When We Met Part 4

When We Met -

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Usually she preferred condo living-less maintenance for her-but when the company had relocated to Fool's Gold, she'd decided to try a house.

The place was small-only two bedrooms, but they were both a nice size. The house had been remodeled pretty much from the ground up, so she had a new kitchen and a nice walk-in shower in the bathroom. Surprisingly, the feature that most appealed to her was the garden. An old-fas.h.i.+oned stone fence surrounded the backyard. There was a patio and several raised plant beds. She'd never grown anything before in her life, but she'd started doing some research and was thinking of planting some flowers and a few vegetables.

Now Taryn walked through the kitchen. She kicked off her heels and walked barefoot down the hallway and into the master. Although the house had been updated, most of the Craftsman touches had been left in place, including the built-in bookcase by the stone fireplace across from her bed. The fence out back was high enough that she didn't have to pull her drapes for privacy, which allowed a lot of light into the room. She shrugged out of her jacket, then unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the carpet. She removed her blouse, then put on a robe and walked into the bathroom.

She wore her black hair long and loose. Minimal daily products, plenty of conditioner and weekly scalp treatments kept her hair in decent shape. She'd been pleasantly surprised to discover that she could get her favorite hair gloss applied every six weeks here, just as she had done back in L.A.

She pulled her hair back in a cloth headband and washed her face. Then she reapplied her makeup, paying close attention to her eyes. She was going to be wearing black, so she wanted to emphasize her eye shape and color. When she was done with that, she applied a faint s.h.i.+mmering body lotion to her chest, shoulders, arms and legs.

After penciling in a nearly nude lip color, she returned to her bedroom and stepped into the closet. She already knew what she was going to wear-she'd made her decision as soon as she'd seen the invitation. If Angel wanted to play games, she was willing to play them with him. But she was equally determined that she would be the winner.

To that end, she removed her bra and then stepped into the strapless black dress she'd chosen. From the front, it was simple-fitted and nearly to the knee. But in the back it dipped to hip level. Every time she moved, the fabric s.h.i.+fted as if the viewer were going to see something he shouldn't. A killer dress, she thought with a smile. Perfect for a former sniper.

The best part was she would pair the dress with a cla.s.sic black blazer. With the jacket, the outfit was conservative enough for work. But without...

She studied her shoes and chose a pair of Dolce & Gabbana lace pumps with four-inch heels. She wasn't usually a lace-and-bow kind of woman, but these were both s.e.xy and sophisticated. Of course they were D&G, so it wasn't as though she could actually go wrong.

She stepped into the shoes and then studied herself in the mirror. Jewelry should be simple, she thought, and went with diamond studs that Jack had given her when their divorce was final.

She transferred the items she would need for that night to a black silk clutch, then headed out the door.

Condor Valley Winery was set in the foothills, just above the vineyards. Although the sign in the parking lot said they closed at five this time of year, she parked by the main doors and walked up the paved path. She had no doubt that Angel would have made special arrangements. He was a man used to getting his way and he wouldn't let a little thing like regular business hours deter him.

Sure enough a woman in her earlier twenties was waiting inside. She smiled. "Ms. Crawford?"


"If you'll follow me, please."

The woman led Taryn to a small elevator that whisked them to the third floor. From there they went into what looked like a private library-a room filled with built-in bookcases and comfortable, black leather furniture. Double doors stood open and led to a large balcony with a bistro table and two chairs. From where she stood, Taryn could see the whole valley and the sun just beginning to set. Any chill was chased away by the portable heaters set up around the table.

"Let me get your appetizers," the woman said, and excused herself.

A minute or so later she was back with two plates of small bites. Once she placed them on the table, she returned to the library and collected a bottle of red wine and two She expertly opened the wine but didn't pour, then smiled at Taryn and left.

Taryn stepped out onto the balcony and breathed in the night air. Antic.i.p.ation settled low in her belly, but there was also a kind of quiet comfort. It had been a long time since a man had taken care of her this way. Or maybe the fault was hers-maybe it had been too long since she'd let someone take care of her.

"Good evening."

She turned and saw Angel standing in the doorway. He looked tall and broad-imposing in a black s.h.i.+rt and black pants.

"h.e.l.lo," she said, staying where she was, wanting him to come to her.

He didn't disappoint. He closed the s.p.a.ce between them and took her hands in his. "You came."

"You're not surprised."

One eyebrow rose. "Maybe I am."

She laughed. "I doubt that. Thank you for my orchid. It's very beautiful."

"It reminded me of you."

His hands were warm, his grip gentle. He didn't try to pull her close or make her feel as if he wouldn't let go. A clever strategy because she found herself wanting to step nearer.

In her four-inch heels, she was nearly his height, so contortions would not be required if they were to kiss. She could just ease forward and find out if the faint heat sweeping through her was all about possibilities or if there was reality to the quivering.

Or not, she thought as she carefully took a single step back.

He released her instantly, then gestured to the chairs by the table. "Shall we?"

When they were seated, Angel poured them each a gla.s.s of wine. "This Cab is from their library collection. Aged longer than most of the wine they sell. It's smooth, with a surprising finish."

She hung her bag over the handle of her chair, then reached for the gla.s.s. "Why do I get the idea you're talking about more than the wine? Although I'm not comfortable being described as aged."

"Maybe I wasn't talking about you," he said, his gray eyes settling on her face.

"Yourself, then." She tilted her head. "Yes, I can see that. Although I have some concerns about the surprising finish. What does that mean? A little squeak? A fist pump? Should I be worried?"

He chuckled, then touched his gla.s.s to hers. "Thank you for joining me tonight."

"Thank you for asking me."

