back, and stalked off, fully prepared to turn and swing if he came up behind me. My body was a knotted, tense mess of muscle.

Maxwell, this isnt over. We knew youd need some time to think things over, so Ill let you be for now. Shower up, think it over, we will be in touch. The mans footsteps faded away.

When I was alone, I sat down on the bench, shaking with rage. Who the h.e.l.l was he, and what mutual friends did we have? I ran through my mental files of who would pull something like this. I came up with no one until I thought of Mike Richardson. It made perfect sense. New owner, lots of play money, not too bright in my personal opinion, and he had purposely set me up here, at his gym.

d.a.m.n it. I kicked the locker, leaving a huge dent in the painted metal. I should have never come here. It all fit together. Mike knew Id be here. He probably had Rob Bob notify him when I got here, then called his nutjob goon squad to corner me and make the offer. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I wondered if Coach knew about the lowlife that had bought our team for a plaything he could manipulate for his own gain. I set it up in my head right there under the steaming water of the gym shower, that there was no way in h.e.l.l I would ever jeopardize my career for the likes of Mike Richardson. I was determined now more than ever to win the season champions.h.i.+p and get us to the Super Bowl, then win that coveted ring and flash it in the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds face.

Chapter Five.

Mallory I dabbed a bit of perfume on my wrists, then some behind my earlobes, staring at myself in the vanity mirror of my bedroom. With a second thought, I trailed my scented fingertip down the valley of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, leaving a s.h.i.+mmer of perfumed oil. I gazed at the glistening streak and thought of Adrians lips nuzzled in the same place the perfume was, and then I blushed. Who was I kidding? There was no way someone like Adrian Maxwell was going to do anything more with me tonight than kiss my cheek, pat my head, and send me on my merry little way while he sped off as fast as his car would take him. It would be Darren Owen, prom failure extraordinaire, all over again. I remembered having the same thoughts with him.

Darren was my high school crush: big, beautiful, and popular. He dated the prettiest cheerleaders and broke it off with his girlfriend of two months a week before prom. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I was his only option left to save face and not show up at the prom empty-handed. I primped and primed myself for what I thought was going to be the best night of my life. I actually thought I was going to give him my virginity, and I would have, if I hadnt walked out of the school gym and into the ladys restroom to find him deep into his ex-girlfriend against the bathroom stall door. My only happiness from that night was witnessing my brother and his friends beat the c.r.a.p out of Darren in the parking lot while I sat with red swollen eyes, in the back seat of our family Lincoln, in a pile was wadded up snotty tissues.

I slipped on a silk camisole and matching silk panties before pulling on the fifth dress I had tried on that evening. It hugged my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and flared out on the bottom, giving my waist a smaller appearance, which was what I was hoping for. One guy I dated, several months back, informed me that I should invest in a waist trainer. When I told him I couldnt afford a personal gym, he informed me of what a waist trainer was, then never returned my calls again. Since that disaster, I always tried to suck in my stomach, stand up straight, and only wear clothing that pulled in my waist whenever I went out on dates.

I looked into the mirror and twisted up my facial features, then stuck out my tongue. I wasnt fooling myself here, how in the world did I expect to fool Adrian into thinking I was worth his time? Even my last date knew that"hed only spend time with me if Leslie was along for the ride. I should have guessed he was using me like the one before him had. Fool Mallory once, fool Mallory every time, I thought, slumping down to the foot of my bed. I should have called Adrian right then and told him I changed my mind. He should be with his own kind, a gorgeous nine, not a virgin four.

The scent of the lilies on my vanity mocked my senses and told me I was right. I wasnt up to this mans standards. I tapped on the screen of my phone to call Leslie to get his number off the order forms. A knock on my front door halted my fingers mid-dial.


Adrian was standing on my porch. Seven thirty on the dot. How did I lose track of time? I opened the door with a shaking hand, internally telling myself to talk.


Adrians emerald eyes lit up and drank in my body while the tip of his tongue lapped at the corners of his mouth.

