The Rough Guide To Amsterdam Part 20

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Dutch Food and drink Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Basics

boter b.u.t.ter b.u.t.ter boterham/broodje sandwich/roll sandwich/roll brood bread bread dranken drinks drinks eieren eggs eggs gerst barley barley groenten vegetables vegetables honing honey honey hoofdgerechten main courses main courses kaas cheese cheese koud cold cold nagerechten desserts desserts peper pepper pepper pindakaas peanut b.u.t.ter peanut b.u.t.ter sla/salade salad salad slagroom whipped cream whipped cream

smeerkaas cheese spread cheese spread s...o...b..ood French bread French bread suiker sugar sugar vegetarisch vegetarian vegetarian vis fish fish vlees meat meat voorgerechten starters/hors d'oeuvres starters/hors d'oeuvres vruchten fruit fruit warm hot hot zout salt salt

Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Starters and snacks

erwtensoep/snert thick pea soup with bacon or sausage thick pea soup with bacon or sausage huzarensalade potato salad with pickles potato salad with pickles koffietafel light midday meal of cold meats, cheese, bread and perhaps soup light midday meal of cold meats, cheese, bread and perhaps soup patat/friet chips/French fries chips/French fries soep soup soup uitsmijter ham or cheese with eggs on bread ham or cheese with eggs on bread

Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Meat

biefstuk (hollandse) steak steak biefstuk (duitse) hamburger hamburger eend duck duck fricandeau roast pork roast pork fricandel frankfurter-like sausage frankfurter-like sausage gehakt mince mince ham ham ham kalfsvlees veal veal kalkoen turkey turkey karbonade a chop a chop kip chicken chicken kroket spiced veal or beef in hash, coated in breadcrumbs spiced veal or beef in hash, coated in breadcrumbs lamsvlees lamb lamb lever liver liver ossenhaas beef tenderloin beef tenderloin rookvlees smoked beef smoked beef spek bacon bacon worst sausages sausages

Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Fish

forel trout trout garnalen prawns prawns haring herring herring haringsalade herring salad herring salad kabeljauw cod cod makreel mackerel mackerel mosselen mussels mussels oesters oysters oysters paling eel eel schelvis haddock haddock schol plaice plaice tong sole sole zalm salmon salmon

Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Vegetables

aardappelen potatoes potatoes bloemkool cauliflower cauliflower bonen beans beans champignons mushrooms mushrooms erwten peas peas hutspot mashed potatoes and carrots mashed potatoes and carrots knoflook garlic garlic komkommer cuc.u.mber cuc.u.mber prei leek leek rijst rice rice sla salad, lettuce salad, lettuce stampot andijvie mashed potato and endive mashed potato and endive stampot boerenkool mashed potato and cabbage mashed potato and cabbage uien onions onions wortelen carrots carrots zuurkool sauerkraut sauerkraut

Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Cooking terms

belegd filled or topped, as in belegde broodjes (bread rolls topped with cheese, etc) filled or topped, as in belegde broodjes (bread rolls topped with cheese, etc) doorbakken well-done well-done gebakken fried/baked fried/baked gebraden roasted roasted gegrild grilled grilled gekookt boiled boiled geraspt grated grated gerookt smoked smoked gestoofd stewed stewed half doorbakken medium-done medium-done Hollandse saus hollandaise (a milk and egg sauce) hollandaise (a milk and egg sauce) rood rare rare

Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Indonesian dishes and terms

ajam chicken chicken bami noodles with meat and vegetables noodles with meat and vegetables daging beef beef gado gado vegetables in peanut sauce vegetables in peanut sauce goreng fried fried ikan fish fish katjang peanut peanut kroepoek prawn crackers prawn crackers loempia spring rolls spring rolls nasi rice rice nasi goreng fried rice with meat/chicken and vegetables fried rice with meat/chicken and vegetables nasi rames a rijsttafel on a single plate a rijsttafel on a single plate pedis hot and spicy hot and spicy pisang banana banana

rijsttafel a.s.sortment of spicy dishes served with plain rice a.s.sortment of spicy dishes served with plain rice sambal hot chilli-based sauce hot chilli-based sauce sate meat on a skewer meat on a skewer satesaus peanut sauce to accompany meat grilled on skewers peanut sauce to accompany meat grilled on skewers seroendeng spicy, shredded and fried coconut spicy, shredded and fried coconut tauge bean sprouts bean sprouts

Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Sweets and desserts

appeltaart/appelgebak apple tart or cake apple tart or cake drop Dutch liquorice, available in zoet (sweet) or zout (salted) varieties; the latter an acquired taste Dutch liquorice, available in zoet (sweet) or zout (salted) varieties; the latter an acquired taste gebak pastry pastry ijs ice cream ice cream koekjes biscuits biscuits oliebollen traditional sweet sold at New Year similar to a doughnut traditional sweet sold at New Year similar to a doughnut pannenkoeken pancakes pancakes pepernoten Dutch ginger nuts Dutch ginger nuts poffertjes small pancakes/fritters small pancakes/fritters (slag)room (whipped) cream (whipped) cream speculaas spice- and cinnamon-flavoured biscuit spice- and cinnamon-flavoured biscuit stroopwafels waffles waffles taai-taai spicy Dutch cake spicy Dutch cake vla custard custard

Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Fruits and nuts

aardbei strawberry strawberry amandel almond almond appel apple apple appelmoes apple puree apple puree citroen lemon lemon druiven grape grape framboos raspberry raspberry hazelnoot hazelnut hazelnut kers cherry cherry kokosnoot coconut coconut peer pear pear perzik peach peach pinda peanut peanut pruim plum/prune plum/prune

Dutch Food and drink Food and drink Drinks

anijsmelk aniseed-flavoured warm milk aniseed-flavoured warm milk appelsap apple juice apple juice bessenjenever blackcurrant gin blackcurrant gin chocomel chocolate milk chocolate milk warme chocolade melk hot chocolate hot chocolate citroenjenever lemon gin lemon gin droog dry dry frisdranken soft drinks soft drinks jenever Dutch gin Dutch gin karnemelk b.u.t.termilk b.u.t.termilk koffie coffee coffee koffie verkeerd coffee with warm milk coffee with warm milk kopstoot beer with a jenever chaser beer with a jenever chaser melk milk milk met ijs with ice with ice met slagroom with whipped cream with whipped cream

pils Dutch beer Dutch beer proost!

cheers! cheers!

sinaasappelsap orange juice orange juice thee tea tea tomatensap tomato juice tomato juice vruchtensap fruit juice fruit juice wijn wine wine (wit/rood/rose) (white/red/rose) (white/red/rose) Vieux Dutch brandy Dutch brandy

Dutch Glossary Abdij Abbey Abbey Amsterdammertje Phallic-shaped bollard placed in rows alongside many Amsterdam streets to keep drivers off pavements and out of the Phallic-shaped bollard placed in rows alongside many Amsterdam streets to keep drivers off pavements and out of the

Begijnhof Similar to a Similar to a hofje hofje(see "Glossary"), but occupied by Catholic women (begijns) who led semi-religious lives without taking full vows.

Beiaard Carillon chimes Carillon chimes Belfort Belfry Belfry Beurs Stock exchange Stock exchange Botermarkt b.u.t.ter market b.u.t.ter market Brug Bridge Bridge BTW (Belasting Toegevoegde Waarde) VAT (sales tax) VAT (sales tax) Burgher Member of the upper or mercantile of a town, usually with certain civic powers Member of the upper or mercantile of a town, usually with certain civic powers Gasthuis Hospice for the sick or infirm Hospice for the sick or infirm Geen toegang No entry No entry Gemeente, as in, as in gemeentehuis gemeentehuis (town hall) (town hall) Gerechtshof Law courts Law courts Gesloten Closed Closed Gezellig A hard term to translate something like "cosy", "comfortable" and "inviting", all in one but a term which is often said to lie at the heart of the Dutch psyche. A long, relaxed meal in a favourite restaurant with friends is A hard term to translate something like "cosy", "comfortable" and "inviting", all in one but a term which is often said to lie at the heart of the Dutch psyche. A long, relaxed meal in a favourite restaurant with friends is gezellig gezellig; grabbing a quick snack is not. The best brown cafes ooze gezelligheid gezelligheid; Kalverstraat on a afternoon definitely doesn't.

Gilde Guild Guild Gracht Ca.n.a.l Ca.n.a.l Groentenmarkt Vegetable market Vegetable market Grote Kerk Literally "big church" the main church of a town or village. Literally "big church" the main church of a town or village.

Hal Hall Hall Hijsbalk Pulley beam, often decorated, fixed to the top of a gable to lift goods, furniture etc. Essential in ca.n.a.l houses whose staircases were and mostly still are narrow and steep; Pulley beam, often decorated, fixed to the top of a gable to lift goods, furniture etc. Essential in ca.n.a.l houses whose staircases were and mostly still are narrow and steep; hijsbalken hijsbalken are still very much in use today. are still very much in use today.

Hof Courtyard Courtyard Hofje Almshouse, usually for elderly women who could look after themselves but needed small charities such as food and fuel; usually comprising a number of buildings centred around a small, enclosed courtyard. Almshouse, usually for elderly women who could look after themselves but needed small charities such as food and fuel; usually comprising a number of buildings centred around a small, enclosed courtyard.

Huis House House Ingang Entrance Entrance Jeugdherberg Youth hostel Youth hostel Kasteel Castle Castle Kerk Church Church Koning King King Koningin Queen Queen Koninklijk Royal Royal Kunst Art Art Lakenhal Cloth hall: the building in medieval weaving towns where cloth would be weighed, graded and sold. Cloth hall: the building in medieval weaving towns where cloth would be weighed, graded and sold.

Markt Central town square and the heart of most Dutch communities, normally still the site of weekly markets. Central town square and the heart of most Dutch communities, normally still the site of weekly markets.

