Directives From The Guardian Part 19

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"Shoghi Effendi would urge every Baha'i who feels the urge to exercise his right of teaching unofficially the Cause, to keep in close touch with the Local Spiritual a.s.sembly of the locality in which he is working. The Local Spiritual a.s.sembly, while reserving for itself the right to control such activities on the part of individual Baha'is, should do its utmost to encourage such teachers and to put at their disposal whatever facilities they would need in such circ.u.mstances. Should any differences arise, the National Spiritual a.s.sembly would naturally have to intervene and adjust matters."


"In the matter of teaching, as repeatedly and emphatically stated, particularly in his 'Advent of Divine Justice', the Guardian does not wish the believers to make the slightest discrimination, even though this may result in provoking opposition or criticism from any individual, cla.s.s or inst.i.tution. The Call of Baha'u'llah, being universal, should be addressed with equal force to all the peoples, and nations of the world, irrespective of any religious, racial, political or cla.s.s distinction or difference..."


"We all have our petty material obstacles in this life. We cannot totally get rid of them. The best thing to do, after all our efforts have failed to deliver us, is to concentrate on that which can alone bring real happiness and peace to our heart. And you should be thankful to G.o.d for having enabled you to recognize and accept His Faith. For this is, a.s.suredly, the only source of joy and consolation you can have in your moments of suffering. Is there anything more worthwhile to work for than the Teachings of the Message?"


"The invisible battalions of the Concourse on High, are mustered, in serried ranks, ready to rush their reinforcements to the aid of the vanguard of Baha'u'llah's crusaders in the hour of their greatest need, and in antic.i.p.ation of that Most Great, that Wondrous Jubilee in the joyfulness of which both heaven and earth will partake."


"He approves of your desire to teach the principles of the Faith through radio. But he urges you to do all you can to always, however small the reference you are able to make to it may be, clearly identify or a.s.sociate what you are giving out with Baha'u'llah. The time is too short now for us Baha'is to be able to first educate humanity and then tell it that the source is this new World Faith. For their own spiritual protection people must hear of the name Baha'i--then, if they turn blindly away they cannot excuse themselves by saying they never even knew it existed! For dark days seem still ahead of the world, and outside this Divine Refuge the people will not, we firmly believe, find inner conviction, peace and security. So they have a right to at least hear of the Cause as such."


"In connection with your teaching work: What the Guardian wishes you to particularly emphasize in all your talks is the supreme necessity for all individuals and nations in this day to adopt in its entirety the social program given by Baha'u'llah for the reconstruction of the religious, economic and political life of mankind. He wishes you to explain and a.n.a.lyze the elements that help in raising this Divine World Order in the light of the present-day events and conditions in the world. Special stress, he feels, should be laid on the impending necessity of establis.h.i.+ng a super-national, and sovereign world state, as the one described by Baha'u'llah. With the world becoming increasingly subject to tumults and convulsions never experienced before, the realization of such a necessity is entering into the consciousness of not only the wise and learned, but of the common people as well. The believers should, therefore, seize this opportunity to make a supreme effort to present, in convincing and eloquent language, those social and humanitarian teachings of the Faith which we believe to const.i.tute the sole panacea for the innumerable ills afflicting our present-day world."


"Indeed to bring this message to mankind in its darkest hour of need is the paramount duty of every believer. All the agony, the suffering, privation and spiritual blindness afflicting people today everywhere in the world, to a greater or lesser degree, is because they are unaware of, or indifferent to, the Remedy G.o.d has sent them. Only those who are aware of it can carry its healing knowledge to others, so that each Baha'i has an inescapable and sacred duty to perform."


"The believers ought to give the message even to those who do not seem ready for it, because they can never judge the real extent to which the Word of G.o.d can influence the hearts and minds of the people, even those who appear to lack any power of receptivity to the teachings."


"Regarding your question about the need for greater unity among the friends, there is no doubt that this is so, and the Guardian feels that one of the chief instruments for promoting it is to teach the Baha'is themselves, in and through precepts, that love of G.o.d, and consequently of men, is the essential foundation of every religion, our own included. A greater degree of love will produce a greater unity, because it enables people to bear with each other, to be patient and forgiving."


"The most important thing for the believers is, of course, to be united and to really love each other for the sake of G.o.d, (Otherwise it is not possible to love everyone). However, if communities wait until love and complete harmony are established before teaching, the teaching work will come to a standstill. Both sides must be cultivated; whilst actively teaching the friends must themselves be taught and deepened in the spirit of the Faith, which brings love and unity."


"What the Cause now requires is not so much a group of highly cultured and intellectual people who can adequately present its Teachings, but a number of devoted, sincere and loyal supporters, who, in utter disregard of their own weaknesses and limitations, and with hearts afire with the love of G.o.d, forsake their all for the sake of spreading and establis.h.i.+ng His Faith. In other words, what is mostly needed nowadays is a Baha'i pioneer and not so much a Baha'i philosopher or scholar. For the Cause is not a system of philosophy; it is essentially a way of life, a religious faith that seeks to unite all people on a common basis of mutual understanding and love, and in a common devotion to G.o.d.

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