Early Plays - Catiline, the Warrior's Barrow, Olaf Liljekrans Part 33

Early Plays - Catiline, the Warrior's Barrow, Olaf Liljekrans -

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RODERIK. [With firmness.]

It must be so, my Gandalf; you are king, And you have sacred duties to discharge.

[He puts their hands together.]

RODERIK. You are the children of the coming dawn,-- Go yonder where the royal throne awaits you; I am the last one of the by-gone age, My throne--it is the barrow--grant me that!

[GANDALF and BLANKA throw themselves silently into his arms.

RODERIK ascends the burial mound.--HEMMING with his harp seats himself at his feet.]

GANDALF. [With resolution.] And now to Norway!


ALL. To Norway! Home!

BLANKA. [Fired as she seizes the banner from JOSTEJN's hand.]

Yes, now away! Our course shall northward run O'er ocean billow on through storm and sun.

Soon fades the daylight o'er the glacier's peak, Soon is the viking life a memory bleak!

Already sits the hero on his mound; The time is past when he could sail around With sword and battle cry from strand to strand.

Thor's hammer will no longer rule the land, The North will be itself a giant grave.

But bear in mind the pledge All-Fader gave: When moss and flowers shall the barrow hide, To Idavold the hero's ghost shall ride,-- Then Norway too shall from the grave be brought To chastened deeds within the realm of thought!


A Play in Three Acts






INGEBORG His daughter.

HEMMING His page.

THORGJERD An old fiddler.


Wedding GUESTS.

RELATIVES of Arne of Guldvik.

MAIDS and SERVANTS of Lady Kirsten.


The action takes place in the middle ages, in a mountain, district.


[A thickly wooded hillside which leads up to higher mountain regions; in a deep ravine a swift river runs from the background out to the right; over the river lie some old logs and other remnants of a dilapidated bridge. Huge rocks lie scattered in the foreground; far away can be seen the summits of snow-capped mountain peaks. Evening twilight rests over the landscape; later on the moon appears.]


[THORGJERD stands on a rocky projection near the river and listens to the various choruses which are heard off the stage.]

CHORUS OF LADY KIRSTEN'S RETINUE. [Deep in the wood to the right.]

With ringing of bells we hurry along, We wander in field and in dell; O Christian, come, give heed to our song, Awake from your magic spell.

RELATIVES OF ARNE OF GULDVIK. [Far away to the right.]

Now hasten we all To the wedding hall; The foal runneth light and gay!

The hoofs resound On the ground As the merry swains gallop away!

LADY KIRSTEN'S RETINUE. [A little nearer than before.]

We conjure you forth from mountain and hill, From the places which hold you bound.

Awake to our call, come, free your will From elves that hover around!

[THORGJERD disappears in the ravine where the river runs; after a rapid interplay the choruses are heard much nearer.]

ARNE'S RELATIVES. Our way we shorten with jest and with song, And all of the bridal night.

LADY KIRSTEN'S RETINUE. With tears we wander the whole day long, We search to the left and the right.

ARNE'S RELATIVES. [In close proximity, yet still outside the scene.] To wedding and banquet, to song and dance, Both servants and hand-maidens throng.

LADY KIRSTEN'S RETINUE. [Nearer than before.]

Olaf Liljekrans! Olaf Liljekrans!

Why sleep you so deep and so long?

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