Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' Part 11

Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' -

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_May 12._ was y^e first mariage in this place, which, according to y^e laudable custome of the Low-c.u.n.tries, in which they had lived, was thought most requisite to be performed by the magistrate, as being a civill thing, upon which many questions aboute inheritances doe depende, with other things most proper to their cognizans, and most consonante to y^e scripturs, Ruth 4. and no wher found in y^e gospell to be layed on y^e ministers as a part of their office. "This decree or law about mariage was published by y^e Stats of y^e Low-c.u.n.tries An^o: 1590. That those of any religion, after lawfull and open publication, coming before y^e magistrats, in y^e Town or Stat-house, were to be orderly (by them) maried one to another." Petets Hist, fol: 1029. And this practiss hath continued amongst, not only them, but hath been followed by all y^e famous churches of Christ in these parts to this time,--An^o: 1646.

Haveing in some sorte ordered their bussines at home, it was thought meete to send some abroad to see their new friend Ma.s.sasoyet, and to bestow upon him some gratuitie to bind him y^e faster unto them; as also that hearby they might veiw y^e countrie, and see in what maner he lived, what strength he had aboute him, and how y^e ways were to his place, if at any time they should have occasion. So y^e 2. _of July_ they sente M^r. Edward Winslow & M^r. Hopkins, with y^e foresaid Squanto for ther guid, who gave him a suite of cloaths, and a horsemans coate, with some other small things, which were kindly accepted; but they found but short co[=m]ons, and came both weary & hungrie home. For y^e Indeans used then to have nothing [63] so much corne as they have since y^e English have stored them with their hows, and seene their industrie in breaking up new grounds therwith. _They found his place to be 40. miles from hence_, y^e soyle good, & y^e people not many, being dead & abundantly wasted in y^e late great mortalitie which fell in all these parts aboute _three years_ before y^e coming of y^e English, wherin thousands of them dyed, they not being able to burie one another; ther sculs and bones were found in many places lying still above ground, where their houses & dwellings had been; a very sad spectackle to behould. But they brought word that y^e Narighansets lived but on y^e other side of that great bay, & were a strong people, & many in number, living compacte togeather, & had not been at all touched with this wasting plague.

Aboute y^e _later end of this month_, one John Billington lost him selfe in y^e woods, & wandered up & downe some 5. days, living on beries & what he could find. At length he light on an Indean plantation, 20. mils south of this place, called _Manamet_, they conveid him furder of, to _Nawsett_, among those peopl that had before set upon y^e English when they were costing, whilest y^e s.h.i.+p lay at y^e Cape, as is before noted.

But y^e Gove^r caused him to be enquired for among y^e Indeans, and at length sent word wher he was, and y^e Gove^r sent a shalop for him, & had him delivered. Those people also came and made their peace; and they gave full satisfaction to those whose come they had found & taken when they were at Cap-Codd.

Thus ther peace & aquaintance was prety well establisht w^th the natives aboute them; and ther was an other Indean called _Hobamack_ come to live amongst them, a proper l.u.s.tie man, and a man of accounte for his vallour & parts amongst y^e Indeans, and continued very faithfull and constant to y^e English till he dyed. He & Squanto being gone upon bussines amonge y^e Indeans, at their returne (whether it was out of envie to them or malice to the English) ther was a Sachem called Corbitant, alyed to, but never any good friend to y^e English to this day, mett with them at an Indean towne caled Nama.s.sakett 14. miles to y^e west of this place, and begane to quarell w^th [64] them, and offered to stabe Hobamack; but being a l.u.s.ty man, he cleared him selfe of him, and came ru[=n]ing away all sweating and tould y^e Gov^r what had befalne him, and he feared they had killed Squanto, for they threatened them both, and for no other cause but because they were freinds to y^e English, and servisable unto them. Upon this y^e Gove^r taking counsell, it was conceivd not fitt to be borne; for if they should suffer their freinds & messengers thus to be wronged, they should have none would cleave unto them, or give them any inteligence, or doe them serviss afterwards; but nexte they would fall upon them selves. Whereupon it was resolved to send y^e Captaine & 14. men well armed, and to goe & fall upon them in y^e night; and if they found that Squanto was kild, to cut of Corbitants head, but not to hurt any but those that had a hand in it.

