Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' Part 20

Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' -

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Allerton did togeather, they would stand to it; but they would not alow of what M^r. Allerton did alone, except they liked it; but if he did it alone, they would not gaine say it. Upon which they sould to him & M^r.

Allerton all y^e rest of y^e goods, and gave them present possession of them; and a writing was made, and confirmed under both M^r. Hatherleys and M^r. Allertons hands, to y^e effecte afforesaide. And M^r.

Allertone, being best aquainted w^th y^e people, sould away presenly all shuch goods as he had no need of for y^e fis.h.i.+ng, as 9. shallop sails, made of good new canvas, and y^e roads for them being all new, with sundry such usefull goods, for ready beaver, by M^r. Hatherleys allowance. And thus they thought they had well provided for them selvs.

Yet they rebuked M^r. Allerton very much for runing into these courses, fearing y^e success of them. M^r. Allerton & M^r. Hatherley brought to y^e towne with them (after he had sould what he could abroad) a great quant.i.ty of other goods besids trading comodities; as linen cloath, bedticks, stockings, tape, pins, ruggs, &c., and tould them they were to have them, if they would; but they tould M^r. Allerton that they had forbid him before for bringing any such on their accounte; it would hinder their trade and returnes. But he & M^r. Hatherley said, if they would not have them, they would sell them, them selves, and take corne for what they could not otherwise sell. They tould them they might, if they had order for it. The goods of one sorte & other came to upward of 500^li.

After these things, Mr. Allerton wente to y^e s.h.i.+p aboute his ba.s.s fis.h.i.+ng; and M^r. Hatherley, (according to his order,) after he tooke knowledg how things stood at y^e plantation, (of all which they informed him fully,) he then desired a boate of them to goe and visite y^e trading houeses, both Kenebeck, and Ashley at Pen.o.bscote; for so they in England had injoyned him. They accordingly furnished him with a boate & men for y^e viage, and aquainted him plainly & thorowly with all things; by which he had good contente and satisfaction, and saw plainly that M^r. Allerton plaid his owne game, and rane a course not only to y^e great wrong & detrimente of y^e plantation, who imployed & trusted him, but abused them in England also, in possessing them with prejudice against y^e plantation; as y^t, they would never be able to repaye their moneys (in regard of their great charge), but if [179] they would follow his advice and projects, he & Ashley (being well supplyed) would quickly bring in their moneys with good advantage. Mr. Hatherley disclosed also a further projecte aboute y^e setting out of this s.h.i.+p, y^e White-angell; how, she being wel fitted with good ordnance, and known to have made a great fight at sea (when she belongd to Bristoll) and caried away the victory, they had agreed (by M^r. Allerton's means) that, after she had brought a fraight of goods here into the countrie, and fraight her selfe with fish, she should goe from hence to Port of porte,[CQ] and ther be sould, both s.h.i.+p, goods, and ordenance; and had, for this end, had speech with a factore of those parts, beforehand, to whom she should have been consigned. But this was prevented at this time, (after it was known,) partly by y^e contrary advice given by their freinds hear to M^r. Allerton & M^r. Hatherley, showing how it might insnare their friends in England, (being men of estate,) if it should come to be knowne; and for y^e plantation, they did and would disalow it, and protest against it; and partly by their bad viage, for they both came too late to doe any good for fis.h.i.+ng, and allso had such a wicked and drunken company as neither M^r. Allerton nor any els could rule; as M^r. Hatherley, to his great greefe & shame, saw, & beheld, and all others that came nere them.

Ashley likwise was taken in a trape, (before M^r. Hatherley returned,) for trading powder & shote with y^e Indeans; and was ceased upon by some in authoritie, who allso would have confiscated above a thousand weight of beaver; but y^e goods were freed, for y^e Governer here made it appere, by a bond under Ashleys hand, wherin he was bound to them in 500^li. not to trade any munition with the Indeans, or other wise to abuse him selfe; it was also manifest against him that he had co[=m]ited uncleannes with Indean women, (things that they feared at his first imployment, which made them take this strict course with him in y^e begining); so, to be shorte, they gott their goods freed, but he was sent home prisoner. And that I may make an end concerning him, after some time of imprisonmente in y^e Fleet, by y^e means of friends he was set at liberty, and intended to come over againe, but y^e Lord prevented it; for he had a motion made to him, by some marchants, to goe into Russia, because he had such good skill in y^e beaver trade, the which he accepted of, and in his returne home was cast away at sea; this was his end.

