The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 80

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Hans/el: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Harley: (1) Field of hares; (2) Doctor/specialist (Harley St.).

Harold: (1) Military commander.

Harris: (1) Son of the commander of the household.

Harry: (1) Commands the household; (2) Military commander.

Harvey: (1) Soldier; (2) Warrior.

Hawaii: (1) From the breath of G.o.d came the water of life.

Hayley: (1) Field of hay.

Hazel: (1) Under G.o.d's protection.

Heath: (1) Moorland; (2) Wilderness.

Heather: (1) Purple flowering shrub.

Heidi: (1) Dignified aristocrat.

Helen: (1) Of the light.

Henderson: (1) Son of the commander of the household.

Hendon: (1) Valley frequented by hinds.

Henry: (1) Commands the household; (2) Home ruler; (3) Home power.

Herbert: (1) Glorious soldier.

Hilary: (1) Joy; (2) Happiness.

Hilda: (1) Warrior; (2) Battle.

Hilton: (1) Lives at the farm on the hill.

Hobart: (1) Exalted brightness.

Holden: (1) Benevolent; (2) Courteous.

Holly: (1) Small woody plant with red berries; (2) Sacred.

Homer: (1) Security; (2) Held as a pledge; (3) Earnest down payment.

(3) 2 Cor. 1:22.

Honda: (1) One from the base of the fields.

Honolulu: (1) Place of shelter; (2) Sheltered bay.

Horace: (1) Keeps account of time.

Houston: (1) Village on a hill.

Howard: (1) The chief watchman.

Hudson: (1) The hooded man's son.

Hugh: (1) Intelligent; (2) Clever.

Hume: (1) The river island.

Humphrey: (1) Guards the household.

Hyde: (1) Prepares hides.

Ian: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Illinois: (1) Tribe of superior men.

Imani: (1) Follower; (2) One who believes.

Imogen: (1) Daughter; (2) Girl child.

Impala: (1) Medium-sized African antelope.

Imran: (1) One who entertains guests.

India: (1) River; (2) Body of water.

Indiana: (1) Land of Indians.

Ingrid: (1) Beautiful one.

Innsbruck: (1) Bridge over the inn.

Iona: (1) (Greek) Amethyst; (2) (Aust. Aborigine) Flame.

Iowa: (1) Sleepy ones; (2) This is the place; (3) The beautiful land.

Iran: (1) Mountain.

Iraq: (1) The bank; (2) Between the rivers (from meaning of Mesopotamia). Ireland: (1) Fat land; (2) Land of abundance.

Irene: (1) Peace; (2) At peace.

Iris: (1) Rainbow; (2) Message from G.o.d.

Irwin: (1) One who enjoys the ocean.

Isaac: (1) Laughter; (2) Promise.

Isabel: (1) My G.o.d is bountiful.

Isaiah: (1) Salvation of Jehovah; (2) Jehovah is Helper.

Ishmael: (1) Whom G.o.d hears; (2) Born of the flesh.

(1) Gen. 16:11; (2) Rom. 9:7-9.

Israel: (1) Prince with G.o.d (sitting in heavenly places); (2) Struggles with G.o.d; (3) Compared to Jacob, Israel is the spiritual man; (4) Compared to Judah, Israel is the backslidden church.

Issachar: (1) He is hired; (2) One who works for wages.

Italy: (1) Calf land.

Jabez: (1) Causing pain.

Jacinta: (1) Fragrant bell-shaped flowers.

Jack: (1) (English) G.o.d has favored; (2) (American) See Jacob.

Jackie/Jacquie: See Jacob.

Jackson: (1) Son of G.o.d's gift.

Jacob: (1) Man of the flesh; (2) The old man; (3) Grabber/swindler; (4) Opponent of the spiritual man; (5) Deceiver; (6) Spineless; (7) Worm.

(1-4) Gen. 32:28; (5) Gen. 27:36, 31:20; (6-7) Isa. 41:14.

Jamaal: (1) Beautiful; (2) Good-looking.

Jamahl: (1) Beautiful.

Jameel/a: (1) Beautiful.

James: (1) Replacement; (2) See Jacob.

Jamie: (1) See Jacob.

Jamin: (1) Right arm; (2) Strength.

Jan: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Jana: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Jane: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Janel: (1) Winner; (2) Champion.

Janelle: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Janet: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Janine: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Jannette: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Janson: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Janssen: (1) Son of G.o.d's gift.

January: (1) Beginning; (2) Entrance; (3) Pa.s.sage; (4) Named after Ja.n.u.s, Roman G.o.d of gates and doorways.

j.a.pan: (1) Land of the rising sun.

j.a.pheth: (1) Extension; (2) Expanded; (3) Open.

Jarad: (1) Descending.

Jar/rad/red/rod: (1) (English) Strength like a spear; (2) (Hebrew) Descending. Jason: (1) Healer.

Jasmine: (1) Fragrant shrub.

Jean: (1) G.o.d has favored.

Jeanette: (1) G.o.d has been gracious.

Jed: (1) Loved by G.o.d.

Jeffery: (1) Full of peace.

Jemimah: (1) Small dove; (2) Affectionate.

Jenna: (1) Tiny bird.

Jennifer: (1) Fair and smooth skinned; (2) White spirit.

Jeremiah: (1) Esteemed by G.o.d; (2) Uplifted by G.o.d.

Jeremy: (1) Esteemed by G.o.d; (2) Uplifted by G.o.d.

Jericho: (1) Moon city.

Jeriel: (1) G.o.d notices.

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