Hobamack was asked if he would goe & be their guid, & bring them ther before day. He said he would, & bring them to y^e house wher the man lay, and show them which was he. So they set forth y^e 14. _of August_, and beset y^e house round; the Captin giving charg to let none pa.s.s out, entred y^e house to search for him. But he was goone away that day, so they mist him; but understood y^t Squanto was alive, & that he had only threatened to kill him, & made an offer to stabe him but did not. So they withheld and did no more hurte, & y^e people came trembling, & brought them the best provissions they had, after they were aquainted by Hobamack what was only intended. Ther was 3. sore wounded which broak out of y^e house, and asaid to pa.s.s through y^e garde. These they brought home with them, & they had their wounds drest & cured, and sente home. After this they had many gratulations from diverce sachims, and much firmer peace; yea, those of y^e Iles of Capawack sent to make frends.h.i.+p; and this Corbitant him selfe used y^e mediation of to make his peace, but was s.h.i.+e to come neare them a longe while after.

After this, y^e 18. of Septemb^r: they sente out ther shalop to the Ma.s.sachusets, with 10. men, and Squanto for their guid and [65]

interpreter, to discover and veiw that bay, and trade with y^e natives; the which they performed, and found kind entertainement. The people were much affraid of y^e Tarentins, a people to y^e eastward which used to come in harvest time and take away their corne, & many times kill their persons. They returned in saftie, and brought home a good quanty of beaver, and made reporte of y^e place, wis.h.i.+ng they had been ther seated; (but it seems y^e Lord, who a.s.signes to all men y^e bounds of their habitations, had apoynted it for an other use). And thus they found the Lord to be with them in all their ways, and to blesse their outgoings & inco[=m]ings, for which let his holy name have y^e praise for ever, to all posteritie.

They begane now to gather in y^e small harvest they had, and to fitte up their houses and dwellings against winter, being all well recovered in health & strenght, and had all things in good plenty; for as some were thus imployed in affairs abroad, others were excersised in fis.h.i.+ng, aboute codd, & ba.s.s, & other fish, of which y^ey tooke good store, of which every family had their portion. All y^e so[=m]er ther was no wante. And now begane to come in store of foule, as winter aproached, of which this place did abound when they came first (but afterward decreased by degrees). And besids water foule, ther was great store of wild Turkies, of which they tooke many, besids venison, &c. Besids they had aboute a peck a meale a weeke to a person, or now since harvest, Indean corne to y^t proportion. Which made many afterwards write so largly of their plenty hear to their freinds in England, which were not fained, but true reports.

In Novemb^r, about y^e time twelfe month that them selves came, ther came in a small s.h.i.+p to them unexpected or loked for,[AN] in which came Mr. Cushman (so much spoken of before) and with him 35. persons to remaine & live in y^e plantation; which did not a litle rejoyce them.

And they when they came a sh.o.r.e and found all well, and saw plenty of vitails in every house, were no less glade. For most of them were l.u.s.ty yonge men, and many of them wild enough, who litle considered whither or aboute what they wente, till they came into y^e harbore at Cap-Codd, and ther saw nothing but a naked and barren place. They then begane to thinke what should become of them, if the people here were dead or cut of by y^e Indeans. They begane to consulte (upon some speeches that some of y^e sea-men had cast out) to take y^e sayls from y^e yeard least y^e s.h.i.+p [66] should gett away and leave them ther. But y^e m^r. hereing of it, gave them good words, and tould them if any thing but well should have befallne y^e people hear, he hoped he had vitails enough to cary them to Virginia, and whilst he had a bitt they should have their parte; which gave them good satisfaction. So they were all landed; but ther was not so much as bisket-cake or any other victialls[AO] for them, neither had they any beding, but some sory things they had in their cabins, nor pot, nor pan, to drese any meate in; nor overmany cloaths, for many of them had brusht away their coats & cloaks at Plimoth as they came. But ther was sent over some burching-lane suits in y^e s.h.i.+p, out of which they were supplied. The plantation was glad of this addition of strenght, but could have wished that many of them had been of beter condition, and all of them beter furnished with provissions; but y^t could not now be helpte.

In this s.h.i.+p M^r. Weston sent a large leter to M^r. Carver, y^e late Gove^r, now deseased, full of complaints & expostulations aboute former pa.s.sagess at Hampton; and y^e keeping y^e s.h.i.+pe so long in y^e country, and returning her without lading, &c., which for brevitie I omite. The rest is as followeth.

