Fair Game Inc Part 7

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oFor my crazy twin brothera.o Grayson continued, his breath mingling with hers.

Anything! Pressed hard against him, heat rushed through her. Amber felt her defenses dropping. Her body refused to deny her attraction to him.

oFor my clumsiness....o he said softly.

Warm hands kneaded her shoulders, moving down her back to her hips, cupping her bottom, pressing her against him. She felt the evidence of his arousal, his body primed as readily as hers. For the inevitability of their attraction.

oYouAEre asking an awful lot, Counselor.o oIAEm worth the risk,o he said, sounding for a second just like his self-a.s.sured twin.

Amber would have pulled away from him, but for the pressure of his arms around her.

oTrust me, just this once. I promise, you wonAEt regret it.o His mouth devoured the rest of her protests.

oThis is an unfair way to win your case.o AmberAEs lips sampled the stubbled line of his jaw, the strong column of his throat.

oIAEm a desperate man.o oReally, Counselor. IAEd never have guessed.o oWhen IAEm with youa.o he paused, brus.h.i.+ng his lips over the hollow in her throat, her collar bone, dipping lower to taste the dusky shadow of her cleavage. oIAEm reduced to helplessness.o Amber linked her hands behind his head, drawing him closer. His mouth was fire against her skin. She gasped as he pushed the cloth of her robe aside and kissed the swell of her breast. Her troubles drifted away along with conscious thoughts of her business, Roger, her doubts about Grayson. The dance of their bodies against each other had a rightness to it that rang true. A surety this was meant to be.

And she meant to have Grayson Charles. Whether sheAEd regret it tomorrow, or not.

His breath seared a path from her neck down over the mound of one breast. She gasped as he took the hardened peak into his mouth. Sure sheAEd die as he left and moved to taste the other, Amber arched against him.

Suddenly, the torture of his mouth disappeared. She stumbled forward, and he caught her, taking her with him as he moved toward the cold fireplace. Inside lay one of those pressed-wood logs sheAEd bought at the supermarket. He added some newspaper from the wicker basket by the side of the fireplace. Flame reflected in his dark eyes as the paper caught the match he held out. He watched, satisfied as the flame leapt higher, catching the wood. And then his arms were back around her, crus.h.i.+ng her to him, making her forget everything except the dark gleam of his eyes above her.

oI never learned to dance,o he said, so softly she wasnAEt sure sheAEd heard him. His palms pushed her robe lower, exposing her shoulders. His hips moved against hers, his mouth brushed her ribcage, moving lower. oBut you lend me grace, Amber.o Her hands found the hem of his sweater and tugged, getting it stuck on the barrier of his shoulders. oI want to touch you,o she said desperately.

He chuckled, reaching down to cover her trembling fingers, and pulled it free. Her hands spread over the smooth expanse of his chest, curling in the rough patch of dark hair in the center.

Grayson reached behind him, grasping the thick weight of the duvet folded on the end of the couch. He spread the thick, down-stuffed quilt on the rug before the fire, and pulled her gently down to face him.

He brushed a crimson curl from her shoulder, then his fingers trailed down to loosen the sash of her robe. His actions made her feel suddenly vulnerable, and she moved to cover herself, but he caught her hands.

oLet me see your beauty, Amber,o he whispered, banis.h.i.+ng her fears with another feather-soft sweep of his mouth.

Her hands molded to his ribcage, drifting lower to tug at his belt, finally getting it loose. She slipped a slim hand between his pants and his hot skin, feeling the heat of him.

Grayson pushed her backward into the softness of the quilt. His tongue explored the contours of her body, mapping every hill and valley. He savored every inch of her, down past her waist, past the barrier of her robe, to the soft cl.u.s.ter of curls at her very center.

Her hands fumbled with the zipper of his pants, pus.h.i.+ng them down past his slim hips, until he grew frustrated as well and kicked them aside.

He settled his muscular weight atop her, kissing her slowly, from head, to her breast, then slithering down to taste the sweetness at her center. She moaned as his tongue found the heart of her desire. Amber tipped her head back, smothering another moan wrenched from her very soul. She felt the warm puff of his laughter at the effect his caress had upon her. oOh G.o.d,o she begged, odonAEt stop!o oRelax,o he said gently, tantalizing her with more of that languid kiss.

Relaxation was the last thing on her mind as she bucked against him, demanding more of his caress. Sweat beaded upon her forehead and trickled between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She should be embarra.s.sed, perhaps tomorrow she would be, but right now all she felt was the fire that burned in the hearth beside them and the consuming flame inside.

