Chasing Carolina: Just For The Summer Part 7

Chasing Carolina: Just For The Summer -

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"Seriously, bro?" Keith complains, tossing a chip at my head. I look up at him and toss the chip back at his face.

"What?!" I ask, acting as if I have no clue what he's p.i.s.sed about.

"You're smiling like a d.a.m.n fool over there staring at your f.u.c.kin' phone, is what. Dude, you know no phones on poker night," Keith huffs out.

I just roll my eyes and take a pull from my beer. "She's only here ten more days, a.s.shole. I'll see your ugly mug until Labor Day." Opening the text, I slap my cards down.

It's a picture of Ashlynn in nothing but my favorite Victoria's Secret set, holding her book next to her head. She looks smokin' hot in her pink lace bra and matching G-string. She sent that, along with a text that says: I'm just lying here reading some steamy s.m.u.t until you get here.

Well, f.u.c.k me and call me whipped. "Sorry, boys, but I'm foldin'. Split my chips, because I'm outta here."

"Have you lost your f.u.c.kin' mind?" Linc asks, but all the while, he's grabbing my chips and splitting them up.

"Yup, I guess I have, but while y'all are sitting here scratching your b.a.l.l.s and stuffing your faces, I'll be next door getting my d.i.c.k sucked and f.u.c.ked. Catch ya on the flip side, a.s.sholes."

Grabbing my keys off the hook by the door, I sprint out the door, run across the beach, and up the stairs to Ashlynn's door. When I burst in, Tamara, Becca, and Nikki are sitting on the sectional, watching The Last House on the Left and eating popcorn.

"What the heck are you doing here already? I thought y'all were playing poker?" Tamara asks as she gives me a confused look.

"I was, but was losing, so decided to fold while I was ahead," I lie. Sure, I'm a p.u.s.s.y-whipped motherf.u.c.ker, but I ain't lettin' them know it.

"Ashlynn's in her room," Nikki says, motioning her thumb towards the stairs leading up to her room.

"Thanks. Enjoy your scary movie, ladies. If y'all wanna hear a guy scream like a f.u.c.kin' girl, shoot Parker a text. He's a p.u.s.s.y when it comes to horror movies."

I laugh as I hear them all talking about doing a horror movie marathon and tying Parker to the recliner.

Running up the stairs, I swing Ashlynn's bedroom door open and slam it shut before stalking towards her bed. She glances up at me over her book, and my feet glue to the floor.

f.u.c.k, she looks downright irresistible right now. She looks adorable with her nerd on, reading her book. Normally, she wears contacts, so I've only seen her in once or twice. I swear my d.i.c.k has never been as hard as it is right f.u.c.king now as I take her in, lying on her bed before me in that smoking hot bra and pantie set, wearing her cute little black-framed, and peeking at me over her dirty book.

When she reads those books, she practically rapes me afterwards, so as soon as I read the text saying she was reading, I got my a.s.s over here as fast as my two legs could carry me.

"That was fast." She laughs, setting her book on the nightstand.

She goes to take her off, but I tell her, "No, baby, keep em on. I wanna watch you suck my d.i.c.k while you wear those"

"You're so funny. Get over here and snuggle with me for a minute. I've missed you."

My heart slams against my chest, and then does a triple somersault as her words. .h.i.t my ears. I hate I can never just enjoy being with her without thinking about the fact I only have ten more nights of this. Of her. Then we're done.

I strip into my briefs, push my negative thoughts to the back of my head, and climb into bed with her. For right now, we can continue to live in our imaginary bubble, where life is perfect and the end of everything wonderful in our lives right now isn't just around the corner.

I'VE WISHED EVERY DAY that time would slow down for even just a little bit, but sadly, these last ten days have flown by. Today's my last day in Myrtle Beach. It's bittersweet, because I'm excited to go back to Athens and see my family, and get ready to go back to school, but at the same time, I hate the idea of saying goodbye to Chase.

This summer has been the best time of my life, and the idea of possibly never seeing him again kills me. We have each other's cellphone numbers and are now friends on Facebook, but I think seeing him on a screen or talking on the phone is going to make me miss him more. He's promised to visit me when he's down south for races. I admit I get b.u.t.terflies just thinking about seeing him again, but on the other hand, I'm terrified once we part ways that spark between us will fizzle and burn out. Maybe the intense pull between us is just because we're away from our everyday lives.

I have this tiny voice in the back of my mind telling me once he returns to Charlotte, he'll forget all about me and the weeks we've spent together. For right now though, I'm pus.h.i.+ng all my thoughts to the back of my mind and trying to enjoy the last day we have here.

Tonight, we're going to the Ke$ha concert. We bought tickets months ago when they first went on sale, and lucked out getting front row seats. Chase offered to pull some strings and get us backstage to meet her, so he'll be joining us tonight, along with Parker.

