Circle Of Three: Making The Saint Part 16

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Right, she said. They say that theyve just grown apart.

So theyre probably feeling really sad, said Becka. What they had didnt last, or it changed into something else. But they had it once. They experienced it. And they got you out of it.

Thats me, said Cooper. The prize.

Come on, Becka said. Im serious. I hate it when people break up and they say, I cant believe I wasted so much time with that person. Its only wasted if you dont learn something from the experience.

You didnt tell us she was the new Dear Abby, Cooper remarked to Annie.

Im from San Francisco, Becka said. Were all touchy-feely. They dont let you live there unless youre completely self-actualized.

I get what youre saying, Cooper told her. I guess I just feel bad that things are changing. Maybe thats just me being selfish. But I liked my family, even when my mom was a colossal pain, which was just about every day. I still liked it. It was familiar. And now its all going to change. No matter how much my dad says it wont, it will. Ill see him less. h.e.l.l be busy with his new life. Thats just what happens.

Youre not dumping T.J., are you? Annie asked suddenly.

Again, added Kate.

No, Im not dumping T.J., said Cooper, throwing a fry at Kate. Ive learned something about how to be grown up. She was tempted to tell them about her conversation with Mr. Goldstein, but for some reason she thought of that as private. Besides, she still hadnt figured out exactly what had happened that night. Talking about it would just confuse things even more. She had to let it sit for a while.

Im sure h.e.l.l be relieved to hear it, Kate said.

And Ill be sure to send your regards, Cooper teased.

So what are you going to do about the Tyler situation? asked Annie, curling the paper from her straw around her finger.

Aunt Netty is going to talk to my mother about it, Kate said. Well see what happens. Im not too worried, though. Things always work out the way theyre supposed to, right? I cant imagine that this isnt supposed to happen.

Okay, so what else are we doing this evening? Cooper asked as the waitress came to clear away their plates. Does anybody have any big ideas?

Dont look at me, said Becka. Im the new chick. You guys are the lifers.

We could go back to my house and play games, suggested Annie. I know its kind of lame, but it might be fun.

Why not? replied Cooper. Im always up for a good round of Monopoly.

Why do I get the feeling you always want to be the little car and you buy up all the railroads? asked Becka.

Kate? Annie said.

Sure, said Kate. Lets do that.

They paid up and left. Half an hour later they were all sitting in the same grouping theyd been in at the restaurant, only this time they were on the floor in Annies room, eating pumpkin pie off paper plates.

This is amazing, Cooper said, wolfing hers down.

Its one of Ben Rowes recipes, Annie told her.

Whats first? asked Becka. We have a pile of games here, girls. Whats your pleasure?

How about we play something different? suggested Kate suddenly.

Like? asked Annie.

Truth or Dare, said Kate.

I dont know, said Annie uncertainly. What kind of dares would there be?

Nothing too weird, Kate answered. Burping the alphabet or something. Thats the fun part"making them up.

Come on, Annie, it could be funny, Cooper said.

And Cooper cant be the car, added Becka.

In that case, Im in, Annie said. Her engine noises are really annoying after about an hour. Who goes first?

I will, Cooper said. And I pick Becka.

Im touched, Becka replied. And I pick truth.

Hmm, Cooper said. How about this one. Have you ever stolen anything from a store?

Yes, Becka said instantly. I lifted some bubble gum from the drugstore once. Okay, I didnt really steal it. I just forgot to pay them, and I went back and did it afterward. But it was sort of like stealing.

Now its your turn, Kate told her. Pick someone to ask.

Okay, Ill pick you, replied Becka. Truth or dare?

Dare, said Kate a.s.suredly.

Thats harder, Becka said. Can Cooper and Annie help me out?

If they do and I do it, then they have to do it, too, Kate told her.

Count me out, Annie said. Im a truth girl all the way.

All right, then, Becka said. I dare you to prank-call your worst enemy.

Cooper and Annie laughed. I know who that would be, Annie said.

Sherrie, said Cooper. But youll never do it.

Wont I? Kate told her. Just watch.

She picked up the phone by Annies bed and held it in her hand thinking. Ive got it, she said, then dialed a number.

I cant believe shes actually doing this, Annie whispered.

