Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' Part 19

Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' -

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By which it appears what progress was made herein, & in part what charge it was, and how left unfinished, and some reason of y^e same; but in truth (as was afterwards appehended) the meaine reason was M^r.

Allerton's policie, to have an opportunitie to be sent over againe, for other regards; and for that end procured them thus to write. For it might then well enough have been finshed, if not with y^t clause aboute y^e custumes, which was M^r. Allertons & M^r. Sherleys device, and not at all thought on by y^e colony here, nor much regarded, yet it might have been done without it, without all queston, having pa.s.sed y^e kings hand; nay it was conceived it might then have beene done with it, if he had pleased; but covetousnes never brings ought home, as y^e proverb is, for this oppertunytie being lost, it was never accomplished, but a great deale of money veainly & lavishly cast away aboute it, as doth appear upon their accounts. But of this more in its place.

M^r. Alerton gave them great and just ofence in this (which I had omited[CM] and almost forgotten),--in bringing over this year, for base gaine, that unworthy man, and instrumente of mischeefe, Morton, who was sent home but y^e year before for his misdemenors. He not only brought him over, but to y^e towne (as it were to nose them), and lodged him at his owne house, and for a while used him as a scribe to doe his bussines, till he was caused to pack him away. So he wente to his old nest in y^e Ma.s.sachusets, wher it was not long but by his miscariage he gave them just occation to lay hands on him; and he was by them againe sent prisoner into England, wher he lay a good while in Exeter Jeole.

For besids his miscariage here, he was vemently suspected for y^e murder of a man that had adventured moneys with him, when he came first into New-England. And a warrente was sente from y^e Lord Cheefe Justice to apprehend him, by vertue wherof he was by the Gov^r of y^e Ma.s.sachusets sent into England; and for other his misdemenors amongst them, they demolisht his house, that it might be no longer a roost for shuch unclaine birds to nestle in. Yet he got free againe, and write an infamouse & scurillous booke against many G.o.dly & cheefe men of y^e c.u.n.trie; full of lyes & slanders, and fraight with profane callumnies against their names and persons, and y^e ways of G.o.d. After sundry years, when y^e warrs were hott in England, he came againe into y^e c.u.n.trie, and was imprisoned at Boston for this booke and other things, being grown old in wickednes.

Concerning y^e rest of M^r. Allertons instructions, in which they strictly injoyned him not to exceed above y^t 50^li. in y^e goods before mentioned, not to bring any but trading co[=m]odities, he followed them not at all, but did the quite contrarie; bringing over many other sorts of retaile goods, selling what he could by the way on his owne accounte, and delivering the rest, which he said to be theirs, into y^e store; and for trading goods brought but litle in comparison; excusing the matter, they had laid out much about y^e Laiden people, & patent, &c. And for other goods, they had much of them of ther owne dealings, without present disburs.e.m.e.nte, & to like effect. And as for pa.s.sing his bounds & instructions, he laid it on M^r. Sherley, &c., who, he said, they might see his mind in his leters; also that they had sett out Ashley at great charg; but next year they should have what trading goods they would send for, if things were now well setled, &c. And thus were they put off; indeed M^r. Sherley write things tending this way, but it is like he was overruled by M^r. Allerton, and harkened more to him then to their letters from hence.

Thus he further writs in y^e former leter.

I see what you write in your leters concerning y^e over-co[=m]ing & paying of our debts, which I confess are great, and had need be carfully looked unto; yet no doubt but we, joyning in love, may soone over-come them; but we must follow it roundly & to purposs, for if we pedle out y^e time of our trad, others will step in and nose us. But we know y^t you have y^t aquaintance & experience in y^e countrie, as none have the like; wherfore, freinds & partners, be no way discouraged with y^e greatnes of y^e debt, &c., but let us not fulfill y^e proverbe, to bestow 12^d. on a purse, and put 6^d. [168] in it; but as you and we have been at great charg, and undergone much for setling you ther, and to gaine experience, so as G.o.d shall enable us, let us make use of it. And think not with 50^li. pound a yeare sent you over, to rayse shuch means as to pay our debts. We see a possibillitie of good if you be well supplied, and fully furnished; and cheefly if you lovingly agree. I know I write to G.o.dly and wise men, such as have lerned to bear one an others infirmities, and rejoyce at any ones prosperities; and if I were able I would press this more, because it is hoped by some of your enimies, that you will fall out one with another, and so over throw your hopfull bussines.

