Four Dukes And A Devil Part 18

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"How did you become a vampire?"

Elise fixed her gaze on Mencheres's van in front of them. "I was twenty-one when the Great Depression began. My husband, Richard, lost his job that first year, along with so many other people. After several months, we lost our house, too. My parents were dead, but his mother was alive, so we stayed with her for a while. I gave birth to my daughter, Evangeline, during that time. Two months after she was born, Richard's mother died. She'd been behind on her house payments, so the bank took it, and there was no life insurance, so we were turned out into the street. Some friends of Richard's lived in Hoovervilles in Central Park, so that's where we went."

"What's a Hooverville?" Blake asked.

"It's what everyone called the tent villages, after that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, President Hoover. Richard sc.r.a.ped together enough cardboard, wood, and trash-can to make a shelter. Every day, he looked for work, but there wasn't any. Winter came, and my baby got sick. I took her to the hospital, but they sent us home. She died three days later. Two weeks after that, Richard jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge."

"Oh, G.o.d, I'm sorry," Blake said, imagining Elise as the young, grief-stricken woman she must have been.

She swiped at her eyes. "I try never to think about that time." Her voice was amazingly steady. "It hurts too much. It hurt too much then as well, which was why shortly after Richard's death, I jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, too."

Blake gasped. "What?"

Elise nodded, a faraway look on her face. "I don't remember hitting the water. I just remember the cold. There had been chunks of ice in the East River that day. I should have died; most people who jump off that bridge do, but Mencheres found me floating in the water and saved me..."

Her voice trailed off-and then she screamed, "Stop!"

Blake slammed on the brakes so hard, his head almost hit the steering wheel. He looked around, but there was nothing in the road or any other reason he could see for her reaction.

"Jesus," he exclaimed. "Don't do that again. If I hadn't been wearing a seat belt, I'd have gone straight through the winds.h.i.+eld and made Xaphan's day!"

Elise swung to look at him, her eyes blazing green and an expression he couldn't name on her face.

"The river," she muttered. "The ice. Of course. course."

Blake felt like she was speaking an unfamiliar language. "What are you talking about, Elise?"

In reply she kissed him. Then she shot out of the car, turning the ignition off and taking the keys with her.

Elise stood next to Mencheres. The two of them were outside by the car, close enough that they could quickly reach Blake if Xaphan took him over but far enough away that Blake couldn't hear what she was saying.

"You told me when you first found me in the river, I didn't have a heartbeat," Elise said in a rush. "For all intents and purposes, I was dead, but the river was so cold that day, it gave me hypothermia. My body slowed down to clinical death, but when you pulled me out of the river, you warmed me, gave me your blood, and brought me back brought me back. If we induce severe hypothermia with Blake, his heart will stop, as will his breathing. He'll be dead enough to force Xaphan out onto the salt flats. Then, once the demon is gone, we'll bring Blake back. It's a long shot, but it could work."

Elise desperately wanted Mencheres to agree. But he'd had so much more experience with demons than she did; maybe there was something she was overlooking. What if it took too long from when Xaphan was expelled from Blake's body until his essence was destroyed? How many minutes could could Blake be dead before there was no pulling him back from it? Blake be dead before there was no pulling him back from it?

"Come with me," Mencheres said.

He led her around to the side of the van. Elise's heart sank. Was Mencheres taking her out of Blake's eyesight to tell her that this couldn't be done? Did he want to give her privacy while she broke into tears when he delivered that hammer of a verdict?

Mencheres opened the back of the van. Inside it was an oblong container several feet long, with various medical devices she didn't recognize stacked around it. But the generators and portable defibrillator she knew at a glance, and there was only one reason they'd be there.

"You knew," she whispered. "You knew all long that there was a chance Blake could be saved this way. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you had to believe you would lose him in order to realize what he meant to you," Mencheres replied. "It's been so long since you cared for anyone. I wanted that for you again."

Elise looked once more at the items in the van. There were no guarantees that this would work, and she had a lot to learn in a short amount of time, but there was hope. At last, there was hope.

"All right," Elise said. "Let's get started."

Chapter Fourteen

The Bonneville Salt Flats looked like a white, desolate ocean. They stretched for miles in a peninsula that was bordered on the west by the mountains and on the south by the interstate. Mencheres drove by the sign at the end of the access road that told visitors to park and venture on foot into the tourist section. Blake knew why they weren't stopping at the tourist section; they were heading for the middle of the flats, where two and a half miles was the closest distance between him and the end of the salt barrier.