M^r. Hatherley, fully understanding y^e state of all things, had good satisfaction, and could well informe them how all things stood betweene M^r. Allerton and y^e plantation. Yea, he found that M^r. Allerton had gott within him, and [180] got all the goods into his owne hands, for which M^r. Hatherley stood joyntly ingaged to them hear, aboute y^e s.h.i.+p-Fre[=i]ds.h.i.+p, as also most of y^e fraigte money, besids some of his owne perticuler estate; about w^ch more will appear here after. So he returned into England, and they sente a good quant.i.ty of beaver with him to y^e rest of y^e partners; so both he and it was very wellcome unto them.

M^r. Allerton followed his affaires, & returned with his White Angell, being no more imployed by y^e plantation; but these bussinesses were not ended till many years after, nor well understood of a longe time, but foulded up in obscuritie, & kepte in y^e clouds, to y^e great loss & vexation of y^e plantation, who in y^e end were (for peace sake) forced to bear y^e unjust burthen of them, to their allmost undoing, as will appear, if G.o.d give life to finish this history.

They sent their letters also by M^r. Hatherley to y^e partners ther, to show them how M^r. Hatherley & M^r. Allerton had discharged them of y^e Friends.h.i.+ps accounte, and that they boath affirmed y^t the White-Angell did not at all belong to them; and therfore desired that their accounte might not be charged therwith. Also they write to M^r. Winslow, their agente, that he in like maner should (in their names) protest against it, if any such thing should be intended, for they would never yeeld to y^e same. As allso to signifie to them that they renounsed M^r. Allerton wholy, for being their agente, or to have any thing to doe in any of their bussines.

This year John Billinton y^e elder (one that came over with y^e first) was arrained, and both by grand & petie jurie found guilty of willfull murder, by plaine & notorious evidence. And was for the same accordingly executed.[CR] This, as it was y^e first execution amongst them, so was it a mater of great sadnes unto them. They used all due means about his triall, and tooke y^e advice of M^r. Winthrop and other y^e ablest gentle-men in y^e Bay of y^e Ma.s.sachusets, that were then new-ly come over, who concured with them y^t he ought to dye, and y^e land to be purged from blood. He and some of his had been often punished for miscariags before, being one of the profanest families amongst them.

They came from London, and I know not by what freinds shufled into their company. His facte was, that he way-laid a yong-man, one John New-comin, (about a former quarell,) and shote him with a gune, wherof he dyed.[CS]

Having by a providence a letter or to y^t came to my hands concerning the proceedings of their Re^d freinds in y^e Bay of y^e Ma.s.sachusets, who were latly come over, I thought it not amise here to inserte them, (so farr as is pertenente, and may be usefull for after times,) before I conclude this year.

S^r: Being at Salem the 25. of July, being y^e saboath, after y^e evening exercise, M^r. Johnson received a letter from y^e Governor, Mr. John Winthrop, manifesting y^e hand of G.o.d to be upon them, and against them at Charles-towne, in visiting them with sicknes, and taking diverse from amongst them, not sparing y^e righteous, but partaking with y^e wicked in these bodily judgments. It was therfore by his desire taken into y^e G.o.dly consideration of y^e best hear, what was to be done to pacifie y^e Lords wrath, &c. Wher it was concluded, that the Lord was to be sought in righteousnes; and to that end, y^e 6. day (being Friday) of this present weeke, is set aparte, that they may humble them selves before G.o.d, and seeke him in his ordenances; and that then also such G.o.dly persons that are amongst them, and kno[=w] each to other, may publickly, at y^e end of their exercise, make known their G.o.dly desire, and practise y^e same, viz.

