The Jaded: Reclaim Me Part 17

The Jaded: Reclaim Me -

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I grab her hips and bring her closer, not too tight so as not to cause her pain, but enough to feel her flush against me. She groans into my mouth at the first contact. I'm not ashamed to admit that I nearly explode. I rear back and reach behind me to grip my s.h.i.+rt and pull it over my head. As I do this, Mia does the same with her s.h.i.+rt. She opted out of wearing a bra home from the hospital, and I thank the heavens that she did.

"f.u.c.k, Pix, you're gorgeous," I growl and then lean forward and take a hard nipple into my mouth. I twirl my tongue around the tip and then my teeth against it. She digs her nails into my scalp and lets out a cry. I switch to the other nipple and apply the same treatment.

"Mac!" She gasps.

I look up at her and see her eyes flaring at me.

"What, baby?" I whisper.

"I want you, Mac," she moans at me.

It's hard to say the words, but I tell her, "Not tonight, Pix. You've been through enough."

Her eyes flash before she practically growls, "I don't f.u.c.king care about that. I need you."

"I'll still make you feel good, but we're not f.u.c.king tonight."

I reach up, put my hands on either side of her head, and bring her lips down to mine. Her taste is intoxicating, and I swear I'll never get enough of her. Our tongues tangle and battle for dominance. I release my hands from her head and wrap them around her waist, bringing her naked t.i.ts up against my bare chest. I feel the hard points of her nipples brus.h.i.+ng against me and I have to clench my hands behind my back to keep from throwing her down on the floor and devouring her. She throws her arms around my neck and rakes her nails down my back. I hiss at the exquisite pain.

I take my lips from hers and push back until she's standing between my legs.

"Off," I growl at her and tug down her pants.

She helps by kicking them off. I sit back and stare at her. Her body is a work of art, and not just from the mult.i.tude of tattoos she sports, although those definitely add to the appeal of her. She's a small girl with a tiny waist and flared hips. Her breast aren't huge, each one a handful. Her skin is naturally tanned and flawless. She has a toned body that she doesn't need to work at.

I kick her legs apart slightly and bring my face to the apex of her thighs. I force myself to look past the bruises there. I don't want to ruin this moment by going on a rampage.

I let my face linger and breathe in her scent. Her hands go back to my hair and give it a tug, trying to bring me closer to her moist heat. I run my hands up her smooth legs until I reach her p.u.s.s.y. My thumbs meet her wet center, and I swipe them against her c.l.i.t. She throws her head back and cries out. I take one thumb and start at her opening, brus.h.i.+ng it through her folds until I meet her c.l.i.t, where I swirl it around the bundle of nerves there. I do the same with the other thumb.

"Mac, please..."

"What, baby? What do you want me to do?" I ask her.

"I need your mouth on me," she pleads with me.

Putting her out of her misery, I take my thumbs, spread her lips wide, and swipe my tongue all the way from her drenched p.u.s.s.y to her c.l.i.t. She tastes phenomenal. I could live off her sweet taste all day, every day. I take the nub between my lips and suck hard, flicking my tongue at the same time.

She calls out my name at the same time I feel her legs go weak. I bring my arms around her hips to steady her. I stiffen my tongue and bring it back to her opening, pus.h.i.+ng it in as far as I can. She clenches around my tongue, and I know she's close. As much as I want her to come on my face, I have other plans for her.

She protests and tries to yank me back when I pull my face away.

"Shhh...we're not done yet, Pix." I reach down, unb.u.t.ton my jeans, and pull down my zipper. I don't wear underwear so my c.o.c.k springs free. I watch Mia as I slowly stroke myself. She licks her lips as if she wants nothing more than to take my d.i.c.k into her mouth. I nearly combust at the thought. I lift my hips and pull my pants the rest of the way off. Kicking them to the side, I sit back and pat my lap. "Bring that p.u.s.s.y over here."

She steps forward and is forced to spread her legs to straddle me again. I see her glistening, and I want to dive my face back in between her legs. As soon as she's settled, I bring her hips closer until I feel her warm p.u.s.s.y against my d.i.c.k.

"Oh, s.h.i.+t, that feels so good," she breathes.

"I know, baby," I groan.

She feels so f.u.c.king amazing. She's slick, and my c.o.c.k slides perfectly between her lips.

