Guardians: The Girl Part 18

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"I'm sorry about the onyx. You know, if it was up to me, I would have helped you save her."

"Yeah, right. You were just doing your job," he said bitterly.

I could have told him that I had gone to be with the lady before she died, but I don't think it would have helped. Besides, I didn't do it to get credit. It pained me that I had to watch her pa.s.s away.

"I'm doing my job, Rio," I said gently.

"Yeah, is that's why we haven't found Julian? Is that why Emmy's still keeping a secret and Ameana can't stand the sight of you? Because you are doing your job so well?"

"You know, I'm really tired of babysitting you. You knew when you were on the bridge that saving lives that are destined to die is not allowed. Now you get here and have a d.a.m.n tantrum like a d.a.m.n six-year-old. Grow up."

"Go to h.e.l.l." That was the worst thing an angel could wish on you. He stormed out of the room, and I left the state. I went to the Green Mountains again. Miku came along shortly.

"I'm tired of being mad at you," she said.

"Is that even possible?"

"Yeah, it is. So say you're sorry for snapping at me."

"You know I am."

"Yeah, I do."

"You're a great Guardian. You've always done your share."

"Yeah, I'm a wonder," she said. I turned to look at her. She was so adorable. You would never guess that death was only a melody away from her lips.

"How's your brother?"

"He hates you."

"The line's long."

"Really long."

"How is she?"

"Which 'she' are you talking about?"

"C'mon, Pretty." She loved when I called her that. I had told her that the first thing I thought when I found out what her power was, was that she was pretty and deadly. I always called her that when I was trying to get something from her or cheer her up.

"If you mean Ameana, she's okay, considering."

"Considering what?"

She looked at me as if to say, "Don't be stupid."

"You have to go get it, Marcus."

"No, I love Ameana."

Miku wanted me to go get my heart from Ameana. Angels are basically made up of two parts: our hearts and our souls. The heart represents our physical life and the soul is our life now as angels. Since we could not give our souls away, we literally gave our hearts. Since we don't need a heart to stay alive anymore, we keep it encased in a shatterproof gla.s.s called the Rah.

Giving someone your Rah was the equivalent of a human marriage. When and if one angel wanted their heart back, they both needed to open the Rah together. That meant that both parties were okay about the change that was being made. If both parties didn't open it at once, the Rah would not open. This was Omnis' way of ensuring that both angels had talked things out and held no bitter feelings.

Ameana has my Rah. We had made the trip after we fell in love. It was the first time we were on Earth together. I am not going to tell her that she now has to travel with me to get it back. I will not break her heart.

"I can't ask her to do that, Miku."

"Well, you better do something."

"I love Ameana."

She was quiet. She always was when it came to the subject of love. I think in her mind, that's the reason why she died.

"Hey, I really am sorry I snapped at you. How do I make it up to you?"

"The next Runner I kill, I want to play with. I want full reign to maim, burn or let bleed out as I see fit, deal?"


That girl is one creepy little angel...


Miku suggested I invite Emerson to dinner. Maybe having a meal together would help to relax her and let her know she is among friends. After dinner, I drove her home.

Sitting there in the car, a part of me bitterly resented what she was doing to me. I know it's not her fault, but does she have to be so... alluring? Could she do something about the adorable way she looks up toward the sky when she's thinking? Or the way her eyes fill with wonder when we do something humans can't?

And what about the way her laughter sounds like a melody too sweet and complicated to be replicated by any known instrument? Surely she can do something to stop that. Argh!

I make myself count down from one hundred. That way I can focus on something else besides the spot between her earlobe and neck. It looked so soft. Her lips were slightly parted as she looked out the window. I wanted to part them further with mine.

I put my both hands on the steering wheel. I could not allow myself to let go until she was out of the car. I cracked the outer frame of the steering wheel because I was holding on too tight. Jay would kill me, but better Jay than Ameana.

Suddenly, she leaned in and kissed me. It was far better than I could even begin to explain to you. It's a good thing angels don't breathe. I would have stopped right then and there. Her lips are soft like clouds, and I would know.

