Fair Game Inc Part 6

Fair Game Inc -

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Her rent wouldnAEt wait several more days because she ran into a string of bad luck. Neither would her other expenses. If things got much worse, sheAEd have to take Grayson up on his offer of freelance work.

A wave of embarra.s.sment over last nightAEs events tinged her cheeks pink. Amber wrenched her thoughts from Grayson to the problem at hand. Two women tallied their overtime bonuses and awaited her decision.

oSame time Monday?o she asked finally.

oThereAEll be an extra charge,o the photographer said, ofor the extra hours.o oI know, I know.o Amber waved her hand impatiently in dismissal. oPayment is on delivery as usual. Just invoice me for the extra time.o oGood enough,o said the videographer, packing up her tiny video camera. Confident that sheAEd just doubled the amount of her contract, she strolled cheerfully off toward her car.

oHave a good weekend,o called the photographer, slinging her camera bag over her shoulder and rus.h.i.+ng off to catch the next bus.

Amber took one last look at Apartment FourAEs office and mentally kicked him. Good weekend, indeed! She was already late for her Friday night stint at Barlow & Charles.

Grayson wasnAEt there when she arrived. Instead she found a hastily scribbled note saying heAEd been in court all day and would be tied up in meetings until late in the evening. Underneath was a list of things that needed to be done.

His note gave no indication of his mood or what heAEd intended by the aeincidentAE last night. At least sheAEd been granted a reprieve from the Grayson dilemma, and a chance to think it over level-headedly during the weekend.

oNow what am I going to do?o she asked the empty office. Every minute she spent in GraysonAEs company would be agony after what happened at the restaurant. Obviously, heAEd been b.u.t.tering her up to ask her to do some work for him. SheAEd misinterpreted his attentions and humiliated herself by practically throwing herself at him.

Amber rubbed her temples, trying to ease the tension in her forehead. She hadnAEt slept well last night. Though her body was exhausted, her mind refused to stop running in circles around Grayson Charles.

oHow could I possibly have misread him like that?o she muttered aloud. Amber prided herself on being an expert judge of character. But sometime during the ill-fated dinner with Grayson, her common sense had evaporated. oWhat was I thinking?o That question brought a flush to her face, even in the privacy of the empty office. oI wasnAEt thinking with my brain.o Absently, she brushed her hand across her lips, remembering the warm pressure of GraysonAEs lips against hers, his strong arms pulling her further into his embrace. oSurely he didnAEt think he had to kiss me to get me to work for him. He must need help desperately.o oNot as desperately as I do.o Her entire body ached for more of his purposeful, yet gentle caresses. Feelings, sensations too long buried, now rose to the surface and cried out to be satisfied.

The phone rang, jolting her from scarlet daydreams. Amber looked about guilty and embarra.s.sed, as if the walls themselves could read her thoughts. Gingerly, she reached for the phone.

oBarlow & Charles.o oItAEs me, Grayson.o His rich, deep voice filled her senses. He sounded cheerful enough. Open and unguarded, completely different than he had the night before.

oBad day, I take it.o oWhat?o oYour note said youAEve been in court all day.o oOh that, right. Bad day in court. IAEm going to be tied up most of the night, as well. But I was wondering....o oYes?o Amber fought to keep her voice from trembling. This was potentially dangerous ground. What impression had she left him with last night? And what, exactly, had he been wondering?

oI was wondering if youAEd like to go out with me tomorrow night.o night?o night is date night.o oYouAEre asking me out on a date?o Her voice rose an octave.

He paused, as if he fumbled for the right words to say. oSure, why not?o oI donAEt know, I--o oYouAEve been doing all this work for me, and IAEd like to pay you back.o His voice slid over her like silk, an unfamiliar seductive tone.

oYouAEve already taken me out for dinner twice.o oYes, well--o oAnd after last night I wasnAEt sure--o oForget last night.o The same silky tone, but she couldnAEt mistake the order behind the kind words. oCome out with me tomorrow night and letAEs have some fun.o Fun just didnAEt seem like a Grayson kind of word. ****

Amber frowned at the contents of her closet. A row of power suits in subdued colors took up most of the hanging s.p.a.ce. On a couple of hangers squashed into the back lay a pair of well-worn blue jeans, and a couple of out of date party dresses. Her hand froze upon the bulky bag though which she could see the lacy outline of a wedding dress. With a m.u.f.fled cry of dismay, she stuffed it further to the back of her closet, out of sight and mind, and resolutely turned her thoughts to the problem at hand.

