In Every Heartbeat Part 23

In Every Heartbeat -

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Libby linked arms with Alice-Marie as they walked out of the Sunday morning service. Although Petey had invited her to attend the little rock chapel with him, she'd never accepted his invitation. Not since her weekend in Shay's Ford had she sat in a church service. How had she managed to be away for so long? She smiled, still basking in the glow of meeting with other Christians, singing hymns of praise, and listening to the minister read from the Bible and then offer applications of the words to the congregants' lives.

Looking back, she'd spent a significant amount of time in church. Before they died, her parents had taken her; and then she'd gone with Mr. and Mrs. Rowley to the chapel in Shay's Ford. Libby had spent more Sundays than she could count sitting on a wooden pew. She'd listened, but somehow she'd never accepted the messages. She'd been too busy trying to make G.o.d fit her idea of what He should be. Now that she'd realized that G.o.d knew best, she found a new joy in attending service. She couldn't wait for Petey to come back so she could tell him everything that had happened while he'd been away.

"Do you suppose Bennett will join us for lunch?" Alice-Marie fastened the top b.u.t.ton of her coat and pulled her little felt hat more snugly over her coiled hair.

"Bennett might skip church, but he never misses a meal," Libby answered. "He'll be in the dining hall, ready to be fed, I'm sure." She only wished he would have come to service. The minister's message, taken from the fifth chapter of Matthew, offered a.s.surance that those who hungered for righteousness would be filled. Bennett needed to be filled, and Libby knew the best place to have his deepest hunger met was in G.o.d's Word.

She and Alice-Marie stepped to the side to allow another couple to pa.s.s them on the sidewalk. The man and woman walked arm-in-arm, slowly, their gazes locked. Libby's heart stirred at their intent focus on one another. She and Petey had looked at each other that way across the barn floor on Matt's wedding day. Would they ever gaze into each other's eyes that way again?

Alice-Marie's giggle disrupted Libby's thoughts, and Libby sent her roommate a puzzled look. "What's funny?"

Alice-Marie pointed at the besotted couple. "Do you see who that is? Caroline and Winston." She giggled again, covering her lips with gloved fingers. "Bennett was supposed to take her to the drugstore for a sundae, but she refused to go. Because she went with Winston instead!" Alice-Marie shook her head. "Can you imagine choosing Winston over Bennett?" She heaved a heavy sigh, her eyelashes fluttering. "But I'm relieved. I didn't like the idea of him spending time with another girl anyway."

A rumble echoed in the distance, and Libby looked up. Gray clouds rolled across the sky, hiding the sun. "We'd better hurry before the clouds decide to let loose. I smell rain." Ducking their heads, they trotted the remaining distance. Just before they stepped into the dining hall, thunder growled overhead and fat raindrops burst from the clouds to pelt the ground.

Alice-Marie grimaced. "I suppose we'll be trapped in here for a while."

Libby shrugged, unconcerned. "It's warm and dry, and there's plenty to eat."

As Libby had expected, Bennett was already seated in the dining hall with a full plate of food in front of him. He barely glanced at them when they approached his table. Alice-Marie planted one fist on her hip and pointed to his plate. "You couldn't wait for us?"

"You couldn't hurry?" Bennett countered. His tone carried a hard edge. For the past few days, he'd been short-tempered and moody with Alice-Marie. Libby wondered why the girl tolerated his boorish behavior. Libby would have cheerfully tossed him to Caroline days ago.

"We were in church." Alice-Marie removed her hat and shook it until drops of water scattered. "Why weren't you?"

Bennett leaned over his plate and spooned up an enormous bite of black-eyed peas. "I don't go to church."

"Maybe you should," Alice-Marie said tartly. "It would do you some good."

He didn't reply.

Alice-Marie took a step toward the serving area. "Let's go get in line, Libby."

"I'll be there in a minute."

After looking from Libby to Bennett and back, Alice-Marie flounced away from the table.

Libby slid out a chair and sat, leaning close to Bennett. "Are you still mad and taking it out on Alice-Marie? Because that really isn't fair. She didn't do anything to deserve it."

Bennett paused with his spoon aimed at his plate and flicked a squinty-eyed look at Libby. "I'm not mad."