"Look, Pix. Watch my c.o.c.k slide against your p.u.s.s.y."

My words bring a flush to her face. Not from embarra.s.sment, but from excitement. She glances down, and she sucks in a breath at the picture. I look down as well and see my d.i.c.k covered in her juices.

I watch as I carefully glide her back and forth over me. Mia's hands go to my shoulder and her nails dig in. The warmth of her is almost too much to bear. I'm on the edge, but I hold on. I need her to come first.

I look up to see her still watching our bodies. She looks up to me when she sees me looking at her. I grab her hair and bring her forward. At her lips, I grit out, "I need you to come first."

She closes the distance between our lips and attacks my mouth with fervor. She grinds her hips down on me, and I try to pull her hips back, but she growls into my mouth. She starts moving her hips faster, and my b.a.l.l.s draw up. I can feel her wet p.u.s.s.y sliding against them as well. I'm about to explode when she yanks her head back from mine and cries out.

The pleasure I see on her face and the spasming I feel from her p.u.s.s.y, sends me over the edge. I shout out the fiercest f.u.c.king release I've ever had. Jet after jet comes pouring out of me to land on her p.u.s.s.y and both our stomachs.

She drops her head in the crook of my neck. After several minutes, our breathing comes back to semi normal. I pick her up, and she wraps her legs around my waist. Her p.u.s.s.y snug against my c.o.c.k brings it back to life, but I ignore it. Her breathing is evening out, and I know she's almost asleep.

I bring her to my room and set her down in the middle of the bed. Her eyes watch me drowsily as I walk into the bathroom that's connected to the bedroom. After cleaning myself up, I wet a washcloth with warm water and walk back out. Mia's asleep in the center of my bed. It's a sight I've wanted to see for years. I watch her for a few minutes before walking over and carefully cleaning her up as well.

I drop the washcloth into the laundry basket and crawl into bed beside Mia. I wrap an arm around her and bring her up against me. She doesn't wake up as she snuggles even closer, lying her head down on my chest. I close my eyes and cherish this moment, hoping that I get many more nights like this.

Chapter Eighteen.

Mia Her compa.s.sion...

I wake up and feel a hard warmth at my back. The sun is s.h.i.+ning through the sheer curtains. There's a heavy weight on my waist, and at first, I don't know what it is. Flashes of last night come tumbling, in and I know I'm in Mac's bed, and he's snuggled up to my back. What we did last night rushes through and tingles start spreading though me. When I woke to Mac rubbing circles on my waist, all the pent up desire he's stirred in me had no choice but to be released.

I feel Mac's warm breath on my neck. I want to turn around, kiss his lips, and take his c.o.c.k in my hand. My bladder has other plans. If I don't get to the bathroom very soon, Mac will have a very rude awakening.

I carefully remove Mac's arms from around my waist and slide over to the edge of the bed. He grumbles in his sleep, and I can't help but look back at him and smile. His brows are drawn down into a frown, as if he can sense I'm no longer beside him.

My bladder protests the wait while I watch Mac. I turn and rush to his bathroom. After relieving myself, I check his medicine cabinet for an extra toothbrush. Not finding one, I pick his up, and with a shrug, I use it to clean the fuzz from my teeth.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Mac's arms wrapped around a pillow, and I have to stifle a laugh. Poor guy.

I have no idea what we're doing here. There's so much that's changed between us the last couple of weeks. I don't know what I want anymore. I no longer blame Mac for what happened, but I'm also terrified of being hurt again. I know he would never hurt me on purpose, but we both know that s.h.i.+t happens and I may get hurt unintentionally. Should I take that chance? Can I take the risk? h.e.l.l, I don't even know how Mac feels. I've treated him like s.h.i.+t for the past ten years. Who's to say he even wants a relations.h.i.+p with me? Maybe it's just physical for him. I don't think it is, but I can't be sure. I don't even know if I want to know. The truth may hurt.

I walk out of the bedroom naked, my mind in turmoil. I stop in the living room, pick up my clothes, and put them back on. Loafer's silent feet follow me into the kitchen. I search the cabinets until I locate everything I need to make a pot of coffee. After making myself a cup, I walk to the backdoor and step outside. The air is warm, but not too much because there's a breeze. I glance over to my left and see the barn.