Nothing seemed suitable for a date with a man whoAEd sued her. Especially considering she didnAEt know where they were going, whether formal, causal or strictly business would be appropriate.

Which message did she want to send? She couldnAEt decide that, either. What went on in the convoluted mind of Grayson Charles remained a mystery. All her people reading skills were useless when it came to this particular specimen.

Amber rummaged through her closet, coming up with a simple black dress that would be appropriate for any of those roles. Stuffing her feet into a pair of black pumps, she added a single strand of pearls and surveyed her reflection. Black offset her flame red hair wonderfully and added a smoky depth to her gray eyes. oI donAEt know what game youAEre playing, Mr. Charles,o she told the mirror as she added a brush of taupe eschewed and a hint of lipstick. oBut, I intend to win.o Amber pressed her lips together, then smiled.

oCheck mate.o Her buzzer rang.

She opened the door to find him lounging confidently against the door frame. oHi.o oGood evening.o His eyes made an appreciative sweep over her black dress. oYou look wonderful.o oI do?o The sudden compliment caught her off guard. oI mean, thank you.o He looked magnificent himself, she decided. Dark gray pants offset a sweater in a lighter tone. Thrown over one arm was a sports jacket sheAEd noticed hanging in the closet at Barlow & Charles. Apparently, his casual attire didnAEt get much more wear than hers. But it was the open, casual smile that made him look different.

oYouAEre in a good mood tonight.o He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. oYouAEd be surprised how much a day off can do for a manAEs att.i.tude.o oSo you decided to take RogerAEs advice.o For a moment his face clouded in confusion.

oAbout not working so hard,o she supplied.

oOh right. Roger is infinitely wise.o Amber stared up at him, trying to gauge whether he was being sarcastic.

oAmong his many faults.o Sarcasm definitely colored the tone of that statement.

oWould you like to come in?o oMaybe later. LetAEs go dancing.o oDancing!o The word slipped out as incredulously as if heAEd asked her to go sky diving.

oYou donAEt dance?o oItAEs been a while. IAEm ... a little rusty.o He grinned, showing even white teeth. But his smile didnAEt hold the warmth she remembered. oI think we can get rid of the rust, Ms. Shaw.o Gallantly, he offered her his arm. oShall we go?o His dark green Mercedes pulled up at the curb of a dance club where even the cover price was beyond her budget. Grayson handed the keys to the valet parking attendant and escorted her past the long line of people waiting to get in. The doorman seemed to know him, that, or the bill he pressed into his hand introduced him effectively enough.

I suppose wealth has its privileges. With a dark frown, Amber followed him into the crowded interior. The music was louder than she would have liked, the other women dressed as extravagantly as rare jewels. She turned to protest that they leave and go somewhere quiet enough to hear each other talk, but before she could open her mouth, Grayson smiled devastatingly down at her and led her onto the crowded dance floor.

His body moved with fluid grace, as he led her through the steps of the first fast dance. It was easy to follow his lead, as he held her a chaste distance apart. He was impressive to watch in motion, his limbs moving in effortless harmony. Never would she have guessed Grayson Charles hid such an uninhibited side beneath the outward steel of his personality.

He was a delight to watch as he glided across the dance floor, taking her with him. Poetry in motion, yet his body seethed with unbridled sensuality, as he seduced her with languid movement. She could feel the heat radiating from his body only inches from hers, and yet somehow, the electricity that had crackled between them was missing.

