The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 41

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Also see Fire and House.

(1) Rev. 18:8; (2) James 3:5-6; (3) Exod. 3:2-3; Acts 2:3; (4) Obad. 1:18; (5) Gen. 44:18.

House For Sale: (1) Soul in the balance; (2) Not yet purchased by Christ; (3) Selling out; (4) Vulnerable to exploitation.

(1) Joel 3:14; (2) 1 Cor. 6:19-20; (3) 2 Tim. 4:10a; (4) Matt. 26:14-16.

Hovercraft: (1) Spiritual vehicle or spirit; (2) (+) Angel; (3) (-) Demonic spirit (doing negative things or if the hovercraft is dark in color).

Also see Amphibious Vehicle.

(1) Job 4:15; Ezek. 10:17; (2) Mark 6:49; (3) Matt. 12:43.

Hundred: (1) Complete count (10x10 = complete completeness); (2) Whole; (3) Complete blessing; (4) Maximum blessing; (5) Financial wholeness ($100); (6) The debt of unforgiveness; (7) The glory of G.o.d (300); (8) The shame of people (300); (9) Full harvest.

(1-2) Luke 15:4-6 (the whole flock); (2) The t.i.the is 1/10 and means, as we have given the first 10th of our income, we acknowledge His right to the rest. It also means "as is the first round" (1-10), so the rest is likewise G.o.d-given; (3-4) Matt. 13:8; Mark 4:8; (6) Matt. 18:28; (7) Gen. 5:22; 45:22; Judg. 7:2, 6-7; 1 Kings 10:17; (8) Mark 14:4-5 (Mary was shamed); 2 Chron. 12:9-10; (9) Matt. 13:23.

Hunger: (1) Humbling; (2) Spiritual desire for G.o.d and His Word; (3) Judgment; (4) Desire for righteousness; (5) In need; (6) Denying the flesh; (7) Vulnerable to false doctrines.

Also see Fasting and Thirsty.

(1-2) Deut. 8:3; (3) Deut. 28:48; 32:24; Job 5:5; (4) Matt. 5:6; (5) Job 22:7; (6) Ps. 107:5; (7) Prov. 27:7; Matt. 4:6; Luke 4:10-11.

Hunter/Hunting: Everything about hunting in Scripture carries a negative or anti-Christian tone. Examples of meanings are: (1) The enemy; (2) The fleshly person; (3) A hunter of people or G.o.dly people; (4) Evil (hunts the violent person); (5) Surety for another; (6) Laziness (not roasting that which is caught); (7) Adultery (hunt for lives); (8) Being hunted may be a sign of iniquity/sin; (9) False prophets hunt for souls; (10) Corruption, disloyalty, or unfaithfulness.

(1) Prov. 6:5; 1 Pet. 5:8; (2) Gen. 25:27; 27:5; (3) Gen. 10:9; 1 Sam. 24:11; 26:20; (4) Ps. 140:11; (5) Prov. 6:1-5; (6) Prov. 12:27; (7) Prov. 6:26; (8) Jer. 16:16-18; (9) Ezek. 13:18-21; (10) Mic. 7:2.

Hurricane: See Storm.

Hurry (In a Hurry): (1) Get prepared (sense of urgency); (2) Quick departure; (3) Journey ahead; (4) Birth of a ministry; (5) Time running out (urgency); (6) Driven by the world; (7) G.o.d is not in a hurry; (8) Turning away from G.o.d; (9) Act quickly; (10) Escape; (11) Decisiveness required; (12) Eager to sin; (13) Not blessed; (14) Urgent repentance required.

Also see Running and Urgency.

(1-3) Gen. 19:15; Exod. 12:11; (4) Gen. 41:14; (5) Luke 14:21; 2 Pet. 3:12 (Christ is coming back); (6) Exod. 5:13; (7) Josh. 10:13; Isa. 28:16b; (8) Judg. 2:17; Ps. 16:4; (9) 1 Sam. 20:38; Acts 12:7; Rev. 2:5; (10) 1 Sam. 23:26; 2 Sam. 4:4; 17:16; Ps. 55:8; Acts 22:18; (11) 1 Sam. 25:17-18, 34; (12) Prov. 1:16, 7:23; 192; (13) Prov. 20:21; 28:20; 29:20; (14) Rev. 2:16.

Husband: (1) Jesus; (2) G.o.d; (3) Natural husband.

Also see Groom.

(1) Matt. 9:15; 25:1, 13; John 3:29a; (2) Isa. 54:5; (3) John 4:16.

Hut: (1) Spiritually impoverished individual.

Also see Cabin and Shack.

(1) 2 Sam. 9:4; (cf. 1 Cor. 6:19).

