Crimson Frost Part 5

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Of course, I hadn't had the lifelong weapons training the other kids had had, which was why I schlepped over to the gym every morning before regular started to put in some extra training time with Logan, Kenzie, and Oliver. Since Loki had escaped, Daphne and Carson had started coming too. We all wanted to be ready-for anything.

Everyone except Oliver was already in the gym, and Logan, Kenzie, and Carson were over at the weapons racks figuring out what we were going to practice with today. I put my messenger bag on one of the mats and plopped down on the bleachers next to Daphne. Even though we'd come here to sweat, the Valkyrie looked as pretty as ever in her pink designer yoga pants and matching cropped top. Her blond hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and just the right amount of makeup brought out her dark eyes and the beautiful color of her amber skin.

"I see you brought your shadow with you," Daphne sniped, watching Alexei wander over and put his own bag down on the mat next to mine.

"Be nice," I said. "It's not his fault that he's stuck with me. At least, I don't think it is."

She snorted, but she didn't say anything else. The guys decided on staffs and pa.s.sed out the weapons. Logan hesitated, then gave a staff to Alexei, who hefted it in his hands with an easy, familiar grace.

"What's a Bogatyr warrior?" I asked Logan when he handed me my own staff. "That's what Alexei said he was."

The two of us watched Alexei work with the staff. He'd gone through a short warm-up and was now twirling the weapon around and around, moving it from one hand to the other as he executed a series of complicated moves. He didn't seem to have a Viking's super-strength, but there was something about the way he moved, flowing from one attack position to the next, that told me he was as dangerous as anyone else at Mythos. The staff kept moving faster and faster in his hands, until it was nothing more than a blur swirling through the air around him. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought him some sort of dancer-he just moved that fluidly, that gracefully.

"Bogatyrs are ancient Russian warriors," Logan said. "They're similar to Romans in that they are exceptionally fast, but the way they move . . . it's like nothing I've ever seen before."

"You mean the way he looks like he's dancing instead of fighting?"

Logan nodded. "I've heard Coach Ajax say that a battle is almost like a dance to them, and the longer a fight goes, the stronger they get because they train themselves to always keep moving, to always keep attacking. They have incredible endurance. Most of them also use two weapons at once, one in either hand, like two swords or two daggers. I'm not sure what other powers they have, but Bogatyrs are some of the fiercest warriors in the Pantheon, right up there with Spartans."

In addition to their inherent warrior strengths and skills, all the kids at Mythos also had other powers, bonus magic as it were, everything from enhanced senses to the ability to heal others to being able to call up storm clouds and control the weather. At Mythos, what kind of warrior you were, what kind of weapon you used, and what kind of magic you had were all just status symbols, along with the kids' expensive cars, designer clothes, and pricey electronics.

We watched Alexei work with the staff. Carson, who also used a staff, seemed especially awestruck by him. The band geek leaned on his own weapon, his face scrunched up in concentration as he tried to follow Alexei's quick, complicated moves. Kenzie stood beside Carson, also watching Alexei.

Beside me, Logan drew in a breath and let it out. I looked at him, wondering what was on his mind.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," he finally said. "And everything that happened. I still can't believe that my dad is doing this to you, that he thinks you somehow helped the Reapers. I tried to talk to him last night, but he just wouldn't listen to me. He never listens to me-about anything."

Bitterness filled Logan's voice, and his eyes were dark and angry. I reached over and threaded my fingers through his. The Spartan's emotions washed over me, the way they always did, but as I held his hand, flickers and flashes of other things began to flood my mind, things I'd never seen before-memories of his dad through the years.

Most of the images were the same-Logan slumped over at a table while his dad paced back and forth in front of him, his face stern, talking in a sharp voice. Do this. Don't do that. Why can't you get better grades? Why is your room always such a mess? Why don't you straighten up and act like a real warrior, like a real Spartan? Your mother and sister would be so disappointed in you.

The images and fragments of conversation flashed by one after another, faster and faster, until all I could see, feel, and hear was Linus lecturing his son over and over again, each harsh word hurting more than the last. And I experienced Logan's emotions too-all his anger, frustration, and the aching disappointment in himself that twisted my stomach into tighter and tighter knots.

"It's okay," I said, shaking my head to clear away the feelings and memories. "You don't have any control over what your dad does or what he thinks of me. This is what the Protectorate does, right? Investigate claims that folks are Reapers?"

Logan nodded. "Among other things."

"Don't worry, okay? We'll get through this, just like we always do."

He wrapped his arms around me and drew me close. I breathed in, just enjoying the heat of his touch, the warmth of his body next to mine, the steady thump-thump-thump of his heart under my fingers. I didn't know what was going to happen from one day to the next, from one minute to the next, actually, but we were together now, and I was determined to enjoy it while I could. If there was anything that fighting Reapers had taught me, it was to appreciate the good times that much more-because you never knew when they and the people you loved could be taken away from you.