Fulfillment hit like a shower of fireworks. Her fingers curled in his hair, yanking his head closer. He complied willingly. She felt the curve of his smile against her thighs as her pa.s.sion subsided into rough sobs for breath. His hardness pressed against her as he reached up to kiss her deeply, thoroughly. Tasting herself on his mouth, she parted her thighs.

oI want to feel you.o Dare she ask for what she desperately desired? oInside me,o she finished in a tiny voice.

He stopped, gazing hungrily down at her in agonized desire. oAmber,o he began roughly, oI donAEt have anything with me. I didnAEt plan this, and I want to protect you.o oWait.o Her voice came out shockingly husky. Slithering out from under him, she raced to the closet and the little basket of green and red condoms her best friend had given her for Christmas. An invitation back into the world of dating, Maureen had said. Only Maureen knew how deeply Eric hurt her. It sat forgotten in her closet for ten months. Amber had almost thrown it out several times.

Grayson raised an eyebrow when she brought the basket back to him and she felt like a complete fool for not discreetly taking out one of the little packets before.

oIt was a gift,o she said a defensively. oFrom my girlfriend. I guess she was trying to tell me to get a life.o oI like this friend of yours already,o he murmured appreciatively, putting her at ease. oWould you prefer cherry or mint?o oMint.o She reached for the green slip of latex. He closed his eyes in pleasure as her small hand closed around him. Then he was reaching for her again, pus.h.i.+ng her back into the softness of the comforter.

oMerry Christmas,o he whispered.

She felt him poised at her moist opening. Laying back, she wrapped her legs around his hips and took him inside.

oAmber....o He moaned her name. Dark lashes fluttering against her cheek as he savored the depths of her.

oGray--o The rest of his name was smothered against his shoulder, as her hands roved over his shoulders and down the corded length of his back, finally cupping the taut roundness of his b.u.t.tocks, taking him deeper.

His long slow movements stoked the fire higher, as they moved together in a dance as old as time. Skin touched skin, every muscled inch of him pressed against her, and the beautiful torture of the feel of him inside. Soft hairs of his chest teased the tips of her nipples to hardened nubs, even as his muscular thighs moved erotically between hers. He quickened the pace, driving deeper, faster with gentle, yet purposeful thrusts. Another wave of fulfillment beckoned from the crest of the hill she was scaling. She tipped her hips, rising to meet him, demanding more of this strange sensation of utter rightness.

That thought froze her in stride. What was it Eric had always said? That she was as responsive as a block of ice.

oWhatAEs wrong?o he asked gently. No demand, no disappointment in his voice, only concern for her.

Amber tipped her head back, looking up into the dark depths of his desire. The desire he was willing to put on hold out of compa.s.sion. oIAEm not sure that I can ... again ... I mean I usually donAEt--o His mouth covered hers, hot and demanding, teasing her with flicks of his tongue which mirrored his other movements. oTrust me,o he said, pulling his mouth away to nibble seductively at her lower lip.

Again that word, spoken so softly, so sincerely, she had no choice but to obey. But even as his words coaxed her, his body demanded, and she felt her desire soar despite her reservations. Nothing had ever felt like this, so good, so certain in its promise of ecstasy, so....

The intensity of it stole her breath. Distantly she heard herself moan his name, heard his own hoa.r.s.e cry. Sparks exploded behind her eyelids, leading her down into darkness and warmth. She sighed deeply against his chest. Grayson s.h.i.+fted away from her long enough to grasp the corner of the duvet draw it up around them.

Warm breath ruffled the top of her curls. Laughter rumbled through his chest. oI take it IAEm forgiven?o She smiled up at him drowsily, only then becoming aware they were lying wrapped in her quilt on the living room floor. oMostly.o Her daring tone covered her growing embarra.s.sment.

oMostly!o There was real panic in those dark eyes. oWhat do I have to do for an encore?o The prospect of more sent another rush of scarlet to her cheeks. oIAEm sure youAEll think of something.o oIAEll give it my undivided attention.o His smile dissolved into seriousness. oLet me into your life Amber--o His thumb traced the line of her heart-shaped face. oI think youAEre wonderful.o oYouAEre already in my life.o Amber offered him a wan smile. oYou and the rest of your crazy family.o Grayson fell silent for a moment as if he wasnAEt sure how to handle the mention of the touchy subject of Roger. And then another wave of laughter burst from his throat. oRoger must really have thought you were special. He cut his hair for you. HeAEs been cultivating that famous head of hair since he was a teenager.o oYouAEre kidding!o oHonestly. WouldnAEt cut it for his graduation. Not even for DadAEs funeral.o oShould I be honored?o He frowned. oFrom Roger thatAEs a backward kind of compliment.o His mouth covered hers, kissing her deeply, thoroughly. oBut I am honored,o he said softly.

