A Study of Fairy Tales Part 39

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(1) Delicacy demands that words have the power of adaptation 58

(2) Delicacy demands that form appeal to the aesthetic sense 58

(3) Delicacy is secured by selection and arrangement of words according to emotional a.s.sociations 58

d) Personality 58

(1) Personality gives the charm of individuality 58

(2) Personality suggests the character of the writer 58

3) Principles controlling the elements of form, principles of composition 58

a) The principle of sincerity 58

(1) Sincerity demands a just expression 58

b) The principle of unity 59

(1) Unity demands a central idea 59

(2) Unity demands completeness 59

(3) Unity demands no irrelevant material 59

(4) Unity demands method, sequence and climax 59

c) The principle of ma.s.s 59

(1) Ma.s.s demands that the chief parts readily catch the eye 59

(2) Ma.s.s demands harmonious proportion of parts 59

d) The principle of coherence 59

(1) Coherence demands unmistakable relation of parts 59

(2) Coherence demands this unmistakable relation be preserved by the order, forms and connections 59

4) Form characterized by perfect adaptation of words to thought and feeling is called style 59

a) Style demands that form possess the four general qualities of form in perfection: precision, energy, delicacy, and personality 59

b) Style demands that form have its elements controlled by the four general principles: sincerity, unity, ma.s.s, and coherence 59

c) _Oeyvind and Marit_, a modern tale ill.u.s.trating style 60

d) _Three Billy-Goats Gruff_, a folk-tale ill.u.s.trating style 64

e) The folk-tale generally considered as to literary form 65

f) The tale by Grimm, Perrault, Dasent, Harris, Jacobs, Lang, and Andersen considered as to literary form 67

g) The tale of to-day considered as to literary form 69

III. The fairy tale as a short-story 70

1. Characters 71

a. Characters must be unique, original, and striking 72

b. Characters of the fairy tales 72

2. Plot 73

a. Plot must be entertaining, comical, novel, or thrilling 73

b. Plot must show a beginning, a middle, and an end 73

c. Plot must have a distinct climax 74

d. Introduction must be simple 74

e. Conclusion must show poetic justice 74

f. Plot must be good narration and description 74

1) Narration must have truth, interest, and consistency 74

2) Description must have aptness and concreteness 75

g. Structure ill.u.s.trated by _Three Pigs_ and _Briar Rose_ 76

3. Setting 77

a. Setting must give the time and place, the background of the tale 77

b. Setting must arouse sensation and feeling 77

c. Effect of transformation of setting 77

1) Story sequence preserved by setting ill.u.s.trated by _Robin's Christmas Song_ 78

d. Setting and phonics, ill.u.s.trated. _The Spider and the Flea_ 79

e. Setting ill.u.s.trated. _Chanticleer and Partlet_ 81

4. A blending of characters, plot, and setting ill.u.s.trated by _The Elves and the Shoemaker_ 82

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