Pratt's Practical Pointers on the Care of Livestock and Poultry Part 8

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~Foot and Mouth Disease~

_Symptoms._--Sore feet and blisters form in and about the mouth and on udder. Animal s.h.i.+vers, has fever, becomes lame and teeth become loose.

It is very contagious.

_Treatment._--Separate all sick animals and wash mouths with one part Pratts Disinfectant to 100 parts water, or one-half teaspoonful of tincture of aloes and myrrh. Stand animals in a trough containing one part Pratts Dip and Disinfectant to 20 parts water. Repeat in five days.

Disinfect all stables, litter, etc. Give daily Pratts Cow Remedy with the regular feed. Use Pratts Bag Ointment on teats and udder. When recovered, sponge all over with one part Pratts Dip and Disinfectant to 20 parts water.

~Foot Rot~

_Treatment._--Clean stalls and disinfect with one part Pratts Dip and Disinfectant to 100 parts water. Pare away all ragged portions of the foot and keep animal on clean floor until cured. Make a poultice of one part Disinfectant to five parts water and stir in a little flour to the proper const.i.tuency and apply to the foot.


Lousy stock cannot grow fat for the nourishment given is absorbed by the lice.

_Treatment._--Clean stable thoroughly and spray Pratts Dip and Disinfectant everywhere. Sprinkle a small quant.i.ty on an old blanket and tie it around the animal for two or three hours. Spray the legs and such places the blanket does not cover. Repeat if necessary.

If Pratts Powdered Lice Killer is used, dust the animals thoroughly with the powder, rubbing the hair the wrong way, then rub it thoroughly into the skin.

~Lump Jaw~

_Cause._--A vegetable parasite. It is contagious.

_Treatment._--Remove the tumor by surgical means or paint daily with tincture of iodine. Give daily two drams of iodide of potash. Give nouris.h.i.+ng feed with Pratts Cow Remedy daily. Disinfect stable with Pratts Dip and Disinfectant.

~Milk--b.l.o.o.d.y or Stringy~

_Cause._--By rupture of minute vessels in the udder due to injury, irritation or inflammation and derangement of the system.

_East Point, Ga.

Please send me a box of Pratts Cow Remedy and some Pratts Bag Ointment. I sure do need it. I found no other that will do the work. It brings in calves easy.


_Treatment._--Change the food and pasture. Give large doses of Pratts Cow Remedy at first, and gradually reduce to regular quant.i.ty. Give good nutritious feed with bran mashes and clean fresh, water. Rub udder twice daily with Pratts Bag Ointment. Four drams of hyposulphite of soda in feed twice a day has produced good results.

~Milk--Blue and Watery~

_Treatment._--Keep stable perfectly clean, disinfect thoroughly with Pratts Disinfectant and treat same as for b.l.o.o.d.y milk. Sometimes blue milk is the sign of tuberculosis. If so, have the cow killed and burned or buried deep.

~Milk Fever~

_Symptoms._--There is a feverish condition and inflammation of the brain; a complete stoppage of milk, weakness in hind quarters, animal staggers and when down is unable to rise, throws head to one side and goes into a state of stupor.

_Cause._--By trouble peculiar to calving or running into rich pasture during hot weather; by lack of exercise and from costiveness. Usually attacks fat cows.

_Treatment._--(From Circular 45, Bureau of Animal Industry, U.S.

Department of Agriculture.) "Of all known methods of treating milk fever, the injection of sterile atmospheric air into the udder is by far the most simple and practicable as well as the most efficacious and harmless one at our disposal." Pratts Milk Fever Outfit for air treatment should always be kept on hand. The price is $3. This treatment has cured 97 per cent. of cases treated.

_Prevention._--Feed pregnant cows with nutritious and laxative feed, give plenty of water and Pratts Cow Remedy daily. Keep stable clean, well ventilated and disinfected with Pratts Dip and Disinfectant.

~Milk--To Increase the Flow of~

_Treatment._--To increase flow of milk give Pratts Cow Remedy daily with a good nutritious ration and plenty of water. These supply just what a cow needs to make her food appetizing, to regulate the blood, bowels and digestive organs, to turn all the nutriment of the feed given into flesh and milk without waste. Pratts Cow Remedy has been used for over 40 years by successful and conservative feeders, and wherever used, according to directions, has produced wonderful results.

~Ophthalmia--Sore Eyes~

_Treatment._--Separate affected animals at once and put them in clean, well ventilated but dark stalls as this is contagious. Disinfect entire place with one part Pratts Dip and Disinfectant to 75 parts of water.

Give physic of a pound and a half of Epsom salts, dissolve in a pint of warm water, to which add two ounces of powdered ginger. Give sloppy feed with one dram of powdered nitrate of pota.s.sia added and Pratts Cow Remedy daily.

Fasten a cloth over the eyes and keep it wet with a lotion of chloride of zinc, one dram; carbolic acid, two drams; water, one gallon. Apply to the cheek below each eye, to the s.p.a.ce of about two inches, a small portion composed of Spanish fly, 2 drams; lard, two tablespoonfuls.

Apply in the morning and wash off with soap suds and a sponge, six hours later. Apply lard. Keep separated from herd for a month after recovery.


_Symptoms._--Hot, painful swellings at the joints, stiffness in walking and difficulty in rising.

_Cause._--By exposure, badly ventilated and wet stables, damp, marshy pasture and impure food.

_Treatment._--Bathe joints with Pratts Liniment. Give a physic of a pound of Epsom salts in warm water. Give two drams of salicylate of soda every three hours for two days. Keep animal warm and dry. Give nutritious feed of a laxative nature with Pratts Cow Remedy daily.

~Sore Throat~

_Symptoms._--Difficulty in swallowing, pain and difficult breathing.

_Treatment._--Place in dry, clean, well ventilated stable. Use nose bag.

Rub throat with Pratts Liniment. Give physic of one pound of Epsom salts in warm water. Give one-half ounce of tincture of belladonna every six hours. Syringe throat three times a day with an ounce of following solution: one and one-half drams nitrate of silver and one pint of distilled water.


Use Pratts Liniment, nothing better.

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