Tainted Black Part 14

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"How do I know you're not lying? She is your girl toy, after all."

"We aren't really going to make things happen anymore..."

My brows narrowed. "Why not?"

"She's moving to Las Vegas. I already don't trust her here. I d.a.m.n sure wouldn't trust her there."

"Oh my G.o.d," I laughed, "Is she a stripper?"

"Nah... but she works at Dane's. It's pretty much the same thing."

"That's where you met her?"

He stood up and tugged his shorts up to his waist, then he went for my s.h.i.+rt and shorts on the ground. After helping me up and handing my clothes to me, he said, "Yep. Kind of just... happened."

"Hmm. Like we did?"

He scoffed. "Definitely nothing like that."

"Do you love her?" I avoided his eyes after asking the question, afraid of his response. I focused on adjusting my panties and putting on my shorts, staring at the ground, but he tilted my chin, head shaking as our eyes met.

"I don't love her, Chloe. She was just someone that... distracted me when you left and helped me forget about certain things." He paused, dragging his eyes down my five-foot-seven frame and then bringing them back up to mine again. "But now that you're back, well"-he shrugged-"I guess I realized she isn't exactly the type of woman I want running around in my life."

"No? So what kind of woman are you looking for?"

He moved forward, a boyish smile on display. Stroking my cheek, he quietly answered me. "I want a woman with brains, but also one that knows how to have fun. A woman with dreams. Goals. A woman that knows what she wants, even though she knows it may be bad for her. A woman that doesn't mind taking risks in order to be happy."

I inhaled a wisp of air, looking away. All those things I could relate to, but there were plenty of other women out there that could also relate-women that had no sort of relations.h.i.+p with his only child.


When I was all dressed, he hooked an arm across my shoulders and led the way back to the trail. "What are you doing tonight?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. Why?" I looked up, meeting the brown irises that were already on me.

"Come with me to my boat."

"Your boat?" My eyes expanded, brows rising. "I didn't even know you had a boat!"

"Bought it a few months ago. It's not huge or anything, just something to get me from point A to point B. It's where I was going to take you after Dane's." He stopped walking, turning me in his direction, the palms of his hands curling around my upper arms. "Forgive me for not sending you a location the other night," he begged, eyes full of remorse. "I was just... really f.u.c.ked in the head. I don't know what was going on with me. I had this small chat with Marcel, and it sort of f.u.c.ked with me."

"Oh." I paused. "I have one question..."

He pulled away, looking at me oddly, almost like he already knew the question I was going to ask. "What's that?"

I fiddled with my fingers, focusing on the ground. "Do you really think this will last all summer?"

Relief washed over him, and he drew in a thick amount of breath, nodding. "Let's make the deal right now. All summer, no thoughts of the past. No thoughts of our lives or who it may be that ties us." His face changed when he said his last sentence. He hated owning up to the betrayal as well. The thought of his baby girl finding out about us would kill her and possibly damage their bond. Our bond. "Let's promise to pretend that we're two strangers. Like we've never met before and are only looking for a good time. You could use it. I could use it."

"But... what if more comes out of this?"

His face changed, his att.i.tude no longer carefree. "We agree now that nothing more comes out of this." His face was stern, eyes like steel. Gripping my shoulders, he said, "Promise me, Chloe. We can't take this farther than it is right now... okay?"

I swallowed hard. "Okay." My voice was defeated. He noticed.


"What?" I asked as he roughly raked his fingers through his hair.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this... I shouldn't do that to you-make you think this is just me wanting to get my d.i.c.k wet." He pulled me into him, watching me with a gentle stare. "I don't want you thinking I don't care about you. I care about you a lot. You're a good girl, and you know me just as well as I know you. It's just-well, if we still want to be in each other's lives, as well as Izzy's, we have to settle on some terms and keep some things out of the way."

"Like love?" I whispered.

