Circle Of Three: Making The Saint Part 15

Circle Of Three: Making The Saint -

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I think she is, agreed Aunt Netty.

Evelyn flashed Kate a big smile. All right, she said. Well see what we can do. But we are going to need an omo-Oggun to help us out. Let me see what I can do.

Evelyn disappeared into the back of the store. Kate could hear the m.u.f.fled voices of people talking. It went on for some time. Then Evelyn came out and waved to Kate. Come back here, she said.

Kate and her aunt followed Evelyn into the rear of the store. Once more Kate was in the large room where the celebration had been held, although now it looked more like an ordinary storeroom. Standing there was a tall, thin man holding a broom. He looked like he was perhaps a few years older than Kate.

This is Jon-Jon, Evelyn said, and the young man nodded a greeting. He works for me when hes home from college. He and Papa Oggun are well acquainted.

Evelyn says you wish to speak with Papa about a matter, said Jon-Jon in a soft voice.

Yes, Kate said. Is that okay?

Jon-Jon shrugged. Sometimes he comes, sometimes he doesnt. It is not up to me. All we can do is try.

Evelyn brought out two folding chairs and set them up. Jon-Jon sat in one and Evelyn motioned for Kate to sit in the other. Aunt Netty stood some distance behind them, watching what happened next.

Evelyn went behind Jon-Jon. She closed her eyes and began mumbling something Kate couldnt *

understand. She waved a black feather over Jon-Jons head. This went on for some time, during which Jon-Jon sat perfectly still. Kate didnt notice any change in him at all, and she was sure that nothing was happening.

Then a small black dog ran into the room and sat down beside Jon-Jons chair. It licked his hand, and suddenly Jon-Jon opened his eyes and turned them toward Kate. When he saw her he grinned widely and laughed in a voice that was nothing like Jon-Jons soft lilt.

Well, he said. My child returns.

The little black dog barked excitedly, and Jon-Jon bent down and scratched it behind the ears. Seeing this, Evelyn nodded at Kate.

Papa is very fond of dogs, she said. Then she went and stood next to Jon-Jon. Papa Oggun, this child of yours has come with a request.

Jon-Jon looked quizzically at Kate. And what is this request? he asked her.

Suddenly, Kate felt very much like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz . There she was, sitting in front of this amazing power that she really didnt even understand. And she wanted to ask him to help her be more brave. I might just as well ask him for a new brain, she thought, thinking of the Scarecrows request of the Wizard.

I want to be stronger, Kate said. I want to be able to say what I think and to argue for what I think is right. I want to be more like you.

Jon-Jon roared with laughter, a rich, deep voice rolling out like waves. He slapped his knee several times, making the little dog bark with joy and put its feet on his leg. The child wants to be like her Papa! he cried.

He stopped laughing and placed his hands on Kates knees. They felt much heavier than Jon-Jons fine-boned hands should have, and once more Kate wondered just what happened when an orisha rode one of its children. Then Jon-Jon stared into her eyes for what seemed like an eternity.

Give the child my necklace, Oggun said suddenly.

Kate saw Evelyn nod, but she had no idea what the orishas order meant. She saw Evelyn disappear into another room and come back a moment later. She was carrying a long necklace made of small green and black beads, which she handed to Jon-Jon. He took it and placed it around Kates neck.

This is my necklace, he said. Made in my colors. It marks you as my child. One day perhaps you will enter into my mysteries. For now, wear this as a reminder that you are one of my own. And as my child, you have my powers within you.

But how do I use them? Kate asked.

Jon-Jon smiled. You ask the piece of Papa Oggun who lives inside of you to come out from time to time, he said. Then he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. When Jon-Jon leaned back in his chair, Kate saw that he looked like his old self again. The little dog sniffed his hand again, wagged its tail, then trotted off to another part of the room and lay down on the floor.

He came, I see, said Jon-Jon, laughing gently.

Yes, said Evelyn. He came. He gave the child his necklace.

Jon-Jon looked at Kate approvingly. That is very rare for one not yet initiated, he said. You should be honored.

I am, Kate said, fingering the beads.

Wear that when you need Papa Ogguns presence, Evelyn told Kate.

Kate nodded. I should pay you for this, she said.

Evelyn shook her head. No, she replied. But you may pay honor to Oggun. Leave him an offering of tobacco and rum tonight. That is your payment.

Tobacco and rum, Kate repeated. How healthy.

Evelyn and Jon-Jon both laughed. Papa is not known for his clean living, Jon-Jon said. But he is a good man.

Kate stood up. She thanked Jon-Jon for helping her and then walked to the front of the store with Aunt Netty and Evelyn. There they hugged good-bye.

Thank you again, Kate said. I really appreciate this.

You are a friend, Evelyn said. In Santeria we help our friends because we are all children of the orishas. Someday I may come and ask you for help, little sister.

Kate and Aunt Netty left the store. Kate turned to her aunt. Where am I going to get tobacco and rum? she asked.

Aunt Netty put her arm around Kates shoulders. Good thing one of us is of legal age, she said as they walked toward the corner store.


It was so cute, Annie said, popping a fry into her mouth. Aunt Sarah and he were holding hands.

