Chasing Carolina: Just For The Summer Part 6

Chasing Carolina: Just For The Summer -

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I don't know how much longer I can take his teasing. After two very long weeks of my body practically screaming at him to f.u.c.k me, we're so close and he's going so d.a.m.n slow.

His d.i.c.k is rock-solid pressing against his shorts, and all I know is it has to be painful. There's no way he isn't going just as mad as I am right now.

"Patience, baby. I need to savor every single inch of you. There's no possible way I can rush this." How does he make torturing me sound so hot?

"Ooooooohhhhhhh, G.o.d!" I shout as his tongue finally slides between my lips and he nips and sucks at my c.l.i.t, causing my eyes to roll into the back of my head and my entire body to stiffen.

He chuckles softly against me as his right hand leaves my leg, and I feel two fingers rub at my entrance before slowly working in and out of me. He gently curls his fingers slightly, and begins thrusting them as his tongue continues to tease my c.l.i.t.

His mouth feels f.u.c.king amazing!

I continue to moan uncontrollably as I inch my way closer to my climax I've been craving since the first day I laid eyes on him. Chase slides his left arm under my leg, repositioning his body slightly as he quickens his pace. Every thrust of his finger is sending me closer and closer to the edge, and any second, I'm going to take that plunge.

"I'm so close...Chase." I'm not sure how I can even form a coherent sentence, because my brain is jumbled. I can't think; I can barely breathe, let alone speak.

He flattens his tongue and begins lapping roughly against my bud and sucking at the same time as I lift my hips, grinding my mound against his mouth. I'm squeezing my eyes closed so tightly I'm seeing fireflies floating in front of my lids. My body quakes, and I feel a warm flash of heat course through me as I scream out in ecstasy.

"Ooohhh...G.o.d...G.o.d...fuuuck...Chase!" My throat is burning as I chant my screams of pleasure over and over again before coming down from my o.r.g.a.s.m.

My head is swimming, and my chest is rising and falling so fast I feel as if no matter how deeply I inhale and then exhale, I'll never catch my breath. My hands are cramped from squeezing at Chase's hair and shoulders, and my body feels numb as I come back down to earth and recover from that fantastic o.r.g.a.s.m he just graced me with.

"That was," I say, laughing and shaking my head as I drop my arms to the bed. I don't have the strength to move yet, so I just lay there. I smile up at Chase as he grips his s.h.i.+rt and pulls it over his head, tossing it to the floor, followed by his shorts.

He's going commando, and that means I get to see his rather exceptional c.o.c.k sooner than expected. I think my jaw just became dislocated as my mouth drops open at the sight of his mouth-watering d.i.c.k bobbing under its weight before me.

Holy mother of G.o.d, that's going to hurt!

Chase, seeing the shock on my face, leans over me with a small smirk and says, "Don't worry. I'll take it slow at first. I think that o.r.g.a.s.m I just gave you should have you more than ready for The Beast."

I snort and cover my face. "You named you p.e.n.i.s The Beast?!"

Furrowing his brows at me, he presses the head of his d.i.c.k against my swollen c.l.i.t, making my eyelids flutter and me to lose concentration for a moment. "It's a beast in the bedroom, baby, so there's no better name for it."

"Wow." Shaking my head, I grin up at him with an impish smile dancing across my lips. "Well, I guess that means Beauty is ready to finally become acquainted with The Beast. So hurry up and grab a condom from the drawer," I tell him, motioning my eyes towards the nightstand beside my bed.

In record time, he has the condom rolled on and he's back between my legs. Chase cups my head between his hands and stares down at me for a moment as the tip of his c.o.c.k begins to slowly work its way inside me. I have my legs wrapped tightly around his waist and my hands sprawled out against his large, muscular back. I can feel his muscles flexing against my hand as he gently begins thrusting in and out of me.

At first, my body is tense because of my nerves. I am trying to let the fact this is happening sink in. Leaning down, he kisses my lips sweetly and murmurs against them, "Just relax, baby. I told you I'm going to go nice and slow...for right now, but once you're ready, I won't hold back."