"Then why are you so testy? You've hurt Alice-Marie's feelings several times in the past few days. You even made her cry." The protectiveness Libby felt toward Alice-Marie surprised her. When had she decided Alice-Marie was more than an annoying roommate? Somehow, over the past months, they'd become friends.

He shoved another bite into his mouth and spoke around it. "Sorry."

"You don't sound sorry." Libby refused to back down when Bennett frowned at her. "Are you going to be nice when she comes back?"

He grunted.

She smacked his wrist. "Bennett!"

Suddenly he burst out laughing. His eyes twinkled, and he gave her a boyish smirk. "If I'm not nice, are you going to bombard me with dirt clods?"

Her irritation melted away as childhood memories filled her mind. How many times had she gotten even with Bennett for some misdeed, real or imagined, by hiding in the bushes beside the dormitory and a.s.sailing him with gathered chunks of dried mud when he least expected it? Many times, Petey had hunkered in the bushes with her, and it had taken all of their self-control to keep from revealing their hiding spot by giggling out loud as Bennett pa.s.sed by.

"I miss those days," she admitted on an airy sigh.

"Yeah. It was a lot easier then, wasn't it?" Bennett glanced toward Alice-Marie, who stood at the food counter, her finger on her lips in great concentration as she chose what to put on her plate. His brows pulled low. "She wants me to go home with her at Christmas-spend a couple of days getting to know her folks."

Libby's eyes widened. "I knew you were spending quite a bit of time together-Alice-Marie tells me everything. But I didn't know you'd become so close."

"We haven't. At least I don't think we have. I'm not real sure what to do about her."

Maybe that explained his churlish behavior. He was trying to scare Alice-Marie away. She gave his wrist a squeeze. "Instead of being mean to her, why not be honest with her? Tell her you're uncertain how to proceed."

He frowned. "That would work?"

Libby laughed. "Why wouldn't it?"

"I dunno. She's a girl. Girls are . . . touchy."

She laughed again. "You've never hesitated to tell me what you think."

"Aw, but everyone knows you're not a normal girl, Lib." The teasing tone let her know she hadn't ruined their friends.h.i.+p by scolding him about his behavior. But he was wrong about her not being a normal girl. Even now, she carried the heartache of a girl deeply in love with someone unavailable to her. She wished she could spare Alice-Marie that pain.

"Never mind about me. About Alice-Marie . . . promise me you'll tell her you aren't ready for a relations.h.i.+p beyond friends.h.i.+p.

She needs to know before she gives you her heart. It's a lot easier to fall in love than it is-" she swallowed, battling tears-"to climb back out once you've fallen. Don't hurt her that way."

Bennett lowered his spoon and gave her his full attention.

"You all right?"

"Not really." She sniffed hard, bringing her emotions under control. "I foolishly let myself fall in love with Petey even though I know we're completely unsuitable for each other. You said it yourself, we just don't . . . fit."

Bennett chewed the corner of his lip. "Yeah, I said that. But you know somethin', Lib? I might've been wrong." He tapped his spoon on the edge of his plate, reminding her of Petey's habit of tapping his peg leg. "Lately you've been different. Calmer. More settled. More like Pete. What you said about finding G.o.d? It changed something in you."

He squirmed in his chair, as if the conversation were making him uneasy. But when he continued, his voice was strong. "Now, I'm not saying you should run out and ask Pete to marry you, but . . . in time . . . if you both still love each other and he should ask you . . . I don't think it would be so ludicrous anymore."

"Oh, Bennett." Without thinking, Libby threw her arms around his neck. He didn't hug her back, but he gave her shoulders some half-hearted pats. While she clung to Bennett, an idea seemed to sail through the air and hit on the back of her head. "Oh!" She pulled loose. "I have to go."

"Go? Go where?" He half rose as she jumped from the chair and began b.u.t.toning her coat.

Alice-Marie hustled over, a tray in her hands and a frown on her face. "Elisabet Conley, did I just see you hugging my . . . hugging Bennett?"

Libby waved away her roommate's concern. "Yes, but don't worry-Bennett will explain."

"I will?" He looked panicked.