I just hope they dont have caller ID, remarked Cooper.

h.e.l.lo? Kate said, interrupting them. Is this Sherrie Adams? She was attempting to disguise her voice, and not doing a very good job of it because she kept trying not to laugh. This is the emergency b.u.t.t repair service. Yes, thats right. Were coming right over. We hear you have a big crack in yours.

Kate hung up and fell on the floor laughing. The others shrieked as well, and soon they were all in hysterics.

That was so dumb, Cooper said, wiping tears of laughter from her cheeks. That was a total five-year-old-boy joke.

But so funny, quipped Becka.

Okay, Kate said, regaining her composure. Now its my turn. I pick Annie.

Annie raised her hand. You already know my choice, she said. Truth, truth, truth.

Let me see, Kate said thoughtfully. What would I like to know about Miss Annie Crandall?

She looked at Annie with interest, as if she were examining a statue or something. Then she snapped her fingers. Got it, she said. If you could date any guy we all know, who would it be?

Cooper and Becka looked at Annie, who had turned a vibrant shade of red and was stammering.

I"I"I"dont know, she said. Does it have to be someone we know know, or can it be someone we know of ? Because I mean Ben Affleck is really cute or maybe Johnny Depp except not in that movie where he cries all the time. Oh, or what about that one from N SYNC. You know, the one with the cat eyes. How about him?

No, Kate said. It has to be someone we all know personally. Like some guy at school. Or even a teacher. Just someone we know. Who would you most like to go out with?

Annie looked at the three of them, her brow furrowed. I dont know, she said. Its not like I like that many people.

Come on, Kate said. There must be one or two you think about sometimes.

Okay, Annie said. Yeah, Im sure there is. I just have to think about it. Oh, I know. How about Mr.


The physics teacher? Cooper said, wrinkling her nose. Isnt he, like, seventy-two or something?

Well, you all rushed me, Annie said, sounding fl.u.s.tered. It was the first name that popped into my head.

Youre sure thats your answer? asked Kate.

No, Annie said. I mean yes. Is it my turn now?

Kate nodded. Annie turned to Cooper. Whats your favorite band? she asked.

Thats not a good question! objected Cooper. Youre supposed to ask something that could be embarra.s.sing, or at least funny.

Im sorry, Annie said. Im just not very good at this game.

Fine, Cooper said. In that case, this week my favorite band would be Apples in Stereo.

This isnt going as well as I thought it would, said Kate. I vote we switch to Monopoly.

I get to be the car! Cooper shouted.

Annie eagerly opened the game box and began taking out the pieces. Finally, she said. A game Im good at.

Kate reached over and took the little metal top hat. You mean another one, she said.


Annie and Tyler are fooling around behind my back.

Dr. Hagen looked at Kate, her eyes registering surprise. Privately, Kate smiled to herself. It was hard to get her therapist to show emotion. She was, after all, supposed to be a neutral observer. But Kate could tell that the usually staid doctor had been shocked by her sudden p.r.o.nouncement.

Are you sure? the therapist asked.

I dont have hard proof or anything, Kate replied. But Im pretty sure.

What are you basing this on? Dr. Hagen said.

Womens intuition, answered Kate. Theyve both been acting really strangely lately. Whenever I bring up Tylers name Annie gets all fl.u.s.tered. Ive had enough crushes to know when someone has one on someone else.

What about Tyler? the doctor continued. Why do you think he returns this crush"if, in fact, Annie really has one on him?

Kate sighed. Boys act nervous when theres something they dont want you to know. I just put two and two together. I mean, after all, Tyler and Annie have been spending a lot of time together ever since my parents said that I couldnt see him. I guess Im not surprised, really.

But youre feeling something, said Dr. Hagen. Otherwise you wouldnt have brought it up.

Im not sure what Im feeling, replied Kate. Ive been thinking about it a lot. And youre right"I dont know for sure. That makes it even harder, because I dont know whether or not I should be angry at them or sad that Tyler apparently doesnt want to be with me anymore.

So what do you think you should do about it?

I just really dont know, Kate answered. Im going to think about it.

That seems like a mature decision, Dr. Hagen remarked.

Isnt it? said Kate. I think Ive learned a lot from our little chats.

The therapist looked at Kate over the top of her little round Ill have to dock you fifteen penalty points for that comment, she said.

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