One Night Stand Part 3

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"Of course, mother." I smiled at her and took a deep breath.

"I want you to meet our guest." She nodded towards the couch and that's when time stood still. It literally stood still, as I saw miracle tongue sitting on the couch with my dad, a cup of tea in his hand.

"h.e.l.lo." He stood up and smiled at me, as if he hadn't just had a one night stand with me the weekend before.

"h.e.l.lo." I said softly, my face red. Oh my G.o.d, why was here? Had he told my parents? Oh G.o.d, why me?

"h.e.l.lo, nice to meet you. My name is Xander." He walked over and shook my hand.

"I'm Liv." I shook his hand as if I didn't know him, but I knew he had to have felt the jolt of electricity that had pa.s.sed through us as we touched.

"Nice to meet you Liv." His eyes teased me. I wanted to ask him why he was here, but my parents were there, watching us. I didn't think they'd appreciate me asking him if he was some sort of stalker.

"You too." I squeaked out.

"You have something on your ear." He leaned forward and I felt his fingers brus.h.i.+ng the top of my ear. Then I felt his breath in my ear drum. "Now I have a name to put to the face when I think of our night together." He said huskily and I felt the tip of his tongue on my earlobe.

"What are you doing here?" I said softly, a smile plastered on my face for my parents benefit. Had he tracked me down because he wanted this to be more than one night? My heart thudded as I wondered about his appearance. Had I made that big of an impression on him?

"What would you like me to be doing here?" He asked softly, his eyes not leaving mine as he studied my face.

"I..." I stumbled as I stared at him, all of a sudden feeling faint and excited at the same time.

"Liv, I see you've met Xander." My sister Gabby ran into the room, a huge smile on her face and her blonde hair bobbing around her shoulders. Of course she looked as perfect as she always looked, not a hair out of place.

"Yes." I nodded. "I've met him." I smiled awkwardly and looked to the door and watched as another man walked into the room.

"This is Xander's brother, Henry." Gabby nodded towards the other guy, who looked like a more handsome and sweeter version of Xander.

"Hi." I smiled at him warmly. "It's nice to meet you Henry." Then I looked back at Gabby, confusion setting in. "Not to sound rude, but why are they both here?"

"Mom and dad didn't tell you?" Gabby looked excited as she grinned at me and then at our proud parents.

"No, that's why I'm asking." I was impatient in my confusion.

"I'm engaged." She squealed and showed me her engagement finger. A huge diamond sparkled on her finger and I stared at it feeling very impressed, if not slightly jealous.

"Congratulations." I gave her a quick hug and turned to Henry. "And to you too. I'm happy to welcome you to the family." I grinned as I gave him a hug as well. I could feel Xanders' eyes on me and my stomach flipped. Oh my, had I just slept with my sister's fiance's brother? Oops. I flushed as I stepped back from Henry.

"Oh no, the congratulations aren't to me." Henry laughed. "I'm not the one that's engaged."

"What?" My face turned white as I turned to look at Xander. Oh my G.o.d, no!

"Henry's not my fiance silly." Gabby laughed and I watched as she put her arm through Xander's and grinned at me. "Xander's my future husband to be."

"Oh." My eyes widened and I took a step back as I felt the world spinning around me. Oh my G.o.d, it was worse than I'd thought.

"Yes." Xander's eyes searched mine. "It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Aren't you happy for me, Liv?" Gabby bounced up and down and I felt sick to my stomach. "We're all going to be one happy family."

"Uh yeah." I nodded demurely. Should I tell her? My brain was screaming at me. What could I say? I had s.e.x with your fiance last week. "Congrats. That's amazing news." I looked back at Xander and his eyes were still on mine.

"You were right." He said softly as he walked over to me and I glared at him.

"About?" I said softly as Gabby walked over to talk to Henry with my parents.

"You are trouble with a capital T." He winked at me as his hand ran down my back and over my a.s.s gently. "A big capital T."