I gave him a sideways glance. Why do I suddenly feel like a surf and turf dinner?

His features relaxed, and he tilted his head back and laughed. Im sorry, you just look deliciously amazing, Mallory.

There it was, the sound of my name coming from his lips that made my insides melt like b.u.t.ter for him to dip into. Thank you.

Adrian held out his arm for me to take.

I hesitated. One minute. I held up a finger and stepped aside. Wait here, I just need to grab my purse and shoes.

Adrian stepped inside the door and looked about the living room while I scurried off to my room, returning a second later, breathless and ready.

He beamed, and his eyes flickered with the obvious amus.e.m.e.nt I was giving him. Ready?

Yeah, I think so. Inside I was screaming no.

He held his arm out to me again, and I threaded my hand through the crook of his elbow and out the other side, resting my arm on his. The taut, sinewy hardness of his muscles stole my breath away. I could imagine those arms scooping me up and rescuing me from a burning building with no effort at all. I bit down hard on the fullness of my bottom lip to contain the joy that threatened to make me smile like a star struck fool.

Adrian opened the car door for me"he drove a silver Lexus. His hand slid down the length of my arm as he helped me into the seat, and the tingles went from my skin to my stomach like a storm of s.e.xually frustrated b.u.t.terflies. I suppose one date wasnt going to hurt anyone. I thought he was going to close the door and walk to the drivers side, instead he ducked his torso in above my frame and I froze, stiff in my seat. He reached beyond me, dragging the seatbelt across my body and snapping it into place. The scent of his skin filled my senses, and I almost stuck my nose closer for a better smell.

Is that okay? His hand rested on my upper thigh as he spoke, which did not escape my attention.

Id lost my voice again and nodded repeatedly instead.

Good girl. His fingers squeezed the flesh hidden beneath the fabric of my dress, and all those frantic b.u.t.terflies burst into flames simultaneously, setting my inside on fire.

I reminded myself to breathe while he closed the door and moved to the drivers seat. This was going to be an excruciating night of agony, but somewhere inside me, I knew I no longer wanted to pa.s.s it up.

We drove the short distance, listening to what I was certain was a preplanned playlist on Adrians iPod. I couldnt resist and spoke up as he pulled into a parking s.p.a.ce at Giorgios. Let me guess, is that music from How to get a girl into bed on date one?

Adrians jaw dropped, and he clutched his chest pretending to have hurt feelings. I am not that kind of man! Unless, of course, its working. Is it working? The playful smile returned to his mouth and filled his eyes.

I laughed. Not in the slightest, Adrian Maxwell. Id been waiting to test out the feel of his full name in my mouth and it proved to be well worth the nerve it took for me to use it. Not only did he physically s.h.i.+ver when I said it, but his eyes went from looking at me in playful spirits to full-on l.u.s.t. How was I ever going to make it through dinner?

He unlatched my seatbelt and got out of the car. I watched him walk with confidence from his side to mine. The cool air that rushed in after him as he opened the door was a blessing to my heated skin. This time, I did not hesitate to take his offered hand, letting him lead me from the parking lot into the restaurant.

Adrian pulled out my chair for me before he pushed it forward as I sat down. He took the time to manipulate the table setting so that he was not across it from me, but right up next to me. The host came and asked for our drink order.

Ill have a soda water, and I think you may need to ID this one. He blocked his mouth with his hand, but spoke teasingly loud enough for me to hear. She looks amazing, but hardly legal. He winked.

I sat there with my jaw slack and my mouth agape. I needed a drink. I pulled out my license and handed it to the restaurant host. White wine, please, I said.

Looks like were both safe, joked Adrian as the man handed me back my ID.

What about you? I challenged him. Youre not drinking. How do I know youre of age? I could be robbing the cradle and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

I watched as a fleeting expression of pain crossed his face, and then he laughed. Darling, Ive been a delinquent for a while. Dont think you could corrupt me if you tried. But youre more than welcome to, He winked. He leaned in close to my ear and whispered, Im twenty-five.