"Anytime you two lovebirds are ready," Daphne called out, twirling her own staff, pink sparks of magic crackling in the air around her. "I don't know about everyone else, but I feel like hitting someone today-hard."

Carson winced. "Just don't break my, okay?"

Daphne walked over and kissed him. "Would I do something like that?"

"Well, you wouldn't break my," he said. "But you definitely would a Reaper's."

"And that's why you love me and my fierce Valkyrie self," Daphne purred.

Carson smiled and kissed her back. Kenzie laughed.

Logan and I stepped apart. A door at the far end of the gym banged open, and Oliver Hector rushed inside. The Spartan hurried across the mats and slung his bag down with everyone else's. The Spartan turned and smiled.

"Hey, guys, sorry I'm late-"

Oliver's voice cut off the second he spotted Alexei. I'd thought the Spartan would be surprised by Alexei's appearance, but it was almost like Oliver had seen a ghost. All the color drained out of his face, and his green eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Alexei? What are you doing here?" Oliver said.

Alexei's head snapped up at the sound of the Spartan's voice. He lost his concentration, and the staff that he'd been so gracefully twirling slipped through his fingers and rolled across the mats.

"Oliver! I didn't know if you'd be here this morning or not." Alexei walked over to where Oliver was standing with me and Logan. "I looked for you at the a.s.sembly yesterday, but I didn't spot you in the crowd. It's good to see you again."

"I didn't notice you there either." Oliver hesitated. "It's good to see you too."

And that was all they said. The four of us stood there in silence, with Daphne, Carson, and Kenzie looking on.

Finally, I cleared my throat. "Alexei has been a.s.signed by the Protectorate to . . . watch me while they investigate the charges against me."

Oliver's face tightened, and he glared at Alexei. Instead of glaring back at him, a sad look flashed across the Bogatyr's face before he was able to hide it.

"I will go work with the Valkyrie and the Celt," Alexei said in a stiff voice. He turned and walked away.

"I'll help them get started," Logan said and headed after him.

I raised my eyebrows at Oliver, waiting for him to explain. He sighed and ran a hand through his sandy blond hair. He looked at me, as if hoping that I'd leave things alone. Please. He knew me better than that. I crossed my arms over my chest and kept staring at him.

"Spill it, Spartan," I said. "Because it's obvious that today isn't the first time you and Alexei have met."

Oliver sighed again. "Alexei is the guy I was telling you about. The one I've been texting with."

"The one you met over winter break?"

He nodded.

"Oh. Oh."

Oliver was gay, and for a long time, he'd had a crush on Kenzie, who was his best friend and straight. But Oliver had told me that he'd met someone over the holidays, someone he thought might have boyfriend potential. I'd just never thought that person would be Alexei.

Oliver stared at me, his eyes searching mine. "I've texted with Alexei a few times since the break, but he didn't tell me that he was coming to Mythos. He didn't tell me about any of this. If he had, I would have warned you. You know that, Gwen."

I did know that. The Spartan was one of my friends, and he'd tell me if he knew something bad was going to happen to me, just like I would tell him. Well, I guess this explained why Alexei had said he was familiar with me and my friends-Oliver had probably told him all about me, Logan, and everyone else.

Part of me couldn't help but be a little p.i.s.sed about that. My magic let me know other people's secrets-I didn't like it when folks knew mine. Plus, Oliver had been my friend first, before he'd ever met Alexei. He should be taking my side in this and vowing not to have anything else to do with Alexei-ever. And I knew he would do that, if I asked him to.

But then Oliver looked at the Russian warrior, and I saw the longing in his face. It was obvious that Oliver had a crush on Alexei. I knew how hard it had been for him to watch Kenzie start dating Talia, and I didn't want Oliver to miss out on finding happiness because of me. I sighed. Sometimes, being a friend meant muzzling your inner, petty, jealous b.i.t.c.h, and this was one of those times.

"Well, I have to say that you have good taste," I drawled. "He's really cute, if you like dark, brooding warriors. And that Russian accent is wicked cool. Why, I'd almost think about dating him myself, if it wasn't for Logan and that whole pesky Gwen's-on-trial thing. And if he wasn't more interested in you than me."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Have I ever told you that being your friend is impossible, Gypsy?"

"Only once or twice, Spartan. Now, go over there and let the Bogatyr know that the two of you are cool. As long as he's here at Mythos, you might as well get to know him better. He could still turn out to be a toad, or he might just be your Prince Charming. Only one way to find out."

Oliver flashed me a grateful smile and went over to the others. He and Alexei walked away from everyone else, and the two warriors started talking. Oliver said something, and a small smile broke out on Alexei's face. For the first time, I realized that maybe something good could come out this whole horrible situation.