A s.h.i.+ver shoots along my spine as I feel his length stretching and filling me and the pressure of his lips on mine. I'm addicted to his kisses, craving his lips every second of every day.

Dragging my nails up and down his back, I moan into his mouth as he deepens our kiss. His lips are cras.h.i.+ng against mine, full of pa.s.sion and hunger as his hips begin to thrust a little faster. Our moans blend as one, causing the beautiful sound of lovemaking to fill the room.

I swore I'd only f.u.c.k Chase, but right now, it feels a lot like making love, and it's impossible to ignore the all-consuming feeling that's invading my heart as our bodies connect as one.

Gripping my hip with one hand and bracing himself with his other, he lifts my body slightly from the bed, angling me so that I'm now taking all of him. It's painful and pleasurable all at the same time. I can feel myself holding my breath as another o.r.g.a.s.m builds inside me.

Our bodies are sheathed in sweat, sliding against one another as I rotate my hips, meeting every thrust he delivers. "Oh G.o.d, Chase...I'm coming again!" I scream out, breaking our kiss and tilting my head back as an intense o.r.g.a.s.m rocks me to my core. I'm pulsating around him, causing Chase to curse and shudder against me.

"f.u.c.k...Ashlynn...your p.u.s.s.y...s.h.i.+t, baby, it feels f.u.c.kin' amazing," he moans against my neck as he kisses my sweet spot and continues to thrust inside me, all while I clench around him, milking his d.i.c.k.

We're both breathing heavily as we try to recover from the we just had.

I keep my arms wrapped tightly around him, but place my feet on the bed with my legs falling open. I love the feeling of Chase inside me and his weight bearing down on top of me. It just feels right and perfect.

"That was so worth the wait," I tell him as I press a kiss to his shoulder.

"I don't know how I lasted two weeks. It's a f.u.c.kin' miracle. G.o.d, I wanted to last longer, but you felt way too good. Plus, seeing you c.u.m around my fingers didn't help me any. I just about blew my load right then and there."

Lifting his head, he locks his eyes on mine, and never closing them, kisses me again, but this time, it's just a soft peck before pulling away. His eyes are searching my face, looking for what, I don't know, but what I do know is his smile and those aqua blue eyes once again suck the air straight from my lungs.

"G.o.d, you're beautiful." He cups my cheek and rubs the pad of his thumb softly against my cheekbone. "Thank you."

I give him a questioning look. "What are you thanking me for?" I ask, letting out a slight giggle.

Another grin flashes across his gorgeous face. "For just being you," is all he says before kissing me again, this time more fiercely, and for a moment, we get lost in each other, blocking out the world and the clock inside our heads counting down until our last day together.

AFTER I DRAGGED ASHLYNN back into her shower and did everything to her I'd imaged doing the entire time she showered the first time, we got dressed and headed over to my house to meet up with everyone.

We all did a shot before heading to Linc's party, toasting to a night we'll never forget, or if we have enough alcohol in our systems, a night we'll never remember.

For me, I hope I never forget tonight, because s.e.x not once, but twice with Ashlynn was the best f.u.c.k of my life. Her p.u.s.s.y felt like home, and my d.i.c.k is already homesick and begging to be buried deep inside her again.

With my hand resting on her a.s.s, which looks just as good without her teeny, tiny bikini on, I walk down the beach towards Linc's place. She's snuggled into my side while talking with her friends about some concert they're going to before heading back to Georgia. I try to eavesdrop on their conversation, because the thought of her at a concert without me around tons of guys has me seeing red, but Parker won't stop flapping his f.u.c.king gums in my ear.

I've never been jealous in my life. Usually, the idea of another guy sweeping a girl I just banged off her feet thrills me. It makes the job of cutting her loose that much easier. But right now, the thought of Ashlynn spending her last night in Myrtle Beach with another guy is p.i.s.sing me off.

"Bro! Did you hear me?" Parker asks, snapping his finger in front of my face.

"What? No, sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked if you wanted to get some of our buddies together this week for some deep sea fis.h.i.+ng, followed by a good ol' game of Texas Hold em?"