"Don't touch me." I hissed and stepped back. "You're engaged to my sister."

"It's not what you think." He said slowly, his eyes piercing into mine.

"I think you're engaged to my sister, what part of that do I have incorrect?"

"Come to my room tonight and I'll tell you." He smiled a confident smile and took a step back. "I'll tell you all the things you want to know." My breath caught as he brushed my hair back and leaned forward. "And I'll show you all the things you've been missing since last week as well."

"How dare you?" I gasped.

"I dare many things Liv Taylor." The smile was gone from his face as he stared at me. "You'll see that this is just the beginning of the many things I dare to do."

One Night Stand

Chapter One.

I'm a loser. No, really I am. And it's not just because I slept with my sister's fiance. I mean that wasn't my fault. I didn't even know that she was dating anyone. It's not my fault that my Mr. Miracle Tongue is going to be her husband. Oh my G.o.d, it will never feel right saying that. Saying the words my 'sister's husband' knowing that he's my one night stand, is awful. Slightly t.i.tillating, but still awful. I know, I know, I'm awful. How can I think that's even vaguely exciting? How can a part of me still feel so alive knowing that the man in the living room was my lover; albeit for one night, but still we had s.e.x a lot in that night. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. Though, I suppose it's not a good idea for me to brag about that right now. Or the fact that when I rode him like a Texan Cowgirl, he held my hips and told me to "ride this cowboy all night".

That's not even the worst part. When I got to my bedroom after hurrying out of the living room, I ran to the mirror to check my makeup. Yes, I wanted to make sure that I'd looked good when I'd seen Xander again. And oh my G.o.d, what sort of name is Xander? Is he a Greek G.o.d wanna-be? Or maybe a Roman G.o.d wanna-be? Or maybe he thinks he's a super hero. Or his parents thought he was going to be a super hero. I mean, who calls their kid Xander? I mean, I wouldn't mind playing superheroes with him. I'd quite like to see him in a mask and cape, like some s.e.xy Batman.

But yeah that's an inappropriate thought as well. Nearly as inappropriate as the way I'd checked my makeup and then checked my overnight bag to see if I'd brought anything even remotely s.e.xy to wear. And when I say s.e.xy, I mean subtly s.e.xy. Not obvious. Just like a quick peek-a boo sort of thing. I told you I'm a loser. Instead of praying for some sort of redemption for hooking up with my sister's fiance (I can barely even say the word without throwing up), I was looking to see if I had any cute clothes. What's worse is that I felt disappointed when I realized I didn't have anything remotely cute or s.e.xy. All I had was some jeans, not skinny either, and some baggy, loose fitting tops. Nothing that was going to wow anyone. Which should have been good right? I mean, what sort of self-respecting woman wants to impress her sisters fiance with a tight top exposing her ample cleavage? None I tell you. No good sister would be hoping to look hot in front of her sister's man.

I can barely believe it by the way. How is Mr. Miracle Tongue engaged to my sister? How do they even know each other? And what sort of cheating dog was he if he'd cheated on her with me? This was such a mess. How was I going to go to their wedding, knowing that I'd had s.e.x with the groom at the last wedding we'd both attended? And would he be expecting a repeat, like some sort of sick reunion s.e.x. Was wedding s.e.x going to be our thing? I groaned at the stupidity of my thoughts. We had no 'thing'. We had a one-night stand that was now made more complicated by the fact that he was a dirty scoundrel.

I needed to speak to Xander and Gabby separately so that I could find out exactly what their story was. Maybe everything wasn't as bad as it seemed. Maybe they weren't really engaged. Maybe Gabby had hired him as an April Fools joke. Yeah, it wasn't April, but Gabby was kooky about jokes. She was always pulling bad practical jokes and her timing was atrocious. This had to be a joke. A really, really bad joke. I would tell her off for it, but then it would all be okay. We'd all be able to laugh about it. And she wouldn't be upset to know that I'd spent the last weekend in a hotel room with Xander. I tried to ignore the fact that it was a pretty impossible joke for her to pull, seeing as she didn't know I'd slept with Xander. I rubbed my forehead and fell down to my bed. I was pretty confident this wasn't a joke. I was pretty confident that I was in the middle of a really bad situation and I had no idea how to get out of it. I didn't know what to tell Gabby or if I should even tell her anything. I mean what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her, right?

