Tainted Black Part 26

Tainted Black -

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Delight tickled the corners of my mouth, but the message about her needing to tell me something really important made me go back and wonder exactly what was so important she couldn't say it through text.

Other than Izzy being home, it was clearly bothering her. She could handle Izzy, I knew that, but there was something else bugging her that she could only keep secret for so long. Usually, Chloe was good at holding her tongue.

Maybe this was too much and she was ready to end it now, quit now while her best friend was face-to-face with her. Maybe she wanted to meet privately so she could give me one more touch, one last kiss, and maybe even one last round of pa.s.sionate love making.

My heart wrenched, body going slack. I stared at the window across from me. The waves normally comforted me, but not today. They were just... there. Just like how I was.

Just surviving. Without her, I wouldn't have much of a purpose. I'd have Izzy, but soon Izzy would move forward with her life and not need her dad as much. And I'd be left alone... again.

All over again.

Izzy said twenty, but she arrived over an hour later, and by her side was... Chloe. She'd given me the heads up before arriving, so I was prepared when they showed together.

"Izzy Bear!"

"Dad!" Izzy ran into my arms, but as I held her and looked over her shoulder, my eyes locked on Chloe's. She stood a step away from the door, eyes holding mine. There was something wrong. She lifted a hand to chew on her fingernail, s.h.i.+fting her weight twice. A hand slapped my chest, and Izzy pulled away, looking up. "Why the h.e.l.l didn't you tell me you were moving?! The house! It's empty!" Her eyes were wide and glossy. "Dad, all the stuff. Mom's stuff-"

"Is safe, Isabelle. Trust me."

Her shoulders sagged with relief. "Good." She clapped her hands and walked around me, taking the place in fully. "Well, at least it's nice here! And that view, oh my gos.h.!.+" She pranced around, running her fingers across the brown leather recliner and then pa.s.sing by the dining area. "One of these bedrooms better be mine." She quirked a brow, walking towards the rooms.

"You already know it."

Grinning, she entered the first bedroom, her gasp audible. As she took her time, looking around the condo, I walked to the kitchen, gesturing with a flick of my fingers for Chloe to follow. She walked with hesitation, peering around the corner.

"What happened to keeping our s.h.i.+t together?" I teased, pulling down two empty from the cabinet. I placed them on the counter, opened the fridge, and pulled out a pitcher of lemonade. After filling a gla.s.s with ice and sliding it across the counter, I said, "Drink this. It'll distract you. You look like you've seen a ghost. Calm down, okay? We're fine. It's fine. She's not onto us." I think...

"It's just weird that she showed up like this," Chloe whispered. "She usually calls ahead of time. Izzy never just pops up... not like this." Her eyes bounced over her shoulder, and then she looked at me again, saying, "Do you think Trixie got to her?"

"I've been watching Trixie. She hasn't done anything. Trust me." I wiped my forehead with slight aggression, sliding my empty gla.s.s away. "It's all good, Knight. We'll be okay."

"She's not done with summer school, you know?" She sipped her lemonade, using it as a true distraction. "She's just here for the fourth."

After she said that, Izzy came around the corner, shouting, "Dad! We have to throw a cookout on that deck! Like, seriously! That thing's huge. Hey, why don't you invite your girlfriend?" She folded her arms and smiled at me. My heart dropped to my stomach for Chloe. "I think its due time to meet her, especially if she can convince you to move out and leave everything behind without even telling me first."

"I chose to move. Needed something smaller and cheaper but still nice. It's close to work. Convenient. I was going to tell you when summer school was over. Wanted you to focus, kid."

"Dad, I'm an adult now." She stepped to Chloe's side. "I think you forget that we can handle whatever." She wrapped her arm across Chloe's shoulder, and Chloe joined in on the laughter, but the smile didn't touch her eyes. "But, listen, I'm serious about this cookout. Tell Trixie to come, and Chloe can stay too! Dad, oh my gosh, she has this really hot and cool guy that's been staying at her house all summer." What? I stiffened behind the counter, hands balling into fists, but luckily, Izzy couldn't see them. She continued talking, but Chloe saw right through me like a wall of gla.s.s. "Chloe said he was a freak-that he was always watching her or whatever-but I don't think he is. I think he just has a crush on her."