Nay, I have heard it crediblie reported, y^t some have said, that till you be disjoynted by discontents & factions[CN] amongst your sellves, it bootes not any to goe over, in hope of getting or doing good in those parts. But we hope beter things of you, and that you will not only bear one with another, but banish such thoughts, and not suffer them to lodg in your brests. G.o.d grant you may disappointe y^e hopes of your foes, and procure y^e hartie desire of your selves & freinds in this perticuler.

By this it appears that ther was a kind of concurrance betweene M^r.

Allerton and them in these things, and that they gave more regard to his way & course in these things, then to y^e advise from hence; which made him bould to presume above his instructions, and to rune on in y^e course he did, to their greater hurt afterwards, as will appear. These things did much trouble them hear, but they well knew not how to help it, being loath to make any breach or contention hear aboute; being so premonished as before in y^e leter above recited. An other more secrete cause was herewith concurrente; M^r. Allerton had maried y^e daughter of their Reverend Elder, M^r. Brewster (a man beloved & honoured amongst them, and who tooke great paines in teaching & dispenceing y^e word of G.o.d unto them), whom they were loath to greeve or any way offend, so as they bore with much in that respecte. And with all M^r. Allerton carried so faire with him, and procured such leters from M^r. Sherley to him, with shuch applause of M^r. Allertons wisdom, care, and faithfullnes, in y^e bussines; and as things stood none were so fitte to send aboute them as he; and if any should suggest other wise, it was rather out of envie, or some other sinister respecte then other wise. Besids, though private gaine, I doe perswade my selfe, was some cause to lead M^r. Allerton aside in these beginings, yet I thinke, or at least charitie caries me to hope, that he intended to deale faithfully with them in y^e maine, and had such an opinion of his owne abillitie, and some experience of y^e benefite that he had made in this singuler way, as he conceived he might both raise him selfe an estate, and allso be a means to bring in such profite to M^r. Sherley, (and it may be y^e rest,) as might be as lickly to bring in their moneys againe with advantage, and it may be sooner then from the generall way; or at least it was looked upon by some of them to be a good help ther unto; and that neither he nor any other did intend to charge y^e generall accounte with any thing that rane in perticuler; or y^t M^r. Sherley or any other did purposs but y^t y^e generall should be first & fully supplyed. I say charitie makes me thus conceive; though things fell out other wise, and they missed of their aimes, and y^e generall suffered abundantly hereby, as will afterwards apear.

[169] Togeither herewith sorted an other bussines contrived by M^r.

Allerton and them ther, w^{th}out any knowledg of y^e partners, and so farr proceeded in as they were constrained to allow therof, and joyne in y^e same, though they had no great liking of it, but feared what might be y^e evente of y^e same. I shall relate it in a further part of M^r.

Sherley's leter as foloweth.

I am to aquainte you that we have thought good to joyne with one Edward Ashley (a man I thinke y^t some of you know); but it is only of y^t place wherof he hath a patente in M^r. Beachamps name; and to that end have furnished him with larg provissions, &c. Now if you please to be partners with us in this, we are willing you shall; for after we heard how forward Bristoll men (and as I hear some able men of his owne kindrid) have been to stock & supply him, hoping of profite, we thought it fitter for us to lay hould of such an opportunitie, and to keep a kind of ru[=n]ing plantation, then others who have not borne y^e burthen of setling a plantation, as we have done. And he, on y^e other side, like an understanding yonge man, thought it better to joyne with those y^t had means by a plantation to supply & back him ther, rather then strangers, that looke but only after profite. Now it is not knowne that you are partners with him; but only we 4., M^r.