This wasnAEt the kind of end to the evening that sheAEd been contemplating. She started with the conviction to murder the Charles twins, especially Roger. Life was strange, Amber reflected, pillowing her head against his shoulder.

oSo,o Grayson said. His deep voice rumbled through his chest, tickling her ear. oShould we try cherry?o

Chapter EIGHT.

oShe fired him!o Jennifer nodded. A feral grin broke across her face. Triumph gleamed in that expression. oThe ultimatum came down from her boss. I guess word of their entanglement got around. He didnAEt say as much, but it doesnAEt take a genius to figure it out. What a fool. Apparently she didnAEt love him enough to sacrifice her career for him.o Amber swallowed past the lump in her stomach. oApparently not.o She already knew what was coming next. No need now to exact revenge. Fate had dealt quite effectively with Apartment Four. oI suppose thatAEs why he called in sick on Friday,o she said noncommittally.

oSick with humiliation is more like it. Got himself a large taste of his own medicine.o oHe got what was coming to him, IAEd say.o oAnd he calls me for sympathy!o JenniferAEs voice rose in amazement. oCan you believe it?o oI can.o The way things were going, sheAEd believe almost anything. A UFO could land on her desk and scarcely cause her to blink. oAre you going to take him back?o oMaybe. When I finish torturing him.o Again that predatory smile. Jennifer looked more like an indignant wolverine than the pixie Amber had first taken her for.

Amber sighed deeply, watching the deluxe package and the companyAEs financial health fly out the proverbial window. CouldnAEt Fate have waited another day to deal Apartment Four the final blow? Surely two lessons would be better than one. For the sake of his soul, of course.

oDoes he know you know about his involvement with his boss?o oNo.o Jennifer smiled daggers. oIAEm saving that particular morsel of information for future use.o oBut you donAEt have the proof you wanted.o The proof that was supposed to be the deluxe package and the monthAEs rent.

oNo, but he knows heAEs guilty. If he denies it, heAEs history.o oI suppose itAEs a good test of his integrity, if nothing else.o Nothing else was exactly it.

oHeAEs going to be jumping through a few hoops in the near future,o Jennifer said. She ran a hand through her short tousled curls. Her brown eyes sparkled with new life. A betrayed woman satisfied that justice had been served. Faith in the world had been restored. Amber knew the signs. She helped give that life back to those who were hurting. It kept her going during the tough times. Like the one coming.

oWhere does that leave us?o Amber asked carefully. There, the question was out, the inevitability already in action.

oCan we leave things as they stand? You can keep the advance. ItAEs worth it, just to see his true ilk.o Worth it for whom? Amber thrust the self-pitying thought to the back of her mind. The advance wouldnAEt even cover the cost of the photographer and videographer. But she couldnAEt bill Jennifer for work that hadnAEt been done.

Fate was a man, she decided bitterly. Who else would have such abominable timing?

oSure,o she said forcing a smile. None of this was JenniferAEs fault. The woman had been through enough already. oFine.o oGood.o Jennifer jumped lightly to her feet. Instead of the muted browns sheAEd been wearing at their last meeting, this time she wore leather boots that reached past her knees, a black mini and a flaming red blouse. She looked wonderful.

Ah, confidence. Amber banished her regret. Seeing Jennifer restored lifted her spirit.

oIAEll be sure to give you a call if I ever need you again,o she said brightly, reaching for the door handle.

oFeel free to pa.s.s my card around to any of your friends.o Word of mouth and repeat business kept the bailiff from the door.

Amber sank back into her chair. oThe best laid plans....o Wasted weeks, wasted money. Where had this streak of bad luck come from? Recent events between Amber and Grayson indicated her luck was about to change. For the first time Amber looked forward to her nightly stint at Grayson and Charles.

After their fight in the dance club, and their pa.s.sionate reconciliation later at her apartment, her love life looked a good deal brighter. TheyAEd lingered over brunch at her apartment courtesy of Grayson. Gourmet didnAEt come close to describing his cooking. The taste of feather-light chocolate crepes lingered on her tongue. Even if her kitchen looked like a bomb hit it. His scent lingered on her bed sheets. An afternoon walk through the last yellow leaves of late fall had done wonders to lift the feeling of doom lingering over the past few weeks.

