Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' Part 12

Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' -

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My dear love remembred unto you all, &c. The company hath bought out M^r. Weston, and are very glad they are freed of him, he being judged a man y^t thought him selfe above y^e generall, and not expresing so much y^e fear of G.o.d as was meete in a man to whom shuch trust should have been reposed in a matter of so great importance. I am sparing to be so plaine as indeed is clear against him; but a few words to y^e wise.

M^r. Weston will not permitte leters to be sent in _his s.h.i.+ps_, nor any thing for your good or ours, of which ther is some reason in respecte of him selfe, &c. His brother Andrew, whom he doth send as princ.i.p.all _in one of these s.h.i.+ps_, is a heady yong man, & violente, and set against you ther, & y^e company hear; ploting with M^r. Weston their owne ends, which tend to your & our undooing in respecte of our estates ther, and prevention of our good ends. For by credible testimoney we are informed his purpose is to come to your colonie, pretending he comes for and from y^e adventurers, and will seeke to gett what you have in readynes [77] into _his s.h.i.+ps_, as if they came from y^e company, & possessing all, will be so much profite to him selfe. And further to informe them selves what spetiall places or things you have discovered, to y^e end that they may supres & deprive you, &c.

The Lord, who is y^e watchman of Israll & slepeth not, preserve you & deliver you from unreasonable men. I am sorie that ther is cause to admonish you of these things concerning this man; so I leave you to G.o.d, who bless and multiply you into thousands, to the advancemente of y^e glorious gospell of our Lord Jesus. Amen. Fare well.

Your loving freinds, EDWARD PICKERING.


I pray conceale both y^e writing & deliverie of this leter, but make the best use of it. _We hope to sete forth a s.h.i.+p our selves with in this month._

_The heads of his answer._

M^r. Bradford, this is y^e leter y^t I wrote unto you of, which to answer in every perticuler is needles & tedious. My owne conscience & all our people can and I thinke will testifie, y^t my end in sending _y^e s.h.i.+p Sparrow_ was your good, &c. Now I will not deney but ther are many of our people rude fellows, as these men terme them; yet I presume they will be governed by such as I set over them. And I hope not only to be able to reclaime them from y^t profanenes that may scandalise y^e vioage, but by degrees to draw them to G.o.d, &c. I am so farr from sending rude fellows to deprive you either by fraude or violence of what is yours, as I have charged y^e m^r. of y^e _s.h.i.+p Sparrow_, not only to leave with you 2000. of bread, but also a good quant.i.tie of fish,[AU] &c. But I will leave it to you to consider what evill this leter would or might have done, had it come to your hands & taken y^e effecte y^e other desired.

Now if you be of y^e mind y^t these men are, deale plainly with us, & we will seeke our residence els-wher. If you are as freindly as we have thought you to be, give us y^e entertainment of freinds, and we will take nothing from you, neither meat, drinke, nor lodging, but what we will, in one kind or other, pay you for, &c. I shall leave in y^e countrie _a litle s.h.i.+p_ (if G.o.d send her safe thither) with mariners & fisher-men to stay ther, who shall coast, & trad with y^e savages, & y^e old plantation. It may be we shall be as helpfull to you, as you will be to us. I thinke I shall see you y^e next spring; and so I comend you to y^e protection of G.o.d, who ever keep you.

Your loving friend, THO: WESTON.

[78] Thus all ther hops in regard of M^r. Weston were layed in y^e dust, and all his promised helpe turned into an empttie advice, which they apprehended was nether lawfull nor profitable for them to follow. And they were not only thus left dest.i.tute of help in their extreme wants, haveing neither vitails, nor any thing to trade with, but others prepared & ready to glean up what y^e c.u.n.trie might have afforded for their releefe. As for those harsh censures & susspitions intimated in y^e former and following leters, they desired to judg as charitably and wisly of them as they could, waighing them in y^e ballance of love and reason; and though they (in parte) came from G.o.dly & loveing freinds, yet they conceived many things might arise from over deepe jealocie and fear, togeather with unmeete provocations, though they well saw M^r.