Andrews, M^r. Beachamp, my selfe, & M^r. Hatherley, who desired to have y^e patente, in consideration of our great loss we have allready sustained in setling y^e first plantation ther; so we agreed togeather to take it in our names. And now, as I said before, if you please to joyne with us, we are willing you should. M^r. Allerton had no power from you to make this new contracte, neither was he willing to doe any thing therin without your consente & approbation. M^r. William Peirce is joyned with us in this, for we thought it very conveniente, because of landing Ashley and his goods ther, if G.o.d please; and he will bend his course accordingly. He hath a new boate with him, and boards to make another, with 4. or 5. l.u.s.tie fellowes, wherof one is a carpenter. Now in case you are not willing in this perticuler to joyne with us, fearing y^e charge & doubting y^e success, yet thus much we intreate of you, to afford him all the help you can, either by men, commodities, or boats; yet not but y^t we will pay you for any thing he hath. And we desire you to keep y^e accounts apart, though you joyne with us; becase ther is, as you see, other partners in this then y^e other; so, for all mens wages, boats-hire, or comodities, which we shall have of you, make him debtore for it; and what you shall have of him, make y^e plantation or your selves debtore for it to him, and so ther will need no mingling of y^e accounts.

And now, loving freinds & partners, if you joyne in Ashles patent & bussines, though we have laid out y^e money and taken up much to stock this bussines & the other, yet I thinke it conscionable and reasonable y^t you should beare your shares and proportion of y^e stock, if not by present money, yet by securing us for so much as it shall come too; for it is not barly y^e interest that is to be alowed & considered of, but allso y^e adventure; though I hope in G.o.d, by his blessing & your honest indeavors, it may soon be payed; yet y^e years y^t this partners.h.i.+p holds is not long, nor many; let all therfore lay it to harte, and make y^e best use of y^e time that possiblie we cann, and let every man put too his shoulder, and y^e burthen will be the lighter. I know you are so honest & conscionable men, as you will consider hereof, [170] and returne shuch an answer as may give good satisfaction. Ther is none of us that would venture as we have done, were it not to strengthen & setle you more then our owne perticuler profite.

Ther is no liclyhood of doing any good in buying y^e debte for y^e purchas. I know some will not abate y^e interest, and therfore let it rune its course; they are to be paied yearly, and so I hope they shall, according to agreemente. The Lord grant y^t our loves & affections may still be united, and knit togeither; and so we rest your ever loving friends,



Bristoll, March 19. 1629.

This mater of y^e buying y^e debts of y^e purcha.s.s was parte of M^r.

Allertons instructions, and in many of them it might have been done to good profite for ready pay (as some were); but M^r. Sherley had no mind to it. But this bussines aboute Ashley did not a litle trouble them; for though he had wite & abillitie enough to menage y^e bussines, yet some of them knew him to be a very profane yonge man; and he had for some time lived amonge y^e Indeans as a savage, & wente naked amongst them, and used their maners (in w^{ch} time he got their language), so they feared he might still rune into evill courses (though he promised better), and G.o.d would not prosper his ways. As soone as he was landed at y^e place intended, caled Pen.o.bscote, some 4 score leagues from this place, he write (& afterwards came) for to desire to be supplyed with Wampampeake, corne against winter, and other things. They considered these were of their cheefe co[=m]odities, and would be continually needed by him, and it would much prejudice their owne trade at Kenebeck if they did not joyne with him in y^e ordering of things, if thus they should supply him; and on y^e other hand, if they refused to joyne with him, and allso to afford any supply unto him, they should greatly offend their above named friends, and might hapily lose them hereby; and he and M^r. Allerton, laying their craftie wits togither, might gett supplies of these things els wher; besids, they considered that if they joyned not in y^e bussines, they knew M^r. Allerton would be with them in it, & so would swime, as it were, betweene both, to y^e prejudice of boath, but of them selves espetially. For they had reason to thinke this bussines was cheefly of his contriving, and Ashley was a man fitte for his turne and dealings. So they, to prevente a worse mischeefe, resolved to joyne in y^e bussines, and gave him supplies in what they could, & overlooked his proceedings as well as they could; the which they did y^e better, by joyning an honest yonge man,[CO] that came from Leyden, with him as his fellow (in some sorte), and not merely as a servante. Which yonge man being discreete, and one whom they could trust, they so instructed as keept Ashley in some good mesure within bounds. And so they returned their answer to their freinds in England, that they accepted of their motion, and joyned with them in Ashleys bussines; and yet withall tould them what their fears were concerning him.