His throat worked hard to swallow the lump that'd been lodged deep inside. "Love... will get in the way. To protect ourselves-to protect Izzy-let's settle on this. Trust me, we'll still have a good time. We'll make this one of the best summers of our lives. And when it's all over, we'll still be at an understanding." He dropped his head to catch my eyes. When he did, he asked, "Is that okay with you? We don't have to. I understand you not wanting to. The risk involved-I just need to know if this risk is one you will take with me. If I'm worth it to you. I'm sick of pretending I don't want you."

I struggled with a smile, unsure, but as he looked at me, so child-like, his face handsome, eyes full of want, need, and the same hunger I'd clung to for years, I knew I couldn't say no, no matter what feelings came out of this arrangement.

"Just the summer," I told him, smiling. "I think you're worth the risk, Theo." Then I kissed his cheek, and he nodded with a smug smile, following me out of the neighborhood park.

We were hand-in-hand until we reached the exit, then we went our separate ways, never losing sight of each other, even as we walked on opposite sides of the street. Not even as cars pa.s.sed by us, quick blurs that meant nothing right now.

When we made it to our houses, entering our front doors, we took one final glance and finally lost sight of one another. Even while he was gone, I knew he still thought of me. Probably just as much as I thought of him.

Knowing it thrilled every single part of me.

Later that afternoon, after hitting the shower and helping Margie clean up the kitchen, I was at the diner on the pier of Bristle Wave with Theo. Like most men would, he ordered a double cheeseburger with extra bacon and cheese and a side order of fries. I helped myself to the honey-glazed salmon, a side of broccoli, and a sweet potato.

"You eat like a girl," he teased, poking at my fish with his unused fork.

I gave him the evil eye, chewing thoroughly before speaking. "I'm sorry I'm not a brute like you, ordering extra meat and fries."

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up on the toilet later on tonight."

"Oh my gos.h.!.+" I gasped. "I'm trying to eat here!"

He busted out in a laugh. "See. Like a true little girl."

"Whatever." I sipped my sweet tea. As I placed my gla.s.s down, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I'd felt the heavy gaze on me ever since we entered the diner. It was really starting to bug me. I couldn't not look anymore.

Turning my head a fraction, I spotted a woman sitting in the corner, magazine in hand, and a half-eaten slice of cherry pie on the plate in front of her. She caught me watching her stare at Theo. She looked at me for a brief second before rapidly s.n.a.t.c.hing her gaze away, focusing on her magazine again.

"Do you know her?" I asked. I gestured to my left, and Theo glanced over.

"Not at all."

"She's been staring at us since we walked through the doors."

"She's most likely curious..."

I thinned my eyes at him. "About what?"


I frowned. "What do you mean?"

Theo's eyes bounced from mine to the woman again. She was pretending we didn't exist now, scanning her magazine with swift eyes. "Well, look at us, Chloe. We don't exactly look like we belong together. I'm much older than you are, and she isn't going to a.s.sume we're related with how much I've been absentmindedly touching you." He flashed a smile. "I bet she's been wondering why we've been playing footsies for the past thirty minutes." With quirked eyebrows, Theo's leg brushed mine, and gooseb.u.mps crawled along my skin. Reaching across the table, Theo picked up my free hand, curled it into a fist, and then brought my knuckles to his lips.

A hot flood ran down my throat, sinking deep and pooling in my panties. I blushed ridiculously as he kissed each knuckle while his eyes moved to his right, staring right at the woman that was watching us again.

As if she were shocked, she gathered her wallet, tossed a few bills on the table, and then rushed out of the restaurant, taking one more glance at us before slipping out of the door.

Theo and I laughed out loud, catching the attention of a few guests in the restaurant. Fortunately, they disregarded our silliness, returning to their meals and small chats.

"So, I've been meaning to tell you." Theo straightened up in his seat, his face getting serious.

"What is it?" I aligned my back as well.

He capped one of his fists, his elbows on the table, and hands now on his chin. "I've been thinking about putting the house up for sale."

Shocked, my eyes widened, and I dropped my fork. "For sale? Wow... are you sure?"

"I think it's time. I mean, I'm hardly ever home, but there's a reason behind that."

"And what is it?"