Libby gave him a fierce look and hissed, "Just talk talk to her, Bennett!" She spun and headed for the door. to her, Bennett!" She spun and headed for the door.

"Libby?" Alice-Marie's voice called after her. "Aren't you going to eat?"

She didn't even pause. "I'm not hungry!"


"I'll talk to you later!" She dashed out the door, ignoring the rain that continued to fall. Eating could wait. This task could not.


"And so Mr. Branson agreed to give Oscar a job when he's finished serving his sentence, whenever that may be." Pete leaned back and beamed across the table at Aaron and Isabelle.

Oscar would be in good hands with the Bransons. The couple reminded him of his own foster grandparents, Ralph and Helen Rowley, who'd been a wonderful influence on his life. He might have entered a life of crime had they not offered him a safe retreat and treated him like their own. He prayed Oscar would now make better choices with the second chance he'd been given.

"We're so happy things have turned out well for Oscar." Isabelle took Pete's hand. Even though they sat in a public restaurant in Clayton, Pete felt no embarra.s.sment. He loved this woman as much as he could have loved his own mother. It seemed good and right that she would hold his hand and offer her support.

He said, "I've been praying for leniency. Justice, yes, but leniency. I trust the judge will be fair in dealing with Oscar."

Aaron leaned his elbows on the table. "I spoke with Jackson last night. He believes the judge will give Oscar a light sentence since it was his first offense and he was only acting in obedience to his father. Besides, he's already served many days in jail."

Pete's chest constricted at the mention of Gunter Leidig. He couldn't wait to become Peter Rowley, erasing his father's imprint on his life. "I think Oscar will be less likely to get into trouble if he's kept busy in appropriate ways, and he'll be able to help contribute to the family income. That will be a big help to me."

Aaron and Isabelle exchanged a look, and then Aaron cleared his throat. "Pete, Oscar isn't the only person Jackson and I discussed. He told me you were considering dropping out of school to take care of your mother and siblings."

Isabelle pulled her hand away, fixing Pete with a dismayed look. "And I must tell you, I am very much in opposition."

Pete groaned. Why hadn't Jackson allowed him to tell Aaron and Isabelle in his own way? "Would you at least talk to me about this? It's important to me."

Isabelle's green eyes flashed fire. "Nothing is more important than you getting your education. Your scholars.h.i.+p was meant-"

Aaron put his hand over hers. "Isabelle, let's at least hear Pete out."


Aaron shook his head slightly, and Isabelle drew in a deep breath. She released the breath slowly then faced Pete. "Very well. I'll listen." She pointed at him. "But don't expect me to support any scheme that involves you quitting the university!"

In spite of himself, Pete laughed. Often Libby complained about Isabelle, but they were alike in many ways, including being hardheaded. He decided it might be best to keep that opinion to himself, however. "All right. Let me tell you what I'm thinking. . . ."

For the next few minutes, he shared his deep concern about his mother and his siblings' situation. Without a man providing an income, the children would suffer. His throat tightened as he described his strong desire to take care of his brothers and sister. He finished with, "You took care of me. What would have happened to me if you hadn't? My brothers and sister now need someone to look after them. I just want to do what's right."

During his explanation, Aaron and Isabelle had occasionally exchanged glances, seeming to communicate with their eyes, but they hadn't interrupted. Now Aaron spoke. "First of all, we admire you, Pete, for wanting to be responsible for your family."

Isabelle squeezed his hand again. "You could easily ignore your family's plight, given the way they treated you when you were a little boy." She gave him a warm smile. "Your willingness to meet their needs in deference to holding a grudge shows us what a fine man you've grown to be." Tears glittered in her eyes. "We're both very proud of you."

Pete felt his chest puff at their approval. "Then you agree that I should quit school?"

Isabelle raised her chin. "Absolutely not."

"But you just said-"

"We said we admired your desire. We did not say we agreed it was the best thing for you to do."

Pete looked in confusion from Isabelle to Aaron. "Isn't it the same thing?"

Aaron chuckled. "Not quite. All right, Pete. We listened to you. Now will you listen to us?"

Pete suspected he was going to hear the same arguments he'd already endured from Jackson. But he wouldn't be disrespectful to the people who'd raised him. He nodded.