sole[=m]ly to enter into [181] covenante with y^e Lord to walke in his ways. And since they are so disposed of in their outward estats, as to live in three distinct places, each having men of abilitie amongst them, ther to observe y^e day, and become 3. distincte bodys; not then intending rashly to proceed to y^e choyce of officers, or y^e admitting of any other to their societie then a few, to witte, such as are well knowne unto them; promising after to receive in such by confession of faith, as shall appeare to be fitly qualified for y estate. They doe ernestly entreate that y^e church of Plimoth would set apparte y^e same day, for y^e same ends, beseeching y^e Lord, as to withdraw his hand of correction from them, so also to establish and direct them in his wayes. And though y^e time be shorte, we pray you be provocked to this G.o.dly worke, seing y^e causes are so urgente; wherin G.o.d will be honoured, and they & we undoubtedly have sweete comforte. Be you all kindly saluted, &c.

Your brethren in Christ, &c.

Salem, July 26. 1630.

S^r: etc. The sadd news here is, that many are sicke, and many are dead; y^e Lord in mercie looke upon them. Some are here entered into church covenante; the first were 4. namly, y^e Gov^r, M^r. John Winthrop, M^r. Johnson, M^r. Dudley, and M^r. Willson; since that 5.

more are joyned unto them, and others, it is like, will adde them selves to them dayly; the Lord increase them, both in number and in holines for his mercie sake. Here is a gentleman, one M^r. Cottington, (a Boston man,) who tould me, that M^r. Cottons charge at Hamton was, that they should take advise of them at Plimoth, and should doe nothing to offend them. Here are diverce honest Christians that are desirous to see us, some out of love which they bear to us, and y^e good perswasion they have of us; others to see whether we be so ill as they have heard of us. We have a name of holines, and love to G.o.d and his saincts; the Lord make us more and more answerable, and that it may be more then a name, or els it will doe us no good. Be you lovingly saluted, and all the rest of our friends. The Lord Jesus blese us, and y^e whole Israll of G.o.d. Amen.

Your loving brother, &c.

Charles-towne, Aug. 2. 1630.

Thus out of smalle beginings greater things have been prodused by his hand y^t made all things of nothing, and gives being to all things that are; and as one small candle may light a thousand, so y^e light here kindled hath shone to many, yea in some sorte to our whole nation; let y^e glorious name of Jehova have all y^e praise.

[182] _Anno Dom_: 1631.

Ashley being thus by y^e hand of G.o.d taken away, and M^r. Allerton discharged of his imploymente for them, their bussines began againe to rune in one chanell, and them selves better able to guide the same, Pen.o.bscote being wholy now at their disposing. And though M^r. William Peirce had a parte ther as is before noted, yet now, as things stood, he was glad to have his money repayed him, and stand out. M^r. Winslow, whom they had sent over, sent them over some supply as soone as he could; and afterwards when he came, which was something longe by reason of bussines, he brought a large supply of suitable goods with him, by which ther trading was well carried on. But by no means either he, or y^e letters y^ey write, could take off M^r. Sherley & y^e rest from putting both y^e Friends.h.i.+p and Whit-Angell on y^e generall accounte; which caused continuall contention betweene them, as will more appeare.

I shall inserte a leter of M^r. Winslow's about these things, being as foloweth.

S^r: It fell out by G.o.ds providence, y^t I received and brought your leters p^r M^r. Allerton from Bristoll, to London; and doe much feare what will be y^e event of things. M^r. Allerton intended to prepare y^e s.h.i.+p againe, to set forth upon fis.h.i.+ng. M^r. Sherley, M^r.

Beachamp, & M^r. Andrews, they renounce all perticulers, protesting but for us they would never have adventured one penie into those parts; M^r. Hatherley stands inclinable to either. And wheras you write that he and M^r. Allerton have taken y^e Whit-Angell upon them, for their partners here, they professe they neiver gave any such order, nor will make it good; if them selves will cleare y^e accounte & doe it, all shall be well. What y^e evente of these things will be, I know not. The Lord so directe and a.s.siste us, as he may not be dishonoured by our divissions. I hear (p^r a friend) that I was much blamed for speaking w^t[CT] I heard in y^e spring of y^e year, concerning y^e buying & setting forth of y^t s.h.i.+p;[CU] sure, if I should not have tould you what I heard so peremtorly reported (which report I offered now to prove at Bristoll), I should have been unworthy my imploymente. And concerning y^e commission so long since given to M^r. Allerton, the truth is, the thing we feared is come upon us; for M^r. Sherley & y^e rest have it, and will not deliver it, that being y^e ground of our agents credite to procure shuch great sumes.