But when they came to have full notice of all y^e goods brought them that year, they saw they fell very short of trading goods, and Ashley farr better suppleyed then [171] themselves; so as they were forced to buy of the fisher men to furnish them selves, yea, & cottens & ca.r.s.eys & other such like cloath (for want of trading cloath) of M^r. Allerton himselfe, and so to put away a great parte of their beaver, at under rate, in the countrie, which they should have sente home, to help to discharge their great ingagementes; which was to their great vexation; but M^r. Allerton prayed them to be contente, and y^e nexte yere they might have what they would write for. And their ingagmentes of this year were great indeed when they came to know them, (which was not wholy till 2. years after); and that which made them y^e more, M^r. Allerton had taken up some large su[=m]es at Bristoll at 50. [p=]^r cent. againe, which he excused, that he was forcte to it, because other wise he could at y^e spring of year get no goods transported, such were their envie against their trade. But wheither this was any more then an excuse, some of them doubted; but however, y^e burden did lye on their backs, and they must bear it, as they did many heavie loads more in y^e end.

This paying of 50. p^r cent. and dificulty of having their goods tr[=a]sported by the fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+ps at y^e first of y^e year, (as was beleeved,) which was y^e cheefe season for trade, put them upon another projecte. M^r. Allerton, after y^e fis.h.i.+ng season was over, light of a bargan of salte, at a good fis.h.i.+ng place, and bought it; which came to aboute 113^li.; and shortly after he might have had 30^li. cleare profite for it, without any more trouble aboute it. But M^r. Winslow coming that way from Kenebeck, & some other of ther partners with him in y^e barke, they mett with M^r. Allerton, and falling into discourse with him, they stayed him from selling y^e salte; and resolved, if it might please y^e rest, to keep it for them selves, and to hire a s.h.i.+p in y^e west c.u.n.trie to come on fis.h.i.+ng for them, on shares, according to y^e coustome; and seeing she might have her salte here ready, and a stage ready builte & fitted wher the salt lay safely landed & housed. In stead of bringing salte, they might stowe her full of trading goods, as bread, pease, cloth, &c., and so they might have a full supply of goods without paing fraight, and in due season, which might turne greatly to their advantage. Coming home, this was propounded, and considered on, and aproved by all but y^e Gov^r, who had no mind to it, seeing they had allway lost by fis.h.i.+ng; but y^e rest were so ernest, as thinkeing that they might gaine well by y^e fis.h.i.+ng in this way; and if they should but save, yea, or lose some thing by it, y^e other benefite would be advantage inough; so, seeing their ernestnes, he gave way, and it was referd to their freinds in England to alow, or disalow it. Of which more in its place.

Upon y^e consideration of y^e bussines about y^e paten, & in what state it was left, as is before remembred, and M^r. Sherleys ernest pressing to have M^r. Allert[=o] to come over againe to finish it, & perfect y^e accounts, &c., it was concluded to send him over this year againe; though it was with some fear & jeolocie; yet he gave them fair words and promises of well performing all their bussineses according to their directions, and to mend his former errors. So he was accordingly sent with full instructions for all things, with large letters to M^r.

Sherley & y^e rest, both aboute Ashleys bussines and their owne suply with trading comodities, and how much it did concerne them to be furnished therwith, & what y^e had suffered for wante therof; and of what litle use other goods were [172] in comparison therof; and so likewise aboute this fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+p, to be thus hired, and fraught with trading goods, which might both supply them & Ashley, and y^e benefite therof; which was left to their consideration to hire & set her out, or not; but in no case not to send any, exepte she was thus fraighte with trading goods. But what these things came too will appere in y^e next years pa.s.sages.