His brows drew together, lips twitching. "It... reminds me too much of Janet." The sentence came out rushed. His voice was strained, eyes no longer on mine as he scratched his head.

"Oh." I focused on the wooden tabletop.

"Not that I want to forget about her or anything, it's just when I go there, I always end up thinking about her. Standing or sitting in certain places, putting on makeup in the mirror in the bathroom, or even cooking her disgusting ravioli in the kitchen." His laugh seemed to cause him pain. "I thought getting the kitchen upgraded and remodeled, rearranging the bedroom, and even changing the paint in the house would help, but it didn't. I still feel her. I still think of her. I know you don't want to hear all of this but-"

"No. Stop. It's okay," I a.s.sured him. "You can talk about her with me. I cared for Mrs. Black, too."

He was relieved. It showed all over his face, his eyes sparking.

"You want my honest opinion?" I asked.


"I don't think you are ever going to be able to stop thinking about her, no matter where you live or how hard you're trying to move forward in life. It's natural. I mean, I still think of my Granny Joan sometimes. She was the fun grandma."

"That's true, but at least I'll know that the place I move to wasn't shared with her. Sort of like starting fresh." He hesitated for a moment, dropping his hands and running his palms across his jeans. "I know you don't want to hear it, but we shared a lot of good times in that house, and I hate that I used to have Trixie walking back and forth in there. I feel guilty in there-like I shouldn't be living freely. Like I still owe a debt to someone that isn't even alive." He sighed. "I see her red recliner in the corner of the living room, and I can't seem to get rid of it. Isabelle doesn't want it, and I refuse to just throw it out. Janet loved that chair. She'd flip in her grave if she saw it was in a dumpster somewhere."

"I understand," I murmured. I looked towards the ocean, allowing an idea to sink in. "Hmm... maybe I can take it off your hands. I could use a chair for my dorm at school."

His eyes lit up. "You'd do that?"

"Sure." I waved a hand. "Why not?"

Appreciative, he grabbed my hand again. "You know, you don't have to do stuff just to please me. You don't have to always be so generous."

"I don't mine, Theo. I swear."

His head shook, not negatively, but more in a she-is-too-good-to-me kind of shake. "Thank you, Little Knight." He smiled. I returned one. "So... you think I should move out?"

"I think if that's what you think will make you happy, then go for it." I squeezed his hand. "But I will miss not seeing you across the street whenever I happen to be in Primrose."

His smile was sweet and innocent. "You can always come visit me."

"Yeah..." My lips twisted. "That all depends on when you plan on moving."

"Well, see, that's the thing." He smirked. "I already found a place. I can move into it in two weeks."

"Two weeks?!"

One of his cheeks quirked up as he played innocent "Yeah... crazy, huh?"

"So why'd you ask for my opinion if you'd already made a choice?" I laughed.

"Just wanted to see what you'd think. I needed someone to talk to... hear me out and maybe back me up if Izzy throws a fit about me moving to a smaller place."

"Wait-you haven't told her yet?"

"Nope. You're the first person I've told."

"Really?" I lit up inside, grinning like a giddy idiot.

"Yes. I'll let her know when I'm all moved in..."

"Where is the apartment?"

He pointed somewhere behind me. I looked out of the window, spotting a small tower in the corner. "The condos right over there. They were just built right in front of the coast. It's convenient. Close to my job. Right down the street from the market and only a short walk to my boat... speaking of..." he smirked.

I laughed. "What?"

"You still haven't answered me about the boat thing?"

"What exactly will we be doing on this boat?"

His eyes focused on mine. "Do you really care for the answer to that question?" His leg brushed my calf, but something else was there-his hand. It ran up my thighs, nearing my heat. I clenched as he got closer but purposely kept his hand in the center, feeling weak as I helplessly let my legs fall apart.

"I don't," I breathed. "I'm just curious."

"So many questions, huh?"


"Let me answer them out there," he pointed towards the water. "Out at sea where no one can watch us. No one can hear us. No one will matter outside of us." I watched as his tongue ran over his lips, his hand moving higher.

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