_Part of Mr. Westons letter_.

I durst never aquainte y^e adventurers with y^e alteration of y^e conditions first agreed on betweene us, which I have since been very glad of, for I am well a.s.sured had they knowne as much as I doe, they would not have adventured a halfe-peny of what was necesary for this s.h.i.+p. That you sent no lading in the s.h.i.+p is wonderfull, and worthily distasted. I know you^r weaknes was the cause of it, and I beleeve more weaknes of judgmente, then weaknes of hands. A quarter of y^e time you spente in discoursing, arguing, & consulting, would have done much more; but that is past, &c. If you mean, bona fide, to performe the conditions agreed upon, doe us y^e favore to coppy them out faire, and subscribe them with y^e princ.i.p.all of your names. And likwise give us accounte as perticulerly as you can how our moneys were laid out.

And then I shall be able to give them some satisfaction, whom I am now forsed with good words to s.h.i.+ft of. And consider that y^e life of the bussines depends on y^e lading of this s.h.i.+p, which, if you doe to any good purpose, that I may be freed from y^e great sums I have disbursed for y^e former, and must doe for the later, _I promise you I will never quit y^e bussines, though all the other adventurers should._

[67] We have procured you a Charter, the best we could, which is beter then your former, and with less limitation. For any thing y^t is els worth writting, M^r. Cushman can informe you. I pray write instantly for M^r. Robinson to come to you. And so praying G.o.d to blesse you with all graces nessessary both for this life & that to come, I rest

Your very loving frend, THO. WESTON.

London, July 6. 1621.

This s.h.i.+p (caled y^e Fortune) was speedily dispatcht away, being laden with good clapbord as full as she could stowe, and 2. hoggsheads of beaver and otter skins, which they gott with a few trifling comodities brought with them at first, being alltogeather unprovided for trade; neither was ther any amongst them that ever saw a beaver skin till they came hear, and were informed by Squanto. The fraight was estimated to be worth near 500^li. M^r. Cushman returned backe also with this s.h.i.+p, for so Mr. Weston & y^e rest had apoynted him, for their better information.

And he doubted not, nor them selves neither, but they should have a speedy supply; considering allso how by M^r. Cushmans perswation, and letters received from Leyden, wherin they willed them so to doe, they yeelded[AP] to y^e afforesaid conditions, and subscribed them with their hands. But it proved other wise, for Mr. Weston, who had made y^e large promise in his leter, (as is before noted,) that if all y^e rest should fall of, yet he would never quit y^e bussines, but stick to them, if they yeelded to y^e conditions, and sente some lading in y^e s.h.i.+p; and of this M^r. Cushman was confident, and confirmed y^e same from his mouth, & serious protestations to him selfe before he came. But all proved but wind, for he was y^e first and only man that forsooke them, and that before he so much as heard of y^e returne of this s.h.i.+p, or knew what was done; (so vaine is the confidence in man.) But of this more in its place.

A leter in answer to his write to M^r. Carver, was sente to him from y^e Gov^r, of which so much as is pertenente to y^e thing in hand I shall hear inserte.

S^r: Your large letter writen to M^r. Carver, and dated y^e 6. of July, 1621, I have received y^e 10. of Novemb^r, wherin (after y^e apologie made for your selfe) you lay many heavie imputations upon him and us all. Touching him, he is departed this life, and now is at rest [68] in y^e Lord from all those troubls and incoumbrances with which we are yet to strive. He needs not my appologie; for his care and pains was so great for y^e commone good, both ours and yours, as that therwith (it is thought) he oppressed him selfe and shortened his days; of whose loss we cannot sufficiently complaine. At great charges in this adventure, I confess you have beene, and many losses may sustaine; but y^e loss of his and many other honest and industrious mens lives, cannot be vallewed at any prise. Of y^e one, ther may be hope of recovery, but y^e other no recompence can make good. But I will not insiste in generalls, but come more perticulerly to y^e things them selves. You greatly blame us for keping y^e s.h.i.+p so long in y^e countrie, and then to send her away emptie. She lay 5. weks at Cap-Codd, whilst with many a weary step (after a long journey) and the indurance of many a hard brunte, we sought out in the foule winter a place of habitation. Then we went in so tedious a time to make provission to sheelter us and our goods, aboute w^ch labour, many of our armes & leggs can tell us to this day we were not necligent. But it pleased G.o.d to vissite us then, with death dayly, and with so generall a disease, that the living were scarce able to burie the dead; and y^e well not in any measure sufficiente to tend y^e sick.