And then there was GraysonAEs offer of contract work. An attractive offer, more attractive considering what had happened since night. A more sinister thought occurred to her. Where exactly was Grayson getting the money to hire her, when the accounts sheAEd seen on that first night indicated Barlow & Charles rode a fine line between solvency and bankruptcy court?

Amber shook off the seductive call of paranoia. Grayson surely knew what he was doing. She glanced at the clock on her desk. Half an hour left. And a million niggly administrative tasks to be accomplished. She couldnAEt stop the smile breaking across her face. Desk work could wait until tomorrow. Tonight sheAEd tell Grayson sheAEd take him up on his offer of contract work. That would solve the money crunch. The bottom line would be in the black. And she would have more time with Grayson. No time like the present. SheAEd show up early and get started on that contract work tonight.

Grayson was standing at NicoleAEs desk juggling three ringing telephone lines as Amber entered. He winked at her, letting her know heAEd be with her as soon as he got things under control.

Finally, exasperated, he put all lines on hold. Grasping her by the waist, he dipped her low and kissed her thoroughly. oYouAEre early.o oNice to see you, too.o oI didnAEt say I was dissatisfied with the prospect.o oGood. Because youAEre about to get a whole lot more of my company.o oTo what do I owe this wondrous change in fate?o Amber felt a pang of foolishness and dismissed it, hoping he hadnAEt forgotten that heAEd asked her work for her. oIAEve decided to take you up on your offer of contract work.o His cheeks dimpled as he smiled. He hadnAEt forgotten, she thought with relief.

oThatAEs great news. I donAEt know what I would have done if youAEd said no.o oYouAEd have suffered terribly.o oIAEve been suffering since we parted yesterday. This office is empty without you, Amber.o oYou came in on Sunday night?o oHad to, more developments in the Tirelli case.o He shot a guilty glance at the blinking lines on NicoleAEs phone. oLet me get rid of these calls and then weAEll talk.o He looked back at her as if he was truly torn, then motioned to the lights that blinked like a demented traffic light. oI need the notes in my office. Do you think you could--?o oGo on,o she said, reaching for the phone. oBarlow & Charles.o He was still gazing at her wistfully. She waved him off down the hall. oJust a moment, IAEll put you through.o Half an hour later, the last red light on GraysonAEs line winked out. Amber crept down the hall. Sprawled in his chair, his s.h.i.+rt sleeves stuffed over his elbows again, he looked positively beat.

oBad day?o oIt never ends,o he said tiredly. oBut it looks like my day is about to get better.o oTechnically, itAEs evening,o she said, coming around the side of the desk.

He pulled her down into the chair on top of him and ran his hand appreciatively up over one stockinged calf, slithering scandalously higher. oAll the better.o oGrayson! WeAEre in your office!o Grayson smothered her protests with his hot demanding mouth. oThatAEs what this office needs, a scandalous romance.o He laughed. oAnd itAEs not going to be Barlow.o And when she returned his kiss stiffly, he nibbled her lower lip, breathing huskily, oRelax, Amber. WeAEre alone.o A sharp cough from the doorway brought their heads up in a single motion.

Barlow stood in the doorway. His eyes raked over them, separating them with a single glance. Amber sprang from GraysonAEs lap. s.n.a.t.c.hing up one of the file folders, on his desk, she tried to slide past Barlow.

oExcuse me.o Earnestly, she wished her voice didnAEt sound so breathless.

Barlow shot her a look of utter disdain. Turning his body, he blocked the exit so she couldnAEt help but brush up against him as she left. From the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of Grayson vainly trying to straighten the wrinkles sheAEd left in his pants.

oIf youAEve finished with your recreational activities,o she heard Barlow growl as she fled down the hall, oI have business to discuss.o She didnAEt catch GraysonAEs reply, but the door to his office was closed for a very long time. Finally, the door to GraysonAEs office flew open and heavy footsteps thudded along the carpeted hall. Amber looked up just in time to catch the ugly expression he launched in her direction. His departure ruffled the papers on the desk. The door slammed shut, plunging the office into silence. She crept back down the hall.