But I looke for bitter words, hard thoughts, and sower looks, from sundrie, as well for writing this, as reporting y^e former. I would I had a more thankfull imploymente; but I hope a good conscience shall make it comefortable, &c.

Thus farr he. Dated Nov: 16. 1631.

The comission above said was given by them under their hand and seale, when M^r. Allerton was first imployed by them, and redemanded of him in y^e year 29. when they begane to suspecte his course. He tould them it was amongst his papers, but he would seeke it out & give it them before he wente. But he being ready to goe, it was demanded againe. He said he could not find it, but it was amongst his papers, which he must take w^th him, [183] and he would send it by y^e boat from y^e eastward; but ther it could not be had neither, but he would seeke it up at sea. But whether M^r. Sherley had it before or after, it is not certaine; but having it, he would not let it goe, but keeps it to this day. Wherfore, even amongst freinds, men had need be carfull whom they trust, and not lett things of this nature lye long unrecaled.

_Some parts of M^r. Sherley's letters aboute these things, in which y^e truth is best manifested._

Sir: Yours I have received by our loving friends, M^r. Allerton & M^r.

Hatherley, who, blesed be G.o.d, after a long & dangerous pa.s.sage with y^e s.h.i.+p Angell, are safely come to Bristoll. M^r. Hatherley is come up, but M^r. Allerton I have not yet seen. We thanke you, and are very glad you have disswaded him from his Spanish viage, and y^t he did not goe on in these designes he intended; for we did all uterly dislick of that course, as allso of y^e fis.h.i.+ng y^t y^e Freinds.h.i.+p should have performed; for we wished him to sell y^e salte, and were unwilling to have him undertake so much bussines, partly for y^e ill success we formerly had in those affairs, and partly being loath to disburse so much money. But he perswaded us this must be one way y^t must repay us, for y^e plantation would be long in doing of it; ney, to my rememberance, he doubted you could not be able, with y^e trade ther, to maintaine your charge & pay us. And for this very cause he brought us on y^t bussines with Ed: Ashley, for he was a stranger to us, &c.

For y^e fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+p, we are sorie it proves so heavie, and will be willing to bear our parts. What M^r. Hatherley & M^r. Allerton have done, no doubt but them selves will make good;[CV] we gave them no order to make any composition, to seperate you and us in this or any other. And I thinke you have no cause to forsake us, for we put you upon no new thing, but what your agent perswaded us to, & you by your letters desired. If he exceede your order, I hope you will not blame us, much less cast us of, when our moneys be layed out, &c. But I fear neither you nor we have been well delte withall, for sure, as you write, halfe 4000^li.?, nay, a quarter, in fitting comodities, and in seasonable time, would have furnished you beter then you were. And yet for all this, and much more I might write, I dare not but thinke him honest, and that his desire and intente was good; but y^e wisest may faile. Well, now y^t it hath pleased G.o.d to give us hope of meeting, doubte not but we will all indeavore to perfecte these accounts just & right, as soone as possibly we can. And I supposs you sente over M^r.

Winslow, and we M^r. Hatherley, to certifie each other how y^e state of things stood. We have received some contente upon M^r. Hatherley's returne, and I hope you will receive good contente upon M^r.

Winslow's returne. Now I should come to answer more perticulerly your letter, but herin I shall be very breefe. The coming of y^e White Angele on your accounte could not be more strang to you, then y^e buying of her was to us; for you gave him commission[CW] that what he did you would stand too; we gave him none, and yet for his credite, and your saks, payed what bills he charged on us, &c. For y^t I write she was to acte tow parts, fis.h.i.+ng & trade; beleeve me, I never so much as thought of any perticuler trade, nor will side with any y^t doth, if I conceive it may wrong you; for I ever was against it, useing these words: They will eate up and destroy y^e generall.