Running my hand over my head, I force myself to ignore the chick conversation going on beside me and listen to Parker. "Oh yeah, I'm down. Just let me know the day we all agree on and I'll run to the store to get all the necessities for poker night."

Linc's house comes into view just as we spot a beach full of people playing an intense game of volleyball. Ashlynn spins and looks up at me with a playful grin stretched across her gorgeous face. "Can we play?"

"Sure, but first I need a few beers to loosen me up."

We all head to the makes.h.i.+ft bar, grab our drinks, and then find a seat by the bonfire. Ashlynn sits on my lap, sips on her sweet tea and whiskey, and watches the volleyball game going on. Becca and Parker are making out in an Adirondack chair across from us, and Tamara and Nikki are with Vance and Reagan getting stuff to make s'mores.

As soon as they saw some girl making one, all the girls' eyes lit up. I don't know what it is about girls and chocolate, but one thing I know is don't get in the way of them and their next fix.

"Because I know you'll just steal mine, even though you say you don't want one, I got you everything you need to make your own s'more," Nikki says, handing Ashlynn a graham cracker, a marshmallow, and a square of chocolate.

"Awww, you know me too well," Ashlynn says, taking the items from her and getting to work putting her marshmallow on a skewer to roast.

Standing, she follows all the girls over to the fire. I sit back and sip my beer, admiring the view of her a.s.s in front of me as I talk with Vance, when we spot Linc approaching. He has two hotties hanging off of him, which is nothing new, and normally how I'd look at one of his parties.

"Fellas! I'm so glad y'all were able to make it! What are ya doing sittin' over here? You should be scouting out the fine a.s.s p.u.s.s.y we have here tonight before one of these scoops them up."

Typical Linc, I laugh to myself.

"I'm actually here with someone."

The look of shock on Linc's face is hilarious. "You're bustin' my b.a.l.l.s, right?"

"Nope," I tell him, shaking my head. "She's actually right over there. She's the one blowing on the burning inferno that was once a marshmallow."

He lets out a low whistle. "Well, d.a.m.n. She's f.u.c.kin' hot! You bang that yet? Because that right there is a beauty."

Usually I'd sit around and talk about chicks and not give it a second thought, but hearing Linc talk about Ashlynn like she's just some random s.k.a.n.k I'm banging has my blood boiling. I may look calm on the outside, but on the inside, I'm fuming.

"She is beautiful, and she's also off limits," I tell him more sternly than I planned, and from the look on his face, my message came across loud and clear.

"Well, I'm glad y'all could make it tonight. Have fun, get drunk, and remember glove, no love. Don't want no gold-diggers going after daddy's bank account."

It takes everything in me not to jump to my feet and beat his a.s.s before he walks away. He's one to talk living in a house his mother owns and drinking the alcohol her hefty bank account pays for.

I don't even know why the h.e.l.l I'm friends with that douchebag.

Ashlynn, approaching me with her s'more in tow and a big, beautiful smile on those perfect lips of hers, calms me slightly, and I relax again in my seat as she plops down onto my lap.

"Want a bite?" she asks, holding her burnt, gooey, dripping in chocolate mess in front of me.

"Nah, you eat it. S'mores and beer don't mix," I tell her, holding my Solo cup up before swigging it.

Watching her eat her treat is entertaining. She is savoring the h.e.l.l out of it, and at the same time, getting marshmallow and Hershey chocolate on her lips and cheek. She licks her lips and my d.i.c.k twitches back to life as I watch her suck the chocolate from them.

"That was so yummy. I can't even remember the last time I had one of those," she says, beaming down at me. She looks gorgeous with the bonfire roaring behind her. Her long blonde hair is pulled up in a ponytail, and she's wearing a pair of barely there cut-offs and a Georgia Bulldogs hoodie. Even dressed down, she is the most beautiful girl here tonight. I told her she needs a Tar Heels hoodie, and before she leaves, I'm going to give her mine as a goodbye gift. I don't know why, but the idea of her wearing my hoodie, snuggling in it back at college makes me feel a little better. Kind of like me marking her as mine, even though she isn't.