Aaron propped one arm on the table and his expression turned serious. "You see, Pete, Isabelle and I have been praying about a situation at home. We knew when Matt and Lorna got married, Lorna wouldn't want to keep working at the orphans' school forever. She agreed to continue cleaning and helping with the cooking until she and Matt started their family, but . . ." He grinned, gesturing toward Isabelle.

Isabelle clapped her hands together, joy lighting her face. "Lorna is in a family way. Already! She and Mattie will welcome a baby into their home midsummer. They are so delighted, as are we. Isn't it exciting?"

"I'm very happy for them." Pete had no idea how Matt and Lorna's coming baby affected him or his family.

Aaron continued. "Now that's she's expecting a child, she wants to spend her days in her own home, preparing it. So she asked to be released from working at the orphans' school."

Isabelle cut in. "Of course, that has left us dreadfully shorthanded. Poor Cookie Ramona has been run ragged doing all the cooking and the cleaning and the laundry. I help as much as I can, but between my teaching duties and caring for the children, I don't have nearly enough time to spare. So . . ." She once again deferred to Aaron.

"We've been praying for someone to come along and replace Lorna. It takes a special person to be willing to move into the school and dedicate so many hours to the job." Aaron lifted one shoulder, as if hesitant to continue. "After talking to Jackson last night, we got to thinking that maybe your mother would be interested in moving into the school and taking over those"

Pete's eyebrows shot up. "My mother?"

"Why not?" Isabelle's face shone with enthusiasm. "We know she has the ability to be a housekeeper. She's been caring for your father's home and her own children for many years. And of course, if she comes, the children are welcome, too." At that, her face pinched into a delicate grimace. "I am aware it wouldn't be the same as sharing their own private apartment, but at least they'd all be under the same roof."

Pete nodded slowly, liking the idea more and more. If his mother agreed, then he wouldn't have to worry about the children going hungry, being cold, or going unsupervised. Aaron and Isabelle would see that they were educated and attended church. He'd had a wonderful upbringing at the Reginald Standler Home for Orphaned and Dest.i.tute Children, and he possessed no reservations about seeing his brothers and Elma settled there.

Having his mother live in the place that had become home to him, however, gave him pause. He'd spent so many years resenting her, wanting to erase all memories of her. Each time he visited Aaron and Isabelle, he'd be forced to see his mother in his place of refuge and security. Could he allow the two halves of his life-one half bearing unhappy memories and one half bringing peace- to blend?

He asked, "Have you mentioned any of this to my mother?"

Isabelle shook her head. "No." Once again, she cupped her hand over his. "We thought perhaps you would like to pray about it first. Then, if you believe it's in the best interest of your mother and your siblings, we feel you should be the one to suggest it. After all, you are the man of the family now."


Libby dropped her pencil and rubbed her aching knuckles. A glance at the clock confirmed she'd been writing for four straight hours. In privacy. Alice-Marie hadn't returned yet, and Libby hoped she and Bennett had worked out their differences and were sharing a pleasant afternoon together.

She rose and stretched, unkinking the knots in her back, then picked up the sheets of paper containing her newest story. She smiled. Her best yet. Raising her face to the ceiling, she said, "Thank You, Lord." In her hands she held a love story full of romance with a hero destined to melt the heart of any woman. Yet this was a story that would also meet Petey's approval.

Looking at her work, she prayed it would also please the magazine editor. Her face filled with embarra.s.sed heat as she recalled deliberately penning scenes of physical arousal in previous stories. As much as she wanted the opportunity to write for Modern Woman's World Modern Woman's World, she knew she couldn't send more stories of the kind she'd already submitted. In fact, she intended to ask to have her work withdrawn. She'd have to pay back the money they'd paid her, and she hoped they'd be patient about it, but she could no longer in good conscience allow those stories to be published. They didn't honor G.o.d, and from now on, she must honor G.o.d with every part of her being.

Returning to the desk, she opened her Bible and flipped to the chapter the minister had used as a reference at Matt and Lorna's wedding. The beautiful words from First Corinthians 13, outlining the meaning of love, stirred a sweet ache in the center of Libby's chest. Verses four through six spoke so eloquently of G.o.d's love for man as well as His expectation of how His children should love one another.

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