She considered this a moment, losing the time of the step. Grayson Charles was like chameleon, changing color just when she thought she had a fix on him.

oSomething wrong?o oNo,o she said quickly.

oHave I told you how beautiful I think you are with your fiery red hair and your raven black dress?o The compliment slipped easily from his lips as if he discussed the weather instead. AmberAEs eyes narrowed.

oMy mother told me never to trust men who tell me IAEm beautiful.o oReally?o He whirled her about and pulled her back against him, not even missing a beat at her accusation. Looking down into her eyes, he said wickedly, oThen I guess IAEd better be very nice to your mother. Do you think sheAEd like me?o ItAEs been so long since I brought a man home, sheAEd probably be impressed with anyone who still had a pulse. Amber held her tongue firmly in check. oSheAEs a hard lady to please.o oAnd she pa.s.sed on her discerning taste to her daughter.o Actually, she told me never to trust a man, period. After all, she knew my father all her life and see, he left her. She took a lot of joy out of my life with her constant warnings. She took great pride in saying aeI told you soAE when Eric left me. Amber couldnAEt share any of the ugly thoughts pa.s.sing through her mind. How could she possibly explain her wildly conflicting desires to be loved and her deep mistrust of intimate relations.h.i.+ps? Amber reined in her thoughts. Grayson Charles was enough to handle without trying to battle her own demons as well.

oWeAEre cautious in who we entrust our affections to,o she said for lack of a more civil comment and forced a smile. She was out on a date with a handsome, attentive man. Where had her manners fled to?

But Grayson was staring down into her eyes with that warm inviting smile. oAmber, Amber....o He twirled her around and caught her close. oYouAEve got to chill out a little. Have some fun.o Amber looked up into dark eyes that reflected the lights from the dance floor. oYou really have taken RogerAEs advice to heart.o ****

Something was wrong. Grayson could feel it in the air as soon as he stepped out of the cab in front of RogerAEs condo. He hadnAEt given RogerAEs strange request to borrow his car and his favorite sports jacket much thought. His mind crammed with details of the Gridwell case, he hadnAEt had concentration to spare for anything else. But with the case nailed down, at least for the moment, and a long night stretching before him, a few aimless details floated around in his mind, taking shape into a disturbing picture.

A call to RogerAEs only got him an answering machine message. His twin didnAEt answer his intercom, either. Grayson left the lobby and strolled down the sloping driveway to the garage entrance. He waited only a few seconds before the door opened and a car came whizzing through. Grayson slipped inside.

So RogerAEs car was in the shop, was it? He walked along the white lined parking places until he came to RogerAEs parking s.p.a.ce. And stopped cold.

Parked neatly in its customary spot was RogerAEs obscenely-red Porsche. GraysonAEs heart froze in his chest. oLittle brother, what have you done?o ****

Tethered by GraysonAEs arm, Amber spun in a kaleidoscope of color. She blinked, seeing for a moment double Graysons. One whirled with her through the closely packed bodies on the dance floor. Another strode up behind, his face a mask of fury.

She faltered in her step, skidding to a stop in her high heels.

oWhat--o Grayson reached to catch her. Simultaneously, he found himself seized by the shoulder and whirled around.

In that moment it all clicked. The easy smile, the meaningless endearments. It was the Mercedes, the short hair and the sports jacket that put her off the trail. Pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

oRoger!o Her voice rose above the music. She heard Grayson echo her exclamation in a lower, menacing tone.

Roger started at the sound of his name. He looked quickly from Amber to his brother, paling at the fury in GraysonAEs voice. GraysonAEs eyes raked over his body, taking in the haircut that was a mirror image of his own, the sports jacket and the woman he still held by shoulder and waist. Anger flared in GraysonAEs eyes. He looked even more furious than the night she dumped the ice in his lap, more menacing than sheAEd seen him in court.

oI can explain,o Roger blurted.

oDonAEt bother.o She looked from one to the other, desperately choking back the sudden tears that sprang to her eyes. It was all just a great joke to them. And sheAEd played right along.

Amber tore her hand from RogerAEs grip. Balling her fingers into a tight fist, she resisted the urge to slap him open-handedly across the face. She suspected she wouldnAEt be the first woman to do so, but still she abhorred violence. Best to get out of this humiliating situation with a shred of her dignity intact.

Whirling on her heel, she made her way through the press of bodies to the table where sheAEd left her purse and the twenty dollar bill that would see her safely home in a cab. Never trust a man, her motherAEs words echoed in her ears. To think just a moment ago, sheAEd been ready to let that warning go forever.

oAmber, wait! IAEll drive you home.o Grayson reached for her, catching her by the arm. He looked back at Roger. oSince my car is in the parking lot.o His gaze darkened, Roger went a shade paler. oYou!o he said stabbing a finger into his brotherAEs chest, oCan take a cab home.o oDonAEt bother.o Amber shook him off roughly.

