Timeless Regency Collection: A Country Christmas Part 19

Timeless Regency Collection: A Country Christmas -

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Archie s.h.i.+fted, resting his hand back on the blanket behind Jane.

Jane stretched and yawned, giving him a smile. "If I remain here, I will fall asleep." She stood and walked toward the couch.

Archie agreed wholeheartedly. He wouldn't mind a nap himself, and without permission, his mind conjured the image of an early afternoon nap with Jane's soft figure curled up beside him. He was still dwelling on this pleasant thought when he heard Jane's gasp.

She moved to the window, then turned to the group with a smile. "Come look outside. It has stopped snowing!"

Chapter Four.

Jane stepped through the cottage door onto the small porch and stopped, enchanted by the sight before her. "Beautiful," she breathed.

The air smelled clean and crisp. Above, the clouds had separated enough to allow suns.h.i.+ne through, and all around, the earth looked as if it was covered in a thick, white blanket. Forest branches hung heavy with their loads, and the ground was pristine, save for a few trails of animal tracks crisscrossing over the soft snow.

"I don't believe I've seen this much snow since I was a girl," Kathleen said.

"It feels like we are the only people on the earth," Maryann replied. "It's so peaceful."

Jane pulled her cloak tighter, glad that she wore thick boots and mittens. Though the sun shone through thinning clouds, the air was still chilled. She s.h.i.+vered and hoped once she started moving, her body would warm up.

The group set off through the thick powder, Archie in the lead. He pulled a sled he'd borrowed from Simon. It had a sort of wagon box attached, apparently used for excursions into town or hunting trips. He had also procured gardening shears and a small hand ax to a.s.sist with their task of gathering Christmas greenery. Was the wagon large enough to hold a tree?

Jane sank with every step, then pulled her foot from its pit and sank again. Glancing at the group, she saw the others did the same. Walking took an enormous amount of effort. The women's dresses and cloaks were c.u.mbersome and grew heavy when snow stuck to them. She held her skirts as well as she could, but short of throwing them over her shoulder, they were destined to be a burden. But Jane wouldn't complain.

She was thrilled with their outing. Searching for greenery and a Yule log as a child was nearly a forgotten memory. She was surprised at the swell of antic.i.p.ation. She almost felt giddy. But as she glanced ahead at Archie's broad shoulders beneath his cape and his hair curling over the back of his collar, she thought perhaps a portion of her enjoyment came from the man leading the excursion. If she were to be honest, his presence accounted for more than just a portion.

Archie made her happy-it was simple, really.

When she spoke, he listened. He complimented her and was genuinely interested in what she said. While the others watched her carefully, babied her, and seemed as if they were just waiting for her to succ.u.mb to another attack, Archie was her friend. He'd never treated her as if she were mad. And there were moments when . . .

She shook off her silly thoughts and reminded herself that Archie acted the same to everyone-equally happy, equally considerate, and equally kind-which was the reason people sought his presence. Putting too much significance on his particular attentions to her would only lead to heartache later.

That lesson had been painfully obvious the night before when he'd given her the disappointingly brother-like kiss. But try as she might, she could not prevent her thoughts from turning to his expression when he gave her the book. The considerate gift showed he knew her well. He had laughed and complimented her when she read and made her feel so sure of herself. He'd sat close beside her as they toasted cheese, and how could she forget his embrace? It was all so confusing. Her feelings for Archie grew deeper with each pa.s.sing day, and last night she'd thought there could be more to his. But she was mistaken.

The surrounding snow muted the sounds of their boots scuffing through the powder, and the group walked in silence. Jane wondered if the others felt the enchantment of the fresh snowfall or if they were just quietly struggling to wade through it. They moved along the edge of the forest where the trees were well-s.p.a.ced. Large, snow-covered boulders dotted here and there along the slope.

Jane wondered why they weren't walking directly into the forest. It seemed a much smarter course to search for greenery where there were more trees.

Reaching the top of a gentle hill, Jane looked back and saw the cottage by daylight: a humble stone structure set between a frozen pond and the deeper forest. Gazing beyond, she could see the smoke from the Cringlewoods' home, though she could not see the house itself through the trees.

Archie stopped after a moment, then looked up at a tree, scratching beneath his ear. He turned to the others with brows drawn. "This is the direction Simon pointed us in, but it appears holly trees look exactly like all the other trees when they're covered in snow." He turned, taking off his hat and squinting as he looked up through the branches. "I'm not exactly sure how-"

His words halted when a shower of snow dropped on him. He shook himself, brus.h.i.+ng piles of powder from his shoulders.

From the corner of her eye, Jane saw Jonathan move again. He hurled a ball of snow into the tree, and another branch released its load down onto Archie.

"Jonathan!" Maryann said, the reprimand she'd obviously intended at odds with the amus.e.m.e.nt in her voice.

