The Jaded: Reclaim Me Part 16

The Jaded: Reclaim Me -

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Her eyes tear up, but she gives me a nod and steps to the side.

Karyn walks up next and gives me a hug. "Jaxon told us what the doctor said. I know this doesn't help, but I'm glad it wasn't worse than what it was."

"Me too, Karyn, thank you," I tell her.

Bailey steps up to me and looks at me with tears flowing down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry we didn't come looking for you sooner," she whispers.

The heartache I hear in her voice brings my own tears to my eyes. I can only imagine how hard this is on her. She already blames herself for Anna's torture and death. I won't have her blaming herself for what happened to me.

"Bailey, you listen to me, okay?" She nods. "I am so grateful for you all coming when you did. I don't want you taking the fault for this. There is nothing you could have done."

Her lip trembles, but she nods. Jaxon walks up and slips his arms around her from behind. He looks at me from over the top of her head and gives me a soft smile. He'll help her get over her guilt.

It's Andrew's turn next to walk up to my bed. The anguish in his eyes almost makes me break down. He bends his head, lightly kisses my lips, and rests his forehead against mine. "I'm glad you're okay, Mia Pia," he says in a deep but low voice.

He pulls back, and I notice his knuckles are all sc.r.a.pped. I also notice he has splatters of blood on his wrinkled s.h.i.+rt.

"Is that from-?" he doesn't let me finish before answering.

"Yes." His tone is hard and his eyes fierce.

"Thank you," I tell him.

His eyes soften when he nods. "You should also thank Bailey. When I opened the door, she went apes.h.i.+t crazy when she saw what was happening." My surprised gaze goes to Bailey. "She jumped on the guy's back and started pulling his hair and scratching the s.h.i.+t out of him. I could barely get her off him."

Bailey looks at me sadly. "I wasn't going to let him hurt you anymore. When I saw what he was doing to you, all I could see was Anna laying on that table, and I kind of lost it. I couldn't allow you to be hurt too."

It breaks my heart at everything that Bailey has gone through. She's been through more than any one person should, and she still came out the other end strong. I count myself extremely lucky to have met her. Anyone that's met her will say the same thing. She's a very special person. I just wish she would let the guilt go of what happened to Anna. Only she can realize that she helped my sister as much as she could. She needs to realize that there was nothing else she could have done. She gave Anna the comfort she needed in the situation they were in.

A throat clearing at the door breaks the silence that enveloped the room at Bailey's words. We all turn towards the door to see Nick standing there. His eyes are on Bailey, and there is a mixture of emotions: sadness, pain, shame, and something that I can't quite decipher.

He breaks eye contact with Bailey and looks to me. "I just spoke with the cops. They'd like a word with you when you're ready, Mia. They need to take your statement."

Not looking forward to repeating the events of last night, but knowing I have to, I tell him, "Send them in."

Four hours later and I'm ready to leave. The doctor left a few minutes ago, and he deemed me well enough to be released. Jaxon took Bailey to my house to pick up some fresh clothes, and now I sit on the edge of the bed waiting on Mac to come back from signing the release papers. Other than having a slight headache and becoming queasy if I stand up too fast along the bruises on my thighs and pelvic area, I feel pretty normal.

When I spoke with the cops and gave my statement, I found out that the guy was paid two grand to give me the roofie. They don't know who paid him, and the guy didn't know who he was either. All he had was a description. While the cops were telling me this, I remembered the conversation I overheard while I was asleep. Because of what I heard from Mac and Jaxon, and seeing Andrew's knuckles and s.h.i.+rt, I was concerned that Andrew would get into trouble. The cops a.s.sured me that charges were not being drawn against him. Andrew was defending a friend.

I also found out that the reason I had a flat tire was because it was slashed. I gave Mac a glare when he revealed this to the cops, angry because he didn't tell me before. He gave me a look that said we would talk about it later. And talk about it later we d.a.m.n sure will. It p.i.s.sed me off that he didn't tell me.

