A Study of Fairy Tales Part 27

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* THE FOOLISH TIMID RABBIT, _Jataka Tales Retold_, Babbit.

THE GOLDEN c.o.c.k, _That's Why Stories_, Bryce.

1 GOLDEN ROD AND ASTER, _Nature Myths_, Cooke.

THE GRAIN OF CORN _(Old Woman and Her Pig), Tales of the Punjab_, Steel.

1 GREENCAP, Ruth Hays, in _St. Nicholas_, June, 1915.

1 HANS AND THE FOUR BIG GIANTS, Miss Harrison, _In Storyland_.

1 THE HEN THAT HATCHED DUCKS, Harriet Beecher Stowe, in _Child Life in Prose_, Whittier.

* THE HOP-ABOUT-MAN, Agnes Herbertson, in _The Story-Teller's Book_, O'Grady and Throop; in _Little Folks' Magazine_.

* THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT, _Six Nursery Cla.s.sics_, D.C.



* HOW THE CAMEL GOT HIS HUMP, _Just-So Stories_, Kipling.


* HOW DOUBLE DARLING'S OLD SHOES BECAME LADY SLIPPERS, Candace Wheeler, in _St. Nicholas_, March, 1887; vol. 14, pp.


* HOW FIRE WAS BROUGHT TO THE INDIANS, _The Book of Nature Myths_, Holbrook.


1 THE JACKAL AND THE ALLIGATOR, _Stories to Tell_, Bryant.

1 THE JACKALS AND THE LION, _Stories to Tell_, Bryant.

1 KING SOLOMON AND THE ANTS, _Nature Myths_, Cooke.

* THE LAMBIKIN, _Tales of the Punjab_, Steel; _Indian Tales_, Jacobs.

* LITTLE JACK ROLLAROUND, _Stories to Tell_, Bryant.

* THE LITTLE RABBIT WHO WANTED RED WINGS, _For the Story-Teller_, Bailey.

* THE LITTLE RED HEN, _Stories to Tell_, Bryant.

* THE LITTLE RED HIN (Irish dialect verse), _Stories to Tell_, Bryant.

* THE LITTLE ROOSTER, Robert Southey, in _Boston Collection of Kindergarten Stories_, Hammett & Co.

* LITTLE SPIDER'S FIRST WEB, _Primer_, Free and Treadwell.

* LITTLE TOP-KNOT (Swedish), _First Reader_, Free and Treadwell.

* LITTLE TUPPEN, _Fairy Stories and Fables_, Baldwin; _Primer_, Free and Treadwell.

* LUDWIG AND MARLEEN, Jane Hoxie, in _Kindergarten Review_, vol. xi, no. 5.

* MEDIO POLLITO, THE LITTLE HALF-CHICK (Spanish), _The Green Fairy Book_, Lang.

* MEZUMI, THE BEAUTIFUL, OR THE RAT PRINCESS (j.a.panese), _Birch-Tree Fairy Book_, Johnson; _Tales of Laughter_, Wiggin and Smith.

1 M ELEPHANT AND M FROG, _Firelight Stories_, Bailey.

1 THE MOON'S SILVER CLOAK, _Cla.s.sics in Dramatic Form_, Stevenson, vol. i.

1 THE MOUSE AND THE SAUSAGE, _Stories and Story-Telling_, Angela Keyes.

* OEYVIND AND MARIT, from _The Happy Boy_, Bjornstjerne Bjornson, in _The Story-Teller's Book_, O'Grady and Throop; in _Child-Life in Prose_, Whittier.

* PETER RABBIT, _Peter Rabbit_, Beatrix Potter.

1 THE PIGS AND THE GIANT, Pyle, in _Child-Lore Dramatic Reader_, Scribners.

* THE QUICK-RUNNING SQUASH, _Short Stories for Short People_, Aspinwall.

1 THE RED-HEADED WOODp.e.c.k.e.r, _Nature Myths_, Cooke.

* THE RICH GOOSE, Leora Robinson, in _The Outlook_.

* THE ROBIN'S CHRISTMAS SONG, _Birch-Tree Fairy Book_, Johnson.

* (WEE) ROBIN'S YULE SONG. _Tales of Laughter_, Wiggin and Smith.

* THE SHEEP AND THE PIG (Scandinavian), _For the Children's Hour_, Bailey.

* THE SPARROW AND THE CROW, _Tales of the Punjab_, Steel; _Birch-Tree Fairy Book_, Johnson.

* THE STRAW OX, _Cossack Fairy Tales_, Bain.

* STORY OF THE MORNING-GLORY SEED, M. Eytinge, _Boston Kindergarten Stories_.

1 THE TALE OF A BLACK CAT, _Oak-Tree Fairy Book_, Johnson.

1 TOMMY AND THE WIs.h.i.+NG-STONE, a series, by T. Burgess, in _St.

Nicholas_, 1915.

1 TRAVELS OF A FOX, _Oak-Tree Fairy Book_, Johnson.

1 THE TURTLE WHO COULDN'T STOP TALKING, _Jataka Tales Retold_, Babbit.

* THE UNHAPPY PINE TREE, _Cla.s.sic Stories_, McMurry.

1 What Bunch And Joker Saw In The Moon, _Wide Awake Chatterbox_, about 1887.

1 The White Cat, _Fairy Tales_, D'Aulnoy; _Fairy Tales_, Vol.

II, Lansing.

* Why The Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves, _The Book Of Nature Myths_, Holbrook.

* Why The Juniper Has Berries, _The Book Of Nature Myths_, Holbrook.

* Why The Morning Glory Climbs, _How to Tell Stories_, Bryant.

1 The Wish Bird, _Cla.s.sics In Dramatic Form_, Vol. II, Stevenson.

II. Bibliography Of Fairy Tales

Baker, Franklin T.: _Bibliography Of Children's Reading_.

Introduction and lists. Teachers College, Columbia University.

Baker Taylor Company, The: _Graded Guide to Supplementary Reading_. 1914.

Boston Public Library: _Finding List of Fairy Tales_.

Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh. _List of Folk Tales_. Bulletin, Dec, 1913, Vol. 18, No. 10.

_Ibid_.: _Ill.u.s.trated Editions of Children's Books_. 1915.

Harron, Julia; Bacon, Corinne; and Dana, John: _American Library Economy_. Newark Free Library, Newark, New Jersey.

Haight, Rachel Webb: "Fairy Tales." _Bulletin of Bibliography_, 1912. Boston Book Co.

Hewins, Caroline: _A.L.A. List. Books for Boys and Girls_. Third Edition, 1913. A.L.A. Pub. Board, Chicago.

Kready, Laura F.: "Picture-Books For Little Children."

_Kindergarten Review_, Sept., 1914.

Moulton, Alice O'Grady, and Literature Com. of I.K.U.: "Humorous Stories for Children." _Kindergarten Review_, Dec, 1914.

Salisbury, G.E., and Beckwith, M.E.: _Index to Short Stories_.

St. Louis Public Library. _Lists of Stories and Programs for Story Hours_. Give best versions.

Widdemer, Margaret: "A Bibliography of Books and Articles Relating to Children's Reading. Part I, Children's Reading in general. Part II, History of Children's Literature, etc. Part III, Guidance of Children's Reading." _Bulletin of Bibliography_, July, 1911, Oct., 1911, and Jan., 1912. Boston Book Co.

III. A List of Picture-Books[13]

Beskow, Elsa: _Hanschen im Blaubeerenwald_. Stuttgart.

Brooke, Leslie: _The Golden Goose Book_. F. Warne.

_Ibid._: The _House in the Wood_. F. Warne.

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