I had like to have omited an other pa.s.sage that fell out y^e begining of this year. Ther was one M^r. Ralfe Smith, & his wife & familie, y^t came over into y^e Bay of y^e Ma.s.sachusets, and sojourned at presente with some stragling people that lived at Natascoe; here being a boat of this place putting in ther on some occasion, he ernestly desired that they would give him & his, pa.s.sage for Plimoth, and some such things as they could well carrie; having before heard y^t ther was liklyhood he might procure house-roome for some time, till he should resolve to setle ther, if he might, or els-wher as G.o.d should disposs; for he was werie of being in y^t uncoth place, & in a poore house y^t would neither keep him nor his goods drie. So, seeing him to be a grave man, & understood he had been a minister, though they had no order for any such thing, yet they presumed and brought him. He was here accordingly kindly entertained & housed, & had y^e rest of his goods & servants sente for, and exercised his gifts amongst them, and afterwards was chosen into y^e ministrie, and so remained for sundrie years.

It was before noted that sundry of those that came from Leyden, came over in the s.h.i.+ps y^t came to Salem, wher M^r. Endecott had cheefe co[=m]and; and by infection that grue amonge y^e pa.s.sengers at sea, it spread also among them a sh.o.r.e, of which many dyed, some of y^e scurvie, other of an infectious feaoure, which continued some time amongst them (though our people, through G.o.ds goodnes, escaped it). Upon which occasion he write hither for some help, understanding here was one that had some skill y^t way, & had cured diverse of y^e scurvie, and others of other diseases, by letting blood, & other means. Upon which his request y^e Gov^r hear sent him unto them, and also write to him, from whom he received an answere; the which, because it is breefe, and shows y^e begining of their aquaintance, and closing in y^e truth & ways of G.o.d, I thought it not unmeete, nor without use, hear to inserte it; and an other showing y^e begining of their fellows.h.i.+p & church estate ther.

Being as followeth.

Right worthy S^r:

It is a thing not usuall, that servants to one m^r and of y^e same houshold should be strangers; I a.s.sure you I desire it not, nay, to speake more plainly, I cannot be so to you. G.o.ds people are all marked with one and y^e same marke, and sealed with one and y^e same seale, and have for y^e maine, one & y^e same harte, guided by one & same spirite of truth; and wher this is, ther can be no discorde, nay, here must needs be sweete harmonie. And y^e same request (with you) I make unto y^e Lord, that we may, as Christian breethren, be united by a heavenly & unfained love; bending all our harts and forces in furthering a worke beyond our strength, with reverence & fear, fastening our eyse allways on him that only is able to directe and prosper all our ways. I acknowledge my selfe much bound to you for your kind love and care in sending M^r. Fuller among us, and rejoyce much y^t I am by him satisfied touching your judgments of y^e outward forme of G.o.ds wors.h.i.+pe. It is, as farr as [173] I can yet gather, no other then is warrented by y^e evidence of truth, and y^e same which I have proffessed and maintained ever since y^e Lord in mercie revealed him selfe unto me; being farr from y^e commone reporte that hath been spread of you touching that perticuler. But G.o.ds children must not looke for less here below, and it is y^e great mercie of G.o.d, that he strengthens them to goe through with it. I shall not neede at this time to be tedious unto you, for, G.o.d willing, I purpose to see your face shortly. In y^e mean time, I humbly take my leave of you, co[=m]iting you to y^e Lords blessed protection, & rest.

Your a.s.sured loving friend, JO: ENDECOTT.

Naumkeak, May 11. An^o. 1629.

This second leter sheweth ther proceedings in their church affaires at Salem, which was y^e 2. church erected in these parts; and afterwards y^e Lord established many more in sundrie places.

S^r: I make bould to trouble you with a few lines, for to certifie you how it hath pleased G.o.d to deale with us, since you heard from us.