Another couple had taken advantage of the empty seats at the table. A tall pitcher of Sangria sat between them, but their attention was consumed with each other. They looked up, eyes widening at her expression. oExcuse me,o she said tartly.

oPlease, Amber, listen to me.o She felt Grayson behind her before he spoke, but she had no interest in any of his excuses. With a toss of her fiery curls, she turned her back to him, ready to stride off toward the door and hail a cab.

oPlease sit down,o he said.

She offered him an icy glare in reply.

oJust for a moment.o oNot even for a second,o she growled. oYouAEve wasted enough of my time, Counselor.o She bent, s.n.a.t.c.hing up her purse.

oAmber!o As if in slow motion, she saw Grayson reach for her, saw the tip of his elbow hit the pitcher of Sangria, saw it topple precariously, then spill in a waterfall of frigid sticky juice straight into her lap.

From the corner of her eye, she saw the couple spring away from the table in shock, saw GraysonAEs eyes widen in horror.

oOh G.o.d, Amber, IAEm so sorry.o Ice cold liquid trickled down her pantyhose, pooling in her shoes. Behind him, she saw Roger approaching, saw the horror dawn on his face. He looked at the set of GraysonAEs shoulders, the absolute fury in AmberAEs eyes, then turned and fled into the crowd.

oSorry!o AmberAEs voice cut through the beat of the music. It was desperately hard to behave with dignity with an entire pitcher of Sangria dripping from her dress, but she pulled herself up to sum of her diminutive height. oIf that was your idea of a joke, Mr. Charles, fine itAEs on me. Consider us even.o

Chapter SEVEN.

oAmber!o Grayson hollered through the firmly locked door. Down the hall a door opened behind him. A middle-aged woman wearing a housecoat and an array of pink foam curlers glared out the door at him.

Great, now IAEm frightening the neighbors! He leaned his head against the door in defeat. Inside he heard the dull rush of a shower running. After his clumsiness with that pitcher of Sangria, he ought to slink home and hope in time sheAEd forgive him. But he simply couldnAEt leave her like that, thinking the worst of him. G.o.d knew what conclusions sheAEd drawn about RogerAEs impersonation of him.

Roger, heAEd deal with later. Right now it was Amber that mattered. Pressing his ear against the door, he heard the shower stop. Footsteps padded past the door.

oAmber!o He glanced cautiously over his shoulder in case the curler lady had heard him again and lowered his voice. oAmber, please! I just want to talk to you for a minute.o Silence. The footsteps ceased. He pictured her standing still in the hallway, listening, while he embarra.s.sed himself. Grayson knocked again.

oGive it up buddy,o said a male voice behind him. oShe doesnAEt want to talk to you.o Grayson turned, coming face to face with a man in sweat pants and a t-s.h.i.+rt who likely outweighed him by about a hundred pounds. Not the kind of guy you told to get lost and mind his own business.

oLook,o Grayson said as politely as he could. oItAEs an emergency, okay?o oSure, pal.o oAmber,o he hissed desperately into the door.

To his astonishment, it opened. At least as far as the chain barring it would allow it to open. Amber glowered up at him, looking none the less ferocious in her purple and black striped bathrobe and with a mult.i.tude of damp crimson curls framing her face. He imagined her that way on sleepy Sundays mornings after a night curled up before the fire in his house leisurely making love. Grayson promptly yanked his thoughts back to the present. If she only knew what heAEd been thinking ... But wasnAEt that what had started the whole mess? His failure to share his feelings for her.

oYou donAEt give up, do you,o she growled, yanking the robe tighter.

oI just want to talk to you for a moment,o he whispered, conscious of their audience. oI promise I wonAEt come further than your front hall.o oSo talk.o He glanced behind him. oCouldnAEt we talk about this inside?o oYouAEve got to be kidding.o oEverything okay, Amber?o called the guy from across the hall.

She looked crossly up at him through the crack in the door, then her gaze s.h.i.+fted to her neighbor. oYeah, Chris, everythingAEs okay. Nothing I canAEt handle.o AmberAEs neighbor gave him a long warning glare. oBetter behave yourself, buddy,o he said, then mercifully shut his door.

