The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 51

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(1) Luke 18:29-30; John 9:2; (cf. Exod. 20:5, 34:7); 2 Cor. 12:14b; (2) Luke 2:27; John 9:23; Heb. 11:23; (3) Rom. 1:30; (4) John 9:2; (5) Col. 3:20; (6) 1 Cor. 4:15; (7) 1 Cor. 4:15b; Eph. 5:25; (8) Ps. 68:5; Heb. 12:9; (Gen. 2:24 & Phil. 2:7).

Park (Noun): (1) Resting place; (2) Pleasure and recreation; (3) Informal; (4) Lush; (5) Appeals to the eyes; (6) Egypt (human-made park); (7) The Promised Land (natural park); (8) The Church; (9) The believer.

Also see Garden.

(1) Ps. 23:2; (2) Eccl. 2:5-6; (3) Esther 7:8; (4-5) Gen. 13:10; (6-7) Deut. 11:10-11; (8) Song. 4:12; 8:13; (9) Song. 4:12, 15.

Parked Auto: (1) Awaiting ministry; (2) Rest; (3) Being worked on (place of preparation); (4) Retirement.

Also see Garage.

(1) Luke 1:80; 2:51-52; (2) Ps. 23:2; Mark 6:31; (3) (cf. Deut. 6:23 & Deut. 8:2-3) Ps. 105:19; (4) Luke 16:2; 2 Tim. 4:7-8.

Park Ranger: (1) Informal Authority.

Also see Gardener.

(1) Matt. 11:29.

Parrot/s: (1) Repeater or gossip; (2) Angel/s.

Also see Multi-colored.

(1) Prov. 17:9; Eccl. 10:20; (2) Luke 2:9; 9:26; Rev. 18:1.

Party: (1) Revival; (2) Celebration; (3) The world.

Also see Banqueting and Birthday.

(1-2) Luke 15:23-24; (3) Gal. 5:21; 1 Pet. 4:3.

Pa.s.senger: Being a pa.s.senger is generally a good sign as it says: (1) I'm giving or handing my destiny/my ministry over to G.o.d; (2) G.o.d's in the driver's seat.

(1-2) Ps. 23:3; Prov. 3:5-6; 8:20 (KJV); John 21:18; Rom. 8:14.

Pa.s.sing Over Something: (1) Deliverance; (2) Moving into possession of a promise; (3) Owners.h.i.+p (taking possession); (4) Victory; (5) Glory.

(1) Gen. 8:1; Exod. 12:27; Isa. 31:5 (and preservation); (2) Deut. 2:29 (KJV); 3:18; 27:3; Ps. 23:5; (3) Deut. 3:18; 9:1; 11:31; Josh. 1:11; (4) Deut. 2:24; 9:1-4; Josh. 5:1; Judg. 11:32 (KJV); 1 Sam. 14:6-14; 2 Sam. 10:17-19; (5) Prov. 19:11; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25.

Pa.s.sing Under Something: (1) Owned and counted; (2) Tested; (3) Judged; (4) Death; (5) In subjection.

(1-3) Lev. 27:32; Jer. 33:13; (4) 1 Cor. 10:1-2; (5) Neh. 2:14; Isa. 28:15; Jer. 27:8; Ezek. 20:37.

Past Friend/Acquaintance/Employer etc: (1) This may speak of someone similar in character; (2) Doing the same deeds in a spiritual setting; (3) G.o.d may be showing you they need prayer; (4) Them literally.

Also see Aunt, Brother, Sister, and Uncle.

(1) Matt. 11:14; (2) John 3:14; (3) Luke 22:31-32.

Pastor: (1) Jesus (as the head); (2) A shepherd; (3) Actual pastor; (4) Meaning of his/her name.

Also see Priest.

(1-2) John 10:11; Heb. 13:20.

Path: (1) What lies ahead; (2) The way of the righteous or the way of darkness; (3) Guidelines; (4) Pathways of your mind (wherever the path leads to is the way you are thinking); (5) The journey of life.

Also see Cobblestones and Road.

(1-2) Prov. 2:13; Isa. 42:16; Jer. 18:15 (ancient paths = righteous paths); (3) Ps. 17:4; 119:105; (4) Prov. 23:7a; James 1:8; 2 Pet. 3:1-2; (5) Ps. 119:105.

Pattern: (1) Example; (2) Spiritual blueprint; (3) Repeating issue.