Mac comes back into the room carrying some papers, followed by an orderly pus.h.i.+ng a wheel chair.

"I don't need that. I can walk on my own fine," I tell the man behind the wheel chair.

"Sorry ma'am, but it's hospital policy." He gives me a sympathetic smile.

I start to protest, because I'm not an invalid that can't walk on my own. I've already shown enough weakness, I don't need this thrown in my face. Mac stops my protest before I can utter a word.

"We know you can do it on your own, but please just let them wheel you out. The sooner you agree, the sooner we can leave."

I shoot daggers at him, still mad that he kept something important from me. But I also know he's right. I get up off the bed with a huff and say, "Fine." I take a seat, and we move out of the room and down the hallway.

Parked right outside the doors is Mac's truck. When I get out of the chair to go to the pa.s.senger's side, Mac swoops in and picks me up, carrying me the rest of the way.

"Sheriff, put me down. I can get in the truck myself," I say and start shoving at his chest.

"Stop moving or I'm going to drop you. I know you can get in yourself, but I want to do it." With that, he bends slightly and opens the door with the arm that's around my back. I have to admit that it feels nice being in his arms. He puts me down on the seat and closes the door. Through the window, I can hear him thank the orderly. Then makes his way around and climbs in behind the wheel.

"You alright?" He asks, while he puts the key in the ignition and starts the truck.

Leaning back against the headrest, I turn my head his way, "Yeah, just tired."

"Rest, I'll wake you when we get there."

I nod my head and close my eyes. It's not long before the vibration of the truck lulls me to sleep.

Chapter Seventeen.

Mac Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s...

The drive is quiet on the way home. I glance over and see her sound asleep. There's a frown line between her eyes, and I reach over and run my finger over it. She releases a quiet sigh, and the frown line disappears.

I turn my head back to the road and grip the steering wheel tightly, ready to do major damage to the ones that hurt her. If Andrew and the girls had waited just a few more minutes to go look for her, then the damage could have been much worse. It was already bad enough, but if that guy had managed to put his d.i.c.k in her, then nothing would have held me back from killing. I want to rage, because we are no closer to finding out who paid the guy to rape her. I make a silent promise to Mia and myself that nothing like that will ever happen again. The first person on my suspect list is Tessa, and she had better hope to G.o.d that she wasn't involved. I'll make her life a living h.e.l.l before I arrest her. No, it's not professional, but at this point I don't give a s.h.i.+t. She may be my son's mother, but that won't stop me from destroying her, by any means necessary.

I drive past Mia's driveway and head to mine instead. She's going to be p.i.s.sed when she realizes that she's spending the night with me, but she'll have to get over it. No way am I leaving her alone for the night. The drugs may be almost out of her system, but there's still a chance that she could have a reaction. There's also the fact that I need to be with her, at least for the night.

I pull into the driveway and turn the truck off. I turn to face Mia and watch her for a few minutes before I wake her. Her normally red and black spikey hair lays flat on her head. The perpetual stern face she shows everyone is gone and is replaced with a sweet, innocent look. She tries so hard to keep most people at arm's length. Her att.i.tude and demeanor usually keeps everyone away. Only the people that know her well, and that she allows in know the true Mia.

I reach over and run my finger down her cheek while saying quietly so I don't startle her, "Mia."

She stirs and opens her eyes. She looks confused for a minute and then sits up and looks around.

"Why are we here?" She asks sleepily.

Preparing myself for the battle that is bound to happen, I tell her, "You're staying here tonight."

Her eyes fly to mine, and I see stubbornness. She can fight it all she wants. She's not getting her way in this. "No, I'm not. Take me home, Sheriff, or I'll call Jaxon to come get me."

"Actually, you are. You need someone to keep an eye on you. You heard what the doctor said."

"Okay, that's fine. I can stay with Jaxon and Bailey." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Or you can stay here," I sigh and shake my head at the determination I see on her face. "Look, Pix, I need you here because I need to be the one to watch over you. It almost broke me seeing you in that hospital bed, and what put you there. Please, don't fight me on this. Can you give me that?"