She was still staring up at him, gray eyes hard as stone.

oI came to apologize,o he said softly. oFor my clumsiness, and for RogerAEs interference.o oI certainly hope so.o She shut the door, and he could hear the chain sliding free. She opened the door wide enough for him to step through, then closed it behind him. oOkay, letAEs hear it.o Standing face to face with her in the intimacy of her apartment, the eloquent words heAEd planned to say to her escaped him once again. Grayson opened his mouth, no sound came out. He tried again.

oAmber, I know it sounds crazy, but Roger really was trying to help.o oStop making excuses for him.

oBelieve me, right now IAEd like to strangle him slowly. ItAEs hard to believe, but he had the best of intentions.o oI canAEt see how.o Grayson heaved a deep sigh. oHe thought I was messing things up between us by not telling you how I felt ... about you.o oAnd how do you feel?o oI donAEt know.o Truth helped the words flow smoothly. oIAEve never felt this way about anyone else before.o His confession caught her off guard. Her face softened a little, but her eyes still watched him warily. oYou still havenAEt told me what that means.o oIt means that when IAEm with you, I forget about everything else. It means I want to spend a lot more time with you.o He reached for her, setting his hands lightly on her shoulders. To his surprise, she didnAEt pull away. Beneath the thick material of her robe, her skin was warm from her shower. oIt means that even though weAEve only known each other for a short period of time, my life feels empty when youAEre not there,o he finished softly.

Gray eyes searched his face. He couldnAEt imagine a more thorough lie detector. oIsnAEt that kind of a change of heart, Counselor, considering you sued me to get that wonderful insightful help?o He winced at the sarcasm in her voice. oHow I wish I hadnAEt done that.o Her brows drew together, but mercifully she didnAEt pull away from him. oYou do?o Grayson nodded. oI wish IAEd laughed the whole thing off and asked you out instead.o oThat would have been a better end to the evening.o oPerhaps we could start over.o Hope lightened her expression. oPerhaps we could,o she said cautiously.

She was still in his arms, all warm and fuzzy in her robe, her hair smelling of coconut shampoo. He slid his hands over her shoulders and down her back, pulling her gently closer. Her hands slid over his upper arms, whether to pull him close or push him away he couldnAEt tell.

oHi, IAEm Grayson.o It sounded stupid to say it, but he wanted to make sure they got off on the right foot this time. oI like red wine, good food and playing squash. One day I hope to have enough money to buy a sailboat and enough free time to sail it.o He carefully left out any mention of his career, wanting her to know only him.

oSailing?o Tiny laugh lines bracketed the corners of her mouth. He hadnAEt noticed before. Likely because she spent most of her time scowling at him. oNow that I wouldnAEt have guessed. You just donAEt look like a sailor.o oI look devastating in a pair of Dockers.o Her rich laughter filled the hallway. oIs that so?o oCome on,o he said tightening his arms around her. oYour turn.o She stared at the ceiling, as if it had been a long time since sheAEd had to think about any of this. oHi, IAEm Amber,o she began slowly. oI like expensive champagne, the more expensive, the better, good company and good music. And some day, if I ever have the time or the money, IAEm going to learn to play piano.o oPiano....o oDonAEt you dare laugh at me, Counselor, or IAEll--o White fire burned in those gray eyes.

oIAEm not laughing,o Grayson said quickly. oItAEs romantic. IAEm ... charmed.o oCharmed,o she repeated with a soft snort that said she didnAEt believe him at all.

oReally. IAEd never have imagined, but now that you mention it, I can picture you sitting at a black baby grand, a candelabra and a gla.s.s of Dom Perignon within armAEs reach.o Her embarra.s.sment told him heAEd hit close to one of her fantasies. oAnd the more I think about it, you do have a musicianAEs pa.s.sion.o Watch out for the women with tempers, Roger was fond of saying. TheyAEre the most pa.s.sionate. Actually, Roger had phrased it more crudely, but Grayson didnAEt think it wise to share either version with her.

oWhat would you play?o he asked, eager to keep her within the circle of his arms, in this rare, reflective mood.