I start in that direction, calling Loafer behind me. The barn is huge, bigger than I remember, but I'm sure it's because it's been years since I've seen it. It looks like it's been repainted within the last few years. It must have been another project Mac decided to do when he refurbished the house. I step inside and nostalgia immediately hits me at the smell of horses. Most people would hate the smell, but I always loved it.

Several of the stalls are occupied by horses, but not nearly as many as before. When we were younger, every stall was used. I walk up to the nearest one and look inside. There's a huge black and white horse inside. He's munching on some hay when he sees me at the door of the stall. He walks over to me. I hold my hand out for him to smell. After a good whiff, he brings his snout down and b.u.t.ts it against my hand. I laugh at his demand to be rubbed.

I spend several minutes with him before I move onto the next stall. As soon as I see who's inside, I know this is Marabelle's foal. Tears p.r.i.c.kle my eyes as I gaze at Pepper. Her color is different from Marabelle. Marabelle was brown and white, while Pepper is white and grey. No, the reason I know this is Pepper is because she has the same moon shaped patch as Marabelle did, in the exact same spot. Marabelle's patch was brown and on her right flank. Pepper's is grey and on her right flank as well.

She walks up to me, and it's as if she knows who I am. She gently places her head against my cheek and gives me a soft neigh. I place my hands on her neck and give both sides a rub. Before I'm able stop them, a few tears slip down my cheeks. I rest my forehead against hers and let them come. I cry, because not only do I miss Marabelle, but also because of all that Mac and I have missed, all because someone was jealous and thought to take away our happiness.

"I see you've met Pepper," Mac says behind me. I sniff and quickly wipe my tears away before I turn around and face him. I suck in a breath when I do. He's leaning against the barn door wearing nothing but his jeans with the b.u.t.ton undone. His chest is bare, and I want to go up to him and lick it.

He smirks at me, as if he knows what I'm thinking. I roll my eyes at him and turn back towards Pepper.

"She's beautiful. She has Marabelle's mark," I remark.

Mac walks up beside me and starts petting Pepper. "Yeah, she does. She's lucky to be here. She fought hard to stay alive. When Marabelle went into distress, she stopped pus.h.i.+ng. It was only Pepper's feet that were out. I had to pull the rest of her out. Once she was delivered, she wasn't moving. I thought she was gone, but after a few minutes, she started thras.h.i.+ng."

I have to swallow the lump in my throat to keep the tears at bay. My poor Marabelle. I wish I had been there for her.

I wrap my arms around Pepper's neck and rub my face against her. I promise myself that no matter what, I'll be here for her daughter.

"Have you eaten?" Mac asks.

"No, but I'm not really hungry. Do you think you can drop me off at my mom's house? I need to tell her what happened. I'll get her to take me to my car."

"It's already taken care of. Nick drove it to your place for you last night."

"Oh, okay. Well, can you take me home and then I'll drive over to Moms?"

"Yeah, just let me grab some clothes and then we can go."

I nod and give Pepper one last affectionate pat and turn to follow Mac to the house.

I'm standing at the sink rinsing out the coffee pot when I feel arms wrap around me from behind. I stiffen at first, but then relax against his chest. It's really strange to be back in Mac's arms, but then again, it's like I never left. The feelings I feel are so familiar.

I feel Mac's lips at the nape of my neck, and I tilt my head to give him better access. He runs his tongue up my neck, and it sends s.h.i.+vers throughout my body. I push back against his hips, and feel his hardness. I want him to bend me over and sink his c.o.c.k into me.

Mac moves his hands up my ribs until he meets my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, where he tweaks my hard nipples. I moan and have to grip the counter to stay standing.

I almost stomp my foot and pitch a fit when Mac nips my ear and whispers, "As much as I want to finish this, I need to drop you off and take care of something."

I nod, unable to talk at the moment because of my racing heart. I'm worried if I speak, it will come out as a squeak, and I am not a squeaker.

I turn in Mac's arms and lift my head. He knows what I want and bends his to give me a kiss. It's a hot one, not as hot as last night, but hot all the same. Mac pulls back before I am finished with his lips, but I don't protest. I need to get to my mama's house. The longer I wait on telling her, the more upset she'll be.

The drive over to my house isn't long. That's the thing with living in a small town. Everyone knows where everyone lives, and you can get there within minutes.