Grayson sat hunched over the papers on his desk. A green accountantAEs lamp cast an oval of gold light, illuminating his hands and arms, leaving his expression in shadow.

oWhatAEs with Barlow?o He leaned back in his chair. Shadow darkened his expression. oWho knows,o he said wearily. oBut somethingAEs eating him. HeAEs been acting weird for some time now.o oDidnAEt seem too happy about the improvement in your love life.o oNo.o Even in the shadows, she could see the gleam of his smile. oBut I am.o He held out his hand to her, and she came closer. oIs he gone?o oYou mean you didnAEt hear the hurricane that blew through the office?o Amber sat on the corner of his desk. Should she share the nagging worry that had haunted her since she came to Barlow & Charles? oGrayson thereAEs something IAEve been meaning to tell you...o oNot you too!o He held up a hand for mercy. oEveryone has something they want to tell me today. Grayson glanced suspiciously at the phone as if he expected it to ring at any second with more bad news. oNext RogerAEs going to call to tell me why heAEs breaking up with....o He looked up bashfully, realizing just what heAEd been about to say. oWhat is it, Amber?o oThe first night I was here, when there were files all over the office....o Stalling, she knew it. One eyebrow raised, he waited for her to continue. oWell, I found something,o she blurted.

oAnd?o oThey were in BarlowAEs office. I shouldnAEt have been snooping, but I think you ought to knowa.o oKnow what!o he said, becoming impatient at her halting confession.

oThere are papers in BarlowAEs filing cabinet that offer the sale of Barlow & Charles to another firm.o Grayson let go his breath in a rush. Reaching for her hand, he pulled her closer. oAmber, you really have been working too hard.o oIAEm serious, Grayson.o oHe canAEt do that. I own half the company.o oListen to me.o d.a.m.n, the man was dense. SheAEd just blurted out something that had troubled her for most of a month and he brushed it off like lint on his suit. oI think thatAEs why BarlowAEs been so antagonistic to me. ThatAEs why he was so mad when he returned and found out a PI had been working in his office. ThereAEs something he desperately doesnAEt want you to know about around here. And I think thatAEs it.o oAmber--o oWhy else would he be so angry to see us together? ItAEs after hours. And who cares if we like each other?o oPerhaps he considers our liaison unprofessional considering how we met.o oWhy should he care?o oI donAEt know, Amber. This is crazy.o oIs it?o she asked quietly. oYou just said heAEd been acting crazy.o oOkay.o He rose from behind the desk. Putting his arm around her shoulders, he led her down the hall to BarlowAEs office. oLetAEs have a look at those papers.o The fluorescent light contrasted starkly with the soft shadows in GraysonAEs office. Inside BarlowAEs domain was as obsessively neat as the last time sheAEd seen it.

oThat cabinet right there,o Amber said, pointing to the big filing cabinet behind BarlowAEs desk.

With a resigned sigh, Grayson rounded the desk and gave the handle a tug. It slid open a fraction of an inch, then stopped with a thud.

oLocked.o SheAEd known it would be.

oIAEve got to find that extra key in my office,o Grayson said, as if heAEd been expecting as much.

She dogged his footsteps back down the hall and peered over his shoulder as he slid open his top drawer. Reaching for one of the little compartments for pens and staples, his hand came up empty.

oIt was there last I looked.o He rummaged around in the drawer.

oBarlow took it. IAEd bet on it.o oAmber--o he said in a tone that betrayed heAEd come to the end of his patience. oThis means nothing. Nicole could have borrowed it.o oThere arenAEt any keys in my desk.o When had she started thinking of it as her desk, she wondered. But Grayson hadnAEt noticed her slip of the tongue.

oIt still proves nothing. And even if it did, John canAEt merge the company without my say so. WeAEre partners in this firm. He asked me to be his partner.o She turned, leaning her head against his broad chest. oI know you think IAEm crazy, but I think heAEs behind the nasty little things that have been happening to me.o oWhat things?o She could sense the tension in him, thought his tone was neutral.

oThe flat tire. The writing on my car. The mouse in the drawer. I think BarlowAEs trying to scare me off, to get rid of me before I find out something he doesnAEt want me to know.o oNow that is ludicrous.o oIt was a new tire,o she insisted.

oYou could have run over a nail on the highway.o oWhat about the mouse?o oOne of the alley cats probably got to it.o oAnd I suppose one of the cats wrote on my car and I hallucinated the papers I thought I saw.o GraysonAEs expression gave her the answer. oForget about it, Amber. IAEm a big boy. I can take care of myself. John and I have worked together for several years now. WeAEre not terribly compatible in our personalities or our ages, but weAEve managed to run the firm well, so far.o oBut youAEll check it out?o oIAEll check it out,o he said, dipping his head to brush her lips lightly with his.