(1) 1 Tim. 1:16; t.i.t. 2:7; Heb. 8:5; (2) Exod. 25:9, 40; Josh. 22:28 (KJV); 1 Chron. 28:11-12; Heb. 8:5; 9:23; (3) Num. 14:22.

Pavement: (1) Commercial pathway; (2) Busy pathway; (3) Judgment.

Also see Footpath.

(1-2) Matt. 13:4; (3) John 19:13.

Payment (Incoming): (1) Reaping a harvest (blessing); (2) Issuing forgiveness. (1) Mark 10:29-30; Gal. 6:7; (2) Luke 11:4.

Payment (Outgoing): (1) Jesus' sacrifice for sin; (2) Cost; (3) Forsaking all to follow Christ; (4) Laying down one's life; (5) Debt cancellation; (6) Receiving forgiveness.

Also see Debt.

(1) 1 Cor. 6:20; Col. 2:14; (2) Luke 14:28; (3) Luke 14:33; (4) Matt. 16:24-25; (5-6) Matt. 18:30.

Peac.o.c.k: (1) Vainglory (bringing attention to self); (2) Pride; (3) Clothed in glory of G.o.d.

(1) Prov. 25:27 (self-promotion); John 5:44; 7:18; 12:43; (2) 2 Tim. 3:2; (3) Gen. 37:3.

Peanut: (1) Word of G.o.d; (2) Fool (simpleton).

Also see Seed.

(1) Luke 8:11; (2) Ps. 14:1, 4.

Peanut b.u.t.ter/Paste: (1) The Word simplified (smooth peanut paste); (2) Solid food (crunchy peanut paste); (3) Heart (a jar of peanut b.u.t.ter); (4) Deception (professing to be smooth, but actually crunchy).

(1-2) Heb. 5:12-14; (3) Prov. 14:14 (heart as a vessel); John 16:6; (4) Ps. 55:21.

Pearl/s: (1) Jesus Christ; (2) Revelations of G.o.d's Word (spiritual treasure); (3) The Kingdom; (4) Arrogance and pride; (5) Gate of the heavenly Jerusalem; (6) Faith; (7) Religious glory.

Also see Precious Stones.

(1) Matt. 13:46; (2) Matt. 7:6; (3) Matt. 13:45-46; (4) 1 Tim. 2:9; Rev. 17:4; 18:12, 16; (5) Rev. 21:21; (6) Rev. 21:21 (only entered by faith); (7) Rev. 17:4.

Pedestrian: (1) Sidelined ministry; (2) Spectator; (3) Not part of the race of faith.

Also see Sidewalk.

(1) Matt. 11:2-3; (2) Luke 6:7; (3) Acts 13:13; 15:38; Heb. 12:1.

Pedicure: (1) Preparation to preach the good news.

(1) Isa. 52:7.

Pedophile: (1) An authority figure abusing young Christians; (2) Warning of s.e.x predator (evil spirit); (3) Cult leader that spiritually/psychologically overpowers the vulnerable; (4) Warning of an actual pedophile.

(1) 1 Sam. 2:22; (2) Gen. 19:5; (3) Acts 13:10; (4) Lev. 18:10.

Peel: (1) Cover; (2) Flesh; (3) Heart laid bare; (4) Judgment; (5) Labored (shoulders rubbed raw); (6) Affliction; (7) Aftermath of being burned (peeling skin).

(1) 2 Cor. 5:4; 2 Pet. 1:13-14; (2) Col. 1:22; (3) Luke 2:35; (4) Joel 1:7; (5) Ezek. 29:18; (6) Job 30:30; (7) Exod. 29:14.

Pelican: (1) Jesus Christ; (2) Prophetic evangelist (by virtue of the fact that this bird is white, soars, and fishes); (3) A person in the wrong environment (pelican in the wilderness); (4) Loner or alone; (5) Non-believer (unclean bird).

(1) Luke 5:4-5; (2) 1 Kings 18:21-22; Acts 2:40-41; (3-4) Ps. 102:6-7; (5) Lev. 11:13, 18 (KJV); Deut. 14:17 (KJV).

Pellet Gun: See Spud Gun.

Pen/Pencil: (1) Words; (2) Writing; (3) Written record; (4) Tongue; (5) Something written in pencil may indicate that it is temporary or not confirmed.

(1) Ps. 45:1b; (2-3) Job 19:23-24; (4) Ps. 45:1b; (5) James 4:14.

