Michael Vey: Rise Of The Elgen Part 2

Michael Vey: Rise Of The Elgen -

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"What about his legs?" I asked.

"That's next. Lift 'em, Zeus."

Zeus lifted the man's legs as Jack wrapped the tape around them.

"Save some for his mouth," Taylor said.

"I have plenty for his mouth," Jack said. He wrapped the last of the tape around the man's head, covering his mouth and eyes.

"Don't cover his nose," Taylor said. "He'll suffocate."

"I wasn't going to," Jack said.

I looked at the man. "No way he's getting out of that."

"My brothers did that to me once," Taylor said.

"Did what?" I asked.

"Wrapped me up in duct tape like a mummy. I was only seven. When they were done they went out to play and forgot about me for like four hours. They only remembered me when my mom asked them at dinner if they knew where I was. She was furious when she found me. They got grounded for two weeks."

"I would have shocked them silly," Zeus said.

"I wish I had known how to reboot people back then," Taylor said. "I was just figuring things out."

"Michael!" Ian said. "Ostin's walking to his apartment."

"What a time to get brave," I said. "Taylor, can you stop him?"

"All the way across the street?"

"Just try," I said.

She closed her eyes.

"Nothing," Ian said.

"It's too far," Taylor said.

"You need to eat more bananas," Zeus said. "The pota.s.sium in them will strengthen your powers."

"Come on," I said. "We've got to stop him."

"What about the old man across the hall?" Taylor asked.

"We'll be long gone before he wakes up. Maybe he'll think he dreamed it."

We raced out of the building and across the street. When we entered my apartment building Ostin was still standing in front of his apartment door, getting up the nerve to walk inside. He slowly reached for the handle.


He turned and looked at me. "What?"

Taylor put her finger over her lips. "Shhh."

I motioned him over.

He looked at us quizzically, then walked toward us. "What?"

Taylor shushed him again. I pushed him into my apartment, and everyone else followed.

When we were inside, Ostin asked, "What are you doing?"

"We're saving you," Jack said.

"From my parents?"

"No," I said. "There are six guards in your apartment."

"With my parents?"

Ian shook his head. "They're not there. Not unless they're dressed like Elgen guards."

Ostin turned pale. "They took my mom and dad?"

"We don't know that," I said. "But we've got to get out of here before the guards find out we're here. Ian, what are they doing?"

"Four of them are watching television. One's in the bathroom. The other's reading."

"Is anyone near the front window?"

"The guy with the magazine is."

"Then we better go out the back."

"Wade and I will get the cars and drive them around back," Jack said. "C'mon, Wade." He opened the window and climbed out.

"We can't just leave my parents," Ostin said.

"Your parents aren't here," Ian said.

"Then we need to find out where they are!"

"How?" Zeus asked.

For the first time that I could remember, Ostin didn't have an answer. "Well, they'll know."

"The guards?" Taylor said. "Sure, let's go ask them. They'll be happy to tell us."

Ostin looked down.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "If the Elgen took them, we'll find them. But if we get caught . . ."

"I know," he said.

A moment later the cars arrived around back. Zeus and the four girls climbed out the window, followed by Ian and Ostin. After everyone was gone I looked around my apartment. In the excitement of our return I hadn't let the emotion of being back home sink in. Over the last few weeks I had honestly wondered if I'd ever see my home again. But now that I was back, it didn't feel like home. Not without my mom.

I picked up a framed photograph of the two of us from the hutch next to the kitchen counter-a picture of us on the Splash Mountain ride at Disneyland. We had gotten soaked, and my mother had bought me a new T-s.h.i.+rt to wear. I still had the s.h.i.+rt even though it didn't fit anymore. My mother had sacrificed a lot for us to go on that trip. It was less than a year after my father died, and I think she was trying to make me feel okay again. She was always worried about me. I had no doubt that even now she still was.

Would our lives ever be normal again-the way they were before I knew about Hatch and Glows and the Elgen? After what we'd been through it was hard to imagine sitting at the kitchen table while my mother made waffles and talked about normal things like school and movies: the things other people talked about.

Ostin interrupted my thoughts, leaning in through the window. "Michael. We have to go. Everyone's waiting."

"Sorry." I slid the photograph from the frame, folded it into my front pocket, then climbed out the window, pulling it shut behind me.

Ostin was still standing there. He looked scared.

"You okay?" I asked.

"They took my parents."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "If they did, we'll find them. I promise. Everything will be okay."

I didn't really know if what I'd said was true, but just saying the words helped me believe they might come true. We checked to make sure no one was watching, then ran to Jack's car.

"Any idea where to go?" I asked Jack as I slammed the car door.

"We can go to my place," he said.

Jack's house sounded as good a place to hide as any-especially since I couldn't think of anywhere else. "Great," I said. "Your place."

"Don't mind my old man," he said. "He drinks sometimes." He rolled down his car's window, then pounded on his door to get Wade's attention. "We're going to my house."

"Got it," Wade said.

Jack drove around to the front of the building, waited for a car to pa.s.s, then pulled out into the street with Wade following closely behind.

Jack lived on the other side of Meridian High School, about two miles from my apartment. The last time I'd been to his house was when I had gone to ask him for a ride to Pasadena. I wondered how many times since then he'd regretted saying yes.

As we pulled down the road to his house, Jack suddenly shouted, "No!"

It took me a moment to understand what was wrong. But when I saw it, my heart froze. Jack's house had burned to the ground.

Jack hit the gas and sped down the street, slamming on the brakes in front of what was left of the house. He pulled his parking brake and jumped out.

At first, none of us said anything. Then Taylor said softly, "Do you think it was an accident?"

I put a hand on my face to stop my jaw from ticking. "No."

"It's no accident," Zeus said. "The Elgen love fires. It hides their tracks."

I got out of the car and walked to Jack's side. His hands were balled up in fists and his face was tight and angry. All that was left of his house were the concrete sidewalk and foundation. Even the cars in the yard had been torched. The area was cordoned off with yellow caution tape.

"I'm sure your dad got out," I said.

Jack thrust his hands deep into his pockets. "Unless he was drunk. Like he usually is."

I didn't know what to say, so finally I just settled on "I'm so sorry." My words sounded ridiculously inadequate. "This is my fault."

"Did you set fire to my house?" Jack asked.

"No. I just never should have gotten you involved."

"I made my choices," Jack said. "I'll stand by them." He turned to me. "It's not your fault; it's Hatch's. And he's gonna pay."

We stood there for another minute or so without speaking, the only sound was the whisper of a late afternoon breeze. Then I turned and walked back to the car. As I climbed in I looked back at Taylor. She was clearly frightened.

"Is he okay?" she asked.

I shook my head.

Jack returned a few minutes later. After he'd shut the door Zeus said, "Sorry, man."

Jack just grunted.

Then Taylor said, "I need to go home."

I turned to her. "If they were watching my place, Ostin's, and Jack's, you can bet they're going to be watching yours, too."

"I don't care!" she said. "I need to see my house."

"Taylor, think about it. If they capture us, your parents won't have a chance. The best thing we can do for them is be careful."

She turned away from me angrily.

"I'm sorry," I said.

After a moment she replied, "I know."

Jack started the car. Then he said, "We can drive by and see if Taylor's house is okay. If everyone stays down, they probably won't know it's us."

Taylor thought about this, then said, "Okay."

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