She didn't have to know that I'd ridden Xander like I was galloping on a stallion across a field at sunset. She didn't have to know that I'd slapped his a.s.s over and over again, until you could see red handprints imprinted on his flesh. She didn't have to know that he'd called me his s.e.xy cowgirl and that I'd spoken in a Southern accent while telling him to f.u.c.k me harder. My face was going red just thinking about that night. I walked to the bathroom quickly so I could wash my face with cold water. I didn't want to think about the things he'd done to me. Or what I'd done to him with the ice cubes that had been delivered to the room with the bottles of water we'd ordered at 3am. I stared in the mirror at my reflection and I could see the embarra.s.sment in my eyes as I thought about the fact that I had sucked on my sister's fiances b.a.l.l.s and liked it. There was no way I was going to tell her about that.

I wasn't surprised to hear the knocking on my door. There could be any number of people on the other side and I didn't want to talk to any of them. I just wanted to call Alice and tell her what had happened. She'd know what I should do. She'd be able to give me advice and tell me everything was going to be okay. Though, I knew everything wasn't going to be okay and I knew what I had to do. There was really only one solution. And that was to do nothing. I should pretend that I'd never met him. That was what I should do.

Bang Bang.

The person banged on the door louder this time and my stomach curdled in fear and anxiety. You sucked on his b.a.l.l.s, Liv. How are you going to tell Gabby that?

"Who is it?" My stomach rumbled as I waited for an answer.

"Mr. Tongue." He said lightly and deliciously. I could picture the look of amus.e.m.e.nt in his green eyes, even though I couldn't see them. "Can I come in?" He said, this time speaking slightly louder.

s.h.i.+t! I groaned inwardly, though I have to admit a thrill of excitement curled my toes up. It was him on the other side of the door wanting to come in. And he was Xander. s.h.i.+t, Mr. Tongue had a name. A s.e.xy, delicious sounding name and I was drowning in fear and antic.i.p.ation of speaking to him again.

"Liv?" He said and knocked again.

"Yes?" I squeaked out, not moving, my hands pressed against the door.

"Can I come in?"

"Why?" I swallowed hard. I wasn't sure I trusted either of us in my bedroom alone. Not after our last time in a private room. s.h.i.+t, we didn't even need a private room to get down and dirty. I was willing to be his s.e.xy cowgirl anywhere.

"Can we have this conversation in your room and not through the door?" He laughed. "Unless you'd prefer me to say what I have to say about what happened at the wedding through the -"

"Come in." I hurried to open the door and pulled his arm into the room. "What do you think you're doing?" I glared at him.

"Getting you to open the door to your room." He grinned at me, his eyes looking as merry as I'd imagined them to be.

"Why would you want to come into my room?" I glared at him again as I closed the door behind him quickly. "This is very inappropriate." My face was bright red as I stared at him with my hands on my hips. Why did he have to be so handsome? Why did he make b.u.t.terflies flutter in my stomach? His green eyes were dark and vivid and reminded me of a forest at twilight, full of secrets and scary delights. I knew I shouldn't venture in to explore the hidden depths beckoning to me, but I just couldn't stop myself from continuing to explore.

"I thought we should talk." He ran his hands through his perfectly silky hair and my eyes followed his fingertips as they glided back and forth. The movement reminded me of other places they had rubbed gently and a tantalizing heat spread through my stomach and downwards.

"You think?" I stared at him with wide angry eyes. I wanted to let him see that I was not okay with what he'd done.

"I know this is somewhat awkward." He smiled. Obnoxious jerk! How could he be smiling right now?

