Guardians: The Girl Part 24

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"You really think that's gonna help your problems?" he asks.

"Why can't you just be cool and say yes?"

"I just think you need to figure some stuff out."

"What do you think I should do?"

"That's not for me to say."

"That's bull. You're standing there like you are the freaking Sage and you're judging me. If you are so much smarter than I am, tell me what to do."

"First off, you shouldn't be rolling Runners up in a ball and kicking them around like a d.a.m.n school kid. Then maybe you can be a man about it and just tell Ameana that you want your Rah back."

"Why are you so concerned about my girlfriend?"

"Well, someone should be. Now that you've stripped her of her powers, what is she supposed to do if they attack her?"

"It's Triweekend. No one is going to attack anyone."

"You drove her to do that, Marcus. You drove her to attack Emmy. How could you just think she would be okay with being disrespected like that?"

"I wasn't the one who did it. I didn't have any idea what the third condition was going to be."

"You have to stop these games. It's hurting her. It's hurting both of them."

"Rio, is there something you'd like to tell me about you and Ameana?"

"Yeah, I'm her friend. Maybe you should try that sometime."

"Look, the guys want you to come and hang for Triweekend. You in or not?"

"No, thanks. I think I'd rather be a grown-up today. Try me tomorrow," he says as we walk down the hall.

Just then Miku and Emmy came around the corner.

"How do you feel?" I ask Emmy.

"Okay, thanks."

"You have to take her. I need to go recharge. I have been up all night. I need to go back in the car and get some quiet," Miku says. Her tone was unfriendly and cool.

"Yeah, no problem," I say.

She turns and walks down the hallway. Emmy calls out goodbye to Miku but she does not reply.

"She's a little mad at me," I say.

"Well, that's something we have in common. I think she's had it with me, too."

"She isn't upset with you. She's just ticked off because I took Ameana's wings away."

"Did you really have to do that?"

"I had to. She injured a human who was in no way attacking her."

"Okay, I didn't touch her, but I could understand her being mad."

"If you knew she was gonna be p.i.s.sed, why did you do it?"

"Because you would have taken the same risk for me."

"Emmy look-"

"Wait. I'm not asking to be with you. I'm just saying that last night I thought I would take the chance, but now I wouldn't. It was wrong."

"Alright, let's just forget about it."

"So, when are you gonna fill me in on all things angel?"

"Miku hasn't been doing that?"

"Yeah, but I still have questions."

"Okay, what do you need to know?"

For the rest of the day, we would meet between so I could answer all her questions. She wanted to know about everything. She listened carefully and asked really good questions. I was impressed with how much information she had retained.

"So, that's the last question?" I ask.

"For now. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know," she says.

"We are taking off for Triweekend."

"The council's holiday is this weekend?"

"Yeah, supposedly the Paras are gonna be there."

"I thought they never come down here."

"They will for Triweekend. Or so the Splash said, but you can't really go by them."

"The Splash?"

Shoot. I forgot to tell her that part. And I know all too well why I did. I explained about the gossip paper and how to read it.

"That sounds so cool. Can I break one?"

"It's really just trash, Emmy. They never get anything right. As a matter of fact, they go out of their way to get things wrong."

"What's the big story now?"

"I didn't break any this week."

"Okay, let's go get one and break it."

"You have cla.s.s."

"Why do I get the feeling you are trying to hide something from me?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you want to protect me?"

"Yes, I do."

"C'mon, Marcus. What's in the Splash?"

"Gossip and innuendo."

"Tell me. You said no more keeping things from me."

"The big story is us."

"The Guardians?"

"And you."


"Well, yeah. You're kind of big news."

"Cause I'm the clue?"

"The clue who kissed me."

"How did they know about that?"

"Traveler angels are sneaky. They eavesdrop on people all the time. Anyway, just forget about it, Emmy. Soon they'll move on to another story."

"Did Ameana see it?"


"So, she hates me?"

"You kissed her boyfriend, you asked him out in front of everyone and she lost her wings for attacking you. I don't know if she hates you, but I wouldn't be expecting a hug from her anytime soon."

"You think I deserve all that's happened to me, huh?"

"I think you deserve to be happy. I'm sure there is a guy who can help make that happen. Have you ever thought about Henry? He's nice."

"What are you doing?"

"What? You don't like him? I had him checked out. He has a good heart and Rio says he likes you."

"So, just like that I'm supposed to replace what I feel for you with another guy?"

"I want you to be happy."

"You want this thing between us to go away so that I'm not hurting anymore."

"Is that wrong?"

"You can't get over me. What makes you think I can get over you?"

"Maybe you're stronger than me."

"Doubt it."

"You shouldn't be alone. You should be with someone. That way you'll be happy."

"You're with someone-are you happy?"

"Not at the moment."

"But you're sure that'll change soon?"

"Meana and I'll work things out. We have to."

"And if you don't?"

"We will."

"Is she talking to you?"


"You talking to her?"


"I'm gonna wait on the finding someone. 'Cause I don't think I could handle being as 'happy' as you and Ameana are."

"Look, we have to live with the situation the way it is. We all have to deal. But that doesn't mean that you can take shots at my relations.h.i.+p."

"I don't have to shoot at it Marcus, it's already dead."

"I am not leaving her."

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