How, notwithstanding all opposition that hath been hear, & els wher, it hath pleased G.o.d to lay a foundation, the which I hope is agreeable to his word in every thing. The 20. of July, it pleased y^e Lord to move y^e hart of our Gov^r to set it aparte for a solemne day of humilliation for y^e choyce of a pastor & teacher. The former parte of y^e day being spente in praier & teaching, the later parte aboute y^e election, which was after this maner. The persons thought on (who had been ministers in England) were demanded concerning their callings; they acknowledged ther was a towfould calling, the one an inward calling, when y^e Lord moved y^e harte of a man to take y^t calling upon him, and fitted him with guiftes for y^e same; the second was an outward calling, which was from y^e people, when a company of beleevers are joyned togither in covenante, to walke togither in all y^e ways of G.o.d, and every member (being men) are to have a free voyce in y^e choyce of their officers, &c. Now, we being perswaded that these 2. men were so quallified, as y^e apostle speaks to Timothy, wher he saith, A bishop must be blamles, sober, apte to teach, &c., I thinke I may say, as y^e eunuch said unto Philip, What should let from being baptised, seeing ther was water? and he beleeved. So these 2.

servants of G.o.d, clearing all things by their answers, (and being thus fitted,) we saw noe reason but we might freely give our voyces for their election, after this triall. So M^r. Skelton was chosen pastor, and M^r. Higgison to be teacher; and they accepting y^e choyce, M^r.

Higgison, with 3. or 4. of y^e gravest members of y^e church, laid their hands on M^r. Skelton, using prayer therwith. This being done, ther was imposission of hands on M^r. Higgison also. And since that time, Thursday (being, as I take it, y^e 6. of August) is appoynted for another day of humilliation, for y^e choyce of elders & deacons, & ordaining of them.

And now, good S^r, I hope y^t you & y^e rest of G.o.ds people (who are aquainted with the ways of G.o.d) with you, will say that hear was a right foundation layed, and that these 2. blessed servants of y^e Lord came in at y^e dore, and not at y^e window. Thus I have made bould to trouble you with these few lines, desiring you to remember us, &c. And so rest,

At your service in what I may, CHARLES GOTT.

Salem, July 30. 1629.

[174] _Anno Dom_: 1630.

Ashley, being well supplyed, had quickly gathered a good parcell of beaver, and like a crafty pate he sent it all home, and would not pay for y^e goods he had had of y^e plantation hear, but lett them stand still on y^e score, and tooke up still more. Now though they well enough knew his aime, yet they let him goe on, and write of it into England.

But partly y^e beaver they received, & sould, (of which they weer sencible,) and partly by M^r. Allertons extolling of him, they cast more how to supplie him then y^e plantation, and something to upbraid them with it. They were forct to buy him a barke allso, and to furnish her w^th a m^r. & men, to transports his corne & provissions (of which he put of much); for y^e Indeans of those parts have no corne growing, and at harvest, after corne is ready, y^e weather grows foule, and y^e seas dangerous, so as he could doe litle good with his shallope for y^t purposs.

They looked ernestly for a timely supply this spring, by the fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+p which they expected, and had been at charg to keepe a stage for her; but none came, nor any supply heard of for them. At length they heard sume supply was sent to Ashley by a fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+p, at which they something marvelled, and the more y^t they had no letters either from M^r. Allerton or M^r. Sherley; so they went on in their bussines as well as y^e could. At last they heard of M^r. Peirce his arivall in y^e Bay of y^e Ma.s.sachusetts, who brought pa.s.sengers & goods thither. They presently sent a shallop, conceiving they should have some thing by him.

But he tould them he had none; and a s.h.i.+p was sett out on fis.h.i.+ng, but after 11. weeks beating at sea, she mett with shuch foull weather as she was forcte back againe for England, and, y^e season being over, gave off y^e vioage. Neither did he hear of much goods in her for y^e plantation, or y^t she did belong to them, for he had heard some thing from M^r.