Chloe dropped her head.

I did my best to seem uncaring, but deep inside, it was p.i.s.sing me off. Why didn't she ever tell me there was another man staying with her? And that he was into her?

"Really?" I asked, pointing my gaze on Chloe. "What's the kid's name?"

"Sterling. So hot, and apparently they are on good terms now. I think they made out or something. She denies it,"-she nudged Chloe in the ribs-"but I just think she's not ready to fill me in yet." Izzy said. "Hey!" She looked at Chloe. "We should go back and tell him to join us for dinner. You'll grill out, right, Dad? Chloe and I can see if we can pick up some fireworks from somewhere or something."

I breathed as evenly as possible. "Sure. I have some steaks and hotdogs around. I'll see what I can whip up."

"Great! But please tell Trixie to come. I really need to see what this woman is about." f.u.c.k. Izzy was setting us up to fail. With Trixie around, it would disturb Chloe, throttle her emotions to the fullest, and with that boy around, the one into her, it would p.i.s.s me off, and I sucked at hiding my emotions.

"I'll see if she's available today. Kinda last minute, so don't get your hopes up about meeting her."

Izzy scoffed. "Dad, please. You're acting like you don't want me to meet the woman that has made you happy. All I care about is that you're happy now." She looked at Chloe. "Have you seen her or met her?"

Chloe looked from me to Izzy, responding quickly. "Yeah, I've seen her."

"Is she hot?"

Chloe pressed her lips. I knew the words she wanted to say. I was sure there were plenty of things on the tip of her tongue, ready to spew fire, but instead, she went with Izzy, playing along with her best friend. "Oh, so hot! Mr. Black would be insane to not bring her around, especially if that's what makes him happy and all."

My eyes hardened on hers, our gazes locked briefly while Izzy laughed out loud. "See, Dad," Izzy laughed, tucking her layered black hair behind her ear. "Now you have to bring her. If you don't, I'll go through your phone and call her myself." She gave me a playful evil eye. I nodded, gripping the edges of the counter.

"Go do what you have to do," I said, holding back on a clipped tone. "I'll get the grill started. Food should be ready by the time you two get back."

"You mean us three," Izzy b.u.t.ted in.

I blinked.

"Sterling, remember?" She held out a hand, giving me one of her usual Duh, Dad, you should know this kind of looks.


"Come on, Chlo." She reached for Chloe and went for the door. While dragging her along the way, Chloe glanced back once, eyes glossing before Izzy caught her attention again and they hurried out of the condo.

When they left, I released the breath that had been trapped in my lungs. I spotted my phone on the counter, refusing to call Trixie. But Izzy... I knew my daughter. She'd sneak my phone and call Trixie up just to meet her. When she wanted something, she made a way to get it, no matter what.

I sent Trixie a dry text, informing her that Izzy was in town and that she should come over for the Fourth to meet her but only for an hour or so.

She responded quickly.

Trixie: I'll be there, Daddy. Can't wait to meet your lover's best friend.

I gripped the phone in my hand, the urge to throw it at the wall overshadowing every shred of common sense within me, but I held off, sliding it into my back pocket instead.

Tonight was going to be a f.u.c.king disaster.


"Why are you driving so slow?" Izzy's voice sliced through my thoughts. We had just left the store, picking up some fruit and desserts as well as the cheap firecrackers that didn't do much but spark a little and make a ton of noise. Everything that could have gone wrong was happening all at once.

"I'm not. I'm going the speed limit," I said.

"What person our age goes the speed limit," Izzy teased.

I forced a laugh. I think she noticed my off behavior, but before she could ask me what was up, her phone buzzed, and she answered it. It was Drake, her boyfriend. I knew she wouldn't be getting off the phone until we got back to Theo's condo... hopefully.