Until then, we're spending the day on the beach soaking up the rays and enjoying the peacefulness before we head home and dive back into the craziness that is our lives. I'll be so busy with school, cheer, my sorority, and all the volunteering we do, so I'm jamming in as much rest and relaxation as possible.

I'm lying on a towel, reading while the guys surf and Tamara, Nikki, and Becca work on their tans and talk about the concert tonight, when I feel ice cold water dripping on my back. Setting my book down, I roll onto my side and look up to find Chase holding his surfboard and leaning over me with a Ches.h.i.+re grin.

He wouldn't!

"No, no, no!" I screech out as he tosses his surfboard onto the sand and grabs me, pulling me up from my towel. His hands are freezing against my hot skin and cause me to scream louder. Within seconds, I'm being tossed over his shoulder and he's sprinting down to the water.

"You look too hot, baby. I gotta cool you off." He chuckles as he slaps my a.s.s.

"Put me down!" I'm wasting my breath, because he isn't slowing down. I look back up towards where I was just laying down reading and see Parker tossing Becca over his shoulder, and Tamara and Nikki are just sitting on their towels laughing their off at us.

"You better hold your breath!" is all Chase says before I'm flying through the air and falling into the Atlantic. The water is like a shock to my body after sitting in the beating sun for over an hour. Using my arms and legs, I swim back to the surface and stand to find Chase treading a foot away laughing before diving under the water and swimming towards me.

I feel his hands around my ankles, and then they're at my waist before his head pops up out of the water with a big mega-watt smile sparkling in the sun.

"You're such an a.s.s!" I tell him as I cup my hand over the top of the water, splas.h.i.+ng him in the face.

"Hey!" he shouts and he moves his hands to my b.u.t.t and pulls me against his chest as he stands up, towering over me. Breaking free from his embrace, I jump backwards in the water a few steps and go to splash him again, but stop.

I forget all about the cold water and getting revenge as I take in the site of his hair that's grown a little longer over the last month, and his blue eyes that are practically glowing as the sun s.h.i.+nes above us. His muscular body is ma.s.sive and makes me appear tiny beside him. The water droplets cascading down his body look like they're racing to see who'll reach that delicious V first.

Chase lets out a husky laugh as he walks through the water, not fazed by waves cras.h.i.+ng against his thighs, and stops in front of me. Reaching out, he hooks his arms around my waist pulling, me flush against his body. I run my hands over his taut torso, burning every ridge and plain of his chest and abs into my brain.

I bite back a smile as I lift my head up, meeting his eyes that are roaming over my face and body, causing me to blush. His hands drop back to my b.u.t.t, and giving it a squeeze, he asks, "You like the view, baby?"

"Always," I tell him as I lift my hands up and slide them through his wet hair, fisting it as I pull his head down towards me and lean up on my tiptoes to meet him halfway.

Our kiss tastes of Chase and salt water, and for the first time ever, I don't hate the taste of the ocean. Actually, I think I love the taste of it, and I may be falling in the love with the guy whose lips taste of the salty Atlantic water. Tears well up in my eyes as I think about how bad our timing is and how foolish my heart is for falling in love with a man I know I don't have a future with.

Squeezing my eyes more tightly shut, I push the tears away, and break away from Chase's kiss just in time to see Parker coming towards us with Becca riding on his shoulders, holding a big beach ball.

Perfect timing.

"Hey, y'all wanna smack the ball around?" Becca asks, tossing the ball in the air and serving it to Chase.

"Sure!" I run my hand across Chase's stomach to his back as I circle around him. "Squat down so I can get on your shoulders," I tell him as I grab his shoulders and pull him down.

"You got it, babe. Any reason to have my head between your legs, I'll take it."

Smacking him, I laugh and relish in the feeling that courses through me. Laughter is helping ease my sadness, but it's like b.u.t.terfly st.i.tches on a cut that needs real st.i.tches. It's only a temporary fix.

"Shut up, ya perv. My crotch is going to be at the back of your head.

Laughing, he drops to his knees so I can climb onto his shoulders. "I've never been so jealous of my hair in my entire life."

He makes me smile with the stupid things he does. G.o.d, I'm going to miss the h.e.l.l out of him. I don't know if my heart will survive when I leave tomorrow.

We spend the next hour playing in the water and lying on the beach getting warm before it's time to head inside to shower and get ready for the concert. I say one more silent prayer as we all head inside that maybe time can slow down just for tonight. I never want tonight to end.

The concert was amazing! Best time of my life. It was even better, because Chase was there with me the entire time. I barely spoke a word when we met Ke$ha before the show. I was shaking as I cut the blood flow from Chase and Nikki's hands.

Now, we're heading to a bar that is having karaoke tonight. I told the girls we're getting on stage and singing a Ke$ha song to celebrate the fan-freakin'-tastic concert.

