English Book-Illustration of To-day Part 28

English Book-Illustration of To-day -

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_Fairy Tales Far and Near._ 8. (Ca.s.sell, 1895.) 28 ill.u.s.t.

(7 f. p.)

_The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan._ James Morier.

8. (Macmillan, 1895.) 40 ill.u.s.t. (25 f. p.)

_The Silver Fairy Book._ Sarah Bernhardt, etc. 8. (Hutchinson, 1895.) 84 ill.u.s.t. (7 f. p.)

_The Phantom s.h.i.+p._ Captain Marryat. 8. (Macmillan, 1896.

Ill.u.s.trated Standard Novels.) 40 f. p.

_Headlong Hall, and Nightmare Abbey._ T. Love Peac.o.c.k. With introduction by George Saintsbury. 8. (Macmillan, 1896.) 40 f. p.

_Frank Mildmay._ Captain Marryat. Introduction by David Hannay. 8. (Macmillan, 1897. Ill.u.s.trated Standard Novels.) 40 ill.u.s.t. (27 f. p.)

_Snarleyyow._ Captain Marryat. Introduction by David Hannay.

8. (Macmillan, 1897. Ill.u.s.trated Standard Novels.) 40 ill.u.s.t. (33 f. p.)

_The Diamond Fairy Book._ Isabel Bellerby, etc. 8. (Hutchinson, 1897.) 83 ill.u.s.t. (12 f. p.)

_Untold Tales of the Past._ Beatrice Harraden. 8. (Blackwood, 1897.) 39 ill.u.s.t. (31 f. p.)

_Eothen._ A. W. Kinglake. 8. (Newnes, 1898.) 40 ill.u.s.t.

(17 f. p.)

_Phroso._ Anthony Hope. 8. (Methuen, 1897.) 8 f. p.

_The Book of Dragons._ E. Nesbit. 8. (Harper, 1900.) 15 f. p.

Decorations by H. Granville Fell.

_Nine Unlikely Tales for Children._ E. Nesbit. 8. (Fisher Unwin, 1901.) 27 f. p.

_Booklets by Count Tolstoi._ 8. (Walter Scott, 1895-7.) 2 f. p.

in each vol.

_Master and Man._ _Ivan the Fool._ _What Men Live By._ _Where Love is there G.o.d is also._ _The Two Pilgrims._


_An Alphabet of Animals._ Carton Moore Park. 4. (Blackie, 1899.) 52 pictured pages. (26 f. p.)

_A Book of Birds._ Carton Moore Park. Fol. (Blackie, 1900.) 27 f. p.

_A Child's London._ Hamish Hendry. 4. (Sands, 1900.) 46 ill.u.s.t.

and decorations. (14 f. p.)

_The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer._ Charles Lever. With introduction by W. K. Leask. 8. (Gresham Publis.h.i.+ng Co., 1900.) 6 f. p.

_A Book of Elfin Rhymes._ Norman. 4. (Gay and Bird, 1900.) 40 ill.u.s.t., in colours.

_The Child's Pictorial Natural History._ 4. (S.P.C.K., 1901.) 12 ill.u.s.t. (9 f. p.)


_Maurice, or the Red Jar._ The Countess of Jersey. 8.

(Macmillan, 1894.) 9 f. p.

_Undine._ Baron de la Motte Fouque. 8. (Macmillan, 1897.) 63 ill.u.s.t. and decorations. (32 f. p.)

_The Magic Nuts._ Mrs. Molesworth. 8. (Macmillan, 1898.) 8 ill.u.s.t. (7 f. p.)


_The Dolly Dialogues._ Anthony Hope. 8. ('Westminster Gazette,' 1894.) 4 f. p.

_Sunrise-Land._ Mrs. Alfred Berlyn. 8. (Jarrold, 1894.) 136 ill.u.s.t. (2 f. p.)

_Tales of a Traveller._ Was.h.i.+ngton Irving. 2 vols. 4.

(Putman, 1895. Buckthorne edition.) 25 ill.u.s.t., with borders and initials. 5 photogravures by Arthur Rackham.

_The Sketch Book._ Was.h.i.+ngton Irving. 2 vols. 4. (Putman, 1895. Van Ta.s.sel edition.) 32 ill.u.s.t., with others. Borders.

4 photogravures by Arthur Rackham.

_The Money Spinner and other Character Notes._ Henry Seton Merriman and S. G. Tallintyre. 8. (Smith, Elder, 1896.) 12 f. p.

_The Zankiw.a.n.k and the Bletherwitch._ S. J. Adair Fitzgerald.

8. (Dent, 1896.) 41 ill.u.s.t. (17 f. p.)

_Two Old Ladies, Two Foolish Fairies and a Tom Cat._ Maggie Browne. 8. (Ca.s.sell, 1897.) 23 ill.u.s.t. (14 f. p., 4 in colours.)

_Charles O'Malley._ Charles Lever. 8. (Service and Paton, 1897.) 16 f. p.

_The Grey Lady._ Henry Seton Merriman. 8. (Smith, Elder, 1897.) 12 f. p.

_Evelina._ Frances Burney. 8. (Newnes, 1898.) 16 f. p.

_The Ingoldsby Legends._ H. R. Barham. 8. (Dent, 1898.) 102 ill.u.s.t. (40 f. p.) 12 printed in colours.

_Feats on the Fjords._ Harriet Martineau. 8. (Dent, 1899.

Temple Cla.s.sics for Young People.) 12 f. p.

_Tales from Shakespeare._ Charles and Mary Lamb. 8. (Dent, 1899. Temple Cla.s.sics for Young People.) 12 f. p.

_Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm._ Translated by Mrs.

Edgar Lucas. 8. (Freemantle, 1900.) 102 ill.u.s.t. (32 f. p., in colours.)


_aesop's Fables._ 32. (Dent, 1895. Banbury Cross Series.) 45 ill.u.s.t. and decorations. (15 f. p.)

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