The touch of his breath on my ear made me quiver. If I knew what it meant to swoon, I was sure that was exactly what I was doing. I dabbed my cloth napkin at my mouth and neck, suddenly a little warm. Adrian didnt move his mouth from my ear.

You smell so f.u.c.king good.

I turned my face to keep him from seeing the blush coloring my cheeks. Thank G.o.d the man came back with our drinks. I had half my gla.s.s empty before he managed to set Adrians down on the table. Your waitress will be right with you. Enjoy your evening.

I gave my attention to looking for the menus as a distraction from facing Adrian. A woman dressed in a tight black skirt that left noting to the imagination and a sheer white blouse approached our table with two salads. She set them down in front of us and looked at Adrian, giving him her full attention, while I felt like an orphan on the side of the road, in winter, covered in garbage grime.

Good evening Mr. Maxwell. Here are your salads. Can I get you anything else at the moment? Her eyes never left Adrians face. I didnt think she even saw me sitting there beside him in my fictional pile of garbage. The smile she had on her mouth was skilled, and her shadowed lids heavy. She licked her mouth unconsciously as she waited for him to respond.

Mallory, is your salad alright for now, or do you need anything else? He kept his eyes on my face, every bit as unwavering as the waitresss was on his.

I smirked with a self-satisfied feeling I had never felt before. Adrian was ignoring this flirtatious woman for me. I looked right at her, bursting out of the frozen tundra in all my glory. Mr. Maxwell and I are all set for right now, thank you.

Her smile faltered, and she spun around and walked away. At that point, I figured she was going to spit in my food. I cleared my throat and pushed my fork through my salad. Do they always bring a salad before you order? I felt embarra.s.sed; maybe I was uneducated in fine dining. I looked around the establishment. I couldnt consider this place fine dining, exactly. Sure, it was upscale, but no more so than any of the restaurants I had gone to with my father in the city to make business collections.

I ordered for us already.

I raised my eyes brows. So what, youre now Richard Gere in Pretty Woman?


I shook my head. You werent an avid movie watcher as a kid, were you?

Adrian pressed his lips together. More like an avid sports buff. I played a lot of sports, not much time for television.

Hmm, I may have to school you in some movie trivia then. I teased.

Ohh, I like the thought of you trying to school me, Mallory.

I tried not to blush. Were you a good student?

I pa.s.sed.

I nodded and started on my salad, feeling a little more at ease. Fifteen minutes later, the waitress made another attempt when she brought out plates of chicken cordon bleu and mixed vegetables. She placed the warm plates in front of us and collected our empty salad dishes. I watched as she blatantly brushed her hand over Adrians as she moved. I pictured my fork sinking into her skin. He didnt flinch, or even so much as give her a second glance. Instead, I felt his hand rest gently on my knee beneath the table. I took in a sharp breath and sat up straight in my seat.

Thats all, he announced, dismissing her with a wave of his fork.

Do you know her? I asked.


That waitress.


I tried not to scowl. I wondered if Adrian got hit on like this everywhere he went. Most girls would be jealous, but to me, it was a challenge thrown down. This was my date and my time, and she needed to back off. I felt my New Jersey, Italian blood bubble. I could probably take her if I needed. By the time a single slice of cheese cake was served, the waitress had given up the fight. Adrian was making it very clear he had no interest in her antics. He spooned a forkful of rich cake into my mouth, and I closed my eyes, savoring the delight.

I wish I was that cake right now. he whispered.

I covered my mouth with my napkin and dropped my eyes.

Adrians fingers tilted my chin back upward, forcing me to look at him. Never be ashamed to enjoy the pleasures of life, Mallory, especially with me.

I swallowed so hard there was an audible sound of the lump going down my throat. I was a quivering mess of stimulated senses. We should probably head back, I said with a nervous smile. I have work in the morning.

When we pulled out of the parking lot, I got lost in thought, keeping quiet even when Adrian turned the music from his playlist on again.


I looked at him with wide eyes in the dim lights of the dashboard.

I didnt offend you, did I?

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