Impetuous. Part 12

Impetuous. -

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Her lips parted, then she drew in a shaky breath, her gaze going to his mouth. "I'm not afraid of anything."

Tyler leaned back, bending his knees so he was looking directly into her eyes. Carlie squirmed, and he knew she was feeling much the same thing he was, even if she denied it. Finally, satisfied by what he saw, Tyler held out his arms. "Okay, if you're not afraid, then give me one kiss. My hands won't move, I promise."

It was a challenge, and he was willing to bet she wouldn't be able to resist. When she placed her hands on his shoulders, he felt his breath catch. When her gaze dropped to his mouth, his muscles clenched.

Going up on tiptoe, she lightly, quickly, brushed her lips over his, then settled back for his reaction.

His mouth twitched with humor. He left his arms outstretched. "Well? Are you going to kiss me or not, honey? Oh, you mean that little wisp of air that blew over my mouth was your kiss? How disappointing. I thought you could do better than that."

She blinked at him. "You didn' it?"

"I have no idea. It was over with before I could decide. h.e.l.l, Brenda kisses me better than that. In front of Jason."

Her eyebrows lowered and she shoved her higher on the bridge of her nose. Tyler could practically see her mentally hitching up her pants, and he had to fight a smile.

She tightened her hands on his shoulders, and came up again, this time pressing her mouth more firmly to his. Tyler lightly licked her lips, moving his mouth against hers. She went still for a single heartbeat, then accepted his challenge, and returned the gesture. But once her tongue touched him, he drew her inside, and the kiss became ravenous.

He heard her soft moan and instantly grew hard. The game was over. He pressed against her, forcing her to step backward until they reached the wall, then he trapped her there with his body. His hips settled against her groin, rubbing insistently. His mouth now took over, eating at hers, his tongue plunging inside, feeling her own tongue move in a way that made him tremble.

He had to stop. He groaned and raised his mouth. "d.a.m.n." His head dropped onto her shoulder, his face turned inward so he could inhale her scent.

He could feel her shaking. His body was laid against the length of her own from shoulders to knees. Her legs were open, accommodating his hips.

His chuckle was wry and filled with wonder. "I asked for that, I suppose." He lifted away from her shoulder, but kept his body close to her. His voice dropped to a whisper. "I want you, Carlie."

She shook her head.

He pressed his hips closer, holding her gaze. "You can feel how much I want you, sweetheart."

She snorted, then pushed him away. "This isn't the eighth grade, Tyler. So you're aroused. So what? It's the same reaction you'd have to any woman you were kissing."

He propped his hands on his hips, feeling his lips twitch with amus.e.m.e.nt again, despite the ache in his body. "Not quite."

Carlie waved away his reb.u.t.tal. "Are you also going to tell me you're in pain? That's next, isn't it?"

"I am in pain." He started toward her. "Your screeching denials are giving me a headache."

"I wasn't screeching! I was only pointing out... Tyler, don't you touch me again!"

He took her by the shoulders, and pulled her body roughly against his. With his nose touching her own, he gently demanded, "Admit you want me, too, Carlie. Now."

She hesitated only a second. "I do. It's just that..."

He released her. "I'm willing to give you all the time you need, honey, but..."

She snorted, louder than usual.

Tyler grinned. "Okay, so I've been pus.h.i.+ng. I'm having a hard time keeping my hands off you. But you know you can trust me, Carlie. I would never try to force you to do anything you didn't want to do."

He waited, all shreds of humor gone, and finally Carlie nodded. "I know that."

"Good. Then don't keep denying everything I feel. Believe it or not, I want you. You, Carlie, not some other woman, not because you're handy, not because I can't get somebody else." He stroked her cheek. "You're special, sweetheart. And what I feel for you is special."

Her eyes searched his, and she asked, "And what is it you feel, Tyler?"

He should have known she'd ask. "I'm not sure, yet-and don't snort at me!" He grinned again. "I'm trying to be honest here, Carlie. Be patient with me."

Carlie swiped up her gym bag from the bleachers and headed for the door. Tyler trotted after her. "Am I still invited for dinner?"

She didn't slow her pace. "If that's all you want. Because dinner is all you'll get."

"I promise not to do anything...that you don't want me to do."

He felt smug when her step faltered. But he also felt determined not to rush her. Carlie was worth waiting for, and she evidently needed a lot of rea.s.surance. He could give her time. He could behave himself. It wouldn't be easy, but... He'd never known women could be so different. He'd never known a woman could be like Carlie.

And he no longer cared if he found out who the mystery woman was. Carlie, with her bristly independence and concealing wardrobe, was mystery enough to keep his attention for a long, long time. Maybe even forever.



There was a pause, then, "Who's this?"

"We...ah, met at the party..."

Another pause. Carlie waited breathlessly, her hand gripping the receiver so tightly her fingers ached. She had deliberately disguised her voice, but it was shaking so badly, it had probably been an unnecessary measure.

"I didn't expect to hear from you again. Brenda refused to tell me how to reach you."

"I know. has to be that way."

"I'll admit I'm curious to know why."

Traitor, Carlie thought. She was huddled in the middle of her bed, her nightgown twisted around her updrawn knees. Her hair was loose, hanging down to s.h.i.+eld her face, which, even though Tyler couldn't see, was burning. "I'm sorry."