Vance and Reagan said they'd be meeting us at the bar. They've been inseparable the last few weeks. Luckily for her, Vance and Chase are staying until Labor Day. Parker leaves tomorrow afternoon back to Charlotte. Becca keeps saying she's going to be fine, they're just having fun, but I said the same exact thing, and now I'm a complete and utter mess inside, while putting on a happy face on the outside to s.h.i.+eld my heartbreak.

With every second that ticks by, another piece of my heart cracks. Little by little, it's starting to break, and by tomorrow, when I get in my car and head for the interstate, I know for a fact it's going to completely shatter into a million tiny pieces of gla.s.s.

"I need to get a few shots in me before my a.s.s gets on that stage," Nikki blurts out as we head towards the bar.

Chase knows a guy who knows a guy, so he says, and got all of us fake IDs that look like the real deal. I've never seen fake IDs look so legit in my life. It makes it a lot easier when we're all out together. The guys order shots of tequila to start off the night.

We all circle around a table and take turns doing a shot. I'm normally not a tequila kind of girl, but after the intense gaze Chase fixed on me after I did my first shot, I ignored the burn and did two more, each time slowly licking the salt from my hand and watching as his eyes dilated.

He gives my a.s.s a hard squeeze as I toss back my third shot, and I almost choke on it as I quickly shove the lime in my mouth. Chase brushes my hair away from my neck and whispers in my ear, "As soon as you finish that song, meet me in the bathroom."

My thighs quiver with excitement and my entire body flushes with heat from the thought of being f.u.c.ked in public by him.

"I'll totally blow off an encore for the chance to blow you." I giggle at my creativeness. When I'm buzzed, I'm way more vocal about what I want than I am sober.

Right now, I'm h.o.r.n.y and I want to suck his d.i.c.k, so when I leave tomorrow, all he'll be able to think about when I'm gone is my mouth sucking him off and then him f.u.c.king me, because they frequent this place a lot. The selfish part of me hopes he'll never think of Myrtle Beach without thinking about me, because I know I won't ever be able to hear about this place without thinking of him.

He presses himself against my back and I can feel his semi-hard d.i.c.k through his shorts. "I think you enjoy torturing me with that dirty mouth of yours."

"I gotta get all my torturing in now before I have to leave," I tell him, spinning and hooking my hands around his neck. I try to mask the sadness in my eyes by flas.h.i.+ng him a big smile.

"Let's promise each other right now to not mention tomorrow for the rest of the night, okay? I want to focus on you and nothing else." Running his hands through my hair, he pulls my lips to his and gives me a toe-curling, heart-fluttering kiss. Our kisses are like tequila and suns.h.i.+ne, warming me from the inside out and instantly making me feel drunk, just from his kiss. I nip at his bottom lip as he begins to pull away, thanks to Becca yelling at me to drag my a.s.s over to the stage.

"Go sing your heart out, Myers," Chase says, giving me a wicked smile before putting his fingers in his mouth and whistling at us as we climb up on the tiny stage.

We brought my CD in case they didn't have the song for the karaoke machine and pop it in the stereo. We all grab our microphones and line up on stage facing Chase's table. I'm nervous, but the alcohol is helping.

Tik Tok starts playing and we get all into it, dancing around the stage singing and have everyone in the bar watching and laughing at our horrendous performance. One thing we know for sure is we're lucky none of us are majoring in music.

We're laughing hard as we finish the song. Finding my cue to leave before I get dragged into singing again, I yell out at my friends, "Stop it! Stop laughing! Seriously...I'm going to pee my frickin' pants!" I spot Chase disappearing back towards the restrooms when I jump off stage.

"Drag your scrawny a.s.s to the bathroom then, because I'm not helping your drunk a.s.s home if you p.i.s.s yourself. It's way too early to call it a night," Tamara tells me, giving me a playful shove in the direction of the restrooms.

My hands are shaking from the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I push the bathroom door open. As soon as I walk in, I spot Chase leaning against the sink, looking all cool, calm, and collected, not even slightly fazed he's standing in the ladies' room.

"I cannot believe we're doing this," I whisper as I walk up to him, slide my hands under his s.h.i.+rt, and run my fingernails down his back, then walk backwards towards the handicap stall.

"Why are we whispering?" he asks lowly, making me laugh and relax a little.

Shrugging my shoulders, I whisper back, "I don't know. I guess because I don't want to get caught and spend my last night here in jail."

Pressing his right index finger to my lips, he raises an eyebrow at me. "What did I tell you about mentioning leaving tomorrow?"

We're now back to talking in our regular voices.

"Sorry," I tell him as I pretend to zip my lips.

