Crimson Frost Part 23

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"Yeah, Gwen!" the Valkyrie whooped. "Whoo!"

After that, the applause got a little louder and more enthusiastic, mainly because Daphne turned around and glared at all the kids around her. Still, more than a few folks didn't bother to clap, like Helena Paxton. She was about halfway up the amphitheater steps, but I could still see her rolling her eyes and whispering to her mean-girl friends. No doubt the Amazon was upset that she wasn't going to get another chance to kick my a.s.s like she'd wanted to in the dining hall.

Linus stepped away from the podium and turned to me. "Is there anything you'd like to say, Miss Frost?"

I hesitated. I didn't know what to say. I barely knew what to think right now. Forty-eight hours ago, I had been fighting for my life on the auditorium stage. Now, here I was, back at the academy again, like it was just another Monday.

But most of all, I was still trying to come to terms with the fact that Logan was gone, that he'd left the academy, that he'd left me. I knew the Spartan had his reasons-I'd seen and felt them for myself-but I wished he had at least said good-bye in person. Then, I could have told him that it was okay, that I didn't blame him for what happened, that I'd seen how hard and bravely he'd battled Loki. That no one could have resisted the evil G.o.d-not even a Spartan.

"Miss Frost?" Linus asked again.

Just the thought of Logan made my heart quiver with hurt and longing, but I drew in a breath and pushed those feelings aside. The Spartan wasn't here, but everyone else was.

"Yeah," I replied. "There is something I want to say."

I stepped up to the microphone. By this point, the applause had died down, despite Daphne's enthusiasm, and the crowd was quiet once more. My gaze went from one face to another, but this time, the other students' eyes didn't glimmer with anger at me. At least, not as much. Instead, they looked curious, wary, and afraid, but determined too. I knew those feelings because they mirrored my own.

"I know you've all lost someone to the Reapers," I said. "And so have I. They murdered my mom. They've murdered your moms and dads and brothers and sisters. They've killed your aunts and uncles and cousins and friends. They've taken so many people away from us-so many people that we love."

I thought of Logan, and I had to clear my throat before I could continue. "Now that Loki is free, we all know there's another Chaos War coming. But we're going to keep fighting. We're going to keep going after the Reapers. It's what we're all here at Mythos training for. So we can learn how to protect the people we love. As long as we do that, as long as we train and fight and believe in each other, then you know what? We can win. We're going to win. Because there simply is no other option."

I stepped back. Daphne whooped and got to her feet again, along with Carson, Oliver, Kenzie, and Talia. Even Savannah Warren, Logan's ex-girlfriend, joined in with my friends. But to my surprise, they weren't the only people who did so. One by one, the other kids stood up and started clapping-for real this time. And I felt one emotion pouring off all of them, all the kids, all the professors, all the staff members-hope.

Hope that things would eventually get better. Hope that we could defeat the Reapers. Hope that we could finally triumph over Loki.

I stood there and let that soaring, uplifting emotion wash over me. I reached out and wrapped it around myself like a suit of armor, letting it pour into all the dark places inside me and make them just a little bit lighter, just a little bit brighter-at least for this moment.

It didn't make up for Logan leaving, but it helped-it helped a lot.

The members of the Protectorate escorted me off stage, and we wound up at the checkout counter in the Library of Antiquities. It was time for me to work my s.h.i.+ft like usual, despite everything that had happened-death, destruction, heartache. Yep, just another Monday at Mythos Academy.

Inari and Sergei said their good-byes to me and wished me well, and I did the same to them. Yeah, they'd arrested me and put me on trial, but they'd just been doing their jobs. I was glad that they knew I was on their side now-that we were all on the same side.

"We'll wait in the car for you, Linus," Sergei said as he and Inari left the library.

Linus nodded. The leader of the Protectorate turned and stared at me, but for once, his face was neutral.

"Thank you for saving my son," he finally said. "I gravely misjudged you, Miss Frost. And a great many other people."

Sadness and heartache similar to my own s.h.i.+mmered in his eyes, and I knew he was thinking about Agrona and how she'd fooled him. For the first time, I felt sorry for Linus. Sure, Logan might have left, but at least I knew he cared about me. Linus didn't even have that small comfort.

I nodded, accepting his apology. "How . . . how is Logan? Is he okay? Where is he? Is he ever coming back to the academy?" The questions tumbled out of my lips.

Metis had told me that Linus and Logan had had a long, long talk after the battle at the auditorium. Metis hadn't known all of the details, but she said that father and son had worked through some of their issues, trying to start undoing all the damage Agrona had wreaked on them-and what they'd done to themselves too.