Mok.u.m A Yiddish word meaning "city", originally used by the Jewish community to indicate Amsterdam; now in general usage as a nickname for the city. A Yiddish word meaning "city", originally used by the Jewish community to indicate Amsterdam; now in general usage as a nickname for the city.

Molen Windmill Windmill Nederland The Netherlands The Netherlands Nederlands Dutch Dutch Omgang Procession Procession Paleis Palace Palace Plein A square or open s.p.a.ce A square or open s.p.a.ce Polder An area of land that has been reclaimed from the sea. An area of land that has been reclaimed from the sea.

Poort Gate Gate Raadhuis Town hall Town hall Randstad Literally "rim-town", this refers to the urban conurbation that makes up much of Noord- and Zuid-Holland, stretching from Amsterdam in the north to Rotterdam and Dordrecht in the south. Literally "rim-town", this refers to the urban conurbation that makes up much of Noord- and Zuid-Holland, stretching from Amsterdam in the north to Rotterdam and Dordrecht in the south.

Rijk State State Schepenzaal Alderman's hall Alderman's hall Schone kunsten Fine arts Fine arts Schouwburg Theatre Theatre Sierkunst Decorative arts Decorative arts Spionnetje Small mirror on a ca.n.a.l house enabling the occupant to see who is at the door without descending the stairs. Small mirror on a ca.n.a.l house enabling the occupant to see who is at the door without descending the stairs.

Spoor Train station platform Train station platform Stadhuis The most common word for a town hall. The most common word for a town hall.

Stedelijk Civic, Civic, Steeg Alley Alley Steen Stone Stone Stichting Inst.i.tute or foundation Inst.i.tute or foundation Straat Street Street Toegang Entrance Entrance Toren Tower Tower Tuin Garden Garden Uitgang Exit Exit V.S. (Verenigde Staten) United States United States Vleeshuis Meat market Meat market Volkskunde Folklore Folklore VVV Tourist information office Tourist information office Waag Old public weighing house, a common feature of Dutch towns. Old public weighing house, a common feature of Dutch towns.

Weg Way Way Wijk District District Dutch Art and architecture glossary Ambulatory Covered pa.s.sage around the outer edge of the choir of a church. Covered pa.s.sage around the outer edge of the choir of a church.

Apse Semicircular protrusion, usually at the east end of a church. Semicircular protrusion, usually at the east end of a church.

Art Deco Geometrical style of art and architecture popular in the 1930s. Geometrical style of art and architecture popular in the 1930s.

Art Nouveau Style of art, architecture and design based on highly stylized vegetal forms, especially popular in the early part of the twentieth century. Style of art, architecture and design based on highly stylized vegetal forms, especially popular in the early part of the twentieth century. An ornamental rail, running, almost invariably, along the top of a building. An ornamental rail, running, almost invariably, along the top of a building.

Baroque The art and architecture of the Counter-Reformation, dating from around 1600 onwards. Distinguished by extreme ornateness and by the complex but harmonious spatial arrangement of interiors. The art and architecture of the Counter-Reformation, dating from around 1600 onwards. Distinguished by extreme ornateness and by the complex but harmonious spatial arrangement of interiors.

Carillon A set of tuned church bells, either operated by an automatic mechanism or played on a keyboard. A set of tuned church bells, either operated by an automatic mechanism or played on a keyboard.

Caryatid A sculptured female figure used as a column. A sculptured female figure used as a column.

Chancel The eastern part of a church, often separated from the nave by a screen (see "rood screen"). Contains the choir and ambulatory. The eastern part of a church, often separated from the nave by a screen (see "rood screen"). Contains the choir and ambulatory.

Cla.s.sical Architectural style incorporating Greek and Roman elements pillars, domes, colonnades, etc at its height in the seventeenth century and revived, as Neocla.s.sical, in the nineteenth. Architectural style incorporating Greek and Roman elements pillars, domes, colonnades, etc at its height in the seventeenth century and revived, as Neocla.s.sical, in the nineteenth.

Diptych Carved or painted work on two panels. Often used as an altarpiece both static and, more occasionally, portable. Carved or painted work on two panels. Often used as an altarpiece both static and, more occasionally, portable.

Expressionism Artistic style popular at the beginning of the twentieth century, characterized by the exaggeration of shape or colour; often accompanied by the extensive use of symbolism. Artistic style popular at the beginning of the twentieth century, characterized by the exaggeration of shape or colour; often accompanied by the extensive use of symbolism.

Flamboyant Florid form of Gothic. Florid form of Gothic.

Fresco Wall painting durable through application to wet plaster. Wall painting durable through application to wet plaster.

Gable The triangular upper portion of a wall decorative or supporting a roof which is a feature of many Amsterdam ca.n.a.l houses. Initially fairly simple, they became more ostentatious in the late seventeenth century, before turning to a more restrained if imposing cla.s.sicism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The triangular upper portion of a wall decorative or supporting a roof which is a feature of many Amsterdam ca.n.a.l houses. Initially fairly simple, they became more ostentatious in the late seventeenth century, before turning to a more restrained if imposing cla.s.sicism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

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