Weston pursued his owne ends, and was imbittered in spirite. For after the receit of y^e former leters, the Gov^r received one from M^r.

Cushman, who went home in y^e s.h.i.+p, and was allway intimate with M^r.

Weston, (as former pa.s.sages declare), and it was much marveled that nothing was heard from him, all this while. But it should seeme it was y^e difficulty of sending, for this leter was directed as y^e leter of a wife to her husband, who was here, and brought by him to y^e Gov^r. It was as followeth.

Beloved S^r: I hartily salute you, with trust of your health, and many thanks for your love. By G.o.ds providence we got well home y^e 17. _of Feb_. Being robbed by y^e French-men by y^e way, and carried by them into France, and were kepte ther 15. days, and lost all y^t we had that was worth taking; but thanks be to G.o.d, we escaped with our lives & s.h.i.+p. I see not y^t it worketh any discouragment hear. I purpose by G.o.ds grace _to see you_ shortly, _I hope in June nexte, or before_. In y^e mean s.p.a.ce know these things, and I pray you be advertised a litle. M^r. Weston hath quite broken of from our company, through some discontents y^t arose betwext him and some of our adventurers, & hath sould all his adventurs, & _hath now sent 3. smale s.h.i.+ps for his perticuler plantation_. The _greatest_ wherof, _being 100. tune_, M^r.

Reynolds goeth m^r. and he with y^e rest purposeth to come him selfe; for what end I know not.

The people which they cary are no men for us, wherfore I pray you entertaine them not, neither exchainge man for man with them, excepte it be some of your worst. He hath taken a patente for him selfe. If they offerr to buy any thing of you, let it be shuch as you can spare, and let them give y^e worth of it. If they borrow any thing of you, let them leave a good, &c. It is like he [78[AV]] will plant to y^e southward of y^e Cape, for William Trevore hath lavishly tould but what he knew or imagined of Capewack, Mohiggen, & y^e Narigansets. I fear these people will hardly deale so well with y^e savages as they should. I pray you therfore signifie to Squanto, that they are a distincte body from us, and we have nothing to doe with them, neither must be blamed for their falts, much less can warrente their fidelitie. We are aboute to recover our losses in France. Our freinds at Leyden are well, and will come to you as many as can _this time_. I hope all will turne to y^e best, wherfore I pray you be not discouraged, but gather up your selfe to goe thorow these dificulties cherfully & with courage in y^t place wherin G.o.d hath sett you, untill y^e day of refres.h.i.+ng come. And y^e Lord G.o.d of sea & land bring us comfortably togeather againe, if it may stand with his glorie.


On y^e other sid of y^e leafe, in y^e same leter, came these few lines from M^r. John Peirce, in whose name the patente was taken, and of whom more will follow, to be spoken in its place.

Worthy S^r: I desire you to take into consideration that which is writen on y^e other side, and not any way to d.a.m.nifie your owne collony, whos strength is but weaknes, and may therby be more infeebled. And for y^e leters of a.s.sociation, by y^e next s.h.i.+p we send, I hope you shall receive satisfaction; in y^e mean time whom you admite I will approve. But as for M^r. Weston's company, I thinke them so base in condition (for y^e most parte) as in all apearance not fitt for an honest mans company. I wish they prove other wise. My purpose is not to enlarge my selfe, but cease in these few lins, and so rest

Your loving freind, JOHN PEIRCE.

All these things they pondred and well considered, yet concluded to give his men frendly entertainmente; partly in regard of M^r. Weston him selfe, considering what he had been unto them, & done for them, & to some, more espetially; and partly in compa.s.sion to y^e people, who were now come into a willdernes, (as them selves were,) and were by _y^e s.h.i.+p_ to be presently put a sh.o.r.e, (for she was _to cary other pa.s.sengers to Virginia_, who lay at great charge,) and they were alltogeather unacquainted & knew not what to doe. So as they had received his former company of 7. men, and vitailed them as their owne hitherto, so they also received _these_ (being aboute 60. l.u.s.ty men), and gave [79] housing for them selves and their goods; and many being sicke, they had y^e best means y^e place could aford them. They stayed hear y^e most parte of y^e so[=m]er till _y^e s.h.i.+p came back againe from Virginia_. Then, by his direction, or those whom he set over them, they removed into y^e Ma.s.sachusset Bay, he having got a patente for some part ther, (by light of ther former discovery in leters sent home). Yet they left all ther sicke folke hear till they were setled and housed. But of ther victails they had not any, though they were in great wante, nor any thing els in recompence of any courtecie done them; neither did they desire it, for they saw they were an unruly company, and had no good govermente over them, and by disorder would soone fall into wants if M^r. Weston came not y^e sooner amongst them; and therfore, to prevente all after occasion, would have nothing of them.