Chase's chest rises and falls as he chuckles softly and backs me into the stall. Shutting the door behind him, he quickly locks it, and then spinning back around, he crashes his mouth to mine as he pins my body between his and the wall. His hands slide under my sundress, and with one tug, my thong is snapping from my body. He shoves it in his pocket with his left hand while his right explores between my thighs.

I moan against his mouth as his fingers plunge into me. My knees weaken as Chase practically f.u.c.ks my mouth with his tongue. He's a master of kissing, f.u.c.king, and everything else he does.

I reach for his belt and get to work undoing it, followed by his b.u.t.ton and zipper on his jeans. I s.h.i.+mmy them down past his hips and break from his kiss. My lips ache to stay pressed against his, but my mouth is starving to taste him. I know we don't have long, so I drop to my knees, and while looking up at him, I grip his c.o.c.k in my hands and begin jerking him off as I slide my tongue around the tip of him.

The look in his eyes as we watch each other causes my heart to stop and restart again. There's no doubt about it-I'm falling in love with this man.

I try to ignore the sadness consuming me and focus on Chase. I need him to f.u.c.k me hard to help me forget everything that's bouncing around in my mind.

Taking him in my mouth, I begin sliding his length in and out. He's too big, so I can't get all of him inside my mouth, so I continue stroking him. His hands fist my hair and low growls resonate in his chest as I swirl my tongue around the head, each time pulling my mouth up to the very tip of him.

"f.u.c.k, Ashlynn. You feel so f.u.c.kin' good. gotta stop. I'm going to blow my load straight down your throat," he says between clenched teeth. He tightens his grip on my hair, pulling my head back, making me stop.

Seeing Chase be aggressive and take charge has my s.e.x clenching and my body tingling with the excitement for the o.r.g.a.s.m I know I'm about to get.

"Bend over and rest your hands on the wall." Doing as I'm told, I rest my hands against the cold, tiled wall and spread my legs as I brace myself for The Beast.

I see a condom foil fall to the floor and then feel the head of his d.i.c.k pressing at my entrance. My p.u.s.s.y pulsates, clenching around him as he slowly pushes his way inside me.

"s.h.i.+t, you're so d.a.m.n tight." His grip on my hips tightens and bites at my skin as he squeezes my hipbones and presses his thumbs into my lower back, and he begins rotating his hips, pulling in and out of me.

I bite down on my bottom lip as I try to m.u.f.fle my moans. The last thing I need is to attract attention to us. So far, we've been lucky; no one has come in.

"Holy h.e.l.l, Chase...I'm going to come already," I squeak out as I feel my body flus.h.i.+ng, my breaths increasing, and my core tightening as my o.r.g.a.s.m builds inside me. Every thrust of his hips sends his b.a.l.l.s slamming into my c.l.i.t, causing my eyes to slam shut as the pleasure rippling through me becomes unbearable.

"Let go, baby. I'm almost there too. We gotta be quiet though, okay?"

I nod my head and bury my face into my arm as he picks up speed and begins pounding into me feverishly. Within seconds, I'm curling my toes and digging my nails into the wall as I bite down on my arm, m.u.f.fling my moans as an intense o.r.g.a.s.m tears through me.

Moments later, I feel Chase shudder against me as he curses out obscenities and continues to thrust in and out of me hard and fast, to the point I keep leaning up on my toes from the slight aftershock of pain from his d.i.c.k slamming against my cervix.

I can barely feel my body as he pulls out of me and discards his condom. My head is spinning and I can't feel my arms or my legs. I'm instantly sore the minute he's out of me.

Adjusting my dress, I lean against the bathroom door and try to catch my breath. Chase is adjusting his belt when his eyes glance up at me. I suck in a sharp breath as I try to fight back the tears. I thought I could do this, but I can't. The s.e.x was amazing, and it was a good distraction, but now my heart hurts even more than it did five minutes ago.

Trying to hide the fact I'm on the verge of having a major meltdown in the middle of a bathroom after just having s.e.x with the man I wish so badly I could drag home with me tomorrow, I lace my fingers Chase's. "Are you ready to sneak back out there?"

"You can go first, and then I'll slip out and go to the men's room so I can clean myself up."

The minute my b.u.t.t hits the stool, I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I fixed my hair before exiting the bathroom. My lips are pretty red and puffy, but can they really tell I just had s.e.x? Glaring at my three nosey friends, I mouth, What?'

They all just snicker and go back to watching two drunk guys murder AC/DC's You Shook Me All Night Long. I've never done anything this crazy in my life. This is what Chase does to me. He helps me let go and just live in the moment every time I'm with him.

NOT LONG AFTER CHASE RETURNS to the table, we decide to go for one more walk on the boardwalk before heading back to our houses. As we're walking, Chase takes my hand and lets everyone know we're going for a stroll on the beach by ourselves for a few minutes, and then we'll meet back up with them.

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