Allerton tending that way. But M^r. Allerton had bought another s.h.i.+p, and was to come in her, and was to fish for ba.s.s to y^e eastward, and to bring goods, &c. These things did much trouble them, and half astonish them. M^r. Winslow haveing been to y^e eastward, brought nuese of the like things, w^th some more perticulers, and y^t it was like M^r.

Allerton would be late before he came. At length they, having an oppertunitie, resolved to send M^r. Winslow, with what beaver they had ready, into England, to see how y^e squars wente, being very jeolouse of these things, & M^r. Allertons courses; and writ shuch leters, and gave him shuch instructions, as they thought meet; and if he found things not well, to discharge M^r. Allerton for being any longer agent for them, or to deal any more in y^e bussines, and to see how y^e accounts stood, &c.

Aboute y^e midle of so[=m]er arrives M^r. Hatherley in y^e Bay of y^e Ma.s.sachusetts, (being one of y^e partners,) and came over in y^e same s.h.i.+p that was set out on fhis.h.i.+ng (called y^e Frends.h.i.+p). They presently sent to him, making no question but now they had goods come, and should know how all things stood. But they found [175] the former news true, how this s.h.i.+p had been so long at sea, and spente and spoyled her provissions, and overthrowne y^e viage. And he being sent over by y^e rest of y^e partners, to see how things wente hear, being at Bristoll with M^r. Allerton, in y^e s.h.i.+pe bought (called y^e White-Angell), ready to set sayle, over night came a messenger from Bastable to M^r.

Allerton, and tould him of y^e returne of y^e s.h.i.+p, and what had befallen. And he not knowing what to doe, having a great chareg under hand, y^e s.h.i.+p lying at his rates, and now ready to set sayle, got him to goe and discharg y^e s.h.i.+p, and take order for y^e goods. To be short, they found M^r. Hatherley some thing reserved, and troubled in him selfe, (M^r. Allerton not being ther,) not knowing how to dispose of y^e goods till he came; but he heard he was arived with y^e other s.h.i.+p to y^e eastward, and expected his coming. But he tould them ther was not much for them in this s.h.i.+p, only 2. packs of Bastable ruggs, and 2.

hoggsheads of meatheglin, drawne out in wooden flackets (but when these flackets came to be received, ther was left but 6. gallons of y^e 2.

hogsheads, it being drunke up under y^e name leackage, and so lost).

But the s.h.i.+p was filled with goods for sundrie gentlemen, & others, that were come to plant in y^e Ma.s.sachusets, for which they payed fraight by y^e tun. And this was all the satisfaction they could have at presente, so they brought this small parcell of goods & returned with this nues, and a letter as obscure; which made them much to marvell therat. The letter was as followeth.

Gentle-men, partners, and loving friends, &c.

Breefly thus: wee have this year set forth a fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+p, and a trading s.h.i.+p, which later we have bought; and so have disbursed a great deale of money, as may and will appeare by y^e accounts. And because this s.h.i.+p (called y^e White Angell) is to acte 2. parts, (as I may say,) fis.h.i.+ng for ba.s.s, and trading; and that while M^r. Allerton was imployed aboute y^e trading, the fis.h.i.+ng might suffer by carlesnes or neglecte of y^e sailors, we have entreated your and our loving friend, M^r. Hatherley, to goe over with him, knowing he will be a comforte to M^r. Allerton, a joye to you, to see a carfull and loving friend, and a great stay to y^e bussines; and so great contente to us, that if it should please G.o.d y^e one should faile, (as G.o.d forbid,) yet y^e other would keepe both recconings, and things uprighte. For we are now out great sumes of money, as they will acquainte you withall, &c. When we were out but 4. or 5. hundred pounds a peece, we looked not much after it, but left it to you, & your agente, (who, without flaterie, deserveth infinite thanks & comendations, both of you & us, for his pains, &c.); but now we are out double, nay, trible a peece, some of us, &c.; which maks us both write, and send over our friend, M^r. Hatherley, whom we pray you to entertaine kindly, of which we doubte not of. The main end of sending him is to see y^e state and accounte of all y^e bussines, of all which we pray you informe him fully, though y^e s.h.i.+p & bussines wayte for it and him. For we should take it very unkindly that we should intreat him to take such a journey, and that, when it pleaseth G.o.d he returnes, he could not give us contente & satisfaction in this perticuler, through defaulte of any of you. [176] But we hope you will so order bussines, as neither he nor we shall have cause to complaine, but to doe as we ever have done, thinke well of you all, &c. I will not promise, but shall indeaour & hope to effecte y^e full desire and grant of your patente, & that ere it be longe. I would not have you take any thing unkindly. I have not write out of jeolocie of any unjuste dealing. Be you all kindly saluted in y^e Lord, so I rest,