When they saw us looking they got all embarra.s.sed.

My father turned bright red, added Becka.

So where is all of this going? Cooper asked, eyeing their hamburgers disdainfully as she took a bite of her garden burger.

Becka and Annie looked at one another. We dont know, Becka said.

But there was talk about a Christmas visit, said Annie. I overheard that while they were doing dishes together.

She washed, he dried, Becka said. Isnt that the sweetest?

Yeah, but if this keeps up and theres a wedding, somebody is going to have to move, remarked Cooper.

Well worry about that if it happens, said Annie casually. But inside she replayed Coopers comment in her mind. She was right, of course. Somebody would have to move. But who would it be?

Either way, I get a sister, Becka said. She leaned over and took one of Annies fries. When Annie glared at her she added, Thanks, Sis.

It was Friday night. Annie, Becka, Cooper, and Kate had all gotten together so that Becka could meet the gang. They were sitting in a booth at their favorite burger joint in town, eating and having fun. All of them except Kate, that is, who hadnt said much all night.

Whats bugging you? Cooper asked her friend.

Its just been a long day, replied Kate. She hadnt told them about going back to Botanica Yemaya.

She didnt know why, really, except that she wanted to keep it her little secret. She was wearing her Oggun beads under her s.h.i.+rt, and she could feel them pressed against her skin.

Im sorry I didnt get to meet Sasha, said Becka.

She and Thea went to visit Theas family, said Cooper. She was sort of dreading it. I guess Theas mother is a cheek pincher.

Ow, Becka said. I had one of those, too. My moms mother. I used to hate going to her house. Poor Sasha.

Youll meet her next time, Annie told Becka. And everyone else, too, like Sophia and Archer.

And Tyler, Kate said.

And Tyler, Annie repeated. She grabbed the ketchup bottle and began hammering on the end, trying to get some to come out.

And T.J., Cooper said quickly. Dont forget T.J. Oh, and Jane.

Stop, Becka said, holding up her hands. I need a cast list to remember whos who.

Dont worry, Annie rea.s.sured her. Well have everyone wear name tags.

Kate, how was your Thanksgiving? Cooper asked.

Dont ask, Kate said. Aunt Netty is here, so thats nice. But Kyle is about to get a kick in the b.u.t.t.

Her brother, Annie said to Becka.

I came out of the broom closet to him, Kate told them. I wanted him to help me figure out a way to convince my parents to let me start seeing Tyler again.

Annie coughed, grabbing her gla.s.s of soda and taking a big swig of it while Becka patted her on the back.

And he didnt want to help? asked Cooper.

Kate snorted. No, she said shortly. He did not want to help.

So you havent talked to your parents about the Tyler thing yet, then? Annie asked.

Kate shook her head. Not yet, she answered. But I will.

And what do you think theyll say? said Becka.

I have a good feeling about things, answered Kate, thinking about her Oggun beads and about the little bottle of rum and the cigars that were stowed in her desk drawer at home. She hoped her mother didnt look in there for anything, as shed have a hard time explaining where the items had come from and an even harder time telling her that theyd been smuggled into the house in Aunt Nettys purse.

I hope it all works out for you, Kate, said Annie. I really do.

I dont know, Kate said. Tyler was acting kind of weird when I saw him on Tuesday. Do you know why, Annie?

Me? Annie said. No.

I just thought you might because youre the one who talks to him the most, Kate said.

I actually havent talked to him in a while, replied Annie. Ive been really busy with working at Shady Hills and with school and stuff. You know how it gets.

Well, he was kind of distant, Kate said. I guess I cant really blame him. I mean, I havent talked to him or hung out with him for more than half an hour at a time in months. I dont even dare e-mail him in case my parents are monitoring my on-line account. I wouldnt be surprised if he was sick of waiting.

This conversation is getting depressing, said Becka when no one else spoke. How about a change of subject? Cooper, how was your Turkey Day?

My parents are getting divorced, Cooper said flatly.

What? Annie exclaimed as Kate also looked shocked. I thought they were just separating for a while so that they could work out their problems.

So did I, Cooper said. I guess they decided that splitting up for good was how theyre going to work them out.

Are you okay? Annie asked.

Cooper put her hands up. Honestly? I dont know how I am. I know it sounds weird, but I never, ever thought about my parents divorcing. They just seemed too . . . married.

I cant imagine my parents ever getting divorced either, Kate said. I dont know what I would do if they did.

I know it has nothing to do with me, Cooper said. Its all about them. But what really bothers me is if it could happen to them why couldnt it happen to me and T.J. someday. She looked at her friends faces. Im not saying were getting married, she said, making them laugh. Im just saying. It makes you wonder about whether or not its all worth it.

I think it is, Becka said. My mother died right after I was born. I know it almost killed my father. He loved her so much. Once I asked him if he ever wished hed never fallen in love.

What did he say? Kate asked.

He said that if he hadnt he would never have gotten me, Becka said. And he would never have the memories he does of my mother.

Not to sound rude or anything, but thats a little different, said Kate. Its not like they broke up.

Becka nodded. No, she said. Its not. But I think its kind of the same. Your parents arent breaking up because they hate each other or anything, right, Cooper?

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