I was purposely driving like I was chauffeuring Mrs. Daisy, hoping to come up with any kind excuse to get out of this evening. First off, getting Sterling seemed so wrong with all I knew. He'd slept with Mrs. Black! Theo's wife! If Sterling saw pictures of her, he would surely speak on it. He'd ask questions. He'd lose the little trust he had in me for not saying anything beforehand.

When I pulled up to my home and he walked out, my face went stale. He was smiling, but that had quickly dissolved when he spotted my concern. "You sure you want to come?" I asked as I glanced back at Izzy who was too busy chatting on her phone to pay us any mind.

"Sure, why not?" He shrugged with a smile. "Figured you might need someone to distract your friend there." His eyes bounced in Izzy's direction.

"Yeah." Sighing, I turned for the car and hopped in. Sterling slid across the backseat, and when his door shut, I put the car in reverse, my nerves on end.

"Hey, I'm gonna call you back." Izzy hung up the phone once I was out of Primrose, peering over her shoulder at Sterling. "Hi, again, mister." She flirted with him, as she always did when a hot guy was around, boyfriend or not.

"Hey." I saw Sterling toss a light wave at her through the rearview mirror, and then he looked at me, catching my eye. I looked away, focusing on the road. He was probably thinking exactly what I dreaded. "Your best friend is here and you're going to be around her dad-the man you love-all night long! What in the h.e.l.l are you going to do?"

My heart pounded hard in my chest when I slowly pulled into the Remy Place parking lot. Izzy was eager to get out, rus.h.i.+ng to the trunk to grab the few bags of groceries. I took a bag from her, and Sterling took that bag from me. "I got it. You don't need any more weight on you right now."

I thanked him with my eyes, but Izzy looked at us, probing with thin eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?" she laughed.

Surprisingly, Sterling covered up for it quickly. "Oh, you know, her dad and the Alzheimer's and all. He's been giving her and my mom h.e.l.l lately." He smoothed his curly brown hair back as we entered the building.

"Oh." Izzy's lips pressed, and when she walked ahead of us, Sterling gave me a look that said, "I don't know how you're going to get through this night."

He may have thought that because Izzy wasn't the type of person to hold her tongue. She talked a lot, but asked questions even more, especially when she was confused about something. She was a firm believer in the saying "There is no such thing as a dumb question."

It was a good thing Sterling wanted to come. He could prevent any unwanted drama, quite possibly distract Izzy if something was said or done out of context between Theo and me. Izzy, after all, could be easily distracted.

We made it up to that familiar fourth floor, all with Izzy talking about how she'd hoped her dad grilled everything right and didn't burn it. I started to tell her that he wasn't going to mess it up because he'd gotten great at cooking, but I stopped myself. I had to be careful now. If Izzy didn't know something about Theo, I had to pretend I didn't either.

Opening the door, Izzy waltzed right in, going for the kitchen to place her grocery bag on the counter. Sterling followed in after me, murmuring, "Here we go," as he shut the door behind him.

I walked to the kitchen with Izzy. Theo was nowhere in sight. "Dad?" Izzy called. She walked out of the kitchen, and we all heard him return her call from the deck.

"Come on, Chlo," Izzy insisted. I went with her, stepping onto the deck. Theo was in the corner with his grill on, flipping burgers with an annoyed look on his face, and to his right, sitting on the brown chair was Trixie. She was fixing her makeup in her handheld mirror, but when she caught sight of us, she quickly stopped tampering with her reflection, releasing a gasp.

Theo noticed how she glared my way, pausing on grilling the food. She hopped to her feet, scampering towards us in six-inch heels. "Oh my gos.h.!.+" She hugged Izzy, and to my surprise, Izzy wasn't pleased about it.

I laughed. She was the one that wanted to meet her. I guess I should have mentioned that Trixie was only like two years older than us. "Hi," Izzy forced her greeting. "You must be... Trixie?"