I've fought Akons, Runners and p.a.w.ns. I've died a slow painful death on Earth. And nothing, nothing can compare to how hard it was for me to pull away from her lips. I don't think I could bring myself to do it twice in a lifetime. I pulled away. The look on my face shattered her. She ran from the car.

I called out her name but I stayed where I was. What would I do if she were in my arms weeping? There was no mistake about it: if I got out of the car and went to her, there would be nothing angel-like about the way I'd touch her.

Here's the thing-when do I tell Meana? There is no question as to whether or not I tell her. I couldn't stand myself if I didn't. I owe her that. Besides, girls always know these things. I guess it's some type of woman's intuition. That's what I've always been told.

I have to be real careful about how to break the news to Meana. She could hurl me to the moon or send Emerson into orbit. Losing Julian was bad, but losing the only clue we had? That would be catastrophic.

A few hours later, Ameana came home. She barely nodded to me as she went off into her room. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

"What?" she said.

"Can we talk?"

"I'm not in the mood, Marcus. Go fight with someone else."

"Please, Mimi. It's important."


I opened the door and came in. She was leaning by the window, looking out at the city.

"Did you decide to tell them yet?" she asked.

"No, it's not about that. It's about us. Well, me and the girl."


"Yeah, she kissed me."


"That's it?"

"Thanks for telling me."

"Don't do this, Ameana. Don't shut down on me. It was hard to come tell you this, but I did because I wanted to be honest with you."

"Honest? You want to be honest?"



"Excuse me?"

"When are you planning to grace me with this honesty?"

"I'm doing that now."

"No, you're covering your b.u.t.t in case I find out about it."

"I didn't even think about that. I wanted to be honest."

"Then admit to me that you have wanted her since the day you saw her. Admit that saying her name out loud is hard for you because you want her so much it hurts. Admit that you kissed her back."

"She kissed me and I pulled away. I can tell her not to do it again. I can make sure she understands that you and I are together."

"Before you explain that to her, maybe you should try reminding yourself."

"I know we're together. I haven't done anything to betray that."

"Did you like the kiss?"


"Don't screw with me. Marcus. I'll wrap you around a power line. Answer the question."

"No, I didn't like it."

"You know what hurts, Marcus? Not that you want her. Not that you think about her all the time. It's not even the fact that you let her kiss you. What hurts right now is the lie you just told me."


"Get out."

"I'm just trying to-"

She waved her hand and catapulted me out the window and onto the other side of the street. I hit walls and lamp posts along the way. Man, that hurt. But I didn't pull rank on her. She had a right to her anger. I had messed up badly. The worst thing is if I had a chance to kiss Emerson again, I would. And the only girl I've ever loved knows that.

The next day, Reese had gone over to Emerson to make sure I didn't completely wreck her self-esteem. Jay and Ameana had gone out together to hunt Runners. I got a text from Jay that read "Meana on way, p.i.s.sed. Duck."

What does that mean? I didn't have to wait long to find out. I was sitting on the stairs feeling like a complete loser when something came flying towards my head at inhuman speed. I ducked just in time. It crashed and hit the wall behind me. It was a Splash, and Meana had thrown it at me from down the street.

"Whoa, what the...?"

"You lousy, no good b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" she shouted.

"What the heck was that?" I asked again.

"Read the Splash, Marcus. Read it."

I turned around to where the globe had hit the wall. The words that splashed on the wall had formed into a newspaper behind me. In the center was a picture of me and Emerson kissing. I walked in closer to read the article on the wall.

Guardian Couple Woes could ground 'Walkers'

By I. M. Trouble h.e.l.lo, my little winged ones. I have some troubling news to report to you. It seems that our beloved first Guardian couple may be headed the way of Brad and Jennifer. And who is the Angelina in all of this you ask? Well, it happens to be the human, Emerson Hope Baxter. That's right! As the picture shows above, the human has her claws-or should we say her lips-around our very own First Guardian.

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