Other things I omite as tedious, and not very pertenente. This was dated Nov^r. 19. 1631.

In an other leter bearing date y^e 24. of this month, being an answer to y^e generall order, he hath these words:--

[184] For y^e White Angell, against which you write so ernestly, and say we thrust her upon you, contrary to y^e intente of y^e buyer, herin we say you forgett your selves, and doe us wrong. We will not take uppon us to devine what y^e thougts or intents of y^e buyer was, but what he we heard, and that we will affirme, and make good against any y^t oppose it; which is, y^t unles shee were bought, and shuch a course taken, Ashley could not be supplyed; and againe, if he weer not supplyed, we could not be satisfied what we were out for you.

And further, you were not able to doe it; and he gave some reasons which we spare to relate, unless by your unreasonable refusall you will force us, and so, hasten y^t fire which is a kindling too fast allready, &c.

_Out of another of his, bearing date Jan. 2. 1631._

We purpose to keep y^e Freinds.h.i.+p and y^e Whit Angell, for y^e last year viages, on the generall accounte, hoping togeither they will rather produse profite then loss, and breed less confution in our accounts, and less disturbance in our affections. As for y^e White Angell, though we layed out y^e money, and tooke bills of salle in our owne names, yet none of us had so much as a thought (I dare say) of deviding from you in any thing this year, because we would not have y^e world (I may say Bristoll) take notice of any breach betwixte M^r.

Allerton and you, and he and us; and so disgrace him in his proceedings on[CX] in his intended viage. We have now let him y^e s.h.i.+p at 30^li. p^r month, by charter-partie, and bound him in a bond of a 1000^li. to performe covenants, and bring her to London (if G.o.d please). And what he brings in her for you, shall be marked w^th your marke, and bils of laden taken, & sent in M^r. Winslows letter, who is this day riding to Bristoll about it. So in this viage, we deale & are with him as strangers. He hath brought in 3. books of accounts, one for y^e company, an other for Ashley's bussines, and y^e third for y^e Whit-Angell and Freinds.h.i.+p. The books, or coppies, we purpose to send you, for you may discover y^e errours in them better then we. We can make it appear how much money he hath had of us, and you can charg him with all y^e beaver he hath had of you. The totall sume, as he hath put it, is 7103. 17. 1. Of this he hath expended, and given to Mr.

Vines & others, aboute 543^li. ode money, and then by your books you will find whether you had such, & so much goods, as he chargeth you with all; and this is all that I can say at presente concerning these accounts. He thought to dispatch them in a few howers, but he and Straton & Fogge were above a month aboute them; but he could not stay till we had examined them, for losing his fis.h.i.+ng viage, which I fear he hath allready done, &c.

We blese G.o.d, who put both you & us in mind to send each to other, for verily had he rune on in that desperate & chargable course one year more, we had not been able to suport him; nay, both he and we must have lyen in y^e ditch, and sunck under y^e burthen, &c. Had ther been an orderly course taken, and your bussines better managed, a.s.suredly (by y^e blessing of G.o.d) you had been y^e ablest plantation that, as we think, or know, hath been undertaken by Englishmen, &c.

Thus farr of these letters of M^r. Sherley's.[CY]

[185] A few observations from y^e former letters, and then I shall set downe the simple truth of y^e things (thus in controversie betweene them), at least as farr as by any good evidence it could be made to appeare; and so laboure to be breefe in so tedious and intricate a bussines, which hunge in expostulation betweene them many years before y^e same was ended. That though ther will be often occasion to touch these things about other pa.s.sages, yet I shall not neede to be large therin; doing it hear once for all.

First, it seemes to appere clearly that Ashley's bussines, and y^e buying of this s.h.i.+p, and y^e courses framed ther upon, were first contrived and proposed by M^r. Allerton, as also y^t the pleaes and pretences which he made, of y^e inablitie of y^e plantation to repaye their moneys, &c., and y^e hops he gave them of doing it with profile, was more beleeved & rested on by them (at least some of them) then any thing y^e plantation did or said.