Hyena: (1) Warning of an attack upon a spiritual sleeper; (2) Call to stay awake spiritually.

(1-2) Isa. 52:1a; Luke 22:45-46.

Hysterectomy: (1) No longer able to win souls (unfertile church/person); (3) Barren church/person; (4) Robbed of the promises of G.o.d.

Also see Birth.

(1-2) Rev. 3:1; (4) Gen. 20:18.

Ice: (1) Cold; (2) Cold person; (3) No love (increase of wickedness); (4) Stopping the flow of the Spirit; (5) Deceitful heart; (6) Hardened hearts who melt under pressure.

Also see Black and Cold.

(1-2) Ps. 147:17 (KJV); (3) Matt. 24:12; (4) Job 38:30; Ps. 147:17-18; (5-6) Job 6:15-17.

Ice Cream: (1) Not sharing the Gospel; (2) Preaching the Gospel without love; (3) Promises of G.o.d; (4) Deceptive food (a sweetener).

Also see Cream and Dessert.

(1) Heb. 5:13 (cream is the best part of the milk); (2) Matt. 24:12; Phil. 1:17; (3) Exod. 3:8 (milk and honey); Lev. 20:24; (4) Prov. 20:17 & Prov. 23:1-3.

Ice Skating: (1) Gracious in a cold and hard environment; (2) In jeopardy (on thin ice); (3) At risk (thin ice); (4) Walking by faith in a cold-hearted environment (walking on water).

Also see Slide and Slip.

(1) Lam. 3:30a; Matt. 5:39; (2-3) 2 Sam. 23:17; Lam. 5:9; Rom. 16:4; 1 Cor. 15:30; Phil. 2:30; (4) Matt. 14:28-29.

Icing (Cake): (1) Sugar-coating the message.

(1) 2 Tim. 4:3-4.

Idol: (1) Devils; (2) False G.o.d; (3) Snare; (4) Silver and gold.

(1) 1 Cor. 10:19-20; (2) Ps. 96:5; (3) Ps. 106:36; (4) Ps. 115:4; 135:15.

Immigration: (1) Coming into the Kingdom; (2) Entering into the Promise. (1) Matt. 12:28; Luke 17:21; John 3:5; (2) Deut. 27:3b.

Incense: (1) Prayers; (2) Wors.h.i.+p; (3) Idol wors.h.i.+p.

Also see Perfume.

(1) Ps. 141:2; Rev. 8:3-4; (2) Exod. 25:6; 30:7; 2 Chron. 32:12b; (3) Jer. 1:16; 44:19.

Indian (American): Explore a.s.sociations held by the dreamer or visionary.

Also see First Nations Peoples, Old Man, and Native/s.

Indian (Asian): (1) Explore a.s.sociations held by the dreamer or visionary; (2) See Foreign and Foreigner.

Also see Black Man, Caucasian, and First Nations Peoples.

Indigenous: See First Nations People and Native/s.

Industry/ial: (1) Big business; (2) Commercialization; (3) Mechanical.

Also see Business, Busy, and Machines.

(1-2) 1 Kings 10:14-15; 2 Chron. 1:17; (3) 2 Chron. 26:15a.

Information Desk: (1) Approaching G.o.d for guidance.

(1) Prov. 4:11; Jer. 29:11-14a.

In Front Of: See Before.

Ingrown Toenail: (1) Hurt leader that affects the Body's walk (big toe); (2) Selfinflicted problem that becomes painful and affects your walk; (3) Problems with your children/spiritual children (smallest members of your body); (4) Small issue that causes a lot of pain; (5) A nation's suffering which affects other nations around it.

Also see Toes.

(1) 1 Cor. 12:12; (2) 1 Sam. 2:29-30; Prov. 29:15; (3) 1 Cor. 12:12 & Gal. 6:10; cf. Matt. 10:35-36; (4) 1 Sam. 2:29-30; (5) Dan. 2:41-42.

Injection: See Needle.

Ink: (1) Writing; (2) Book (as in becoming an author); (3) The Spirit written on people's hearts; (4) May speak of coming face-to-face rather than writing; (5) An ink spot in a pocket speaks of writing that may offend.

(1-2) Jer. 36:18; (3) 2 Cor. 3:3; (4) 2 John 1:12; 3 John 1:13.

Inner Tube: (1) The Spirit; (2) The spiritual person.

Also see Balloon, Bicycle, and Wheel.

(1) Ezek. 1:20; John 3:8; (2) Eph. 3:16.

Insect: (1) Pest; (2) Plague; (3) Small.

Also see Bugs.

(1-2) Exod. 5:3 & Exod. 8:21; (3) Matt. 23:24.