Amids these streigths, and y^e desertion of those from whom they had hoped for supply, and when famine begane now to pinch them sore, they not knowing what to doe, the Lord, (who never fails his,) presents them with an occasion, beyond all expectation. This boat which came from y^e eastward brought them a letter from a stranger, of whose name they had never heard before, being a captaine of a s.h.i.+p come ther a fis.h.i.+ng. This leter was as followeth. Being thus inscribed.

To all his good freinds at Plimoth, these, &c.

Freinds, c.u.n.trimen, & neighbours: I salute you, and wish you all health and hapines in y^e Lord. I make bould with these few lines to trouble you, because unless I were unhumane, I can doe no less. Bad news doth spread it selfe too farr; yet I will so farr informe you that my selfe, with many good freinds in y^e south-collonie of Virginia, have received shuch a blow, that 400. persons large will not make good our losses. Therfore I doe intreat you (allthough not knowing you) that y^e old rule which I learned when I went to schoole, may be sufficente. That is, Hapie is he whom other mens harmes doth make to beware. And now againe and againe, wis.h.i.+ng all those y^t willingly would serve y^e Lord, all health and happines in this world, and everlasting peace in y^e world to come. And so I rest,


By this boat y^e Gov^r returned a thankfull answer, as was meete, and sent a boate of their owne with them, which was piloted by them, in which M^r. Winslow was sente to procure what provissions he could of y^e s.h.i.+ps, who was kindly received by y^e foresaid gentill-man, who not only spared what he [90[AW]] could, but writ to others to doe y^e like. By which means he gott some good quant.i.tie and returned in saftie, by which y^e plantation had a duble benefite, first, a present refres.h.i.+ng by y^e food brought, and secondly, they knew y^e way to those parts for their benifite hearafter. But what was gott, & this small boat brought, being devided among so many, came but to a litle, yet by G.o.ds blesing it upheld them till harvest. It arose but to a quarter of a pound of bread a day to each person; and y^e Gov^r caused it to be dayly given them, otherwise, had it been in their owne custody, they would have eate it up & then starved. But thus, with what els they could get, they made pretie s.h.i.+ft till corne was ripe.

This so[=m]er they builte a fort with good timber, both strong & comly, which was of good defence, made with a flate rofe & batllments, on which their ordnance were mounted, and wher they kepte constante watch, espetially in time of danger. It served them allso for a meeting house, and was fitted accordingly for that use. It was a great worke for them in this weaknes and time of wants; but y^e deanger of y^e time required it, and both y^e continuall rumors of y^e fears from y^e Indeans hear, espetially y^e Narigansets, and also y^e hearing of that great ma.s.sacre in Virginia, made all hands willing to despatch y^e same.

Now y^e wellcome time of harvest aproached, in which all had their hungrie bellies filled. But it arose but to a litle, in comparison of a full years supplie; partly by reason they were not yet well aquainted with y^e ma[=n]er of Indean corne, (and they had no other,) allso their many other imployments, but cheefly their weaknes for wante of food, to tend it as they should have done. Also much was stolne both by night & day, before it became scarce eatable, & much more afterward. And though many were well whipt (when they were taken) for a few ears of corne, yet hunger made others (whom conscience did not restraine) to venture. So as it well appeared y^e famine must still insue y^e next year allso, if not some way prevented, or supplie should faile, to which they durst not trust. Markets there was none to goe too, but only y^e Indeans, and they had no trading comodities. Behold now another providence of G.o.d; a s.h.i.+p comes into y^e [91] harbor, one Captain Jons being cheefe therin.