2. It is like, though M^r. Allerton might thinke not to wrong y^e plantation in y^e maine, yet his owne gaine and private ends led him a side in these things: for it came to be knowne, and I have it in a letter under M^r. Sherley's hand, that in y^e first 2. or 3. years of his imploymente, he had cleared up 400^li. and put it into a brew-house of M^r. Colliers in London, at first under M^r. Sherley's name, &c.; besids what he might have other wise. Againe, M^r. Sherley and he had perticuler dealings in some things; for he bought up y^e beaver that sea-men & other pa.s.sengers brought over to Bristoll, and at other places, and charged y^e bills to London, which M^r. Sherley payed; and they got some time 50^li. a peece in a bargen, as was made knowne by M^r. Hatherley & others, besids what might be other wise; which might make M^r. Sherley harken unto him in many things; and yet I beleeve, as he in his forementioned leter write, he never would side in any perticuler trade w^ch he conceived would wrong y^e plantation, and eate up & destroy y^e generall.

3^ly. It may be perceived that, seeing they had done so much for y^e plantation, both in former adventures and late disburs.e.m.e.nts, and allso that M^r. Allerton was y^e first occasioner of bringing them upon these new designes, which at first seemed faire & profitable unto them, and unto which they agreed; but now, seeing them to turne to loss, and decline to greater intanglments, they thought it more meete for y^e plantation to bear them, then them selves, who had borne much in other things allready, and so tooke advantage of such comission & power as M^r. Allerton had formerly had as their agente, to devolve these things upon them.

4^ly. With pitie and compa.s.sion (touching M^r. Allerton) I may say with y^e apostle to Timothy, 1. Tim. 6. 9. _They that will be rich fall into many temtations and snares, &c., and pearce them selves throw with many sorrows, &c.; for the love of money is y^e roote of all evill_, v. 10.

G.o.d give him to see y^e evill in his failings, that he may find mercie by repentance for y^e wrongs he hath done to any, and this pore plantation in spetiall. They that doe such things doe not only bring them selves into snares, and sorrows, but many with them, (though in an other kind,) as lamentable experience shows; and is too manifest in this bussines.

[186] Now about these s.h.i.+ps & their setting forth, the truth, as farr as could be learned, is this. The motion aboute setting forth y^e fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+p (caled y^e Frinds.h.i.+p) came first from y^e plantation, and y^e reasons of it, as is before remembered; but wholy left to them selves to doe or not to doe, as they saw cause. But when it fell into consideration, and y^e designe was held to be profitable and hopefull, it was propounded by some of them, why might not they doe it of them selves, seeing they must disburse all y^e money, and what need they have any refferance to y^e plantation in y^t; they might take y^e profile them selves, towards other losses, & need not let y^e plantation share therin; and if their ends were other wise answered for their supplyes to come too them in time, it would be well enough. So they hired her, & set her out, and fraighted her as full as she could carry with pa.s.sengers goods y^t belonged to y^e Ma.s.sachussets, which rise to a good sume of money; intending to send y^e plantations supply in y^e other s.h.i.+p. The effecte of this M^r. Hatherley not only declared afterward upon occasion, but affirmed upon othe, taken before y^e Gov^r & Dep: Gov^r of the Ma.s.sachusets, M^r. Winthrop & M^r. Dudley: That this s.h.i.+p-Frinds.h.i.+p was not sett out nor intended for y^e joynt partners.h.i.+p of y^e plantation, but for y^e perticuler accounte of M^r. James Sherley, M^r.

Beachampe, M^r. Andrews, M^r. Allerton, & him selfe. This deposition was taken at Boston y^e 29. of Aug: 1639. as is to be seen under their hands; besids some other concurente testimonies declared at severall times to sundrie of them.

About y^e Whit-Angell, though she was first bought, or at least the price beaten, by M^r. Allerton (at Bristoll), yet that had been nothing if M^r. Sherley had not liked it, and disbursed y^e money. And that she was not intended for y^e plantation appears by sundrie evidences;[CZ]

as, first, y^e bills of sale, or charter-parties, were taken in their owne names, without any mention or refferance to y^e plantation at all; viz. M^r. Sherley, M^r. Beachampe, M^r. Andrews, M^r. Denison, and M^r.