"You think?" I said again.

"But I think we can work through this."

"You think?" I said sarcastically and I watched as a huge smile spread across his face, making him even more handsome than before.

"Yes, I do think." He said and then paused. "Do you know any other phrases, Liv?"

"Like what?" I said sarcastically. "I know another phrase. One you might not want to hear. One that goes a bit like I slept with my sister's dirty dog fiance and I don't know what he's doing in my room?"

"I know that you most probably have questions."

"Yeah, just a few." My voice rose and I shook my head at him as I poked him in the chest. Wrong move! Why did I touch him? My finger tingled from the connection with his taut muscle. "The first question being, how could you sleep with me when you're engaged?" My voice was accusing as I glared at his s.e.xy face.

"It's not exactly what you think."


"We only got engaged this week."

"This week?" I frowned. "What?"

"Last weekend I did something I regret." His eyes bore into mine. "And something happened that made me realize that it was time for me to grow up."

"Last weekend you did something you regret?" I repeated, my face flus.h.i.+ng. "Do you mean me?" I glared at him, as my stomach sunk. He regretted sleeping with me? I felt gutted at his words.

"I did do you last weekend, yes." He grinned. "But that's not what I'm talking about." He leaned forward and licked his lips. "That day is nothing I will ever regret."

"You're a pig." I shook my head, mesmerized by the movement of his tongue, so pink and pointy. I s.h.i.+vered just remembering it between my legs. I groaned inwardly as I recalled the feeling of it slipping inside of me. I know, I'm horrible. I should have been shouting at him or slapping him, but instead I was remembering every vivid detail of how rough and gentle his tongue had been. I was growing wet just remembering how much pleasure his seemingly innocent tongue had given me. I hoped that the moisture would cool me down in h.e.l.l, because those fiery flames were exactly where I was headed.

"I don't oink." He teased me and for a second I thought he was about to kiss me.

"You sure about that?" I licked my dry lips and took a step back.

"Nervous Liv?" He raised an eyebrow at me and took another step towards me.

"Stop saying my name like that."

"Like what, Liv?"

"Like you're some sort of Spanish conquistador and I'm the conquest you're after."

"But I've already had you." He grinned. "The conquest is over. Done. Complete." He stepped back and looked around the room. "Nice." He nodded to the poster of the Backstreet Boys above my bed.

"Everyone I know has a poster of the Backstreet Boys." I muttered.

"Really?" He looked at me in surprise. "Everyone you know still has a poster of boy bands on their wall?" He wiggled his eyebrow and I made a face at him.

"Of course not now. This is my childhood room. This is where I slept as a teenager. I don't live here anymore. I have my own apartment and I don't have posters of the Backstreet boys up there." I said defensively.

"I think you're protesting a bit too much." He laughed. "Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I'm sure about that. I'm very sure I know what's hanging in my bedroom." I turned away from him, hoping he couldn't see the red in my face. I did have some photos of Matthew McConaughey in a sc.r.a.pbook in my bedroom that I'd cut out from celebrity magazines. And those weren't from my teenage years. They were from the future husband sc.r.a.pbooks Alice and I had made in college. Matthew McConaughey was my dream man. He was perfect: rough, handsome, had a s.e.xy country drawl and he loved his mama. If he weren't married, I'd be on a plane to Texas or California doing whatever I could to meet him.

"Liv?" Xander's voice was hesitant. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, why?" I turned to look at him and his eyes were curious as he stared at me.

"You seemed to drift away just now and I was wondering what had occupied your thoughts so deeply? Surely not having day dreams about Justin Timberlake?"

"Justin Timberlake was in N'Sync, not the Backstreet Boys." I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

"Ask me if I care."

"I didn't say you cared. I was just correcting you because what you said was wrong. Ugh." I shook my head in frustration. "What do you want, Xander? You're annoying me."

"You. Again. In your bed. Under your Backstreet Boys poster crying out my name and singing 'Quit Playing Games with My Heart'."

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