And now to be so greatly blamed, for not fraighting y^e s.h.i.+p, doth indeed goe near us, and much discourage us. But you say you know we will pretend weaknes; and doe you think we had not cause? Yes, you tell us you beleeve it, but it was more weaknes of judgmente, then of hands. Our weaknes herin is great we confess, therfore we will bear this check patiently amongst y^e rest, till G.o.d send us wiser men. But they which tould you we spent so much time in discoursing & consulting, &c., their harts can tell their toungs, they lye. They cared not, so they might salve their owne sores, how they wounded others. Indeed, it is our callamitie that we are (beyound expectation) yoked with some ill conditioned people, who will never doe good, but corrupte and abuse others, &c.

The rest of y^e letter declared how they had subscribed those conditions according to his desire, and sente him y^e former accounts very perticulerly; also how y^e s.h.i.+p was laden, and in what condition their affairs stood; that y^e coming of these [69] people would bring famine upon them unavoydably, if they had not supply in time (as Mr. Cushman could more fully informe him & y^e rest of y^e adventurers). Also that seeing he was now satisfied in all his demands, that offences would be forgoten, and he remember his promise, &c.

After y^e departure of this s.h.i.+p, (which stayed not above 14. days,) the Gove^r & his a.s.sistante haveing disposed these late co[=m]ers into severall families, as y^ey best could, tooke an exacte accounte of all their provissions in store, and proportioned y^e same to y^e number of persons, and found that it would not hould out above 6. months at halfe alowance, and hardly that. And they could not well give less this winter time till fish came in againe. So they were presently put to half alowance, one as well as an other, which begane to be hard, but they bore it patiently under hope of supply.

Sone after this s.h.i.+ps departure, y^e great people of y^e Narigansets, in a braving maner, sente a messenger unto them with a bundl of arrows tyed aboute with a great sneak-skine; which their interpretours tould them was a threatening & a chaleng. Upon which y^e Gov^r, with y^e advice of others, sente them a round answere, that if they had rather have warre then peace, they might begine when they would; they had done them no wrong, neither did y^ey fear them, or should they find them unprovided.

And by another messenger sente y^e sneake-skine back with bulits in it; but they would not receive it, but sent it back againe. But these things I doe but mention, because they are more at large allready put forth in printe, by M^r. Winslow, at y^e requeste of some freinds. And it is like y^e reason was their owne ambition, who, (since y^e death of so many of y^e Indeans,) thought to dominire & lord it over y^e rest, & conceived y^e English would be a barr in their way, and saw that Ma.s.sasoyt took sheilter allready under their wings.

But this made them y^e more carefully to looke to them selves, so as they agreed to inclose their dwellings with a good strong pale, and make flankers in convenient places, with gates to shute, which were every night locked, and a watch kept, and when neede required ther was also warding in y^e day time. And y^e company was by y^e Captaine and y^e Gov^r [70] advise, devided into 4. squadrons, and every one had ther quarter apoynted them, unto which they were to repaire upon any suddane alarme. And if ther should be any crie of fire, a company were appointed for a gard, with muskets, whilst others quenchet y^e same, to prevent Indean treachery. This was accomplished very cherfully, and y^e towne impayled round by y^e begining of March, in which evry family had a prety garden plote secured. And herewith I shall end this year. Only I shall remember one pa.s.sage more, rather of mirth then of waight. One y^e day called Chrismasday, y^e Gov^r caled them out to worke, (as was used,) but y^e most of this new-company excused them selves and said it wente against their consciences to work on y^t day. So y^e Gov^r tould them that if they made it mater of conscience, he would spare them till they were better informed. So he led-away y^e rest and left them; but when they came home at noone from their worke, he found them in y^e streete at play, openly; some pitching y^e barr, & some at stoole-ball, and shuch like sports. So he went to them, and tooke away their implements, and tould them that was against his conscience, that they should play & others worke. If they made y^e keeping of it mater of devotion, let them kepe their houses, but ther should be no gameing or revelling in y^e streets. Since which time nothing hath been atempted that way, at least openly.