Inside Out. Like back to front: (1) A person who has things reversed (i.e. money before Kingdom); (2) Revealing or perceiving the secrets of the heart.

(1-2) Matt. 6:33; 23:25-28.

Insincere: (1) Heart not in something.

(1) Prov. 23:7b; 1 Cor. 5:8; Phil. 1:16-17.

Inst.i.tution: (1) Church.

(1) Acts 11:26; 15:5.

Insurance: (1) Covering; (2) The Holy Spirit; (3) Salvation (house insurance); (4) Mercy (goodness of G.o.d); (5) The grace of G.o.d.

(1) Exod. 12:7, 13; (2) 2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5; Eph. 1:13-14; (3) 1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor. 5:1; (4) Ps. 27:13; 103:4-5; Jon. 2:6-8; (5) Jer. 31:2; Acts 11:23; 15:11.

Intel (CPU): See Computer (CPU).

Interior Decoration: See House.

Interior of a House: (1) Within the believer; (2) A new interior suggests renewal; (3) A run-down interior suggests the old self in operation.

Also see House.

(1) 2 Cor. 5:1.

International Flight: (1) Multi-national ministry; (2) From earth to Heaven (entering Heaven); (3) Travelling from the earthly realm to the heavenly one.

Also see Overseas.

(1) Acts 19:26; (2) John 1:51; Rev. 4:1; (3) 2 Kings 2:11; Acts 1:9. Intersection: See Crossroads, Road, and T-Junction.

Intestines: (1) Eating disorder (pulling intestines out of mouth); (2) Trials (pulling intestines out of mouth); (3) Wickedness (intestines spilling out); (4) Condemned to judgment (intestines spilling out).

Also see Belly.

(1) Matt. 15:17; (2) Prov. 18:14 (can't stomach or tolerate it anymore); (3) Acts 1:18; (4) 2 Sam. 20:10; Acts 1:18.

Investing: (1) Sowing into G.o.d's Kingdom/harvest.

(1) Prov. 31:16.

Iron: (1) Man; (2) Strong/Strength; (3) Dominion; (4) Strength of people; (5) Judgment; (6) Hard; (7) Hardened/Obstinate/Stubborn; (8) Bound; (9) Barrier; (10) Permanent; (11) Strong leaders.h.i.+p; (12) Oppression (furnace of iron); (13) Works; (14) Earthly (from the earth).

(1) Prov. 27:17; (2) Josh. 17:16-18 (iron chariots symbolize the strength of people); Judg. 1:19; 1 Kings 22:11; Jer. 1:18; Dan. 2:40; (3) Deut. 33:25; Josh. 17:16-18; Judg. 4:3; 2 Sam. 12:31 (subjection); (4) 2 Sam. 23:7; Job 41:7 (KJV), 27; 1 Kings 22:11; 2 Chron. 18:10; Prov. 27:17; (5) Deut. 28:23; Ezek. 22:20-22; Amos 1:3; (6) Job 19:24; Jer. 17:1; (7) Lev. 26:19; Isa. 48:4; Jer. 6:28; (8) Ps. 105:18; 149:8; Jer. 28:13-14; (9) Lev. 26:19; Ps. 107:16; Acts 12:10; (10) Jer. 1:18; (11) Ps. 2:9; Rev. 2:27; 12:5; 18:12; 19:15; (12) Deut. 4:20; 1 Kings 8:51; (13) Deut. 27:5; Josh. 8:31; Job 41:27; (14) Job 28:2a.

Iron Furnace: (1) The world (Egypt).

(1) Deut. 4:20; 1 Kings 8:51.

Ironing: (1) Seared conscience; (2) Liar; (3) Hypocrisy; (4) Dealing with sin; (5) Spotless ready for Christ (ironing s.h.i.+rt or dress); (6) Starchiness (proud); (7) Rebellion.

(1-3) 1 Tim. 4:2; (4) Eph. 5:26-27; (5) Eph. 5:27; (6) Ps. 75:5; (7) Deut. 31:27.

IRS: (1) Giving grudgingly (feels like you are being taxed); (2) Money-hungry church; (3) Literal tax issue; (3) Sowing into the heavenly treasury; (4) Respecting/fearing G.o.d's financial right.

(1) 2 Cor. 9:7; (2) Rev. 3:17; (3) Mal. 3:10; 2 Cor. 9:6; (4) Deut. 8:18; Acts 5:3-4.

Islam: (1) "Submission to Allah"; (2) Legalistic church; (3) Militant church; (4) Counterfeit Christianity; (5) Antichrist spirit.

(1) Literal translation; (2) Gal. 3:7-11; (3) Matt. 26:52; (4) 2 Cor. 11:4; (5) 1 John 2:22.

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