The marquess grinned. "I'm just offering a.s.sistance, my dear. Archie needed a way to identify the trees beneath their covering of snow. And I obliged him by solving the prob-"

A ma.s.s of snow exploded on Jonathan's chest, spraying over the entire group.

"Now, see here, sir," Jonathan called, grinning. He scooped up another ma.s.s of snow, and c.o.c.ked his arm to throw it.

Archie was already prepared and let another shot fly.

The women scampered away from the two men who had, without warning, reverted back to their boyhood. Yells and taunts sounded through the quiet woodland behind them as Archie and Jonathan continued their snow battle.

"Oh, really." Maryann folded her arms and huffed. "Acting like chil-" She gasped when a clump of snow hit her, then whirled around to find the culprit.

Another hit Jane. The sisters shared a confused glance, looking at the men who were engaged in their own match and couldn't have hit them from such an angle. They both turned to see Kathleen wearing an enormous grin.

She was forming another handful of snow into a ball.

"Mother Kathleen!" Maryann looked at her, disbelieving. "You-"

Kathleen threw the s...o...b..ll, barely missing the brim of Maryann's bonnet.

Jane and Maryann both s.n.a.t.c.hed up snow and began to fight back, shrieking and laughing when a cold projectile hit them, then retaliating at both the older woman and each other.

Archie and Jonathan must have heard their shouts, because they halted their battle and started toward them. Both men had lost their hats.

Archie's hair was damp and falling over his forehead in curls. He smiled widely. "I would not have supposed you proper ladies capable of such mischief."

"Archie, watch out for Mother Kathleen! She's an excellent shot," Jane panted.

He raised his brows in a surprised expression and opened his mouth to respond when Kathleen hit him. Snow sprayed on his shoulder, over his face, and into his mouth.

He laughed heartily. "It's the sweet ones you have to watch out for. They're the most devious." Wiping off his cheeks with the back of his sleeve, he grabbed Jane's hand and pulled her across the field to duck down behind a large mound of snow that was likely a buried boulder.

Jane's heart was beating from the physical exertion, and she breathed heavily, her breath swirling out in white puffs. "Are we hiding?"

"Hiding? Never." Archie crouched down and started compressing snow into b.a.l.l.s, making a pile. He glanced around the rock and pulled his head back as a s...o...b..ll flew past. "It looks like the enemies have joined forces. I'll build up the defenses, and you work on artillery." He smiled eagerly, his eyebrows bouncing, and he started packing snow up along the side of the rock to make a wall.

Jane knelt and patted the snow into b.a.l.l.s, building up the pile he'd begun. His enthusiasm was contagious, and she couldn't help grinning, even though this activity bordered on the ridiculous.

She glanced up at him, and he met her eye, giving a wink that warmed her insides. She turned back to building s...o...b..a.l.l.s. "Archie, we could hide in the forest."

He darted a glance at her, then shook his head. "What's the Artillery Battery Unit's report?" he said, packing more snow onto the wall.

"Ah." She a.s.sessed her pile. "I've about thirty s...o...b..a.l.l.s . . . Sergeant."

"Sergeant?" Archie huffed, looking offended.

"Lieutenant?" Jane offered.

"Much better." He gave a satisfied nod. "Thirty is good, but far from enough. Keep packing, Private."

"Private?" Jane imitated his injured tone and expression.

He grinned. "We can't both be lieutenants, Jane. Someone must be the superior officer."

"Then you may refer to me as General, sir."

His eyes opened wide, then he burst into a laugh. "Excellent." He gave a salute. "Brilliant idea, General." He returned to working on the fortification, still chuckling.

Once the wall stretched a few yards, Archie moved in a crouch to the rock, pressing his hands and chest against it as he peeked ever so slowly out onto the battlefield.

He pulled back, squatting down in the little s.p.a.ce next to Jane. Looking over the pile of s...o...b..a.l.l.s, he nodded. "Fine work, General."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." She nodded in what she thought was a commanding manner. "And what of our enemy?"

He moved back to the rock, glanced over, and then reached out an arm, beckoning for her to join him. He held her shoulders, moving her in front of him.

Jane pressed her hands to the rock and, following his lead, peeked out at the hillside, trying for all she was worth to concentrate on the s...o...b..ll battle and not Archie's hands on her shoulders or his warm chest against her back. The battlefield was empty.

"Where did they go?" she whispered.

Archie leaned forward beside her ear, and she s.h.i.+vered when his warm breath caressed her cheek. She wished she weren't wearing her dratted bonnet. He motioned to the trail of prints that led to another large rock about twenty yards away. "They've taken cover, probably building up their own battlements."

"What do we do? Attack?" She prayed that he would insist they remain here, and perhaps in this very cozy position.