At this point, that small hope was the only one I had.

Chapter 7.

My friends and I sparred in the gym for the rest of training time before going back to our dorm rooms to shower and change. Thirty minutes after that, I was sitting with Logan in the dining hall. Usually, I ate with Daphne and Carson, but the two of them had to go to some meeting about the winter band concert, and since our date had gotten interrupted yesterday, Logan had suggested that we eat breakfast alone together.

Well, us and Alexei.

He'd disappeared to shower and change just like the rest of us had, but once again he'd been waiting outside my dorm room when I'd opened the door. Now, he stood a few feet away with his black bag at his feet and his back against the wall. Alexei stood next to one of the many suits of armor in the dining hall, looking just as solid, still, and imposing as the metal figure. A large oil painting of some great mythological feast hung on the wall above his head.

With its paintings, suits of armor, and tables topped with fine white linens, delicate china, and gleaming flatware, the dining hall was way, way more upscale than your typical school cafeteria. In fact, it looked more like an elegant restaurant than a place where students ate on a daily basis. Adding to the illusion was an open-air indoor garden that stood in the middle of the enormous room. Olive, orange, and almond trees rose up into the air, while grapevines snaked up, around, and over all the branches, before plunging into the black soil. Statues could also be seen in the garden, food and harvest G.o.ds mostly, like Dionysus and Demeter. The statues were hidden here and there among the trees and twisting vines, although their faces stared out at the students as they ate.

Unfortunately, the food was even fancier than the decor. Lobster, veal, and escargot were among the daily items on the lunch line, all of which the academy kids loved. Yucko. Even when it came to more normal food, like cheeseburgers, pizza, and lasagna, the Mythos chefs were always using exotic ingredients and whipping up weird sauces to serve them with, which completely ruined the dishes. At least for me.

I didn't have much of an appet.i.te so I just picked at my ambrosia fruit salad drizzled with honey-lime dressing, moving strawberries and kiwis from one side of my bowl to the other, even though it was one of my favorite items on the breakfast menu. Meanwhile, Logan scarfed down a pile of pancetta and his second Greek omelet topped with spinach and thick crumbles of feta cheese. I sighed, put my fork down, and pushed away my bowl.

"Do you want me to get you something else, Gypsy girl?" Logan asked. "The chefs set up a smoothie station this morning."

I didn't want a smoothie, but he was trying to make me feel better, so I forced myself to smile. "Sure, that would be great. Maybe mango, if they have it?"

Logan grinned. "I'll be back in a minute."

The Spartan grabbed his now-empty plate, probably to get another omelet while he waited for the chefs to make my smoothie. Alexei watched him go, but he didn't move from his spot beside the wall. He hadn't gotten anything for himself, not so much as a bottle of water or a granola bar. I wondered if not dining with the enemy was some kind of Protectorate protocol.

I looked at him, then gestured at the table. "You can sit down with us, you know. I'm not going to bite you."

Alexei gave me a cool stare. "Members of the Protectorate, even those who are only in training like me, take our responsibilities very seriously. We do not eat with people we are supposed to be keeping an eye on."

Apparently, I'd been right about the protocol thing. Yeah for me.

"I'm not some kind of criminal," I muttered. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"No, you just let Loki escape from his prison and doomed the entire world. Isn't that right, Gwen?"

I looked up to find Helena Paxton standing on the opposite side of the table-and she wasn't alone. Her Amazon friends stood on either side of her, along with several guys. Anger filled all their faces, and the emotion rolled off them in hot, furious waves.

I pushed my chair back and got to my feet. Helena jerked her head, and her friends formed a loose circle around me, trapping me between them and the table. The conversation around us died down, as the other kids in the dining hall stopped eating and turned to stare at us.

"Are you enjoying your breakfast, Gwen?" Helena asked in a sweet voice. "It looks like you've hardly eaten a thing. Maybe your conscience is finally bothering you. It should."

I didn't say anything. There was no point in it. Helena hated me, and she wouldn't believe a word I said anyway. But my silence only made her angrier. She stepped forward, her eyes narrowing to slits.

"I can't believe you just walked in here this morning like everything was okay, like we all don't know what you did-and what a traitorous Reaper b.i.t.c.h you are."

The kids circled around me murmured their agreement. My gaze went from one face to the next, but I all saw was anger-anger and no mercy. I wasn't psychic, not like Grandma Frost was, but I knew what would happen now. The other kids couldn't take their rage and frustration out on the Reapers who'd murdered their loved ones, so they were going to lash out at the next best thing-me.

"I didn't do what the Protectorate says I did," I replied. "I didn't do anything wrong."

How many times would I have to say those words before people believed me? I could scream them for hours, and it wouldn't make a difference. Not after the a.s.sembly. And especially not right now.