They were set out by some marchants to discovere all y^e harbors betweene this & Virginia, and y^e shoulds of Cap-Cod, and to trade along y^e coast wher they could. This s.h.i.+p had store of English-beads (which were then good trade) and some knives, but would sell none but at dear rates, and also a good quantie togeather. Yet they weere glad of y^e occasion, and faine to buy at any rate; they were faine to give after y^e rate of cento per cento, if not more, and yet pay away coat-beaver at 3^s. per^li, which in a few years after yeelded 20^s. By this means they were fitted againe to trade for beaver & other things, and intended to buy what corne they could.

But I will hear take liberty to make a litle digression. Ther was in _this s.h.i.+p_ a gentle-man by name M^r. John Poory; he had been secretarie in Virginia, and was now going home pa.s.senger _in this s.h.i.+p_. After his departure he write a leter to y^e Gov^r in the postscrite wherof he hath these lines.

To your selfe and M^r. Brewster, I must acknowledg my selfe many ways indebted, whose books I would have you thinke very well bestowed on him, who esteemeth them shuch juells. My hast would not suffer me to remember (much less to begg) M^r. Ainsworths elaborate worke upon y^e 5. books of Moyses. Both his & M^r. Robinsons doe highly commend the authors, as being most conversante in y^e scripturs of all others. And what good (who knows) it may please G.o.d to worke by them, through my hands, (though most unworthy,) who finds shuch high contente in them.

G.o.d have you all in his keeping.

Your unfained and firme friend, JOHN PORY.

Aug. 28. 1622.

These things I hear inserte for honour sake of y^e authors memorie, which this gentle-man doth thus ingeniusly acknowledg; and him selfe after his returne did this poore-plantation much credite amongst those of no mean ranck. But to returne.

[92] _Shortly after harvest_ M^r. Westons people who were now seated at y^e Ma.s.sachusets, and by disorder (as it seems) had made havock of their provissions, begane now to perceive that want would come upon them. And hearing that they hear had bought trading comodities & intended to trade for corne, they write to y^e Gov^r and desired they might joyne with them, and they would imploy their small s.h.i.+p in y^e servise; and furder requested either to lend or sell them so much of their trading comodities as their part might come to, and they would undertake to make paymente when M^r. Weston, or their supply, should come. The Gov^r condesended upon equall terms of agreemente, thinkeing to goe aboute y^e Cap to y^e southward with y^e s.h.i.+p, wher some store of corne might be got. Althings being provided, Captaint Standish was apointed to goe with them, and Squanto for a guid & interpreter, about y^e _latter end of September_; but y^e winds put them in againe, & putting out y^e 2.

time, he fell sick of a feavor, so y^e Gov^r wente him selfe. But they could not get aboute y^e should of Cap-Cod, for flats & breakers, neither could Squanto directe them better, nor y^e m^r. durst venture any further, so they put into Manamoyack Bay and got w^t[AX] they could ther. In this place Squanto fell sick of an Indean feavor, bleeding much at y^e nose (which y^e Indeans take for a simptome of death), and within a few days dyed ther; desiring y^e Gov^r to pray for him, that he might goe to y^e Englishmens G.o.d in heaven, and bequeathed sundrie of his things to sundry of his English freinds, as remembrances of his love; of whom they had a great loss. They got in this vioage, in one place & other, about 26. or 28. hogsheads of corne & beans, which was more then the Indeans could well spare in these parts, for y^e set but a litle till they got English hows. And so were faine to returne, being sory they could not gett about the Cap, to have been better laden. After ward y^e Gov^r tooke a few men & wente to y^e inland places, to get what he could, and to fetch it home at y^e spring, which did help them something.