He was lying, she thought, even as she returned his kiss.

oCome home with me, Amber,o Grayson whispered. oWeAEve had enough excitement for one day.o **** oFor a townhouse close to downtown, weAEve been driving a long time.o oI can usually make it in forty minutes, once the rush hour traffic has cleared.o Amber studied GraysonAEs face under the strobing flash of the streetlights. oItAEs not a townhouse close to downtown, I take it.o oYou said that, not me. I didnAEt want to ruin your carefully thought out profile of me.o oIAEve had to adjust my profile several times,o she said. Truly, there seemed no end to the surprises that added up to Grayson Charles.

Gravel crunched beneath the MercedesAE tires. They turned off the highway onto a long winding road. Amber stared into the shadows, her jaw dropping slowly open as the car rolled to a stop. oThis is it?o oWelcome to my humble abode.o He was enjoying her astonishment, she could tell.

Humble didnAEt begin to describe the rustic schoolhouse that rose out of the treed property. A line of poplars had been planted to mark the edge of the lot. Most of their leaves lay on the ground now, the bare branches standing like scrawny sentries.

Taking her hand, he led her up the flagstone walk and through the doorway with practiced sureness. oStay there,o he said, moving quietly through the darkened stone building.

A wrought iron chandelier hung over the huge wooden table at one end of the open room. She watched as he lit the white candles one by one, and the room blossomed into golden light. A pair of ma.s.sive over-stuffed couches framed the fireplace. In an alcove off to one side stood an old fas.h.i.+oned roll-top desk. The laptop computer inside seemed out of place in the stone schoolhouse. Beyond the table she made out the shadow of an old-fas.h.i.+oned wood-burning stove. Dishes, pots and pans sat on open shelves. Above, in the shadows among the rafters, she could just make out a loft bedroom and the bulk of a king-sized bed. On the far side of the large room, two shadowed openings still proclaimed boys and girls in stone lettering above the threshold.

oThis is wonderful!o oI was hoping youAEd think so.o The warmth of his hand pressed against the small of her back. oIAEll get some brandy to warm you while I make a fire.o Not a townhouse. Not near the center of town. And practically nothing high tech in it. Amber couldnAEt stop the delighted chuckle from escaping. oCounselor, youAEre not what I expected at all.o oI hope youAEre not disappointed,o he said pressing the brandy snifter into her hand.

Amber leaned back into the voluminous cus.h.i.+ons. oNot at all.o He spent the rest of the evening ensuring she wasnAEt.

A chorus of birds woke her as soon as the wan sun poked through the late October clouds. AmberAEs eyes snapped open, staring at the wooden rafters in the unfamiliar peaked ceiling. Someone stirred beside her. Someone warm, large and most definitely male.

oWhat time is it?o Before she could answer, Grayson was across the floor, squinting at the alarm clock on the dresser wedged between the loft and the sloping ceiling. Drowsily, she admired the strong lines of his body, wanting nothing more than to reach out and pull him back beneath the covers. But back in town, Fair Game awaited her. Sleeping late wouldnAEt make her business problems vanish.

oIAEm late,o Grayson said curtly. Already she could see the to-do list compiling in his head. oHope trafficAEs not bad.o He stumbled toward the open staircase that led to the lower floor. Awareness. .h.i.t him half way down. She waited, patiently, until his head poked above the floor line and he smiled sheepishly. He was across the floor in a second, leaning across the bed, his body hard and warm on top of hers.

oMorning.o He offered her a slow, thorough kiss. oI do wish I could stay here this morning with you. But IAEm already running late.o oItAEs okay,o Amber said regretfully. oJust give me a ride back into town. IAEll take a cab back to my apartment before I go to the office. I donAEt have any appointments this morning, just a ton of desk work to do.o He looked longingly at the slope of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s that disappeared beneath the covers. oLater?o oLater. We still have the contract work to discuss.o oThat,o he said, halfway back down the ladder. oAnd a whole lot more.o oYouAEre on, Counselor.o ****

The day dragged by with agonizing slowness. With Apartment Four out of the way and the whole contract disintegrating, Amber found herself without much to do. Paper work took only half the morning. No credits needed to be entered in the companyAEs ledger. The stack of bills piling up in her in-basket would have to wait until Barlow & Charles paid her. Time to network, hand out business cards at parties, beg, borrow or steal business from the compet.i.tion.

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