"Well, battle strategy is ultimately up to the general, but we've strong defenses and a fine storage in the artillery battery." He moved back, and Jane immediately felt cold without him pressed against her. "If you command an attack, I will, of course, follow orders."

"I would rather stay here a bit longer." Her cheeks heated with a blush, and she turned her gaze downward.

Archie remained silent for a moment. When he spoke, his words came slowly. "A fine strategy, General. Wait and draw them out into the open, thus giving us the advantage." She glanced up and saw his eyes were squinting thoughtfully.

Jane's blush deepened, feeling even hotter in the cold air. "But if you think we should go, by all means . . ."

He put his hands back on her shoulders, pulling her down so they sat with their backs against the rock, his arm around her. He pulled her closer, resting her head beneath his shoulder. "I would rather remain as well." His voice was a rumble beneath her ear, and in spite of the snow, heat spread through her, pooling in her stomach, warming her cheeks and neck.

The emotions she feared to reveal sprang to the surface again, leaving her supremely blissful and, at the same time, uneasy. She was unsure how to respond. Was Archie treating her as a treasured younger sister? Or did he feel pity for her? She remembered the cold sting of disappointment from the night before and couldn't bear to hope.

With enormous reluctance, she pulled herself away from her companion's warm chest and twisted around, trying to speak lightly. "Perhaps we could escape through the forest, Lieutenant?"

Archie darted a look to the side, but not before she saw something in his gaze. Worry? Guilt?

The realization hit her, tightening her throat. "You want to keep me from the forest. That is why we walked in this direction." She fought to keep her voice steady. "You fear I will have a spell." Jane blinked, her lips trembling.

"No, of course I don't." He grasped her arms, perhaps fearing she would run. "I just don't want to put you in a situation where you might."

"Archie, you think I am mad." She whispered the word-a word she'd heard others use regarding her for years, but had never spoken herself. She pushed her wrist against her chest as if to dull the pain inside. "You, of all people."

"Of course I do not. Jane, I swear to you-"

A s...o...b..ll hit the rock beside him.

They both jumped then, ducking their heads, staring in the direction from whence it came. A flash of black fabric in the trees indicated Mother Kathleen had crept around to the forest behind them. How had she moved so quietly?

"They're flanking us, General." Archie's brows were raised, his voice sounding hopeful, as if he might pull her back into the game.

From the hill behind them, they heard the sound of Maryann giggling. Jane moved to rise, but he held on to her arms. "Jane, please believe me."

Words would not come, and she could only shake her head. Though the others looked at her with worry in their gazes, she'd always thought Archie was different, that he saw beyond her disorder.

"On my count," Jonathan yelled. "One. Two. Now!"

The three attackers lobbed their s...o...b..a.l.l.s high above the fort. Jane understood their plan an instant too late.

"Take cover!" Archie pulled her toward him just as a shower from the tree above buried the two in snow.

For a moment, there was silence, then their opponents cheered.

Jane raised her head, brus.h.i.+ng powder from her bonnet and shoulders. Archie had protected her face from the worst of it, but the cold still bit her cheeks. She pulled away from his embrace and rose, shaking her skirts.

"And thus falleth the impregnable snow fortress." Jonathan spoke with his hand over his heart, a look of mock solemnity in his face.

Archie sat back in the snow, clumps of powder clinging to his hair. He raised his hands in surrender. "Well, General, we fought a good fight, but they had the advantage of a superior spy." He looked up at Jane, his expression wary, but his words light, probably for the benefit of the others.

Kathleen laughed and clapped her gloved hands together. "Oh, I haven't had so much fun in ages."

Jonathan put his fists on his hips. "Mother, I'd never have believed you capable of such mischief."

Jane reached out a hand to Archie. "You fought well, Lieutenant."

He grasped her hand, pulling himself up. "As did you." He pulled a clump from the hood of her cloak, dropping it to the ground.

Jane felt an uneasy heaviness between them. Her heart ached, and she wanted nothing more than to return to the little cottage to hide away in her bedchamber and let her tears flow.

"Well, that's interesting," Jonathan said.

The pair turned to where Jonathan and Maryann stood outside the snow fort. He was looking up into the branches of the tree above them.

"What's interesting?" Archie asked.

"I believe it's mistletoe." He pointed. "Yes, I'm certain of it. Up near the top branches." He looked down at Jane and Archie, a smirk on his lips. "And what do you know? It's hanging directly over your stronghold. Seems a pity to waste it."

Jane realized she and Archie were still holding hands. They stood close. She glanced at him just as he tightened his eyes in a glare, directed toward Jonathan. He shook his head and yet hardly moved it. The gesture was so fleeting; it was obviously intended to be unnoticed by anyone but his friend.

Jane looked away quickly, hoping he didn't realize that she'd seen. Her heart compressed. I am a fool, she thought. I've made him ill at ease with the thought of kissing me.

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