Yours in what I may, JAMES SHERLEY.

March 25. 1630.

It needs not be thought strange, that these things should amase and trouble them; first, that this fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+p should be set out, and fraight with other mens goods, & scarce any of theirs; seeing their maine end was (as is before remembred) to bring them a full supply, and their speatiall order not to sett out any excepte this was done. And now a s.h.i.+p to come on their accounte, clean contrary to their both end & order, was a misterie they could not understand; and so much y^e worse, seeing she had shuch ill success as to lose both her vioage & provissions. The 2. thing, that another s.h.i.+p should be bought and sente out on new designes, a thing not so much as once thought on by any here, much less, not a word intimated or spoaken of by any here, either by word or letter, neither could they imagine why this should be. Ba.s.s fis.h.i.+ng was never lookt at by them, but as soone as ever they heard on it, they looked at it as a vaine thing, that would certainly turne to loss. And for M^r. Allerton to follow any trade for them, it was never in their thoughts. And 3^ly, that their fri[=e]ds should complaine of disburs.e.m.e.nts, and yet rune into such great things, and charge of s.h.i.+ping & new projects of their owne heads, not only without, but against, all order & advice, was to them very strang. And 4^ly, that all these matters of so great charg & imployments should be thus wrapped up in a breefe and obscure letter, they knew not what to make of it. But amids all their doubts they must have patience till M^r. Allerton & M^r.

Hatherley should come. In y^e mean time M^r. Winslow was gone for England; and others of them were forst to folow their imployments with y^e best means they had, till they could hear of better.

At length M^r. Hatherley & M^r. Allerton came unto them, (after they had delivered their goods,) and finding them strucken with some sadnes aboute these things, M^r. Allerton tould them that y^e s.h.i.+p Whit-Angele did not belong to them, nor their accounte, neither neede they have any thing to doe with her, excepte they would. And M^r. Hatherley confirmed y^e same, and said that they would have had him to have had a parte, but he refused; but he made question whether they would not turne her upon y^e generall accounte, if ther came loss (as he now saw was like), seeing M^r. Allerton laid downe this course, and put them on this projecte. But for y^e fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+p, he tould them they need not be so much troubled, for he had her accounts here, and showed them that her first seting out came not much to exceed 600^li. as they might see by y^e accounte, which he showed them; and for this later viage, it would arrise to profite by y^e fraight of the goods, and y^e salle of some katle which he s.h.i.+ped and had allready sould, & was to be paid for partly here & partly by bills into England, so as they should not have this put on their acounte at all, except they [178][CP] would. And for y^e former, he had sould so much goods out of her in England, and imployed y^e money in this 2. viage, as it, togeither with such goods & implements as M^r. Allerton must need aboute his fis.h.i.+ng, would rise to a good parte of y^e money; for he must have y^e sallt and nets, allso spiks, nails, &c.; all which would rise to nere 400^li; so, with y^e bearing of their parts of y^e rest of the loses (which would not be much above 200^li.), they would clear them of this whole accounte. Of which motion they were glad, not being willing to have any accounts lye upon them; but aboute their trade, which made them willing to harken therunto, and demand of M^r. Hatherley how he could make this good, if they should agree their unto, he tould them he was sent over as their agente, and had this order from them, that whatsoever he and M^r.

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