"Don't worry. Logan is safe and . . . as well as can be expected right now. He's . . . troubled by what happened, as I'm sure you realize," Linus said. "Logan asked me for some time away from the academy. Some time for the two of us to really get to know each other after all these years. I'm on my way to meet him right now. I'm handing over some of my Protectorate duties to Sergei and Inari until Logan is . . . well again. But don't worry. However long it takes, I'll be by my son's side, taking care of him."

I nodded. I was glad that Logan and his dad were going to spend some time together. I just wished I could have been a part of the Spartan's plans.

Linus hesitated. "Logan asked me not to tell you where he is. He also wanted me to ask you not to use your psychometry on me or anyone else to try to find him."

My gaze fell to the checkout counter. I was standing on one side, and Linus on the other, but his hand was only a few inches away from mine on top of the smooth wood. I wanted to reach out, grab Linus's hand, and find out exactly where Logan was. It would be easy-so freaking easy-and the temptation to do it was so strong.

But I'd promised myself I wouldn't use my Gypsy gift like that-that I wouldn't pull secrets out of people just because I could. If I did that, I'd be no better than Vivian, who used her telepathy magic to trick people, to dig around in their heads and mess with their emotions just because it amused her. No, the last thing I wanted was to be like the Reaper girl, even if it meant not knowing where Logan was.

Still, I curled my hands into fists and stepped back from the counter, just so I wouldn't be tempted.

"He needs some s.p.a.ce right now, Miss Frost, and I hope you'll give it to him," Linus said, noticing my movements. "He cares about you very much, though. Never doubt that."

I nodded again, blinking back the tears in my eyes. Everything Linus had said was true-Logan needed some time and s.p.a.ce to himself. It was selfish of me to want him here with me when he was the one who was hurting so much right now, but still, I wanted to see the Spartan. I wanted to hold him close and tell him that everything was going to be all right. I wanted to comfort him the way he'd comforted me so many times before. The temptation to use my magic to track down the Spartan rose up in me, and my gaze went to Linus's hand again.

After a moment, I forced myself to take another step back, putting even more s.p.a.ce between us.

Linus straightened up to his full height. "And we have one more piece of business to attend to before I leave, Miss Frost. Given what happened at the auditorium, I and the other members of the Protectorate have agreed that you are indeed a target for Vivian, Agrona, and the other Reapers. We've decided to a.s.sign you a personal guard to help you deal with any . . . threats that might come your way here at the academy."

"I don't need a guard," I said in a dull voice. "The Reapers weren't even after me this time. Not really. They wanted Logan. I was just collateral damage."

"Well, think of me as a friend then," a soft voice called out.

My head snapped around, and Alexei was there, his backpack at his feet, leaning against the wall of the gla.s.s office complex like usual. Once again, I hadn't heard him come up behind me.

Linus cleared his throat. "If it's all right with you, Miss Frost, Alexei has decided to stay at Mythos Academy. Along with attending his third-year, he'll also be watching over and helping you in any way you need, whenever and however you need it. With the full authority of the Protectorate behind him."

The Bogatyr gave me a shy smile, which I returned. I hadn't seen much of him since the fight in the auditorium, but I was glad he was staying at the academy. Alexei was right. I had come to think of him as a friend, Morgan too, and I knew I was going to need all the friends and allies I could get in the coming days.

"Good-bye, Miss Frost," Linus said, staring at me. "Until we meet again."

I nodded. "Actually, before you go, could I ask you to do something for me?"

"And what would what be?"

I reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out a small purple envelope. "This is for Logan. It's a letter telling him that I understand . . . and that I forgive him-for everything."

Last night, after I'd finished crying in my bedroom, I'd grabbed a pen and a piece of paper, and I'd written down everything I was feeling. I'd poured my heart out in the letter, asking Logan to come back to the academy-to come back to me. I didn't know if reading it would make a difference to the Spartan, but I wanted him to have it all the same.

Linus took the envelope, careful not to let his fingers brush mine. "I'll make sure that he gets it."

"Thank you," I whispered.

He nodded at me and left the library. Once he was gone, I turned to Alexei.

"So you're my bodyguard now, huh?" I asked.

He nodded. "I am. From what I've seen these past few days, I have my work cut out for me. Are things always this dangerous around you?"

I arched an eyebrow. "Why, Alexei, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were actually making a joke."

His smile widened. "Just a little one."

