Guardians: The Girl Part 39

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Before the new members have time to join in the opposing group fires back, sending something oval and dark into the air. It misses its mark and falls inches away from our car. Ameana waves her hand, causing the object to go flying in the other direction. Seconds later it blows up and takes a few more huts with it.

The Mylar man throws another grenade but this time his aim is deadly accurate. One of the Tobins jumps into our car in hopes of avoiding the attack. Jay tries to push him off. He knows the men aiming at their target wouldn't care if we were harmed in the process. Sure enough, they launch a rocket and it heads straight for us.

Rio goes to cover us but Marcus yells that he won't be able to cover us all. He calls out for us to jump out of the car. Is he crazy? Before I can make myself consider the question, Jay stomps on the brake and jumps. Marcus and Ameana leap out and roll to the ground. The twins jump and take me along. We all hit the ground just as our car blows up, taking the unwanted rider with it.

Then the shots ring out. I can't tell from where. It has to be in the hills because if the shots were coming from somewhere close, we would have been able to spot the shooters. Rio tries to cover us. Marcus was right: he can't take us all under his wings. Marcus removes himself from Rio's protection so that the rest of us can all fit.

"No, get in here," I yell at him. He pays no attention to me and goes over to one of the torn down huts.

"They think we helped the guy who attacked them with the Bazooka," Rio shouts.

"We had nothing to do with it," I protest.

"They don't care. Now move!" Jay instructs as he guides us to a hut that is barely standing. My heart is racing and I'm sure everyone can hear it beating. There is yet another explosion and it takes out the hut we're heading for, consuming it with flames.

Marcus rips a large block of cement from one of the homes. Ameana waves her hand and guides it in the air. She makes it land in front of us to keep us covered. Jay Glides over to get Marcus who is now out in the open.

The parties start shooting Quips at each other. Marcus orders us to stay down. Ameana reminds him that we are pressed for time. Marcus surveys the area and orders Jay to take me into a hut that Rio says is empty. I want to stay and help, but now isn't the time to argue.

Jay Glides me into the hut. I quickly look out the window and see Ameana disarming both sides by taking their weapons and floating them away. But for every member she disarms, two more start shooting from somewhere in the hills.

Rio enters the hut and s.h.i.+elds me with his wings.

"I'm fine. You need to help the others."

"Miku is going to sing. Cover your ears," he orders.

Miku sings her funeral song. The members of both sides are wailing and crying. I'm feeling more sorrow than I ever did in my life. I'm only tearing up, but had I not been s.h.i.+elded by Rio, I would be screaming in pain like the others outside.

As soon as Miku stops singing, Rio lets me up. He covers us as we try leave. He tells me to stay low to the ground. As we crawl out of the hut, I see Ameana and two little boys curled up in the corner behind a huge bin of water.

The little boys are frightened and crying. Ameana speaks to them. I can't understand what she's saying. I didn't know she knew how to speak the language. She gently wipes their faces and somehow gets them to stop crying.

"Who are they?" I yell over to her.

"They're from a neighboring village. They came here on a dare. We have to get them out."

"Rio, help them."

"Get back in the hut and I'll be back for you," he says. I crawl back into the hut as the Quips fly over head. Rio races to Ameana and the boys. He tries to take them but they won't go with him. They stay stubbornly by Ameana's side. They couldn't have been more than nine or ten years old.

Ameana tells Rio that she'll take them out of the village herself. He tells her it's safer if they go with him. But she insists that she be the one to see them to safety. Rio agrees. He runs out into the middle of the village to cause a diversion. The Quips. .h.i.t him from every angle. Ameana makes a run for it with the boys. A man with a Quip gun sneaks up behind her.

"Ameana, watch out!" She turns in time to see him coming for her. She waves her hand and sends him flying across the village. The boys cheer.

I am so engrossed with what is going on I don't hear the footsteps coming towards me. By the time I look up, it's too late. A man appears in the hut and strikes me in the head with the b.u.t.t of his gun. Everything goes black.

"Emmy, Emmy, wake up." I feel someone shaking me. I wish they would stop so I could go back to sleep. I moan and turn to the side. I just want five more minutes. Why won't they let me sleep?

