A Study of Fairy Tales Part 30

A Study of Fairy Tales -

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Cossack. Bain. 1899. Burt.

Danish. Bay. 1899. Harper.

Donegal. McMa.n.u.s. 1900. Doubleday.

English. Jacobs. 1904. Putnam.

_Ibid_.: Folk and Fairy Stories. Hartland, born 1848. Camelot series.

French. DeSegur. 1799-1874. Winston.

German. Grimm. 1812, 1822. Bonn's Libraries.

Hungarian. Pogany. 1914. Stokes.

Indian. _Old Deccan Days_. Frere. 1868. McDonough.

_Ibid.: Tales of the Sun_. Mrs. Kingscote. 1890. W.H. Allen.

_Ibid.: Buddhist Birth Stories_. Rhys Davids. 1880. Trubner.

_Ibid.: Fairy Tales_. Stokes. 1880. Ellis & White.

_Ibid.: Folk Tales of Bengal_. Day. 1883. Macmillan.

_Ibid.: Wide Awake Stories_. Steel and Temple. 1884. Trubner.

_Ibid.: Folk-Tales of Kashmir_. Knowles. 1887. Trubner.

_Ibid.: Tales of the Punjab_. Steel. 1894. Macmillan.

Irish. Yeats. 1902. Burt.

Italian. Macdonell. 1911. Stokes.

_Ibid_.: Crane. 1885. Macmillan.

j.a.panese. Ozaki. 1909. Dutton.

Manx. Morrison. 1899. Nutt.

New World. Kennedy. 1904. Dutton.

Norse. Dasent. 1820-1896. Lippincott.

_Ibid_.: Mabie. 1846-. Dodd.

Papuan. Kerr. 1910. Macmillan.

Persian. Stephen. 1892. Dutton.

_Ibid_.: Clouston. 1907. Stokes.

Russian. Dole. 1907. Crowell.

_Ibid_.: Bain. Bilibin. 1914. Century.

Scottish. Grierson. 1910. Stokes.

South African. Honey. 1910. Baker & Taylor.

Welsh. Thomas. 1908. Stokes.


D'Aulnoy, Madame: _Fairy Tales_. Trans, by Planche. Gordon Browne. McKay.

_Ibid.: Fairy Tales_. Introd. by Anne T. Ritchie. Scribners.

Austin, M.H.: _Basket Woman_. Houghton.

Babbit, Ellen: _Jataka Tales Retold_. Century.

Bailey, Carolyn: _Firelight Stories_. Bradley.

Bailey and Lewis: _For the Children's Hour_. Bradley.

Baldwin, James: _Fairy Stories and Fables_. Amer. Book Co.

Barrie, J.M.: _Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens_. Rackham.


Baumbach, Rudolf: _Tales from Wonderland_. Simmons.

Bertelli, Luigi: _The Prince and His Ants_. Holt.

Bryant, Sara C.: _Best Stories to Tell to Children_. Houghton.

Burgess, Thornton: _Old Mother West Wind_. Little.

_Ibid.: The Adventures of Reddy Fox_. Little.

_Ibid.: The Adventures of Johnny Chuck_. Little.

_Ibid.: Tommy and the Wis.h.i.+ng-stone_. Animal Tales. _St.

Nicholas_, 1915.

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