Directives From The Guardian Part 16

Directives From The Guardian -

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"The believer is entirely free to choose any one of those three prayers but is under the obligation of reciting one of them, and in accordance with any specific directions with which they may be accompanied.

"These daily obligatory prayers, together with a few other specific ones, such as the Healing Prayer, the Tablet of Ahmad, have been invested by Baha'u'llah with a special potency and significance, and should therefore be accepted as such and be recited by the believers with unquestioned faith and confidence, that through them they may enter into a much closer communion with G.o.d, and identify themselves more fully with His Laws and precepts."


"The healing prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah can be effective even though used by non-believers. But their effectiveness is of course greater in the case of those who fully accept the Revelation."


"Regarding your question as to the changing of p.r.o.nouns in Baha'i prayers: The Guardian does not approve of such changes, either in the specific prayers or in any others. They should be read as printed without changing a single word."


"Regarding the solution of the racial problem; the believers should of course realize that the principle of the oneness of mankind which is the cornerstone of the message of Baha'u'llah is wholly incompatible with all forms of racial prejudice. Loyalty to this foundation principle of the Faith is the paramount duty of every believer and should be therefore wholehearted and unqualified. For a Baha'i, racial prejudice, in all its forms, is simply a negation of Faith, an att.i.tude wholly incompatible with the very spirit and actual teachings of the Cause.

"But while the friends should faithfully and courageously uphold this Baha'i principle of the essential unity of all human races, yet in the methods they adopt for its application and further realization on the social plane they should act with tact, wisdom and moderation. These two att.i.tudes are by no means exclusive. Baha'is do not believe that the spread of the Cause and its principles and teachings can be effected by means of radical and violent methods. While they are loyal to all those teachings, yet they believe in the necessity of resorting to peaceful and friendly means for the realization of their aims.

"As regards the meaning of the pa.s.sage on page 188 of the Gleanings it is an emphasis by Baha'u'llah on the importance of maintaining differences of station and in society and does not refer to the question of race."


"After Baha'u'llah many Prophets will, no doubt, appear but they will be under His Shadow. Although they may abrogate the laws of this Dispensation in accordance with the needs and requirements of the age in which they appear, they nevertheless draw their spiritual force from this mighty Revelation. The Faith of Baha'u'llah const.i.tutes, indeed, the stage of maturity in the development of mankind. His appearance has released such spiritual forces which will continue to animate, for many long years to come, the world in its development. Whatever progress may be achieved, in later ages, after the unification of the whole human race is achieved, will be but improvement in the machinery of the world. For the machinery itself has been already created by Baha'u'llah. The task of continually improving and perfecting this machinery is one which later Prophets will be called upon to achieve. They will thus move and work within the orbit of the Baha'i Cycle."


"There is nothing in our teachings about Freud and his method. Psychiatry treatment in general is no doubt an important contribution to medicine, but we must believe it is still a growing rather than a perfected science.

As Baha'u'llah has urged us to avail ourselves of the help of good physicians Baha'is are certainly not only free to turn to psychiatry for a.s.sistance but should, when available, do so. This does not mean psychiatrists are always wise or always right; it means we are free to avail ourselves of the best medicine has to offer us."


"With reference to psychic phenomena referred to in your letter; these, in most cases, are an indication of a deep psychological disturbance. The friends should avoid as much as possible giving undue consideration to such matters."


"Those who have never had any opportunity of hearing of the Faith but who lived good lives will no doubt be treated with the greatest love and mercy in the next world, and reap their full rewards."


"We have nothing in our Baha'i Writings about the so-called Prophecies of the Pyramids; so he (the Guardian) does not think you need attach any importance to them."


"The Guardian feels that any communications addressed to international figures of this nature, particularly in connection with political proposals of any one group, should not be written unless approved by him.

He feels matters of this type so important that he does not wish such communications sent without his prior consideration and approval. It may lead to quite difficult and embarra.s.sing situations, especially when the letters are made public..."


"As to the question raised by the Spiritual a.s.sembly of Los Angeles concerning the best English translation of the Qur'an, the Guardian would recommend 'Sales' translation which is the most accurate rendering available, and is the most widespread."

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