The Beast Part 17

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The world spun as I moved again to pull him off her. This time, I dug a hand into the gaping wound on his neck. He let out a shriek and turned on me, his dark eyes blazing hatred.

Ameena lay on the stairs, coughing and spluttering as she fought to get her breath back. I saw her hold a hand above her head, heard her croak, *Rosie, gimme that,' but then Guggs was at me and I could see and hear nothing but him.

Billy let out a cry that was bordering on madness. He took a step forward and swung back with his arm. *That's for making me leave Lily!' he screamed, as he plunged the kitchen knife into Guggs' thigh.

The monster that had been Billy's cousin staggered and let out another blood-curdling screech. He didn't fall, though, but turned to Billy instead. The blade through his leg didn't slow him as he caught hold of Billy and slammed him backwards on to the floor.

I moved to drag him off, but Ameena shoved past me. *I warned you, Huggs,' she growled, and it was then that I saw the golf club in her hand. Guggs turned, snarled, opened his gaping mouth wide. Ameena swung back the club. *Touch me again and I'll kill you.'


The club connected hard with Guggs' head, sending him sprawling sideways off Billy. He thudded on to the carpet and lay there, not moving.

*Howzat?' Ameena said.

*Wrong game,' I told her, staring down at the motionless body. *Howzat's what they say in cricket.'

She wiped a bead of sweat from her brow. *Oh,' she muttered. *Well... home run?'

I nodded. *Close enough.'

Billy was standing up again, staying behind me, well away from his fallen cousin. He looked over to Ameena and gave her a nod. *Th-thanks,' he said.

Ameena shrugged. She lowered the club and leaned on it, like a golf champion posing for a victory photograph. *Ah, forget it,' she said. *It was notha"'

Guggs' head raised. His jaw opened then clamped shut. The bottom half of the golf club flopped to the floor, leaving Ameena holding just the rubber grip.

In one fluid movement, Billy's cousin sprang back to his feet. He screamed and writhed as spear-like bones tore through the skin of his forearms. The pain kept him from attacking us, but I knew it wouldn't last.

*Move, get out!' I yelped, pus.h.i.+ng Ameena towards the door.

*Rosie's upstairs,' Billy said.

I called her name. *Rosie! Rosie!' She didn't reply. *I'll get her,' I said, taking the stairs two-at-a-time. *Get out. Get somewhere safe. I'll find you. Somehow.'

*The radio!' Billy cried. I reached for my hip. The walkie-talkie was still clipped to my belt. With a twist of the k.n.o.b, I switched it on.

*Good idea. Go!'

Billy was already out the door. Ameena bounced on the spot, trying to decide what to do. But the bones had stopped growing from Guggs' arms and his squeals were gradually dying away. There was no time for argument.

As I reached the top of the stairs, I saw Ameena bolt for the door, leaving Billy's cousin twisting and writhing in the hall.

*Rosie?' I said, my voice low and urgent. *Rosie, where are you?'

The upstairs landing of the house had three doors, all closed. I pushed the first one open. Empty. The second one resisted as I tried to force my way inside.

*Rosie, it's me!' I hissed. From beyond the door, there was only silence. I tried shoving it open again, and heard a strangled sob from the other side. Down in the hall, Guggs' screams finally fell silent.

*Rosie, please,' I urged. *Open up. Let me in. I can't protect you if you don't let me inside.'

Again, there was no reply. But then, from the other side of the door, I heard Rosie take a step back. I pushed down the handle and the door swung open. Stumbling inside, I quickly closed it behind me again, just as a heavy pair of feet began racing up the stairs.

*The bed,' I said, *help me move the bed.'

Rosie's eyes were ringed with red. She didn't speak, just nodded. Together, we shoved the room's double bed in front of the door, jamming it shut. Beyond the door, Guggs arrived on the empty landing and let out a howl of confusion and rage.

I climbed on to the bed, pressed my ear to the door, and listened to him skulking around. The upstairs hallway had laminate flooring. His footsteps clomped across it, irregular and uneven.

Rosie backed further into the room, biting on her sleeve to stop herself screaming. I held my breath, listened to the thunk, thunk, thunk of his steps, until they stopped right outside the door.

I backed away and jumped down from the bed, expecting one of those spikes to split the wood at any moment. I was still watching the door when I felt Rosie's breath by my ear.

*Alone at last,' she whispered.

*Well, we're not that alone,' I replied. Something hammered loudly against the door, and I took another step back. *G.o.d, he's keen, isn't he?'

I jumped with fright when Rosie's arms slipped beneath mine. They wrapped across my chest until she was hugging me from behind.

*I never did thank you properly for getting me out,' she said.

My cheeks went pink. I tried to take a deep breath, but her arms were coiled too tightly around me. *It was nothing,' I told her. *Forget it.'

THUD. Guggs struck the door again, but it was Rosie who was making my heart beat faster and faster.

*So modest,' she purred. *A true hero.'

*Um... maybe we should talk about this another time?' I suggested.

Rosie giggled softly in my ear. *It's OK. He'll get fed up and go after the others in a minute. I don't think he likes your ex-girlfriend much.'