Someone shakes me again.


"Open your eyes," I do as I'm told and find a group of angels looking down at me. Then it all comes back to me.

"Where are the boys?" I ask Ameana "I had Jay glide them home. They should be okay. Thanks for the heads up," she says. It's not easy for her to say anything nice to me.

"No problem."

I try to get up. My head is throbbing. I groan.

"Yeah, that guy got you good, but we took care of him."

"Ebo was right. They've been given Quip guns by the Akons."

Just then we hear the roar of motorcycles. The angels help me up and we go look out the window. Rage and the other Akons are headed right for us.

Rage raises his hand to fire. Ameana sends him off his motorcycle and into a nearby table. He crashes and topples everything around him. The Guardians tell me to stay put as they race outside.

Jay Glides over to where Rage has fallen and tackles him. Frenzy comes to the aid of his fellow Akon by throwing bolts of electricity at Jay. Jay's whole body shakes uncontrollably as the volts pa.s.s through him. Marcus goes over to help.

p.i.s.sed off, Mayhem throws his daggers at him. Ameana redirects them back to Mayhem, who moves just in time to miss getting killed by his own weapons.

The Guardians are doing a good job fending off the Akons, but Rage has got the better of Marcus. He has thrown what looks like a small whirlpool of wind to the ground. Marcus is powerless as it pulls light from his center.

As the light gets drained from his body, his wings get darker and darker. He is turning a sickly gray color. He stands paralyzed in front of the whirlwind. It's a Soul Chaser. He's gonna die.

I run out of the hut and tackle Rage from behind. He isn't expecting it and I temporarily send him off balance. The stream of wind that is sucking Marcus' soul dry starts to die down because Rage is not there to control it.

But Rage isn't down for long. He gets up and punches me in face with the fury of Atourum. I fall back, momentarily blinded by the sheer force of the hit. The small distraction I caused helps Marcus pull away from the Soul Chaser. When Rage turns to strike me again, Marcus grabs him and plows him into a nearby hut, causing it to split in half.

I can't fully make out what is going on because my left eye is quickly swelling shut. It throbs and pulses like a heartbeat. With my one good eye, I see the duffel bag that was in the car. I can't reach it so I call out for Ameana who is closer. She sends the bag floating over to me. I grab the Stopper and point it at Rage. He was about to crack Marcus' head into the tree stump. I press the b.u.t.ton and Rage is instantly frozen in place.

Meanwhile, Jay has trapped Frenzy underneath one of the tables. Chaos has Miku under his control and forces her to attack her brother with a discarded dagger. Rio s.h.i.+elds himself. Ameana comes to the rescue by picking up a piece of sharp jagged metal and plunging it right into Chaos' back. He yells out in pain as it lands between his shoulder blades. He yanks it out and goes to attack Ameana.

Jay grabs a Para light a few feet from him and s.h.i.+nes it on Chaos, causing him to go blind temporarily. Ameana is able to get away.

Just then Rage is unfrozen. I go to press the Stopper again but Mayhem kicks it out of my hand. It flies off and lands several feet away. Rage gets on his bike and takes off. Seeing this, Jay says we need to get to the Cave before Rage gets there and moves Julian.

"I saw a car back there near the entrance. Let's go," Marcus says as the Akons take off following their leader.

Marcus leads us to the back of one of the huts where a small car awaits. It looks to be about a hundred years old.

"We can make it work. Get in," Jay says confidently.

We all pile into the car. Jay closes his eyes. It's like he's negotiating with the car. Or sweet-talking it like he does the girls at school. Whatever he's doing, it works. The car slowly comes to life. Jay then turns it off and tries again. The car roars.

"Yes, that's what I'm talkin' about," he says as we race down the road.

The Akons have a big lead on us. The fact that the angels can't fly in this area is frustrating. Had they been able to take to the air it would speed things up. The car is already going eighty, but that isn't fast enough. Jay says he doesn't want to push it by making it go any faster; it might stop altogether.

Marcus takes a quick glance at me. He flinches at the sight of my left eye which is now completely shut. I turn away because I don't want him to worry and anyway, it's not his problem. I should have gone for the Stopper first. That way I wouldn't even have had to tackle Rage. But I did the first thing that came to my mind because I couldn't let him suffer.