_Anno 1622._

At y^e spring of y^e year they had apointed y^e Ma.s.sachusets to come againe and trade with them, and begane now to prepare for that vioag about y^e later end of March. But upon some rumors heard, Hobamak, their Indean, tould them upon some jealocies he had, he feared they were joyned w^th y^e Narighansets and might betray them if they were not carefull. He intimated also some jealocie of Squanto, by what he gathered from some private whisperings betweene him and other Indeans.

But [71] they resolved to proseede, and sente out their shalop with 10.

of their cheefe men aboute y^e begining of Aprill, and both Squanto & Hobamake with them, in regarde of y^e jelocie betweene them. But they had not bene gone longe, but an Indean belonging to Squantos family came runing in seeming great fear, and tould them that many of y^e Narihgansets, with Corbytant, and he thought also Ma.s.sasoyte, were coming against them; and he gott away to tell them, not without danger.

And being examined by y^e Gov^r, he made as if they were at hand, and would still be looking back, as if they were at his heels. At which the Governor caused them to take armes & stand on their garde, and supposing y^e boat to be still within hearing (by reason it was calme) caused a warning peece or 2. to be shote of, the which y^ey heard and came in.

But no Indeans apeared; watch was kepte all night, but nothing was scene. Hobamak was confidente for Ma.s.sasoyt, and thought all was false; yet y^e Gov^r caused him to send his wife privatly, to see what she could observe (pretening other occasions), but ther was nothing found, but all was quiet. After this they proseeded on their vioge to y^e Ma.s.sachusets, and had good trade, and returned in saftie, blessed be G.o.d.

But by the former pa.s.sages, and other things of like nature, they begane to see y^t Squanto sought his owne ends, and plaid his owne game, by putting y^e Indeans in fear, and drawing gifts from them to enrich him selfe; making them beleeve he could stur up warr against whom he would, & make peece for whom he would. Yea, he made them beleeve they kept y^e plague buried in y^e ground, and could send it amongs whom they would, which did much terrifie the Indeans, and made them depend more on him, and seeke more to him then to Ma.s.sasoyte, which proucured him envie, and had like to have cost him his life. For after y^e discovery of his practises, Ma.s.sasoyt sought it both privatly and openly; which caused him to stick close to y^e English, & never durst goe from them till he dyed. They also made good use of y^e emulation y^t grue betweene Hobamack and him, which made them cary more squarely. And y^e Gov^r seemed to countenance y^e one, and y^e Captaine y^e other, by which they had better intelligence, and made them both more diligente.

[72] Now in a maner their provissions were wholy spent, and they looked hard for supply, but none came. But about y^e _later end of May_, they spied _a boat_ at sea, which at first they thought had beene some Frenchman; but it proved a shalop which came from a s.h.i.+p which M^r.

Weston & an other had set out a fis.h.i.+ng, at a place called Damarins-cove, 40. leagues to y^e eastward of them, wher were y^t year many more s.h.i.+ps come a fis.h.i.+ng. This boat brought 7. pa.s.sengers and some letters, but no vitails, nor any hope of any. Some part of which I shall set downe.

M^r. Carver, in my last leters by y^e Fortune, in whom M^r Cushman wente, and who I hope is with you, for we daly expecte y^e s.h.i.+pe back againe. She departed hence, y^e begining of July, with 35. persons, though not over well provided with necesaries, by reason of y^e pa.r.s.emonie of y^e adventurers.[AQ] I have solisited them to send you a supply of men and provissions before shee come. They all answer they will doe great maters, when they hear good news. Nothing before; so faithfull, constant, & carefull of your good, are your olde & honest freinds, that if they hear not from you, they are like to send you no supplie, &c. I am now to relate y^e occasion of sending _this s.h.i.+p_, hoping if you give credite to my words, you will have a more favourable opinion of it, then some hear, wherof Pickering is one, who taxed me to mind my owne ends, which is in part true, &c. _M^r.