[93] After these things, in _Feb_: a messenger came from John Sanders, who was left cheefe over M^r. Weston's men in y^e bay of Ma.s.sachusets, who brought a letter shewing the great wants they were falen into; and he would have borrowed a hh of corne of y^e Indeans, but they would lend him none. He desired advice whether he might not take it from them by force to succore his men till he came from y^e eastward, whither he was going. The Gov^r & rest deswaded him by all means from it, for it might so exasperate the Indeans as might endanger their saftie, and all of us might smart for it; for they had already heard how they had so wronged y^e Indeans by stealing their corne, &c. as they were much incensed against them. Yea, so base were some of their own company, as they wente & tould y^e Indeans y^t their Gov^r was purposed to come and take their corne by force. The which with other things made them enter into a conspiracie against y^e English, of which more in y^e nexte. Hear with I end this year.

_Anno Dom: 1623._

It may be thought strang that these people should fall to these extremities in so short a time, being left competently provided when y^e s.h.i.+p left them, and had an addition by that moyetie of corn that was got by trade, besids much they gott of y^e Indans wher they lived, by one means & other. It must needs be their great disorder, for they spent excesseivly whilst they had, or could get it; and, it may be, wasted parte away among y^e Indeans (for he y^t was their cheef was taxed by some amongst them for keeping Indean women, how truly I know not). And after they begane to come into wants, many sould away their cloathes and bed coverings; others (so base were they) became servants to y^e Indeans, and would cutt them woode & fetch them water, for a cap full of corne; others fell to plaine stealing, both night & day, from y^e Indeans, of which they greevosly complained. In y^e end, they came to that misery, that some starved & dyed with could & hunger. One in geathering sh.e.l.l-fish was so weake as he stuck fast in y^e mudd, and was found dead in y^e place. At last most of them left their dwellings & scatered up & downe in y^e [94] woods, & by y^e water sids, wher they could find ground nuts & clames, hear 6. and ther ten. By which their cariages they became contemned & scorned of y^e Indeans, and they begane greatly to insulte over them in a most insolente maner; insomuch, many times as they lay thus scatered abrod, and had set on a pot with ground nuts or sh.e.l.l-fish, when it was ready the Indeans would come and eate it up; and when night came, wheras some of them had a sorie blanket, or such like, to lappe them selves in, the Indeans would take it and let y^e other lye all nighte in the could; so as their condition was very lamentable. Yea, in y^e end they were faine to hange one of their men, whom they could not reclaime from stealing, to give y^e Indeans contente.

Whilst things wente in this maner with them, y^e Gov^r & people hear had notice y^t Ma.s.sasoyte ther freind was sick & near unto death. They sent to vissete him, and withall sente him such comfortable things as gave him great contente, and was a means of his recovery; upon which occasion he discovers y^e conspiracie of these Indeans, how they were resolved to cutt of M^r. Westons people, for the continuall injuries they did them, & would now take opportunitie of their weaknes to doe it; and for that end had conspired with other Indeans their neighbours their aboute. And thinking the people hear would revenge their death, they therfore thought to doe y^e like by them, & had solisited him to joyne with them. He advised them therfore to prevent it, and that speedly by taking of some of y^e cheefe of them, before it was to late, for he asured them of y^e truth hereof.

This did much trouble them, and they tooke it into serious delibration, and found upon examenation other evidence to give light hear unto, to longe hear to relate. In y^e mean time, came one of them from y^e Ma.s.sachucets, with a small pack at his back; and though he knew not a foote of y^e way, yet he got safe hither, but lost his way, which was well for him, for he was pursued, and so was mist. He tould them hear how all things stood amongst them, and that he durst stay no longer, he apprehended they (by what he observed) would be all knokt in y^e head shortly. This made them make y^e more hast, & dispatched a boate away w^th Capten Standish & some men, who found them in a miserable condition, out of which he rescued them, and helped them to some releef, cut of some few of y^e cheefe conspirators, and, according to his order, offered to bring them all hither if they thought good; and they should fare no worse then them selves, till M^r. Weston or some supplie came to them. Or, if any other course liked them better, he was to doe them any helpfullnes he could. They thanked him & y^e rest. But most of them desired he would help them with some corne, and they would goe with their smale s.h.i.+p to y^e eastward, wher hapily they might here of M^r.