oOh, everything!o She was beautiful with her face aglow with enthusiasm. oCla.s.sical, rock--o Then as if sheAEd just revealed a terrible secret, she stepped back out of his arms. oThis is silly, weAEre standing in my front hall and IAEma.o She looked down at her robe and the bare legs beneath it in embarra.s.sment, oin my bathrobe.o Reluctantly, Grayson let her go. He couldnAEt allow her to get away from him now. oI donAEt think itAEs silly. IAEve been enjoying our conversation more than any IAEve had in a long time.o Again that suspicious, half-hopeful glance.

oYouAEre safe with me, Amber. No matter what youAEre wearing.o oSafe.o Sarcasm added an edge to her tone. oIs a woman ever safe with a man?o Amber folded her arms across her chest, defying him to argue with her. She was hurting, he realized suddenly. It wasnAEt just the clients or the time spent working with the dark side of love. Someone had hurt her deeply. The thought made him suddenly, irrationally angry. He wanted to track the guy down, settle it man to man. Exact revenge on AmberAEs behalf. That invisible lover stood between them now.

oWho was he?o Grayson asked softly.

oWhat?o oThe man who hurt you so badly, who was he?o oThere wasnAEt--o oYes, there was. I can tell.o oThere wasnAEt only one,o she snapped and walked away from him into her living room.

The inner sanctum wasnAEt anything like the offices of Fair Game, Grayson thought with a quick glance around. And yes, he had taken a drive over when he was sure she wouldnAEt be there, just before the building locked the doors for the night. No chrome, no leather, no gla.s.s adorned AmberAEs living room. A Victorian couch, buried under a mountain of cus.h.i.+ons, sat before an old-fas.h.i.+oned wood burning fireplace. Grayson wasnAEt sure heAEd like to live in an old building in which each tenant had their own fireplace, but by the scattering of ashes on the tile in front, he could tell Amber used it often. Dark wood end tables with claw feet held antique lamps decorated with embossed cherubs. The room revealed a private side to Amber he hadnAEt known existed. ItAEs not as if you looked, he imagined RogerAEs mocking voice. And right you are about that, Little Brother. This time.

She stood in profile, staring out the window into the darkness, biting her lower lip, as if to stop herself from saying more. A flurry of leaves blew past the window, caught by the light from the street. He walked towards her, placed his hand lightly on her back, just in case she decided to move away from him.

oTell me about them, Amber.o oStop cross-examining me!o she said, a plaintive plea as well as a command.

oIAEm not cross--o She escaped his hold. Grayson caught her again, turned her gently in his arms and looked down into her face. oI care about you, Amber. I care that youAEre hurting, I want to make it better.o oAnd instead youAEve made it worse.o He could hear the tears in her voice, and he knew sheAEd really hate him if he made her cry. oForgive me. IAEve really made a mess of this entire situation. IAEm--o He dropped his hands helplessly to his sides. oIAEm not very good at this.o oWhat? A successful guy like you?o oThey donAEt teach romance at law school.o oIt shows.o He winced at the knife in her words. oI tried to learn on my own, failed miserably and gave up. Roger,o he grimaced at the accidental mention of his brotherAEs name, osays I donAEt have the apt.i.tude.o oYouAEd probably do better if you kept your brother out of your affairs.o oI never invited Roger into my affairs. But weAEre twins. And there isnAEt the division between us that there is between other siblings. His intentions are good, really Amber. He thinks youAEre wonderful, and that IAEm a fool for not noticing.o oI agree with the fool part.o oIAEm trying to make up for it, retroactively.o His head dipped closer to hers, his lips stopping mere inches from hers. oLet me make it better, Amber, in my foolish, b.u.mbling way.o ****

And she did so want him to make it better. But dare she trust him? Eric, her father, the men who professed to love her, had something completely different from love in mind. What ulterior motives lay in GraysonAEs mind?

His fingers laced through her still damp curls. Those full sensuous lips drifted closer. Whatever his motives, she wanted him desperately, she realized. More than sheAEd wanted anything before.

oForgive me, Amber,o he whispered, his lips moving against hers like the brush of a feather. oFor the lawsuit....o Warm lips touched hers.

oFor my stupiditya.o Amber tipped her head back, catching his kiss with her own. Her hands flowed up over the roughness of his sweater, across his muscled shoulders and down his back, pulling him against her.

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