Beachamp and my selfe_ bought _this litle s.h.i.+p_, and have set her out, partly, if it may be, to uphold[AR] y^e plantation, as well to doe others good as our selves; and partly to gett up what we are formerly out; though we are otherwise censured, &c. This is y^e occasion we have sent _this s.h.i.+p_ and these pa.s.sengers, on our owne accounte; whom we desire you will frendly entertaine & supply with shuch necesaries as you cane spare, and they wante, &c. And among other things we pray you lend or sell them some seed corne, and if you have y^e salt remaining of y^e last year, that y^u will let them have it for their presente use, and we will either pay you for it, or give you more when we have set our salt-pan to worke, which we desire may be set up in one of y^e litle ilands in your bay, &c. And because we intende, if G.o.d plase, [73] (and y^e generallitie doe it not,) _to send within a month another s.h.i.+pe_, who, having discharged her pa.s.sengers, _shal goe to Virginia_, &c. And it may be we shall send a _small s.h.i.+p to abide with you_ on y^e coast, which I conceive may be a great help to y^e plantation. To y^e end our desire may be effected, which, I a.s.sure my selfe, will be also for your good, we pray you give them entertainmente in your houses y^e time they shall be with you, that they may lose no time, but may presently goe in hand to fell trees & cleave them, to y^e end lading may be ready and our s.h.i.+p stay not.

Some of y^e adventurers have sent you hearwith all some directions for your furtherance in y^e co[=m]one bussines, who are like those S^t.

James speaks of, y^t bid their brother eat, and warme him, but give him nothing; so they bid you make salt, and uphold y^e plantation, but send you no means wherwithall to doe it, &c. By _y^e next_ we purpose _to send more people on our owne accounte_, and _to take a patente_; that if your peopl should be as unhumane as some of y^e adventurers, not to admite us to dwell with them, which were extreme barbarisme, and which will never enter into my head to thinke you have any shuch Pickerings amongst you. Yet to satisfie our pa.s.sengers I must of force doe it; and for some other reasons not necessary to be writen, &c. I find y^e generall so backward, and your freinds at Leyden so could, that I fear you must stand on your leggs, and trust (as they say) to G.o.d and your selves.

Subscribed, your loving freind, THO: WESTON.

Jan: 12. 1621.

Sundry other things I pa.s.s over, being tedious & impertinent.

All this was but could comfort to fill their hungrie bellies, and a slender performance of his former late promiss; and as litle did it either fill or warme them, as those y^e Apostle James spake of, by him before mentioned. And well might it make them remember what y^e psalmist saith, Psa. 118. 8. _It is better to trust in the Lord, then to have confidence in man._ And Psa. 146. _Put not you trust in princes_ (much less in y^e marchants) _nor in y^e sone of man, for ther is no help in them._ v. 5. _Blesed is he that hath y^e G.o.d of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in y^e Lord his G.o.d._ And as they were now fayled of suply by him and others in this their greatest neede and wants, which was caused by him and y^e rest, who put so great a company of men upon them, as y^e former company were, without any food, and came at shuch a time as they must live almost a whole year before any could [74] be raised, excepte they had sente some; so, upon y^e pointe they never had any supply of vitales more afterwards (but what the Lord gave them otherwise); for all y^e company sent at any time was allways too short for those people y^t came with it.

Ther came allso _by y^e same s.h.i.+p_ other leters, but of later date, one from M^r. Weston, an other from a parte of y^e adventurers, as foloweth.

M^r. Carver, since my last, to y^e end we might y^e more readily proceed to help y^e generall, at a meeting of some of y^e princ.i.p.all adventurers, a proposition was put forth, & alowed by all presente (save Pickering), to adventure each man y^e third parte of what he formerly had done. And ther are some other y^t folow his example, and will adventure no furder. In regard wherof y^e greater part of y^e adventurers being willing to uphold y^e bussines, finding it no reason that those y^t are willing should uphold y^e bussines of those that are unwilling, whose backwardnes doth discourage those that are forward, and hinder other new-adventurers from coming in, we having well considered therof, have resolved, according to an article in y^e agreemente, (_that it may be lawfull by a generall consente of y^e adventurers & planters, upon just occasion, to breake of their joynte stock_,) to breake it of; and doe pray you to ratifie, and confirme y^e same on your parts. Which being done, we shall y^e more willingly goe forward for y^e upholding of you with all things necesarie. But in any case you must agree to y^e artickls, and send it by y^e first under your hands & seals. So I end

Your loving freind, THO: WESTON.

Jan: 17. 1621.

Another leter was write from part of y^e company of y^e adventurers to the same purpose, and subscribed with 9. of their names, wherof M^r.