Allerton; for M^r. Hatherley fell off, and would not joyne with them in this. That she was not bought for their accounte, M^r. Hatherley tooke his oath before y^e parties afforesaid, y^e day and year above writen.

M^r. Allerton tooke his oath to like effecte concerning this s.h.i.+p, the Whit-Angell, before y^e Gov^r & Deputie, the 7. of Sep: 1639. and likewise deposed, y^e same time, that M^r. Hatherley and him selfe did, in the behalfe of them selves and y^e said M^r. Sherley, M^r. Andrews, & M^r. Beachamp, agree and undertake to discharge, and save harmless, all y^e rest of y^e partners & purchasers, of and from y^e said losses of Freinds.h.i.+p for 200^li., which was to be discounted therupon; as by ther depossitions (which are in writing) may appeare more at large, and some other depositions & other testemonies by M^r. Winslow,[DA] &c. But I suppose these may be sufficente to evince the truth in these things, against all pretences to y^e contrary. And yet the burthen lay still upon y^e plantation; or, to speake more truly and rightly, upon those few that were ingaged for all, for they were faine to wade through these things without any help from any.

[187] Concerning M^r. Allerton's accounts, they were so larg and intrecate, as they could not well understand them, much less examine & correcte them, without a great deale of time & help, and his owne presence, which was now hard to gett amongst them; and it was 2. or 3.

years before they could bring them to any good pa.s.s, but never make them perfecte. I know not how it came to pa.s.s, or what misterie was in it, for he tooke upon him to make up all accounts till this time, though M^r. Sherley was their agente to buy & sell their goods, and did more then he therin; yet he past in accounts in a maner for all disbursments, both concerning goods bought, which he never saw, but were done when he was hear in y^e c.u.n.trie or at sea; and all y^e expences of y^e Leyden people, done by others in his absence; the charges aboute y^e patente, &c. In all which he made them debtore to him above 300^li. and demanded paimente of it. But when things came to scaning, he was found above 2000^li. debtore to them, (this wherin M^r. Hatherley & he being joyntly ingaged, which he only had, being included,) besids I know not how much y^t could never be cleared; and interest moneys which ate them up, which he never accounted. Also they were faine to alow such large bills of charges as were intolerable; the charges of y^e patent came to above 500^li. and yet nothing done in it but what was done at first without any confirmation; 30^li. given at a clape, and 50^li. spent in a journey. No marvell therfore if M^r. Sherley said in his leter, if their bussines had been better managed, they might have been y^e richest plantation of any English at y^t time. Yea, he scrued up his poore old father in law's accounte to above 200^li. and brought it on y^e generall accounte, and to befreind him made most of it to arise out of those goods taken up by him at Bristoll, at 50. per cent., because he knew they would never let it lye on y^e old man, when, ala.s.s! he, poore man, never dreamte of any such thing, nor y^t what he had could arise nere y^t valew; but thought that many of them had been freely bestowed on him & his children by M^r. Allerton. Nither in truth did they come nere y^t valew in worth, but y^t sume was blowne up by interest & high prises, which y^e company did for y^e most parte bear, (he deserving farr more,) being most sory that he should have a name to have much, when he had in effecte litle.

This year also M^r. Sherley sent over an accounte, which was in a maner but a cash accounte what M^r. Allerton had had of them, and disbursed, for which he referd to his accounts; besids an account of beaver sould, which M^r. Winslow & some others had carried over, and a large supply of goods which M^r. Winslow had sent & brought over, all which was comprised in that accounte, and all y^e disbursments aboute y^e Freinds.h.i.+p, & Whit-Angell, and what concerned their accounts from first to last; or any thing else he could charg y^e partners with. So they were made debtor in y^e foote of that accounte 4770^li 19. 2.[DB] besids 1000^li. still due for y^e purchase yet unpayed; notwithstanding all y^e beaver, and returnes that both Ashley & they had made, which were not small.

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