Watching her suck the chocolate from her fingers is too much. I suddenly have the strongest craving for Ashlynn and chocolate. Cupping the nape of her neck and pulling her down to me, I lick my lips before kissing her, and as soon as my lips touch hers, I don't move them. Instead, I dart my tongue out and gently glide it over her bottom lip, licking the chocolate from it.

Her right arm is wrapped around my shoulder, while the other fists my hoodie. I'm gone the moment she shoves her tongue into my mouth and scratches at my neck with her fingernails. I'm feeling as if I guzzled an entire bottle of Jim Beam just from her kiss.

She's setting my world on fire with every little thing she does. I swear I'm losing my mind every time she kisses me or puts her hands on my body. It's as if everything I've ever thought I wanted or needed has blown out to sea, and all I can see, hear, feel, or taste is Ashlynn.

"Ashlynn, you ready to play some volleyball, girly?!" Tamara shouts across the beach, popping our little bubble.

Breaking away from our kiss, she licks her red, swollen lips and gives me a wicked grin, climbing off of my lap. "Are you going to play?"

Standing up, I snake my arm around her waist and wrap my hand around her long, silky, golden locks, tilting her head up towards me. "Of course. I won't pa.s.s up a chance to watch your t.i.ts bounce around, and I gotta make sure no one tries to get handsy with my girl." f.u.c.k, I just called her my girl. I'm getting in way too deep.

Her eyes grow as big as saucers as the words fly from my mouth. I think she notices the shock on my face as what I just said sinks in. She pops up onto her tip-toes, fists my hoodie, and gives me a kiss. I close my eyes as her mouth moves against mine.

I am so torn on what the right thing to do is in a situation like this. Do I put some distance between us and slowly wean myself off of Ashlynn before she leaves? Because right now, I am fully consumed by her, and the thought of her leaving is killing me. So, I'm not sure what will make separating easier: breaking away from her now, or being with her as much as I can, with the hopes we'll just run our course and grow bored with whatever it is we're doing.

I can barely fathom the idea of being with a girl a week, let alone almost a month, but I can't ignore the fact that even though I just f.u.c.ked this girl twice today, my d.i.c.k is aching to do it all over again. I am officially screwed. I think no matter which one I choose, I'm going back to Charlotte without a tiny piece of myself, because it'll be with Ashlynn in Athens.

"Come on! You two can make out later, but right now, we have a game to play," Nikki says with an annoyed tone and grabs Ashlynn's hand, dragging her away from me.

She glances over her shoulder at me, laughing as they kick off their flip-flops and run over to the net.

Just the slightest glance has my heart racing, and in that moment, I know no matter how painful it is, I can't push her away. I'm a selfish a.s.shole. I know it'd be better for us both to put some distance between us, but there's no way I can live next door to her for these last couple of weeks and not be able to touch her or kiss her any time I want. The idea of her going out with her friends and meeting other guys is all the convincing I need to know this is what has to be done.

All I know is its going to hurt like h.e.l.l when the last day of July gets here.

The rest of the night went by in a blur. I drank way too much in a failed attempt to drown out the thoughts buzzing around in my head. We ran into Sophie inside the house when I showed Ashlynn to the bathroom. It was definitely tense, but thankfully, Sophie didn't try to start anything again.

Ashlynn had one too many fruity shots Becca kept feeding her, and we both ended up being stumbling messes trying to walk back to the beach house. Somehow I managed to convince Ashlynn to let me come back to hers. There was no way in h.e.l.l I was bringing her back to mine. Reason one being I didn't think it was right to have her spend our first night together in a bed I've had a ton of random women sleep in. And secondly, Becca's staying at our house with Parker, and they are not quiet at all. The last thing I want is to listen to those two going at it like rabbits on the other side of the wall while I'm trying to f.u.c.k Ashlynn.

I awoke the next day with the world's worst hangover, as did Ashlynn. We decided it was the perfect excuse to do absolutely nothing at all. So we opted to order out and be lazy all day, chilling at her beach house and watching movies. I never imagined I'd enjoy laying on a couch all day with a girl watching chick flicks. When Becca and Parker stopped by so she could change before they headed to the boardwalk, they got a kick out of busting my b.a.l.l.s.