"You have no reason to be afraid of me."

"I know. But..."

"You ran out on me."

"Yes." Carlie squeezed her eyes shut. This wasn't going the way she'd planned. She'd convinced herself to call him, hopefully to find out how determined he was to meet the mystery woman or if he even still cared. He claimed to want her..."her" meaning Carlie. But could that be true if he was still intent on meeting another woman? Even if the other woman was herself? But he didn't know It was just too confusing. Her brain felt muddled, and she was willing to try anything that might give her some real insight as to how Tyler truly felt about her.

But Tyler wasn't giving her a chance to question him. He was too busy pressing her.

"Tell me who you are." He sounded more annoyed than ever.

"No! I just...wanted to talk to you. To ask..."

"Ask me what?"

Surprised, Carlie accused softly, "You're angry."

"No, I'm frustrated. I don't like games. You're a grown woman. I understand what happened between us was unexpected. You couldn't have been any more surprised than I was. But it's too late to change things now." Then, very persuasively, "Tell me who you are."

Carlie shook her head, as tears gathered in her eyes. If only she could. "No."


She squeezed her eyes shut. "Please. Don't be angry." There was a tremor in her voice, and Tyler reacted to it.

"I'm sorry." He sounded almost weary. "We can talk. That's why you called, isn't it?"

Carlie was afraid to speak again. This was a stupid idea. She should hang up now before he figured out who she was.

He said again, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Maybe you should just forget..."

"Not without knowing."

Those words, said so sincerely, washed over her. Her heart ached. If he wouldn't forget, then she would have to stay away from him entirely. She drew a deep breath, calming herself. "Why?"

It was Tyler's turn to be thoughtfully silent. "It was different. You were different. More intense. It didn't seem like just s.e.x."

"No." It had been more, at least for her.

"You felt it, too?" he asked.

"I did."

"I want to meet you. I want to know who you are. Stop playing games."

"It''s not a game," she said. "You would be angry..."

"I'm angry now! This isn't the eighth grade, dammit!"

Carlie jumped at his raised voice. He'd unconsciously repeated her defense. It seemed like a betrayal. "Aren't you seeing anyone else?"

She hadn't meant to ask that. This wasn't a test he had to pa.s.s. She'd only wanted to understand why he was so determined to find her. But it was too late to call back the words.

She could feel his frustration, it was so keen. His reply, when it came, was carefully modulated, the words exact. "I'm not intimate with anyone right now, if that's what you mean."

"I see."

"How could you, when I don't? I hate this!" He growled in frustration. "I don't want anything from you! But I hate knowing you might pa.s.s me on the street, and I wouldn't even know it. I hate that you have intimate knowledge of me, but I don't even know your name."

Carlie trembled. She hadn't thought of it that way, how it would be for him. She was very sorry. "Tyler, please..."

"You'll see me somewhere and remember. While I'm saying h.e.l.lo, how do you do, you'll be thinking of how it feels to climax with me deep inside you."

His words were harsh now, deliberately taunting, baiting her. He was being ugly, and even while she understood his frustration, she hated it. "Stop. Please."

"Tell me who you are, dammit."

"I can't." The words were rushed, husky with need. Carlie had to get them out before she did or said something she'd later regret. "It's impossible. I'm so sorry." Then she added in a tiny whisper, "You were wonderful, Tyler."

"Don't hang up...!"

Very gently, Carlie laid the receiver in the cradle, then curled onto her side. It had been a mistake to call him. She had to stop torturing herself and Tyler. Her heart ached with her decision.

He was right. She was behaving like a teenager with a sorry crush on the captain of the football team. She was leaving him to wonder about a woman who didn't exist. On Friday, when he came over again, she'd tell him. She wouldn't take the coward's way out by sending him a letter or giving her explanation and then running. It would be face-to-face, and she would accept his anger, for he would surely be enraged.

Carlie found sleep impossible that night She pondered a thousand different ways Tyler might react. But it all came down to one final, irrevocable conclusion.

She had lost him, when she'd never really had him in the first place. And until now, she hadn't fully realized how badly she wanted him.


Tyler set the pizza on the table, then turned to Carlie. She'd been quiet, too d.a.m.ned quiet, all day. He caught her as she walked by to set the table.

He pulled her into his arms. She was more rigid than usual. "I missed you, Carlie. How about a hug?"

Her arms remained at her sides, and she looked beyond him. He was stymied. "What is it? Are you mad at me about something?"

"No, I'm not mad."

"Then what is it?" He bent to look into her eyes. "You can at least give me a hug, can't you?"

She did as he asked, but it was a measly effort at best. Tyler let his hands drift down her back, and realized suddenly that it was the first time he'd ever done so. Her back was narrow, her flesh firm, and her waist tapered in. His hands started to explore there, but she pulled away. He touched her chin, seeking her eyes again. "What is it?"

"We need to talk." She peered up at him, her eyebrows lowered in a nervous frown, and shook her head. "But later, after we eat."

"Ah, intrigue. You don't have to work at keeping my interest, you know. I'm already caught."

Carlie slapped a huge piece of pizza onto his plate, splattering tomato sauce over the table.

Tyler raised his eyebrows. "You are entertaining, Carlie. When we don't have practice, I have nothing to look forward to at the end of the day. I think of you, though."

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