After saying goodbye to Mac and thanking him, I walk into my house and head straight to the shower. I took a shower in the hospital before I was released, but I still feel dirty. Hospitals tend to do that to you. No matter how much you wash, you never feel truly clean.

After dressing and picking up a quick snack, I walk out to my car. I pause before getting in and walk around it to check the tires. I know it's ridiculous, but since Mac told me about my tire being slashed, I'm paranoid. Seeing my fully inflated tire, I climb inside and head over to my mom's house, not looking forward to telling her of the recent events.

I'm sitting on my mom's couch with her arms around me, her crying on my shoulder. Levi is sitting on her other side rubbing her back. His eyes are hard, and I can tell he's p.i.s.sed. Not at me, but at what happened to me. It endears me to him that he's upset on my behalf. I'm glad my mom has found someone to make her happy. It's been years since she's had someone there for her besides family and friends.

My mom pulls back and wipes her tears. Her eyes are blood shot, and she has red splotches on her cheeks from crying, but she's still the most beautiful woman in the world.

She brings her palms up to my cheeks and demands, "Don't you ever keep something like this from me again. I mean it, Mia. Never again. And you better bet your a.s.s that I'll be talking to your brother about this too."

It's not very often that I hear my mama curse, but when she does, you know she means business.

"I'm sorry, Mama. We didn't want to worry you."

"I'm your mother; it's my job to worry. It's my job to be there for my kids when they need me." She says this with more tears leaking out of her eyes, and it makes me feel like s.h.i.+t.

I pull her to me again and kiss her cheek. "I promise I won't keep anything like this from you again."

She pulls back and kisses my cheek as well. She reaches up and grabs Levi's hand that is now resting on her shoulder. I smile at the movement.

"How are you feeling now?" She asks, worry heavy in her voice.

"I feel fine, Mama. I had a headache yesterday, but I'm doing much better today," I tell her, trying to alleviate her worry.

"Do either of you have any idea who would do something like that?"

I look up to Levi with his question. Anger is still evident in his eyes, and his jaw is clenched, as if he's physically holding himself back from doing damage. While in school, he always seemed so laid back. He was one of the coolest teachers in school, always making our lessons interesting. Now, I see a side I've never witnessed before, and it's very intimidating and interesting to see.

"There's one person we think may have something to do with it. Mac is supposed to talk them to see what he can find out. I'll keep you both updated."

"Tell him if he needs anything to let me know."

I nod, grateful for Levi's words. I just hope Mac has no problems with getting the truth out of Tessa. She's obviously capable of drugging someone to get what she wants, but I don't see the point of her drugging me. I know she was p.i.s.sed that I was at Mac's house, but she and Mac have been over for years.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when my mom says, "I was going through some boxes in the attic the other day and came across one of your boxes." She turns to Levi, "Can you go get it for me, please? It's in our bedroom in the corner by the desk."

"Sure, baby." He bends and gives her a lingering kiss. I turn my head to give them privacy. When I hear his retreating footsteps, I turn back to my mom, who has a flush on her cheeks. She gives me a small smile, which I return.

"So," I grab her hand in mine, "Have you set a date yet?"

"Sort of." At my confused look, she laughs and continues, "We've set a time sometime in winter. I want to get married in the snow. Since there's no way to predict when it's going to snow, we've decided to just plan everything ahead of time, and when we know it's going to snow, call everyone to come over. We don't want a lot of people to attend, just family and a few close friends. I know it sounds crazy but..."

She trails off with a shrug and looks to her lap. I squeeze her hand until she looks back at me. "It's not crazy at all. I think it's going to be beautiful."

She smiles at me, and I know I've made her happy with my words. My chest warms at the happiness I see in her eyes.

"You'll be my maid of honor, right?"

"Mama, really? Do you even need to ask? You know I would be completely honored."

She laughs again and gives me another hug. I squeeze her in return, so happy that she's so happy. My mom is the best person I know.

Levi comes back into the room, and we break apart. The soft look in his eyes says he heard part of our conversation. He's carrying a box about the size of a boots s...o...b..x. He sets it down on top of the coffee table sitting in front of us. I have no idea what's inside, but I'm curious. I reach out and remove the lid. My breath catches at what I see inside.

Mama senses my reaction and gets up from the couch.

"Levi and I are going to the kitchen to give you privacy. I'm making us grilled cheese sandwiches. Would you like one?"

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