Weston, or some supply from him, seing y^e time of y^e year was for fis.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+ps to [95] be in y^e land. If not, they would worke among y^e fishermen for their liveing, and get ther pa.s.sage into England, if they heard nothing from M^r. Weston in time. So they s.h.i.+pped what they had of any worth, and he got them all y^e corne he could (scarce leaving to bring him home), and saw them well out of the bay, under saile at sea, and so came home, not takeing y^e worth of a peny of any thing that was theirs. I have but touched these things breefly, because they have allready been published in printe more at large.

This was y^e end of these that some time bosted of their strength, (being all able l.u.s.tie men,) and what they would doe & bring to pa.s.s, in comparison of y^e people hear, who had many women & children and weak ons amongst them; and said at their first arivall, when they saw the wants hear, that they would take an other course, and not to fall into shuch a condition, as this simple people were come too. But a mans way is not in his owne power; G.o.d can make y^e weake to stand; let him also that standeth take heed least he fall.

Shortly after, M^r. Weston came over with some of y^e fishermen, under another name, and y^e disguise of a blacke-smith, were he heard of y^e ruine and disolution of his colony. He got a boat and with a man or 2.

came to see how things were. But by y^e way, for wante of skill, in a storme, he cast away his shalop in y^e botome of y^e bay between Meremek river & Pascataquack, & hardly escaped with life, and afterwards fell into the hands of y^e Indeans, who pillaged him of all he saved from the sea, & striped him out of all his cloaths to his s.h.i.+rte. At last he got to Pascataquack, & borrowed a suite of cloaths, and got means to come to Plimoth. A strang alteration ther was in him to such as had seen & known him in his former floris.h.i.+ng condition; so uncertaine are y^e mutable things of this unstable world. And yet men set their harts upon them, though they dayly see y^e vanity therof.

After many pa.s.sages, and much discourse, (former things boyling in his mind, but bit in as was discernd,) he desired to borrow some beaver of them; and tould them he had hope of a s.h.i.+p & good supply to come to him, and then they should have any thing for it they stood in neede of. They gave litle credite to his supplie, but pitied his case, and remembered former curtesies. They tould him he saw their wants, and they knew not when they should have any supply; also how y^e case stood betweene them & their adventurers, he well knew; they had not much bever, & if they should let him have it, it were enoughe to make a mutinie among y^e people, seeing ther was no other means to procure them foode which they so much wanted, & cloaths allso. Yet they tould him they would help him, considering his necessitie, but must doe it secretly for y^e former reasons. So they let him have 100. beaver-skins, which waighed 170^li.

odd pounds. Thus they helpt him when all y^e world faild him, and with this means he went againe to y^e s.h.i.+ps, and stayed his small s.h.i.+p & some of his men, & bought provissions and fited him selfe; and it was y^e only foundation [96] of his after course. But he requited them ill, for he proved after a bitter enimie unto them upon all occasions, and never repayed them any thing for it, to this day, but reproches and evill words. Yea, he divolged it to some that were none of their best freinds, whilst he yet had y^e beaver in his boat; that he could now set them all togeather by y^e ears, because they had done more then they could answer, in letting him have this beaver, and he did not spare to doe what he could. But his malice could not prevaile.

All this whille no supply was heard of, neither knew they when they might expecte any. So they begane to thinke how they might raise as much corne as they could, and obtaine a beter crope then they had done, that they might not still thus languish in miserie. At length, after much debate of things, the Gov^r (with y^e advise of y^e cheefest amongest them) gave way that they should set corne every man for his owne perticuler, and in that regard trust to them selves; in all other things to goe on in y^e generall way as before. And so a.s.signed to every family a parcell of land, according to the proportion of their number for that end, only for present use (but made no devission for inheritance), and ranged all boys & youth under some familie. This had very good success; for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corne was planted then other waise would have bene by any means y^e Gov^r or any other could use, and saved him a great deall of trouble, and gave farr better contente. The women now wente willingly into y^e feild, and tooke their litle-ons with them to set corne, which before would aledg weaknes, and inabilitie; whom to have compelled would have bene thought great tiranie and oppression.