It was blazing hot outside, but in this case, that was a bonus. In the spring, Mencheres said, the salt would be turned to mush in places, making driving on it impossible-and they needed the van with its cache of equipment. But in the middle of the summer, the salt was hard, like crystallized gravel, allowing the van to ride easily over its flat, sparkling surface.

Blake sat between them in the front. There were too many instruments in the back that could be used to kill him, if and when Xaphan appeared. Blake had no doubt the demon would come forth at any second. In fact, he wondered what Xaphan was waiting for.

At last, Mencheres stopped. Blake glanced around. There was nothing to see except miles of white and the mountains to their left. Steeling himself, Blake took in a deep breath.

"Okay. I'm ready."

Despite Elise's optimism about being able to bring him back, Blake didn't think it would work. Chances were, when he died, he'd stay dead. Successful resuscitation happened in less than half the cases, he knew that from his army days when they taught him field triage. Still, he didn't share his doubts with Elise. Let her think he died believing he'd be saved. Why make this harder on her?

Blake went into the back of the van. There wasn't much room with all the equipment around. Mencheres opened the doors and set up the generators outside. No need to ruin even his slim chance with carbon-monoxide poisoning.

Elise gestured to the large rectangular piece in the van, which looked to Blake like an elaborate, water-filled coffin.

"It'll be easier if you take your clothes off...most of them, at least."

She looked almost shy saying that, as if he'd take her suggestion as perverted voyeurism. Blake's heart squeezed. I'll miss you forever, I'll miss you forever, he thought, staring into Elise's beautiful blue-green eyes. he thought, staring into Elise's beautiful blue-green eyes.

He stripped to his boxers, then took her in his arms. She hugged him back tightly, her whole body shuddering like something inside her was trying to break out.

"I know this makes no sense, since we've only known each other less than a week, but Blake...if I could spend the rest of my life with just one person, it would be you," she whispered.

Blake pulled away. Looked at her face and saw the naked vulnerability, emotion, and need there. He smiled, brus.h.i.+ng back a strand of her blond hair.

"No, Elise. We've known each other forever, because that's how long I'll love you."

Then he kissed her, trying to imprint the feel of her on his mouth, hands, and body before death came to take him away.

Elise knelt next to the hydro chamber. Blake had been immersed in the glacial water for over fifty minutes. His initial, ma.s.sive s.h.i.+vering had slowed, as had his pulse and breathing. Confusion was starting to set in even as his eyes kept fluttering closed.

"Where am I?" he mumbled to Elise. "Too warm. Need to get out."

"He's entering the last stages of hypothermia," Mencheres said in a low voice. "His body is past feeling cold and is suffused with a false sense of heat instead. It won't be long now."

Elise touched his forehead, but Blake didn't seem to feel it. His face and neck were open to the air, but the rest of him was submerged in the freezing water. All the better to bring about hypothermic cardiac arrest.

If she could have traded places with Blake, she'd have done it a million times over. The past forty minutes had been h.e.l.l, watching him suffer in the container. Her only comfort was knowing that Xaphan would suffer, too. He'd taken Blake over as soon as Blake lay down in the chamber. Xaphan had thrashed around, trying to break everything he could touch. Mencheres restrained him with his power, holding Blake's body immobile even though the demon writhed and fought inside him. Xaphan had been gone for the past thirty minutes. Elise figured the demon was resting up for one last stand.

Blake's heart skipped several beats. Elise tensed, meeting Mencheres's eyes. Soon. Very soon. Soon. Very soon.

Panic made Elise want to s.n.a.t.c.h Blake out of the water and start to warm him up now. What if this didn't work? What if this was the last time she'd ever see Blake? Dear G.o.d, how could she stand her heart being demolished yet again?

Blake said something she couldn't understand. Elise bent closer until his mouth was almost next to her ear.

"What is it, darling?"

"Elise." Her name was garbled and breathy, like Blake had barely the strength to form it. "Sing me to sleep."

Blake's eyes were closed, so Elise didn't have to worry about him seeing her tears. She started to sing, dipping her hand into the freezing water so she could hold his.

Blake's breathing became shallower, the intervals between his breaths extending longer and longer. His pulse was erratic, too, at times speeding up in bursts, then growing more and more sluggish. By the time Elise reached the last line of the song, Blake's heart had stopped completely.