She stares at me a few seconds and I think she's going to protest further, but then her harsh expression softens. She gives me an understanding smile. "Okay, Mac, I'll spend one night."

"Thank you," I say quietly and get out of the truck. I walk around and open her door. When I reach in to grab her, she slaps my hand away.

"I'll stay, only if you let me walk myself. I'm not some weakling that can't care for herself."

I grin at her and take a step back. At her wince, when she slides across the seat and steps down, I almost ignore her demand to do it herself, but I don't want to push my luck. She has no choice but to stay, but I don't want to argue with her the whole time. I already know we're going to have a heated discussion about me not telling her about her tire.

We walk up the steps and into the house. As soon as the door is open, Loafer comes bounding out of the living room. She only pauses for a split second before throwing her paws up on my stomach for her rub. After, she moves to Mia, who bends down to give her a rub herself. Mia chuckles as Loafer licks her face.

I throw my keys and phone onto the little table by the door and head towards the kitchen, saying over my shoulder, "I need to get her some food. Would you like a drink?"

"Some water would be great," she says as she follows me into the kitchen and takes a seat at the bar.

I reach into the fridge for a bottle of water for her and a beer for me. After I pour Loafer her food, I lean back against the counter and regard Mia. She's watching Loafer eat with a small smile.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her.

"A little."

"Go have a seat in the living room and watch TV while I make us something. How does homemade chili sound?"

"It sounds great. Is it your mom's recipe?" she asks. She used to love my mom's chili. Anytime my mom made it, Mia made sure she was over that night for dinner.

I grin at her when I answer, "You know it."

She smiles back at me and slowly hops down from the stool. I can tell she's still in pain, and a flash of anger runs through me.

Loafer is done eating, so Mia clicks her tongue to call her into the living room with her. I turn and gather the ingredients for the chili. When I'm done with our dinner, I walk into the living and see Mia curled up on the couch with Loafer by her side watching a comedy.

"Food's done," I tell her and watch her get up from the couch. We sit at the table and eat for a few minutes in silence before she brings up the subject I'm dreading.

"Why didn't you tell me about my tire, Mac?"

I put down my spoon and pick up my beer and take a swallow before answering. "Because I wanted to find out who slashed it first. I didn't want you to worry until I found out some answers."

She contemplates my reason for keeping it from her. I can see her weighing my decision by the cute little pucker in her brow and the lip biting she has going on. This is not the Mia that I've seen the last ten years. The new Mia would have given me s.h.i.+t no matter what my reasons were. No, this is the old Mia. And while I've grown used to the Mia of now, and find her att.i.tude intriguing and hot as s.h.i.+t, I still miss the old Mia as well. I can only imagine the two converging. They will be a force to be reckoned with and will play havoc on my need to have her beneath me.

She finally comes to a decision, and it's one that shows both sides of her. She gives it to me straight, but doesn't bite my head off in the process.

"Don't do it again. I understand your reasoning, but next time tell me. I don't like being left in the dark. I should have been told."

I nod my head and give her that. I don't regret not telling her. It would have only p.i.s.sed her off and worried her. But I don't tell her that. I've gotten off easy, and I know when to give in.

"I can do that," I tell her and she nods.

"Do you have any idea who it could be?" She asks me.

"I have one person in mind," I tell her quietly.

I wait for a minute before I say, "Tessa."

"That's what I was thinking as well. Do you really think she hates me so much she would pay someone to rape me?"

"I don't know, but I plan on finding out."

Mia looks like she wants to ask me something else, but shakes her head. She winces at the movement.

"How's your head?"

"It's better, thank you. I should be brand new tomorrow."

I don't know about that, but I'm sure she'll feel a lot better. The soreness of what the guy did will probably linger a few days though. The thought makes me want to put my fist through a wall.

We finish our meal with small talk. She tells me about how she found out Lilly and Levi were seeing each other. She s.h.i.+vers and I laugh at her. She glares at me, telling me the image will forever be embedded in her memory. I tell her more about the new addition of horses I have. Our conversation is light, and we both enjoy it.