Alexei bent over and rummaged through his backpack. "Besides, I need to give these back to Nickamedes. I've been meaning to return them ever since the Reaper attack in the library."

He straightened up, and I realized he was holding weapons-two swords sheathed together in one scabbard. The swords were fairly plain, with a slight curve to the blades, but a symbol had been etched into each one of the blades-a man holding two swords that were crossed over his chest. I hadn't paid much attention to the weapons Alexei had been using the last few days, but I recognized them now.

"The Swords of Ruslan," I whispered.

Alexei gave me a strange look. "How do you know that?"

"There was an ID card in the artifact case the swords were in," I said. "I saw it the night I grabbed them."

I didn't tell him about the memories I'd seen when I'd touched the swords and scabbard. The blizzard, the battle, and the man who moved the same graceful way Alexei did.

"Ruslan was a great Russian warrior," Alexei said, admiring the swords. "A Bogatyr, like me. It has been an honor to carry his weapons."

An odd suspicion filled my mind, and my gaze zoomed up to the top of the dome. For a moment, the shadows that cloaked the fresco lightened, and I saw two gleams of silver forming an X shape-like two swords crossed over each other.

And it is not just a matter of finding and protecting the artifacts. It's making sure they get into the right hands as well. Nike's words echoed in my mind.

"I think you should keep the swords," I said.

Alexei shook his head. "No, I couldn't do that. They are important artifacts, pieces of history. They should be put back on display here for everyone to see."

I arched an eyebrow at him. "In case you haven't noticed, the whole library is full of artifacts. I don't think anyone will mind if you use the swords for your own. I'll talk to Nickamedes. He'll understand. Besides, that will be one less case for me to dust."

Alexei hesitated and looked at the weapons again. "If you really think Nickamedes would let me use the weapons . . ."

"Don't worry. He will."

At least he would after I talked to him. I hadn't told the librarian about the new mission I'd gotten from Nike, but I would. He'd understand that the swords belonged with Alexei, and so would Metis and the others.

Alexei admired the weapons a moment longer before he tucked them and the scabbard back into his gym bag. He straightened up, and I smiled at him.

"I'm glad you're staying," I said. "For my sake-and Oliver's too."

A blush flooded Alexei's cheeks, but he just leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. And he stayed there, right by my side, until closing time.

Late that night in my dorm room, I read Logan's letter again, smoothing it out on top of my bed. Some of the words were smeared, thanks to my tears, and the page was wrinkled where I'd read it so much.

"How many times are you going to go over that b.l.o.o.d.y thing?" Vic said. "The words aren't going to change just because you read them a dozen times. And can you please get the fuzzball off of me? Her s...o...b..r keeps dripping on me."

Since I'd been cleared of all charges, Nyx had come back to the academy with me this morning, with the Protectorate's blessing. Since Linus had given me a full pardon, I figured it wouldn't hurt to get Nyx included in the deal as well. Linus had muttered quite a few words about rules and procedures and This girl will be the death of me, but in the end, he'd agreed to let Nyx stay with me.

I'd propped Vic up on my bed, and Nyx had decided that the sword made an excellent chew toy. The wolf pup had been gnawing on Vic's hilt, well, his head actually, for the last ten minutes. Still, despite the sword's cross words, I knew he enjoyed the drool-filled attention, especially when Nyx curled her tail around him and decided to go to sleep on my bed a minute later.

"I don't know," I said, finally answering his question.

"I guess I keep reading it hoping that it will make sense. That I'll understand why Logan felt he had to leave. I mean, I know why-because of what Loki did to him and what Logan did to me. But that doesn't make it any easier."

"He didn't want to hurt you," Vic said. "It'll take the boy some time before he trusts himself again, not just with you, but with everyone else he cares about. It's not necessarily a bad thing that he's gone for a while. Rituals are nasty business, and the transformation process is one of the most brutal things anyone can experience."

There was an odd note in Vic's voice, and I looked over at the sword. "You sound like you have some sort of personal experience with transformations."

To my surprise, the sword actually blushed. At least, I thought he did. His cheek seemed to burn bright silver for a moment before he dropped his gaze from mine.

"Well, I have seen a lot of things over the years, Gwen," the sword mumbled. He paused a moment before clearing his throat. "But back to my original point. Logan needs some time to recover from what the Reapers did to him."

"I know, but it hurts all the same."

Vic kept talking, trying to cheer me up by telling me how well I'd fought in the auditorium and how we were going to find Vivian, Lucretia, and Agrona and slice them to ribbons as soon as possible. I let his violent, cheerful words wash over me and made the appropriate noises when necessary, but my heart wasn't in it.