*She's not my... wait. Ex-girlfriend?'

*Well, of course, pumpkin,' Rosie said, hugging me tighter. *I'm your girlfriend now.' Her voice took on an excited edge. *I wonder what he'll do to her when he catches her? Whatever it is, I hope it's painful, the witch.'

*What?' I muttered. I tried to pull away again, but her arms were like steel bands around my chest. *What are youa"?'

*She doesn't appreciate you. Not like I do. She made fun of you. The little witch laughed at you!'

*Rosie,' I grimaced. *Stop. You're... you're hurting me.'

BANG! The door shook in its frame. BANG! Guggs, it seemed, wasn't going anywhere.

Rosie's grip relaxed and I heard her give a sigh of annoyance. *Why won't people just leave us in peace?' she demanded. *First it's your friends, then it's mine.'

She stomped over to the door. I watched in horror as she pushed the bed aside and reached for the handle.

*No, don't! What are youa"?'

I was too late to stop her. She yanked open the door just as Guggs launched himself towards it. He gave a screech of triumph as he flew into the room and landed right beside Rosie.

A moment later, the sound died in his throat when Rosie jammed her fingertips against the centre of his chest. Guggs' eyes went wide. His neck snapped down in time to see Rosie push her fingertips straight through his chest bone.

Billy's cousin made a low, gargling sound as Rosie withdrew her hand. His legs went limp and he fell awkwardly on to the floor. In Rosie's hand, Guggs' heart pumped twice, then stopped forever.

*Now, pumpkin,' beamed Rosie, letting the organ drop to the floor with a schlup. *Where were we?'

illy's voice squawked from my hip as Rosie slowly closed the bedroom door. *Kyle? You there? We're back at the police station, up on the roof, over.'

*Don't answer it,' Rosie said. She ran her fingers through her long, blonde hair as she stepped over Guggs' broken body, leaving a b.l.o.o.d.y streak right across her scalp. *Let it just be you and me for a while.'

*What... what are you?'

She half-smiled, half-frowned. *What a strange thing to ask,' she said. *I'm your girlfriend, you silly sausage.'

*Oi! You there or what?' Ameena's voice hissed over the radio. *Answer us, will you?'

*You're supposed to say "over",' Billy's voice explained in the background.

*Shut up, Billy.'

Rosie's face had grown darker with every word.

*Why won't they be quiet?' she spat. *Why won't they leave us in peace?'

*They're worried about... us,' I explained.

I recoiled as Rosie reached towards me, but all she did was flip the walkie-talkie's off switch, silencing the voices on the other end.

She smiled. *So let them worry.'

*You're one of them, aren't you? An imaginary friend. From the Darkest Corners.'

*What does it matter where I'm from? All that matters is that we're together at last.'

*My dad sent you, didn't he?'

Rosie nodded slowly. *But he didn't tell me how cute you were.'

She tried to put a hand on my face, but I pulled sharply away. *So, what? He brought you and the Beast here together? To kill everyone?'

*No, silly,' she giggled. *He brought me and I made the Beast.'

*You... made it?' I frowned. *But how?'

Rosie chomped her teeth together, answering my question.

*And what about the others? The screechers? You made them too?'

*A few,' she nodded. *Then they made others, and those others made others still. It's like a virus, see? Pa.s.sing from one to the other.'

Her delicate features pulled into a frown. *And if your ex really was bitten, then she should've changed already. What's up with that?' A thought occurred to her. *Bet she was just looking for sympathy from you. Bet she faked the whole thing so you'd give her a hug.'

Rosie curled her fingers in until her nails left half-moon- shaped marks on her palms. *Ooh, she makes me so mad,' Rosie spat. *Don't worry, pumpkin. First chance I get, I'm going to tear that witch's heart out.'

*No, you won't,' I said.

Rosie glared at me. *What?'

*You're not going to touch her. I won't let you.'

She gave a sharp shake of her head. *Tell me... Tell me you don't still care about her.'

*Yes,' I said. *I do.'

*But, but, but you're my boyfriend, not hers!'

*No,' I said. *I'm not.'

*But I appreciate you. She doesn't. She makes fun of you!'

I shrugged. *At least she's real.'

*I'm real, pumpkin,' Rosie said.

*No,' I said. *You aren't. And that story about your parents. That wasn't real either, was it? You made it all up.'

She didn't answer me.

*Thought so,' I said. My heart crashed against the inside of my chest as I moved to go past her. *Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go and find my


*Mind?' she cried, and her voice became a shriek. *Of course I mind! Don't you dare walk out on me!'

*I'm going, Rosie,' I told her. My hand closed around the handle of the door. *Deal with it.'

*You're not going anywhere!' she said, and her shriek became a screech. She covered the gap between us in a fraction of a second. Her hand clamped down on top of mine, squas.h.i.+ng it against the door handle. The colour drained from her eyes and they became a rich, oily black.

Her hand was changing shape when it pressed against my chest. The fingers were widening, the knuckles becoming sharp, ragged bone. She gave a grunt and shoved me. The room pa.s.sed in a blur as I was propelled away from the door. My back struck the wall and I dropped to my knees, winded.

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