The experience that was had in this co[=m]one course and condition, tried sundrie years, and that amongst G.o.dly and sober men, may well evince the vanitie of that conceite of Platos & other ancients, applauded by some of later times;--that y^e taking away of propertie, and bringing in co[=m]unitie into a comone wealth, would make them happy and floris.h.i.+ng; as if they were wiser then G.o.d. For this comunitie (so farr as it was) was found to breed much confusion & discontent, and r.e.t.a.r.d much imploym[=e]t that would have been to their benefite and comforte. For y^e yong-men that were most able and fitte for labour & service did repine that they should spend their time & streingth to worke for other mens wives and children, with out any recompence. The strong, or man of parts, had no more in devission of victails & cloaths, then he that was weake and not able to doe a quarter y^e other could; this was thought injuestice. The aged and graver men to be ranked and [97] equalised in labours, and victails, cloaths, &c., with y^e meaner & yonger sorte, thought it some indignite & disrespect unto them. And for mens wives to be commanded to doe servise for other men, as dresing their meate, was.h.i.+ng their cloaths, &c., they deemd it a kind of slaverie, neither could many husbands well brooke it. Upon y^e poynte all being to have alike, and all to doe alike, they thought them selves in y^e like condition, and one as good as another; and so, if it did not cut of those relations that G.o.d hath set amongest men, yet it did at least much diminish and take of y^e mutuall respects that should be preserved amongst them. And would have bene worse if they had been men of another condition. Let none objecte this is men's corruption, and nothing to y^e course it selfe. I answer, seeing all men have this corruption in them, G.o.d in his wisdome saw another course fiter for them.

But to returne. After this course setled, and by that their co[=r]e was planted, all ther victails were spente, and they were only to rest on G.o.ds providence; at night not many times knowing wher to have a bitt of any thing y^e next day. And so, as one well observed, had need to pray that G.o.d would give them their dayly brade, above all people in y^e world. Yet they bore these wants with great patience & allacritie of spirite, and that for so long a time as for y^e most parte of 2. years; which makes me remember what Peter Martire writs, (in magnifying y^e Spaniards) in his 5. Decade, pag. 208. _They_ (saith he) _led a miserable life for 5. days togeather, with y^e parched graine of maize only, and that not to saturitie_; and then concluds, _that shuch pains, shuch labours, and shuch hunger, he thought none living which is not a Spaniard could have endured_. But ala.s.s! these, when they had maize (y^t is, Indean corne) they thought it as good as a feast, and wanted not only for 5. days togeather, but some time 2. or 3. months togeather, and neither had bread nor any kind of corne. Indeed, in an other place, in his 2. Decade, page 94. he mentions how others of them were worse put to it, wher they were faine to eate doggs, toads, and dead men, and so dyed almost all. From these extremities the[AY] Lord in his goodnes kept these his people, and in their great wants preserved both their lives and healthes; let his name have y^e praise. Yet let me hear make use of his conclusion, which in some sorte may be applied to this people: _That with their miseries they opened a way to these new-lands; and after these stormes, with what ease other men came to inhabite in them, in respecte of y^e calamities these men suffered; so as they seeme to goe to a bride feaste wher all things are provided for them._

They haveing but one boat left and she not over well fitted, they were devided into severall companies, 6. or 7. to a gangg or company, and so wente out with a nett they had bought, to take ba.s.s & such like fish, by course, every company knowing their turne. No sooner was y^e boate discharged [98] of what she brought, but y^e next company tooke her and wente out with her. Neither did they returne till they had cauight something, though it were 5. or 6. days before, for they knew ther was nothing at home, and to goe home emptie would be a great discouragemente to y^e rest. Yea, they strive who should doe best. If she stayed longe or got litle, then all went to seeking of shel-fish, which at low-water they digged out of y^e sands. And this was their living in y^e so[=m]er time, till G.o.d sente y^m beter; & in winter they were helped with ground-nuts and foule. Also in y^e so[=m]er they gott now & then a dear; for one or 2. of y^e fitest was apoynted to range y^e woods for y^t end, & what was gott that way was devided amongst them.

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