When he finally wound down, I took a shower and put on my pajamas. By the time I finished, Vic and Nyx were both asleep, curled up in the middle of my bed. In between snores, the sword mumbled about killing Reapers, while Nyx let out contented little sighs, as though she was sharing his dreams.

I stood in front of the mirror, brus.h.i.+ng out my wet hair. The motion made my pajama top slip to one side, revealing a thin white line on my chest underneath the edge of my camisole.

I had another scar now, one that slashed over my heart and the scar I had from where Preston Ashton had stabbed me. Metis and Daphne had healed the wound with their magic, but it had still left a mark, probably because Logan had been connected to Loki at the time. I also had another thin line on my right palm.

I touched the scar on my chest, and I thought of Logan. I wondered where he was and what he was doing right now. How he was feeling. I hoped he was okay, that he was getting better, that he was already thinking about returning to the academy-to me.

I finished with my hair, so I put the brush down on my desk, right next to my snowflake necklace. My fingers touched the silver strands, and my memories of the fight in the auditorium filled my mind. I'd had on the necklace during the battle, and once again, it had soaked up all of my emotions-all of my pain.

It seemed that was all I had left now that Logan gone, that pain was all I felt. But I'd meant what I'd said at the amphitheater today-about moving on and fighting until the end.

That's why I'd started the map.

I thought of it as a sort of treasure map-although the Xs marked artifacts instead of pirate booty. I sat down in my chair and looked at several pieces of paper I'd taped together and spread out across my desk. Despite my love of comic books and graphic novels, I had zero talent when it came to art. Couldn't paint, couldn't sketch, couldn't sculpt. Still, I'd grabbed a pencil out of one of my desk drawers, and I'd started drawing the fresco on the ceiling of the Library of Antiquities-the one that featured me, my friends, and the artifacts I was supposed to find.

Logan might be gone, but there were still Reapers to fight. I was a Champion, and Nike had given me a mission, one that I was determined to complete, no matter how long it took or how dangerous it turned out to be. Besides, I had to do something besides sit in my room and brood.

The only problem was that it wasn't much of a map. Oh, I could see the fresco clearly in my mind, thanks to my psychometry. I just didn't have the skills to draw it all that well. Still, I did my best, and the map was slowly coming along. Maybe I'd get Oliver to help me with it. He had some mad art mojo.

I looked at the small replica statue of Nike on my desk. "I hope you're not grading me on my drawing skills, because I would definitely flunk."

The statue didn't do anything, but I hadn't really expected it to.

My gaze went back to the drawing. I'd just started it tonight, so I'd only filled in the center of the fresco so far. Okay, okay, so I'd only sketched one person-Logan. I'd been thinking so much about the Spartan that it had only seemed natural to start with him.

My drawing was little better than a stick figure, but I'd tried to capture Logan's ferocity, his bravery. Not too hard to do, when he was in the middle of the fight. I wished he was here so I could show him the drawing. I could just picture him looking at it and saying something like, Gypsy girl, don't you know I'm so much more handsome than that?

Then, he'd grin at me, his icy eyes glittering in his face, and we'd both laugh.

But Logan wasn't here, and it didn't look like he was coming back anytime soon. I sighed. Not only did I miss the Spartan terribly, but the fact was that I could have used his help with this. Maybe he would have recognized the items he was holding. Maybe he would have known which ones the others were holding were artifacts and which were just regular weapons. Maybe he would have been able to tell me about the object I had in the drawing-that slender silver arrow, or spear, or whatever it was-the one that just might be able to kill Loki.

"How am I supposed to give these things to Logan or the rest of my friends when I don't even know where the artifacts or he is?" I muttered and looked at Nike.

This time, the statue's eyes snapped open.

I froze, and my breath caught in my throat. I'd said the words out of hurt and frustration, never thinking she would respond, but the G.o.ddess peered at me, then at the drawing, with her twilight-colored eyes. She dipped her head once before her eyes slid shut, and the statue was just a statue once more.

I let out a breath and sat back in my chair. I looked at the statue for a few minutes, but Nike didn't reappear. Still, the G.o.ddess's nod of approval made me feel better, like I was at least on the right track. Nike had told me to find the artifacts and give them to the right people-including Logan. That meant I'd see the Spartan again. And when I saw him, I wouldn't let him go. I'd make him come back to the academy with me, no matter what it took.

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