She stared at him, feeling more frozen inside than the icy water that brought about his death. Blake's eyes were dilated, no spark of life in them. Just, like a doll's eyes.

Elise thought she'd been prepared to see him this way. That she was strong enough to handle it, but something inside her shattered. She ripped off the cover of the chamber and grabbed Blake up in the next instant.

Mencheres's hands shot out, stopping her. Keeping her from lifting Blake all the way out of that awful, killing water.

"Wait," he said.

"No," Elise snarled. "I have to bring him back!"

Mencheres didn't loosen his grip, and she felt his hold on more than just her arms.

"Not. Yet."

Elise would have fought him, her own sire, whom she trusted more than anyone in the world. But a blast of power in the air around them stopped her. Sulfur fumes seemed to crawl up her nose, and a howl of rage filled the van until it shook.

"You fool," Xaphan hissed.

The words didn't come from Blake's mouth. They came from behind her.

Chapter Fifteen

Elise didn't have time to turn around before the doors blew off the van, and Mencheres was sucked out into the suns.h.i.+ne. She dropped Blake, careful to make sure his head was hanging outside the chamber, and ran out of the van.

"Mencheres!" she screamed.

Nothing was around but miles of empty, ominous white salt. Where was Mencheres? Her sire was the most powerful vampire she'd ever met, how could he simply disappear disappear?

Something slammed into her from behind. Elise fell, getting a face full of salt. Then she was propelled up and flung into the side of the van, hard enough to make it tilt on its tires.

"Bring him back," Xaphan growled near her ear.

Elise whirled, but there was no one there. Another blow knocked her into the van again. Then another and another, all made by someone she couldn't even see.

Elise tasted blood where her lip had split. The bright afternoon sunlight, naked of any cloud cover, felt like needles on her skin. Something seized Elise's hair, grinding her face into a ragged piece of metal from the dent her body had made.

"Bring him back, back," Xaphan said again, and she was shoved into the van.

Blake was still slumped over the chamber, motionless. Elise pulled him all the way out of the water, laying him on the van's floor. He was as white as the salt outside, all the color gone from his skin, and his skin was cool enough to feel like he'd been carved out of ice.

The van gave a violent rock that had equipment sliding into the corner.

"Stop it!" Elise snapped. "If you break everything in here, I can't save him."

"Do it now," that horrible, disembodied voice ordered.

Her hands trembled as she set the breather over Blake's mouth, turning on the machine that would pump warmed, humid air into Blake's lungs. We must reheat his core slowly, We must reheat his core slowly, Mencheres had said. Mencheres had said. Too much artificial warmth to his extremities will make lethal gases fill Blake's bloodstream. Too much artificial warmth to his extremities will make lethal gases fill Blake's bloodstream.

Therefore, Elise didn't use the hot packs with Blake yet. She covered him with blankets and set up the IV to fill an artery with heated blood. Another IV was inserted for a warmed saline solution. Then Elise began CPR, forcing Blake's stationary heart to pump.

An invisible hand slapped her across the mouth. "Faster," Xaphan said.

The demon's voice seemed to rise and fade at the same time. Elise took out a syringe with an elongated needle, punching that needle through Blake's breastbone to inject epinephrine directly into his heart. Then she began compressions to his chest again.

"Bring him back now, now," Xaphan roared. The van lifted off the ground a foot and smashed back down, shattering the windows.

Elise paused to take a long, poignant look at Blake's face. That demon is going to regret what it did to me, That demon is going to regret what it did to me, he'd told her. he'd told her. Don't try to take that away from me, Elise. Don't try to take that away from me, Elise.

That was what she was doing right now, taking away his choice because it hurt her too much to honor it. Searing pain tore through Elise's heart. I can't do it. I love you too much to betray you like that. I can't do it. I love you too much to betray you like that.

She kissed Blake's cold lips, then sat back. "It's over," she told the demon.

A viselike grip settled around her throat, lifting her until her head banged on the ceiling.

"You will obey me," Xaphan said. Waves of sulfur curled around her, the odor so thick, it felt like it was slithering inside her.

Elise could barely talk with the pressure on her throat, but she managed to force out her reply.


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About Four Dukes And A Devil Part 18 novel

You're reading Four Dukes And A Devil by Author(s): Cathy Maxwell, Elaine Fox, Jeaniene Frost, Tracy Anne Warren, Sophia Na. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 595 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.