Westons & M^r. Beachamphs were tow. Thes things seemed strang unto them, seeing this unconstancie & shufling; it made them to thinke ther was some misterie in y^e matter. And therfore y^e Gov^r concealed these letters from y^e publick, only imparted them to some trustie freinds for advice, who concluded with him, that this tended to disband & scater them (in regard of their straits); and if M^r. Weston & others, who seemed to rune in a perticuler way, should come over with s.h.i.+ping so provided as his letters did intimate, they most would fall to him, to y^e prejudice of them selves & y^e rest of the adventurers,[AS] their freinds, from whom as yet they heard nothing. And it was doubted whether he had not sente [75] over shuch a company in y^e former s.h.i.+p, for shuch an end. Yet they tooke compa.s.sion of those 7. men which _this s.h.i.+p, which fished to y^e eastward, had kept till planting time was over_, and so could set no corne; and allso wanting vitals, (for y^ey turned them off w^{th}out any, and indeed wanted for them selves,) neither was their salt-pan come, so as y^ey could not performe any of those things which M^r. Weston had apointed, and might have starved if y^e plantation had not succoured them; who, in their wants, gave them as good as any of their owne. _The s.h.i.+p wente to Virginia_, wher they sould both s.h.i.+p & fish, of which (it was conceived) M^r. Weston had a very slender accounte.

_After this came another of his s.h.i.+ps_, and brought letters dated y^e 10. of Aprill, from M^r. Weston, as followeth.

M^r. Bradford, these, &c. _The Fortune_ is arived, of whose good news touching your estate & proce[=e]ings, I am very glad to hear. And how soever he was robed on y^e way by y^e Frenchmen, yet I hope your loss will not be great, for y^e conceite of so great a returne doth much animate y^e adventurers, so y^t I hope some matter of importance will be done by them, &c. As for my selfe, I have sould my adventure & debts unto them, so as I am quit[AT] of you, & you of me, for that matter, &c. Now though I have nothing to pretend as an adventurer amongst you, yet I will advise you a litle for your good, if you can apprehend it. I perceive & know as well as another, y^e dispositions of _your adventurers_, whom y^e hope of gaine hath drawne on to this they have done; and yet I fear y^t hope will not draw them much furder. Besids, _most of them are against the sending of them of Leyden, for whose cause this bussines was first begune_, and some of y^e most religious (as M^r. Greene by name) excepts against them. So y^t my advice is (you may follow it if you please) that you forthwith break of your joynte stock, which you have warente to doe, both in law & conscience, for y^e most parte of y^e adventurers have given way unto it by a former letter. And y^e means you have ther, which I hope will be to some purpose by y^e trade of this spring, may, with y^e help of some freinds hear, bear y^e charge of tr[=a]sporting those of Leyden; and when they are with you I make no question but by G.o.ds help you will be able to subsist of your selves. But I shall leave you to your discretion.

I desired diverce of y^e adventurers, as M^r. Peirce, M^r. Greene, & others, if they had any thing to send you, either vitails or leters, to send them _by these s.h.i.+ps_; and marvelling they sent not so much as a letter, I asked our pa.s.sengers what leters they had, and with some dificultie one of them tould me he had one, which was delivered him with [76] great charge of secrecie; and for more securitie, to buy a paire of new-shoes, & sow it betweene y^e soles for fear of intercepting. I, taking y^e leter, wondering what mistrie might be in it, broke it open, and found this treacherous letter subscribed by y^e hands of M^r. Pickering & M^r. Greene. Wich leter had it come to you^r hands without answer, might have caused y^e hurt, if not y^e ruine, of us all. For a.s.suredly if you had followed their instructions, and shewed us that unkindness which they advise you unto, to hold us in distruste as enimise, &c., it might have been an occasion to have set us togeather by y^e eares, to y^e distruction of us all. For I doe beleeve that in shuch a case, they knowing what bussines hath been betweene us, not only my brother, but others also, would have been violent, and heady against you, &c. I mente to have setled y^e people I before and now send, with or near you, as well for their as your more securitie and defence, as help on all occasions. But I find y^e adventurers so jealous & suspitious, that I have altered my resolution, & given order to my brother & those with him, to doe as they and him selfe shall find fitte. Thus, &c.

Your loving friend, THO: WESTON.

Aprill 10. 1621.

_Some part of Mr. Pickerings letter before mentioned._

To M^r. Bradford & M^r. Brewster, &c.

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