The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 66

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Table Tennis: See Tennis/Court.

Tail: (1) Subservient; (2) Second place; (3) Beneath; (4) Disobedience; (5) Cursed; (6) Troublemaker; (7) False prophet; (8) Powerful sting; (9) Influence or allegiance.

Also see Head.

(1-3) Deut. 28:13; (4) Deut. 28:44; (5) Gen. 3:14 (A snake is all tail!); (6) Isa. 7:4 (KJV); (7) Isa. 9:14-15; (8) Rev. 9:10, 19; (9) Rev. 12:3-4.

Tall: (1) Leader (tall person); (2) Authority (tall person); (3) Champion; (4) Proud or arrogant.

Also see Length, Little, Short, Taller, and Tower for Tall Building.

(1-2) 1 Sam. 9:2; (3) 1 Sam. 17:4; (4) Isa. 2:12; Jer. 48:29.

Taller: If something is taller than it was originally, it may mean that: (1) It is influence is increasing; (2) It is getting stronger; (3) It is taking more leaders.h.i.+p; (4) It is becoming proud.

(1) Exod. 34:24; (2) Exod. 1:9; Ps. 119:32; (3) 1 Sam. 9:2; (4) 1 Sam. 15:17.

Tandem Bicycle: (1) Kindred spirits; (2) Working together.

Also see Bicycle.

(1-2) Phil. 1:27; 2:19-20.

Tank (Army): (1) Powerful ministry; (2) Impacting ministry; (3) Powerful deliverance ministry (breaks open enemy strongholds); (4) Spiritual warfare; (5) Heavy or weighty words.

(1-2) 1 Sam. 2:10; Deut. 20:1; Joel 2:5; Nah. 2:3; (3) Matt. 17:18; (4) Eph. 6:11; (5) Eccl. 8:4; Luke 4:32.

Tap: (1) Open portal; (2) Holy Spirit ministry; (3) Jesus.

Also see Well.

(1) Gen. 7:11b-12; (2-3) John 7:37-39.

Tape Measure: (1) Fitting preparation; (2) Being measured for service; (3) Small change of heart needed to enter in (small distance); (4) Expansion preparation.

Also see Measure/measuring.

(1) 1 Sam. 2:19; (2) Gen. 37:3; (3) Mark 12:34; (4) Isa. 54:2.

Tapestry: See Fabric.

Tar: (1) Atonement; (2) Protection against sinking; (3) Judgment; (4) Works of people.

Also see Bricks and Salt.

(1) Gen. 6:14 (The word pitch used here is the Hebrew word for "atonement"); (2) Exod. 2:3; (3) Gen. 14:10; Isa. 34:9; (4) Gen.11:3.

Target: (1) Place of vulnerability.

Also see Goal and see Target in the Name and Place Dictionary.

(1) 2 Kings 6:9.

Tasmanian Devil: (1) Evil spirit that attacks children; (2) Manifests in outbursts of anger; (3) Devil/demon.

(1-2) 1 Kings 4:32-33. These characteristics are seen in the size of the creature and its ferocity as well as experience; (3) Isa. 14:16; Matt. 17:18.

Ta.s.sels: (1) Mind of G.o.d (His laws, commandments).

Also see Bookmark.

(1) Num. 15:38-39.

Tasting: (1) Experiencing; (2) Testing and trying; (3) Partaking; (4) Strengthening; (5) Discerning; (6) Heart revelation; (7) Unchanged (bad taste); (8) Humbling (not eating).

Also see Sweet, Sour, and Bitter.

(1) Matt. 16:28; Luke 9:27; John 8:52; 1 Pet. 2:3; (2) Job 34:3; Matt. 27:34; John 2:9; (3) Luke 14:24; Heb. 6:4-5; (4) 1 Sam. 14:29; (5) Job 6:30; (6) Ps. 34:8; 119:103-104; Prov. 24:13-14; (7) Jer. 48:11; (8) Jon. 3:7.

Tattoo: (1) Tough; (2) Ident.i.ty or Identifying mark; (3) Fleshly person; (4) Fugitive; (5) Vagabond; (6) Message; (7) The placement of a tattoo is important to its interpretation, i.e. a tattooed leg would mean corrupted strength; a tattooed face would mean a defiled or poisoned heart. (8) If the tattoo has recognizable figures or numbers within it, these of course will carry deep significance and must be interpreted individually.

Also see Biker/Bikie and Scar.

(1) Ps. 22:16; (2-5) Gen. 4:14-15; (6) Song. 8:6; Isa. 49:16.

Tax: See IRS.

Taxi: See Cab.

Tea Bag: (1) Healing.

(1) Rev. 22:2.