She took a sip. The Cab was smooth, but there was still a hint of tannins at the end. Plenty of berry flavor, without it being overpowering.

"Why did you come to Fool's Gold?" she asked.

"Justice moved the company here."

"Was that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I like small towns. I grew up in one." He turned his attention to the view. "You're not from a small town."

A statement or a question, she wondered. "No, I'm an L.A. girl at heart. Moving to Fool's Gold has been a transition."

"Then why not keep the company in la-la land?"

"I was outvoted. Jack, Kenny and Sam came here for a Pro-Am golf tournament. I'm still not clear on what happened that weekend, but when they returned to work on the following Monday, they announced we were moving." She sipped her wine again. "Score is a democracy and I was in the minority. Of course they left all the details of moving up to me."


"Where did you grow up?"

"West Virginia." He glanced at her and smiled. "A place you've never heard of. Coal mining town."

"I've never been in one," she admitted.

"There's good and bad. A lot of poverty with one large employer. The work is hard. My mom died when I was born, so it was my dad and me. I watched him come out of that coal mine day after day and swore I was going to get out."

"Which you did."

"I went into the military. When I left, I got involved with a security company doing about the same kind of work without so many rules."

She wasn't sure what that meant. Black ops stuff? Which, like the coal mining town, was more concept than reality to her.

"I'm sorry about your mom," she said.

"Thanks. I never knew her." His mouth curved up again. "The women on our block decided they were going to take her place. They were always looking out for me. It was like having twelve moms instead of one. Let me tell you, it was tough to be bad."

She laughed. "Which you wanted to be."

His gaze locked with hers. "Nearly all the time. But I learned patience. There were still opportunities, but I had to work for them."

A message? She held in a s.h.i.+ver and reminded herself he was good. Better than she was used to.

"What about you?" he asked. "Suburbs? Two-point-four siblings and a white picket fence?"

An easy question for most, she thought, the need to s.h.i.+ver fading as if it had never happened. Tension crept through her, but she ignored the tightening in her shoulders as she tried to calculate how much to tell. And how to tell it such that he didn't know she was lying.

"It was my dad and me, just like you," she said, confident their situations couldn't have been more different. "My mom left when I was young."

"That's rough."

She shrugged because the truth-that her mother had walked away from her only child, as well as her husband-was bad enough. Worse was the fact that the man had regularly beaten them both and with his wife gone, he'd only had one place to turn.

"It was L.A.," she said lightly. "I had distractions. And now we're both here. The people are very welcoming, if a little too involved in each other's lives."

"The disadvantage of a small town. There aren't a lot of secrets."

She relaxed as he accepted the change in topic. Every new relations.h.i.+p had to navigate through that rocky s.p.a.ce. The exchange of past information. It was done and they would move on.

"How does that work for you?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You're a man of secrets."

He laughed. "Less than you would think. I go to work, hang out with my friends." Humor warmed his eyes. "I do live with a woman."

"So I've heard. Consuelo Ly. She's engaged."

"d.a.m.n. And here I thought I was going to rile you."

"It's a little early to play the jealousy card. Besides, you don't cheat." She took a sip of her wine and wished they were sitting closer. The evening would be more interesting without this table between them.

"How do you know that?"

"Am I wrong?"


She leaned closer. "You're not the type. In my book, with cheating comes shame. You wouldn't allow that emotion." She smiled. "My business partners are guys. We spend a lot of time with each other. Let's just say whatever I didn't know about your gender before we went into business I've since learned."

"Okay," he said slowly. "You're right. I don't cheat."

"How long were you married?" Because she'd heard that he had been. Not that it was easy getting information on Angel without admitting her interest. Something she hadn't been willing to do.

"Sixteen years."

Okay, that was unexpected. "A long time," she admitted. "What happened?"

"She died. A car accident."

Five simple words spoken in a matter-of-fact tone. But Taryn heard the pain behind the sentences. Felt the wound as if it had been inflicted on her.

"I'm sorry," she said automatically, even as she knew the phrase was ridiculous and unhelpful. "How long has it been?"

"Six years."

The way he spoke the words told her there was still emotion there. Still caring. She liked that he hadn't banished his wife to some back part of his memory.

"What about you?" he asked.

"I was married once. Briefly. To Jack."

One eyebrow rose. "Your business partner Jack?"

She nodded. "I left home after high school." A lie, but one she always told. No one had to know she'd run away at sixteen and lived on the streets. It had been tough and scary, and she'd made it through.

"After a year or two of dead-end jobs, I realized if I wanted to make something of myself, I needed to get an education. I worked my way through college and graduated when I was twenty-six."

With a ton of debt and a sense of pride she'd never experienced before.

"Good for you."

"Thanks." She glanced out at the horizon, watching the last of the light fade in the west. Stars had already appeared overhead. The air was cooler, but with the heaters, she stayed warm.

"I was lucky," she continued. "I got a PR job with the L.A. Stallions. I was broke and living in my car, but it was a chance to use my degree."

"Marketing?" he said with a laugh. "You studied marketing."

"I know. Not practical. I kept trying to talk myself into accounting. A solid and stable career. But I loved the creative side of business and I figured I might as well go for it. I waitressed at an all-night diner, went to cla.s.s, studied and slept about four hours a night. When I got an interns.h.i.+p, it was worse, but I didn't care. I knew what I wanted."

She'd thrown herself into her goals and told herself she would get a chance to sleep when she was thirty.

"My third day with the Stallions, Jack caught me eating the leftovers from some catered lunch they'd had." She'd been wrapping sandwiches meant for the garbage in napkins with the idea that they could easily be her meals for the next couple of days.

"He took pity on me and invited me out to dinner." She turned to Angel. "Dinner turned into breakfast. A few days later, I moved in with him."

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