There is a light coming from down the road. The car slows down until it sputters and dies. It can go no further.

"We can run the rest of the way," Marcus says.

We get out of the car and head towards the cave.

"Meana and Jay will take Rage and Chaos. I'll take Mayhem and Frenzy."

"How can I help?"

"By staying out of the way," Marcus answers.

"No, I can help. I have a Stopper. I'll watch and when it's best, I'll zap him."

"Alright, just stay out of the way until then. And if they come close to you, use the Para light to blind them. When they start shooting, you take cover no matter what is going on with one of us," Marcus says pointedly. I take that to mean he didn't appreciate me risking my life to save him.

We see the cave Ebo had spoken of. It is glowing brightly from within. Around the cave are miles of wildly growing trees and brushes.

Rage shoots at us from on top of a nearby tree. We duck and take cover. Ameana picks up all the bikes and starts dropping them on their respective owners. Jay is able to flash the Para light and blind Rage long enough to get him to stop shooting. Marcus takes off after Mayhem who has just thrown a dagger inches away from my face.

He instructs the twins not to worry about us and to focus on reprogramming the timer at the base of the Cave. They take one more look at the battle situation and reluctantly go towards the cave.

"I can see him! I see Julian" I shout to the team as I head over to the opening.

"No," Rio says as we are about to enter.

"What is it?" his sister asks.

"A Soul Chaser. I can hear the wind swirling. Stay behind me." He takes out his s.h.i.+eld and Miku gets behind him.

"It's too strong. We won't be able to go in. It'll pull my wings right off. We need to be able to turn it off at the base."

I run over to them. "I'll go. The Chaser won't cause me as much damage." They look at each other not sure they should allow me to do in. Marcus overhears our conversation as he and Rage throw blows at each other.

"No!" he shouts to the Twins.

This is stupid. It's my planet too.

"I'm going," I say and head into the cave.

"Emmy, it's too strong for you," Marcus roars as Rage throws a fireball at him. He is so focused on me he barely has time to move. If not for Ameana, navigating the fireball away from him, he would have been set ablaze.

"I'm the only one that can come close to it without dying. I'm going."

"Jay will Glide over and do it," he shouts. He is trying to get to me but Rage is on his tail and won't let up. He keeps having to dodge fireball after fireball.

I look to Jay just as Mayhem stabs him in the leg. I start to call out his name but before I get the words out the twins are at Jay's side.

Frenzy hurls a bolt of lightning straight for Ameana.

"You are really getting on my nerves, you freak," she yells.

It's the first time I've seen her lose control in the line of duty. She pulls a tree out of the ground and drops it on Frenzy. He moves away just in time. It falls on the ground, shaking everything around us.

Seeing that Ameana has managed to almost get the better of Frenzy, Rage launches a fireball at her. Unlike the other times, she doesn't see it coming. Both Marcus and I call her name at the same time. She looks up just as it lands on her.

I think my heart has stopped. I look over expecting to see Ameana up in flames. But there is nothing there. A few yards away Jay holds Ameana protectively in his arms. Marcus calls for Rio to s.h.i.+eld him as he makes his way over to Ameana.

"Are you okay?" he asks to her.

"Fine. Thanks, Jay," she says breathlessly.

"Ain't nothing." He puts her down. Marcus pulls her close.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks again.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"I thought you were-"

"No way."

"It's time, let's go," Rage yells at his team. All of them get on their bikes and take off.

They didn't think they could defeat us. They just wanted to slow us down so that we would get caught up in the blast. The others are thinking the same thing, too.

"It was all just to delay us," Jay says.

"I should have known," Marcus says bitterly.

"Focus, guys. We need to get to Julian," Ameana says.

"We can't go in. The Chaser is too strong. And, according to this, we only have two minutes until the whole d.a.m.n cave blows up" Rio replies.

"Can't you rewire it?" Marcus asks.

"Not enough time," the twins reply.

"I can do it," I insist.

"No, it'll pull you in," Marcus counters. There's no time to argue. I take a deep breath and run into the cave.

"Emmy!" Marcus calls after me.

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