Teacher: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) Mature disciple of Christ; (3) Fleshly (false, academic, money-hungry, demonic) teacher; (4) Nature; (5) Revelation; (6) Jesus; (7) Known teacher.

(1) Luke 12:12; John 14:26; 1 Cor. 2:13; 1 John 2:27; (2) Rom. 12:7; Eph. 4:11; Col. 1:28; 3:16; 1 Tim. 2:24; 2 Tim. 3:2; Heb. 5:12; (3) 2 Tim. 4:3; t.i.t. 1:11; 2 Pet. 2:1; Rev. 2:20; (4) 1 Kings 4:30-33; 1 Cor. 11:14; (5) Gal. 1:12; (6) Eph. 4:20-21; (7) Acts 13:1.

Team: (1) Family; (2) Church; (3) Business; (4) Christian (disciple); (5) Spiritual opposition.

(1) Eph. 5:22-27; (2) Eph. 4:16; (3) Neh. 4:6; (4) Mark 9:40; Rom. 8:31; (5) Eph. 6:12.

Tear (verb): (1) Loss; (2) Judgment; (3) Persecution; (4) Personal attack.

(1) 1 Sam. 15:27-28; (2) 1 Kings 13:26; Isa. 5:25 (KJV); (3) Ps. 7:1-2; (4) Ps. 35:15 (NKJV).

Tears: (1) Sadness or sorrow; (2) Grief (loss of expectation); (3) Trouble; (4) Affliction; (5) Joy; (6) Pain; (7) Repentance.

Also see Crying and Sorrow.

(1) John 16:20; Rev. 21:4; (2) Ps. 6:7; 31:9; (3) Ps.31:9; (4) Ps. 88:9; (5) Ps. 126:5; John 16:20; 2 Tim. 1:4; (6) John 16:20; Rev. 21:4; (7) Heb. 12:17.

Tea Towel: (1) Servanthood.

(1) John 13:4.

Teddy Bear: (1) Family-friendly false prophet; (2) Antichrist spirit that preys on immature believers; (3) False comforter.

(1-3) 2 Tim. 3:5-7; 2 Pet. 2:1-2.

Teenager: (1) Folly; (2) Rebellious; (3) Mocking; (4) Consider your perception of teenager/s.

Also see Gang, Skinhead, Youth, and Younger.

(1) Prov. 22:15; (2) Prov. 30:11; (3) 2 Kings 2:23.

Teeth: (1) Believer or congregation; (2) Words; (3) Wisdom; (4) Pride of appearance; (5) Maturity; (6) Unfaithful person (bad tooth); (7) Not the upfront person (bad teeth); (8) Biting; (9) Fierce (as in baring the fangs); (10) Instrument of judgment; (11) Decision making or discernment; (12) Mocking; (13) Lies (false teeth); (14) Predator (sharp teeth); (15) Power.

Also see Braces, Cheek, Lips, Losing Teeth (directly below), Mouth, Tongue, Toothache, Toothbrush, and Toothpaste.

(1) Song. 4:2; 6:6; (sheep); (2) Prov. 30:14; Ps. 35:16; 57:4; Jer. 2:16; (4) (5) Heb. 5:14; (6) Prov. 25:19; (7) Isa. 53:2-3; (8) (9-10) Isa. 41:15; Hab 1:8 (fierce = sharp); (11) Isa. 41:15 (Judgment carries the meaning of decision-making); (12) Ps. 35:16; (13) Ps 57:4 & 59:12; (14) Job 16:9; Ps. 57:4; (15) Dan. 7:7; Joel 1:6.

Teeth (Losing Teeth): (1) Losing face; (2) Shame; (3) Loss of words or lost for words; (4) Judgment of G.o.d (broken teeth); (5) Unfaithful or unG.o.dly person (broken tooth); (6) Humbled (loss of pride); (7) Legalistic retribution; (8) Losing sheep; (9) Poor self-image; (10) Embarra.s.sed to speak; (11) Hidden self-image problems (missing bottom teeth); (12) Hidden disability (missing bottom teeth); (13) Disarmed/no power (no teeth).

Also see Arrows and Teeth.

(1-3) Lam. 3:16; Eph. 5:12; Ps. 58:3-7; (4) Ps. 3:7; 58:6; (5) Ps. 3:7; Prov. 25:19; (6) Ezek. 28:17; (7) Exod. 21:24; Matt. 5:38; (8) Song. 6:6; (9) Isa. 41:14; (10) Exod. 6:30; (11) Nah. 2:10; (12) Prov. 25:19; (13) Dan. 7:7; Joel 1:6.

Teeth (New Teeth): (1) Dignity; (2) Glory.

(1) Lam. 3:16 (opposite of this); (2) Isa. 60:1.