She tries to clear the table, but I tell her to go rest in the living room while I clean up. When I walk out of the kitchen a few minutes later, Mia is lying down asleep with her head on the armrest. Loafer has her head in Mia's lap. I walk over and call Loafer down. She slips down with a disgruntled sigh.

Too bad, girl. Mia is mine tonight.

I carefully pick Mia's head up off the armrest, sit down, and place her head in my lap. I look down at her sleeping face, which is turned towards the TV. Mia exhales a breath and places her hand underneath her head, which puts her hand just inches from my c.o.c.k. Her fingers brush against me, and I hiss out a breath, bringing my d.i.c.k to life. Trying not to think about how close her hand is, I sift my fingers through her hair. She looks so innocent in sleep. I know I shouldn't, but I run my finger along her soft lips. They part slightly, and it takes everything in me not to slip my finger inside. Mia has always had a way about her that got to me. Even when she hated me, I still had to fight taking her in my arms and demanding a different reaction out of her other than hatred. Her allure has gotten stronger over the years.

I look down at her body. She has on a pair of tight black yoga pants and a dark green form fitting t-s.h.i.+rt. Her feet are bare, and I see her black painted toes. Feet normally do nothing for me, but Mia has cute feet. I would love to nibble the arch of her foot and then travel my lips up her leg until I reach her delicious center. I wonder if she tastes the same as she did ten years ago.

I know I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts because of what she went through last night, but I'm incapable of stopping them from forming.

She adjusts on my lap, and her fingers graze my hard c.o.c.k again. I drop my head back on the couch and let out a low moan. I'm thinking I probably should have just carried her to bed and left her there. It's torture sitting here with her head in my lap and not able to do anything. But I want to be close to her. It is a need that I can't deny myself.

I'm a sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d for sitting here imagining what I would like to do to her, and her do to me. Just a few more minutes and I'll carry her to my bed and go sleep in T's. Just a few more minutes of feeling her against me.

I continue to brush my fingers lightly through her hair. I place my other hand on her waist, right above her hip, and rub my finger against the exposed skin there. What I wouldn't give to slip my fingers inside her tight pants and feel my way around until I come across her p.u.s.s.y. I feel like a lecherous a.s.shole, but that doesn't stop my thoughts, or my fingers from rubbing that torturous piece of flesh peeking out from her s.h.i.+rt. Of course, I'll go no further, but I'll give myself this little bit.

Just as I'm about to get up and put Mia to bed, I feel her fingers flex on my thigh. I hold my breath, wondering if she's awake. I have no doubt that she'll rip me a new one if she knew the thoughts running through my head right now.

At first, I think she's still asleep, but then I hear her breath catch when the tip of my finger barely slips inside the band of her pants. I think about stopping. I know I should stop, but I don't. I continue running my finger along her soft skin. Her fingers once again move, and she again b.u.mps my d.i.c.k. It jumps in response. I know she's awake now because at my jump, she lets out a little moan and presses her fingers more firmly against me.

Neither one of us says anything, just continues to tease each other. Knowing I shouldn't, but doing so anyway, I allow my fingers to drift a little further into her pants. Mia's breathing becomes heavier with my movement. Through the denim of my pants, I feel her rake her nails against my c.o.c.k, and it sends a shock wave through me.


I groan and tighten my fingers in her hair. She moans and moves her head so her cheek rubs against me. A growl rips from my throat before I can hold it in.

Mia dislodges my hand from her hair and sits up. Her eyes radiate a heat so hot it nearly scorches me. I force myself to not grab her and throw her down on the couch and f.u.c.k her senseless. That can't happen tonight. She's sore and I won't add to that.

Mia moves around, throws a leg over my lap, and straddles my hips. She sits back and I feel her warmth envelope me. She grips handfuls of my hair and slants her lips over mine. I knew from when we went at each other in her mom's hallway that Mia would be a demanding lover.

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