They can joke all they want, but I just don't give a flying f.u.c.k. I groped Ashlynn's b.o.o.b and told them watching The Notebook was worth it if it meant I got to play with her t.i.ts all afternoon.

Becca called me a pig and rolled her eyes dramatically while Parker high-fived me, but the smile on Ashlynn's face was all that mattered.

It's now been five days since the party at Linc's house, and five days since I began my new addiction, which is f.u.c.king Ashlynn every chance I get. She keeps yelling at me, saying she has to spend every second of the day on high alert, because she never knows when I'm going to get the urge to pounce on her.

I laugh every time and tell her it's her fault for having the best p.u.s.s.y in South Carolina. I will gladly admit it to anyone who wants to listen that I can't get enough of this girl.

Tonight is poker night at my place, so the boys and I have spent all afternoon getting our house ready for our friends to come over. We went to the store and bought tons of alcohol, cigars, chips, and beef jerky, because I love my beef jerky.

All the guys are on their way, so we just ordered pizzas and wings for dinner. As I'm getting all the chips poured into a bowl and Parker and Vance are getting us out some beers, the girls come bouncing through the door. They don't even knock anymore.

It's crazy to see how far we've come from the first day we met, when they just stood on their deck staring down at us, practically drooling over my boys and me, unable to form a single word, to now purposely driving us up a wall on a daily basis, and being so comfortable they gladly burp the f.u.c.king alphabet as they guzzle Coca-Cola while chilling on our deck bar-b-quing.

"We're going out to eat. Just wanted to stop by and tell y'all to have fun and don't lose too much money," Becca says, sashaying into the kitchen and straight up to Parker.

I don't know what's going on between them, but they're together just as much as Ashlynn and me, and I never see him flirting with any chicks when we're out alone. Who would've thought we'd see the day when two of Charlotte's biggest players spent almost an entire month with just one girl each?

"Well, I for one am glad y'all stopped by. We saw ya earlier tanning on the beach, but we had way too much s.h.i.+t to get done, so we couldn't join in on the beach b.u.m day." I grab Ashlynn's hand and pull her to me. "You want me to come over tonight after the game?" I ask quietly in her ear as I press a kiss to her neck, her ticklish spot, causing a giggle to escape her.

"Of course. I love falling asleep with you next to me, and especially love waking up to The Beast raring and ready to go." She blushes as she whispers up at me so only I can hear. A devilish grin creeps across my lips as the thought of morning s.e.x comes to mind. I've never been happier to wake up in the morning than when I do beside her.

I'm so screwed. This girl has me wrapped around her finger, and every day is one more day closer to saying goodbye. We're down to ten days left, and every day that, I find myself struggling with the idea of letting her go.

Not long after the girls leave, our friends show up at the door. We've know them for a few years. We met at various parties here in Myrtle Beach. I've been vacationing here since I was a kid, and made some great friends over the years.

Linc's here; even though he's an a.s.shole, I still invited him. He's one of those guys better to have as a friend than as an enemy. My other two friends, Keith and Ethan, are awesome guys who I can count on whenever I need them. We've gone out fis.h.i.+ng a few times this summer, but since meeting Ashlynn, I've kind of been MIA lately. So I think a poker night is exactly what we need.

"Grab some grub and a beer, and get ready to fill my pockets boys!" I shout and clap them all on their backs as they walk into the kitchen.

Everyone fills their plates and heads into the dining room, which has now been converted into a poker room. We spend the next two hours bulls.h.i.+tting, drinking, and stuffing our faces.

We only made it an hour before they all started ragging on me about Ashlynn. They all find it way too entertaining that I've somehow turned into a one-woman man over the last few weeks. I made sure to toss Parker under the bus too, letting them know he's only been dipping his d.i.c.k into Becca. There's just something about those Georgia girls. They've got us by the d.a.m.n b.a.l.l.s.

I have a stack of chips, a big pot in the center of the table, and a full house in my hand when my phone vibrates. The guys have a no phone rule, but I can't stop myself from digging it out of my pocket and smiling when I see it's Ashlynn texting me.

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