Telephone: (1) Communication; (2) Heart/spirit (spiritual receiver); (3) Communication with G.o.d in prayer; (4) Heart sensitive to the Spirit of G.o.d (touchscreen cell phone).

(1) Gen. 23:8 (KJV); (2) Matt. 11:15; (3) Ps. 4:1; 17:6; 18:6; 1 Cor. 14:2; (4) Matt. 12:28 & Luke 11:30.

Telephone (Faulty Telephone): (1) Communication barrier; (2) Communication problems; (3) Hardened heart.

(1) John 8:43; (2) Eccl. 9:16; Jer. 22:5; (3) Heb. 3:15; 4:7b.

Telephone Message: (1) Message from G.o.d.

(1) Matt. 10:27.

Telescope: (1) Distant in s.p.a.ce or time; (2) Long-term promise; (3) About to see visions of Heaven; (4) Turning to righteousness; (5) Prophet or seer; (6) Viewed from the second heaven (telescopic sight).

Also see Sniper and Staring.

(1-2) Gen. 3:15 & Gal. 4:4; Gen. 15:5; (3) Ezek. 1:1; Dan. 4:13; Acts 26:19; (4) Dan. 12:3; (5) 1 Sam. 9:9; (6) Ps. 14:2; 53:2 [The first heaven is the sky (see Deut. 4:19), the third Heaven is G.o.d's dwelling place (see 2 Cor. 12:2), and the second heaven the spirit realm (see Eph. 6:12)].

Television: (1) Vision/destiny; (2) Message; (3) News (media headlines good or bad); (4) Gift of reception (prophet); (5) Receiving visions and dreams; (6) Idol/ idolatry; (7) Tuning/search/searching for G.o.d; (8) Mind-"set"; (9) Letting the world in; (10) Looking to the world.

Also see Radio and Stereo.

(1) Num. 24:4; Dan. 4:13; (2) Num. 12:6; (3) 2 Sam. 18:26; 1 King 14:6; Matt. 4:23-24; (4-5) Num. 12:6; (6) Dan. 3:5b; Rev. 16:2b; (7) Num. 23:3; (8) As in, "what you are watching"; (9-10) Isa. 31:1 (Egypt is the world); 1 John 2:16.

Television (Asleep in Front of Television): (1) Watchlessness or prayerlessness; (2) Spiritually insensitive; (3) Dulled by idolatry; (4) Not aware of idolatry in our lives.

Also see Asleep and Sleeping.

(1-2) Isa. 56:10-11; (3-4) Matt. 13:15.

Teller: (1) Author or authority.

(1) Heb. 12:2.

Temple: (1) Human body (individually); (2) Church body (corporately); (3) G.o.d's heavenly temple.

(1) 1 Cor. 6:19; (2) 2 Cor. 6:16; (3) Rev. 11:19.

Ten: (1) Complete; (2) Completion of order/cycle; (3) Full.

(1-2) Gen. 16:3 (waiting); Gen. 31:7, 41 (deceit); Exod. 7-12 (plagues/judgment); Exod. 20:2-17 (instruction); Num 14:22 (rebellion); Matt. 25:1 (bride); Matt. 25:20, 28 (talents/investment); Luke 15:8 (riches/redemption); 17:12-17 (cleansing); Rev. 2:10 (tribulation/testing); (3) Num. 7:14ff.

Tennis/Tennis Court: (1) Verbal conflict; (2) Spiritual warfare.

Also see Ball.

(1-2) Matt. 4:1-10.

Ten Thousand: (1) Seems to express the maximum possible in earthly terms; (2) Extreme.

(1) Lev. 26:8 (enemies); Matt. 18:24 (debt); 1 Cor. 4:15 (instructors); 1 Cor. 14:19 (words); Jude 1:14 (saints).

Tent: (1) Human body; (2) Temporary church; (3) Earthly dwelling place (contrasted with heavenly home).

(1) 2 Pet. 1:13-14 (NKJV); (2) Exod. 33:7-8; Num. 10:11-12; (3) Heb. 11:9-10; (cf. John 14:2).

Termites: (1) Heretic; (2) Undermining words (white-anting); (3) Unseen and Destructive; (4) Little unseen sins that bring down the house; (5) Cancer.

(1) 2 Tim. 2:17; t.i.t. 3:10-11; (2-3) Acts 15:24; t.i.t. 1:11; (4) Gal. 5:9; (5) 2 Tim. 2:17.

Terrorism: (1) Schemes of the devil.

Also see Terrorist.

(1) John 10:10; 2 Cor. 2:11.

Terrorist: (1) Children of the devil; (2) Distorter of the Gospel; (3) False believers; (4) Plotting in the shadows (5) Pending surprise attack.

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