Helena arched an eyebrow. "Really? Because I remember seeing you at the Crius Coliseum the day the other students were murdered. My friend, Samantha Diego, was one of the girls who got killed. Tell me, Gwen, was it you who stabbed her in the back? Or one of your Reaper friends?"

More murmurs of agreement filled the air, even uglier and harsher than before, and the students around me crept forward. For the first time, I noticed that many of them had their weapons in their hands, swords and daggers mostly. That was bad enough, but what made my heart quiver with fear was the way the other kids were clenching the hilts and skimming their fingers along the sharp blades, like they were thinking about using them.

On me.

Panic pulsed through my body, but I made myself stand still. I looked past the ring of students, but I didn't see Logan. I scanned the rest of the dining hall, but I didn't spot any of my other friends either. It took me a few more seconds to realize that all the chefs had suddenly, mysteriously, vanished as well. In fact, I didn't see any adults dis.h.i.+ng up pancakes and waffles at the food stations closest to my table, no professors eating their own breakfast, no staff members grabbing a cup of coffee before heading out to do their morning Even more ominous was the fact that all the statues in the garden had dropped their heads and were staring at the grapevines twisted around their feet, as if they didn't want to see what was about to happen.

Desperate now, I looked over at Alexei. His job was to guard me. I hoped it meant protecting me too, because this was not going to end well-for me.

Alexei pushed away from the wall. Hope sparked in my chest that he would grab his two swords out of his backpack and come to my defense, but all he did was stand there. He didn't make any move to break up the mob that had circled me. I wondered if Linus had ordered Alexei to let the other kids do whatever they wanted to me. That would be one way for me to be punished-for me to be executed.

I wondered if Alexei would stop after the kids had beaten me or if he'd actually let them murder me right here in the dining hall. An image of my dead, broken body lying on the floor popped into my mind, my blood oozing over the marble, the scarlet stream getting soaked up by the black dirt in the garden and feeding the gnarled vines there- I shook my head, banis.h.i.+ng the image. That wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to let it happen. I might not be as skilled a fighter as the other students, but I'd defend myself as best I could, even if I knew I wouldn't win in the end. Not against so many other kids.

Too bad I'd put Vic and my messenger bag underneath the table when Logan and I had first sat down. I could just see the bag's strap peeking out from beneath the white tablecloth on the far side of the chair I was standing next to. My heart sank. I knew I wouldn't be able to get to the sword in time, but I still had to try. It was all I could do.

I took a step back so I could get around the chair, but I b.u.mped into a guy standing behind me. I whirled around, and the uppercla.s.sman brandished a sword at me and grinned. I tried to move to my left to get away from him, and one of the Amazons stopped me. I s.h.i.+fted back to my right, and there was Helena, holding a dagger.

"Did you really think you would get away with it?" Helena snarled. "Killing our friends at the coliseum. Letting Loki loose. All of that is your fault, Gwen-your fault. People are dead, our friends and family are dead because of what you've done. Well, I say that we get our revenge on you, right here, right now."

The ring of kids muttered their agreement and crept even closer to me. Once more, I looked at Alexei, but he stood in the same position as before, his arms still hanging by his sides, his face completely blank. No help there. Looked like it was up to me to save myself-or die trying.

Helena took another menacing step toward me, the dagger flas.h.i.+ng in her hand, and I reached out and grabbed my fork off the table. It wasn't much of a weapon, but hopefully I could surprise her with it, shove her away, and break free of the mob before they all piled in on me- "Leave her alone," a low voice growled.

Logan pushed his way through the kids until he was standing by my side. The Spartan was holding a plate with another omelet on it, along with a tall, frosty gla.s.s that contained my mango smoothie. The sight of the bright orange liquid made my stomach twist that much more.

"Get out of the way, Quinn," Helena snapped. "This is between us and Gwen."

Helena and the guy with the sword stepped forward again, and Logan moved to s.h.i.+eld me from them-all of them. His blue eyes narrowed, and his hands tightened around the plate and the gla.s.s.

"I suggest you leave now," Logan said in a dangerous tone. "Before I show you just how deadly Spartans can be."

Everyone froze. All the Mythos kids knew about Spartans and their killer instinct, how they could pick up any weapon-or any thing-and automatically know how to kill people with it. That's why Logan rarely carried a weapon. He didn't need to, since he could grab whatever was handy and fight with it. He was only holding a plate and a gla.s.s, but he might as well have been brandis.h.i.+ng two swords.

Helena sucked in a breath. For a moment, I thought she would lunge forward and try to stab me with the dagger, but she slowly tucked it back into the purse hanging off her arm. The guy with the sword lowered his weapon as well. Alexei also moved back, crossed his arms over his chest, and a.s.sumed his position against the wall once more.

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