Guardians: The Girl Part 42

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He tries to defend his evil actions. "I hadn't been with anyone in years. I followed her on her way home. She was so beautiful. She had this smile and her eyes sparkled..."

"Screw you and you're sparkling-eyes B.S. You were h.o.r.n.y and you attacked her."

"Why would I attack her? She's the only woman I've ever loved."


"Omnis changes her face and her circ.u.mstances every cycle, but yes, Femi is your mother."


I look at him like there are bugs coming out of his face. I can't wrap my head around it. I know what he said. I mean, I understand the words, but I'm more confused than I have ever been in my life. I have chills all over. Julian looks at me with deep regret. Marcus breaks the silence.

"Julian, are you sure?"

"Yes. I would know Femi anywhere. That's part of the punishment: I will always know her but she will never know me."

"We were told you were the one who lost your memory, not Femi," Miku says.

"The council said that so Atourum wouldn't hunt me down for taking a soul away from her."

"But they came after you anyway."

"Only because they know you want to question me. They don't think I can actually help."

"Can you?" Marcus asks.


"Has everybody here lost their freaking minds?" I shout.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you like this but I wanted you to know that I didn't hurt your mom."

"You took everything away from her."

"We loved each other. I told you I would never hurt her."

"You kidnapped her, you get her memory taken from her, and stop you her from going in to the light for thousands of years. How can you say you didn't hurt her?"

"I took her because I loved her."

"You took her because you're a selfish b.a.s.t.a.r.d who couldn't think about anyone but himself."

"What we did that afternoon was about love, Emmy."

"She didn't even know you."

"I don't believe that. Somewhere in her heart she knew it was me. She didn't fight me. She knew we had a connection."

"She didn't connect to you; she connected to whatever weapon you used."

"I didn't use a weapon."

"So, you tear apart a teenager with your bare hands. Good job."

"She didn't fight. She knew me."

"How is that possible?" Ameana asks.

"I don't know but it felt like she wanted to be close to me. It felt like she wanted to be with me."

"You think she flashed back to your history together?" Jay asks.

"I've heard of Sellers who can recall things from past cycles even when they're kids. Emmy, she wasn't afraid. We made love."

"Then why did she file charges?"

"Maybe she forgot after I left."

"Why didn't you help her? Why did you leave if you already messed up by being with her? Why didn't you stay?"

"The longer I stay with her the harder it is to let her live her life. Every cycle it gets harder and harder to stay away. If I had been with her after that day, in the next cycle, I would not even be able to resist at all."

"You act like its okay, but it's not. You stopped her from being happy. She could have been in the light right now instead of living paycheck to paycheck with a child conceived through rape."

"I told you so you'd know that wasn't the case. I thought this would make you feel better. My biggest fear after finding out that Femi was pregnant was that you'd grow up to feel unwanted. Now you know the truth: you were a product of love, Emmy."

"Love?" I shake my head in disgust. Warm tears stream down my face. I get up slowly and head towards the door.

"Emmy, I know you're mad, but try and understand." He gets up and walks towards me.

"The only thing I could count on was my relations.h.i.+p with my mom. But now I don't know who she is. Everything in my life is a lie. You have ruined my mom's life and now mine. I hate you."

"I can understand that, Piglet."

"You have no right to call me that!"

"Yeah, I guess I'm not going to make father of the year. But I'm also not going to allow you to risk your life by being a part of this mission."

"I don't know you. You can't tell me what to do!"

"No, but I can tell the Guardians this," he says as he look every one of them in the eyes.

"I have helped every single cycle find the Triplex. Without me, they would have been lost. You agree to keep Emmy out of this and I will practically put the Triplex in your hand."

"You're lying," Jay says.

"Ask Rio," he says, looking at the human mood ring.

"He's not," Rio confirms.

"We can't keep her out of this. She's already a part. The Council has seen to that," Ameana says.

"Send her away to stay with her uncle upstate. If you need to question her, you can get her on the phone. Or go up to see her. She does not need to be in harms way, Marcus."

"It doesn't matter where she is-the Akons will find her," Miku says.

"Well, the Akons aren't the only ones who pose a threat now, are they? You think I don't break Splashes? You were told to stay away from Emmy by the Sage."

"So this isn't about her safety, is it? You just don't want me around her?"

"I know what it means to be a Guardian. I know that every thing you love gets destroyed. So I would appreciate it if you would stay away from my daughter."

"We're not together," Marcus insists.

"Good, then you won't have a problem letting her go."

"She won't be protected."

"You're a smart guy, I'm sure you can find away to protect her away from the action."

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," I shout.

"Marcus, you know I'm right," Julian says with a steely conviction in his voice.

Marcus looks at me. His eyes begin to fill with regret. I walk up to him.

"No, don't listen to him," I plead.

"So, how about it, Marcus? Do you want to find the Triplex or not?" Julian asks.


It's Valentine's Day and I planned to hang out with my mom but she got called into work. So, it's just me and Ms. Charlotte. The two of us are protesting "V" Day by watching the most unromantic movies we can find. Halfway though Friday the Thirteenth, there's a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"


My heart races and my hands go cold. It's been a few days since Julian gave Marcus an ultimatum. He said he needed to talk things over with the team and would let me know what he decided. I guess this is it.

I walk over and open the door. He stands there looking beyond s.e.xy with shades and a heart-shaped box.

"These are for you."

"Is this the Guardian's way of saying, 'Get lost, we found Julian, we don't need you?" I say as I move aside and let him in.

"Nothing's been decided yet."

"Well, I know Ameana would love for me to be gone. But what about the twins?"

"They love you, Em. But they are very focused on the mission."

"And you?"

"C'mon, baby girl. You know how I do: I'm faithful to the end. But that Triplex has to be found. Nothing can get in the way of that."

"I'm screwed," I sigh.

I open the box of chocolate and shove three pieces into my mouth almost all at once.

"Chew, Emmy."

"Don't start with me. I'm trying to deal here," I say plopping down of the sofa. He sits beside me.

"It's been hard, huh?"

I shove another piece of chocolate into my mouth. I slide down on to the sofa until the top half of my body is on Jay's lap. He gently strokes my hair. It reminds me of Reese. He had held me this way after I had kissed Marcus in the car. We sat right here and he told me his Core. I miss him.

"How is it?"

"I'm eating too fast to tell. Where are the others?"

"You mean Marcus?"


"He and Ameana are going out tonight."

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