Penguin: (1) Legalistic church (black and white); (2) Religious spirit (flightless bird, feeds on fish).

(1) Rev. 2:2-4; (2) Matt. 23:15, 25.

p.e.n.i.s: See Genitals.

Pepper: Contrasted against salt, salt is white and pepper black. Pepper, therefore, may represent: (1) Decay; (2) Sin; (3) Death; (4) Bad; (5) Lacking character; (6) No peace (without G.o.d); (7) Speech without grace; (8) Anger (hot and spicy); (9) Flavoring things to your own liking.

Also see Salt.

(1-4) Matt. 5:13; Mark 9:50; (5) Mark 9:49; (6) Mark 9:50; (7) Col. 4:6 (8) Exod. 32:19; Judg. 2:14; (9) Deut. 4:2; Prov. 30:6; Rev. 22:18.

Perfume: (1) Anointing; (2) Presence of Christ; (3) Joyful heart; (4) Love/ Intimacy; (5) Seduction; (6) Infidelity; (7) Love offering; (8) Womanhood (femininity).

Also see Incense.

(1) Exod. 30:25; 37:29; Ps. 45:8; (2) Ps. 45:6-8; (3) Prov. 27:9; (4) Exod. 30:35-38; Song. 3:6; (5) Prov. 7:17; (6) Isa. 57:8-9; (7) Matt. 26:7; (8) Esther 2:12.

Pergola: See Verandah.

Period: (1) No unity with partner; (2) Yearning for unity; (3) Loss of promise; (4) Grief; (5) Self-righteousness; (6) Embarra.s.sment/shame (period exposed).

(1-4) Lev. 15:19, 25; Matt. 9:20-22; (5-6) Isa. 64:6.

Pet: (1) Something you are feeding (fueling); (2) Habit; (3) Companion or friend.

Also see Cat, Guinea Pig, Mascot, Dog, and Veterinarian.

(1) Rom. 13:14; 2 Cor. 10:5; Gal. 4:8-9; 5:16-21; (2) 2 Pet. 2:14b; (3) As in, "a dog is man's best friend."

Petrol: See Gasoline.

Petrol Station: See Gas Station.

Pewter: (1) Wickedness (dross); (2) Spiritually poor.

Also see Tin and Tin Man.

(1) Isa. 1:25; Ezek. 22:18 (pewter has approximately 90 percent tin content) & Ps. 119:119; Prov. 26:23; (2) Num. 31:22 (low on the scale of metals).

Pharmacy: See Chemist Shop.

Photocop/ier/ying: (1) Reproducing; (2) Spreading the Word; (3) Publis.h.i.+ng; (4) Exaggerating (multiplying) the past.

(1) 1 Cor. 11:1; (2-3) Ps. 68:11 (KJV); Acts 10:37 (KJV); 13:49 (KJV); (4) 2 Sam. 1:8-10; (cf. 1 Sam. 31:4).

Photographer: See Cameraman.

Photographs: (1) Memories; (2) Ident.i.ty; (3) A call to remember; (4) Nostalgic longing for the past.

Also see Camera, Cameraman, and Painting (noun).

(1) Exod. 17:14; (2) 1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23 (who you are is found in whose you are); Gal. 3:27; (3) Neh. 4:14; Ps. 78; (4) Num. 11:5; Ps. 137:1.

Piano: See Music.

Pickpocket: (1) Stealing your or other's hearts; (2) Stealer; (3) Being robbed unawares; (4) Loss of things close to you (husband, wife, or children taken unawares).

Also see Pocket, Steal, and Thief (1) 2 Sam. 15:6; Song. 4:9; Prov. 4:23; (2-3) John 10:10; (4) 1 Sam. 30:2.

Picnic: (1) Desiring casual and relaxed fellows.h.i.+p; (2) Pleasurable and personal communion; (3) Desire for your pleasure versus G.o.d's pleasure.

(1) 2 Sam. 11:1; (2) Luke 8:14; (3) Luke 12:29-34; 1 Tim. 5:6; 2 Tim.3:4. Picture: See Camera, Painting, and Photographs.

Picture Theater: (1) Your life pa.s.sing before you (before G.o.d on judgment day).

Also see Movie.

(1) Rev. 20:12.

Pie: (1) Works (something of your own making); (2) Something you desire; (3) Something from the heart; (4) Meddling or busy-body; (5) A heart (good or evil).

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