"I am! And you must be Theo's little Isabelle. He talks about you all the time."

"Yep." Izzy's brows puckered, and she took a step back as she glanced from Trixie to her dad.

"And you," Trixie said, stepping around Izzy. "Why, you must be Chloe. Her best friend, right?" She pulled me in and hugged me too tight for comfort. It took every ounce of strength within me to remain calm and hug her back like a decent, innocent person would. I couldn't believe she was playing this game. Hadn't Theo told her to behave? He needed to put his b.i.t.c.h on a leash.

"Wow, you're really friendly," Izzy noted as she looked Trixie over in her white romper and red wedges. Her earrings were dangly and blue, matching the headband that kept her blond curls behind her ears. Festive b.i.t.c.h. She'd dyed her hair, giving it a red tint. Wow. Did she want to be Mrs. Black or what? She must've caught a picture of her somewhere. I shook my head.

"Yeah, well," Trixie sighed. "I like to make everyone feel like they can be themselves around me, you know?"

"Hmm." Izzy walked around Trixie and grabbed my hand. "Well, it's nice meeting you!" Izzy gave her dad a sharp look when Trixie pulled out her cellphone. "Chloe, come with me to change clothes?"


We walked back inside where Sterling sat on the sofa watching a game of soccer. "Wow, you made yourself right at home, huh?" Izzy giggled.

"I guess I did, huh?" Sterling held his hands in the air with an innocent lift of his shoulders.

"It's okay. My dad won't mind." So she thought. "Chloe," she hissed, turning me in her direction, "Why in the h.e.l.l didn't you tell me she was like, twelve!?"

"I didn't know! From far away she doesn't look that young."

"Ugh." Izzy groaned. "I don't like her. She comes across as phony to me. I read people, and I know she's only with my dad because he makes good money. She's a grubby little b.i.t.c.h."

"Well, it's who your dad likes, Izzy." That hurt to say. I swallowed that bile down as quickly as it came back up. "If he thinks girls like her are what will make him happy, then you can't be mad at him."

She waved a hand. "Yeah, whatever. Now I see why he didn't want to invite her to dinner. G.o.d... I'm gonna go change and wipe this disappointment off my face." Izzy turned and walked down the hallway, entering one of the bedrooms.

I blew a breath, turning around. Sterling was still on the sofa, but his eyes were on me now, not the TV screen. "How'd it go out there?"

I gave him the evil-eye and sat in the recliner. "This is a f.u.c.king train wreck waiting to happen." He sympathized with me, sitting forward as if he were all ears. "That b.i.t.c.h," I whispered. "She actually had the nerve to hug me in front of Izzy."

"Why do you call her a b.i.t.c.h? What did she do to you?"

"She is coming between me and Theo. She said she'd snitch if he tried to leave her for me. She found out about us the same night you did. She saw him climbing out of my window."

"Really?" He was shocked to hear that.

"Yes." I slouched back, wis.h.i.+ng it were Trixie's head on that soccer field on screen and me doing the kicking.

"Well, maybe it's a good thing she's here right now, Chloe. Just saying."

I whipped my head to look at him, brows going thin. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... maybe it's a good thing she's here tonight. You'll have no choice but to keep your distance from him."

"f.u.c.k that," I muttered, glancing towards the balcony. "She doesn't even deserve him."

"And you do?"

I turned my gaze on Sterling again. I hated his smart mouth, his mellow face, but most of all, I hated that he was right. I hated that he knew so much and had gone through something similar to this himself. Speaking of...

"Hey, there's something I should tell you-" I started to speak, tell him all about Mrs. Black being Theo's wife and even about how Theo was once in The Union, but Theo came inside, shutting the balcony door behind him with a tray of burgers in hand. My mouth snapped shut when I looked back.

"Food is almost ready." He glared at Sterling.

Sterling stood, extending his arm. Theo accepted the handshake, but his brown eyes never drifted. "I'm Sterling. A friend of Chloe's."

Theo c.o.c.ked a brow. "Just a friend?"

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