The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 39

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(1-2) Isa. 40:31; John 3:8.

Harbor: See Port.

Hard/Hardened Heart: (1) Pride; (2) Stubbornness; (3) Resistant to the will of G.o.d.

(1-2) Neh. 9:16; Dan. 5:20; (3) Exod. 7:14.

Hard Drive: (1) Intellect (mind of the flesh); (2) Mind of the Spirit (supernatural quick thinking without boundaries).

Also see Hardware and USB.

(1) Rom. 8:5; Col. 2:18; (2) 1 Cor. 2:16.

Hardware (Computer): (1) The body of flesh/temple.

Also see Computer, Hard Drive, Laptop, Desktop, and Software.

(1) 1 Cor. 6:19; Col. 1:22.

Hardware Store: (1) Heaven; (2) Faith's storehouse (Faith is the substance . . .). (1) Phil. 4:19; (2) Heb. 11:1.

Harlot: (1) Seducing spirit (s.e.xual immorality); (2) An idolatrous or adulterous church; (3) A Christian dabbling with other G.o.ds; (4) A Christian dabbling in immoral s.e.x; (4) Prost.i.tute; (5) Church relying on enterprise; (6) Babylon; (7) Escort to h.e.l.l (seducing harlot).

Also see Woman.

(1) Judg. 16:5; Prov. 7:10; (2) Jer. 3:1, 6; Ezek. 16:15-17, 32; Rev. 17:5; (3) Jer. 2:20; (4) 1 Cor. 6:15-18; (4) Prov. 29:3; (5-6) Rev. 16:19; 17:4-5; 18:2-3; (7) Prov. 5:3-5; 7:10-27; 23:27.

Harvest: (1) Soul-winning; (2) The end of the world/final ingathering of souls. Also see Farm and Field.

(1) John 4:35-42; (2) Matt. 13:39.

Hash Brown: See French Fries.

Hat: (1) Ident.i.ty; (2) Role or responsibility; (3) Covering; (4) Authority; (5) Honor; (6) Dishonor.

Also note the type of hat. For example: If you are wearing a captain's hat, it means you will steer a ministry. If you had a Captain Cook's hat, it may mean you are going to take a nation for Christ. A helmet means either salvation or spiritual warfare and the need to guard your thoughts (see Eph. 6:17).

Also see Cap and Helmet.

(1) Deut. 1:15; Judg. 11:11; 1 Sam. 10:1; (2) As in, "I'm wearing so many hats"; (3-6) 1 Cor. 11:3-16.

Hatred: (1) Murderer.

(1) 1 John 3:15.

Hawk: (1) Sharp-eyed; (2) Under surveillance; (3) Soaring on spiritual thermals; (4) Spiritual predator.

(1-2) As in, "Hawk-eye"; (3) Job 39:26; (4) Hawks prey on other birds as well as small mammals.

Hay: (1) Carnal motives; (2) Carnal works.

(1-2) 1 Cor. 3:12-13.

Hay Fever: (1) Being spiritually shut-down by the works of the flesh; (2) Having been overcome and caught up in the world.

(1) 1 Cor. 3:12, 15; (2) 1 John 2:16.

Head: (1) Jesus Christ; (2) Authority; (3) Leaders.h.i.+p; (4) Father; (5) Blessed; (6) Foundation (Dan. 2:31-33, note that this image starts at the head not the feet); (7) Disapproval or disgust (shaking of the head).

Also see Decapitation and Platter.

(1) 1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 4:15; 5:23; (2) Exod. 18:25; (3-4) Exod. 6:14; Num. 1:4; 1 Chron. 29:11; Ps. 133:2; (5) Deut. 28:13; (6) Ps. 133:1-3; Dan. 2:37-39; (7) Ps. 44:14; 109:25.

Head (Hitting Head): (1) Mocking Christ or leaders.h.i.+p; (2) Mocking; (3) Scorned; (4) Sarcasm; (5) Disrespect; (6) Abuse; (7) Deadly blow; (8) Serious injury.

(1-6) Matt. 27:31; Mark 15:19; (7-8) Gen. 3:15.

Head (Over the Head): (1) Accusation (if sign over head); (2) Overwhelmed; (3) Subjection (if feet over head); (4) Transferring (if hands over head); (5) Deliverance; (6) Blinded or veiled; (7) Point missed.

(1) Matt. 27:37; (2) Ezra 9:6; Ps. 38:4; (3) Ps. 66:12; (4) Lev. 16:21; (5) Jon. 4:6; (6) As in, "That went over his head."

Headphones: (1) Hearing from G.o.d; (2) What someone is listening to (positive or negative).

(1) Mark 4:9; (2) Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 10:5.

Heal/ed/ing: (1) Heart conversion; (2) Through the Cross; (3) Literal healing; (4) Confirms that G.o.d's Kingdom is within and has now come; (5) A call to act by faith (on receiving a word [which can be a dream]); (6) A call to walk in the Spirit; (7) Demonic deliverance; (8) Counterfeit healing (e.g. through cultic or occultic religion).

(1) Matt. 13:15; Luke 4:18; John 12:40; (2) Isa. 53:5; (3) (4) Matt. 4:23; 9:35; Luke 9:2, 6, 11; 10:9; (5) Matt. 8:8; (cf. Mark 6:4-5; Luke 4:16, 22-23); (6) Mark 6:13; Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38; (7) Luke 8:2, 36; 9:42; (8) 2 Thess. 2:9.

Heap: (1) To ama.s.s or gather; (2) Witness; (3) Ruin; (4) Lots (heaps); (5) Do good to an enemy (heaping coals on his head).

(1) Gen. 31:46; Job 16:4; 27:16; Rom. 12:20; 2 Tim. 4:3; James 5:3; (2) Gen. 31:48, 51-52; (3) Isa. 17:1b; 25:2; Deut. 13:16; Josh. 8:28; 2 Kings 19:25; (4) Judg. 15:16 (KJV); (5) Prov. 25:21-22.

Hearing: (1) Receiving in your heart; (2) Obedience; (3) Understanding.

(1) Ezek. 3:10; Mark 4:9; 8:18b; (2) Ps. 49:1; The Hebrew word for hearing, shama, also carries with it the thought of obedience; (3) 1 Kings 3:9.

Hea.r.s.e: (1) Death; (2) Burial/burial of an issue.

(I) 2 Kings 23:20; Luke 7:12; (2) Gen. 23:4; 49:29; Rom. 6:4; Col. 2:12-13.

Heart: (1) The real person; (2) The inner part of person; (3) The spirit; (4) G.o.d's measure of a person; (5) Innermost thoughts; (6) The mind; (7) The emotions; (8) The will; (9) The core or middle; (10) The place where wisdom is deposited; (II) The deep; (12) The real altar of G.o.d.

Also see Hard/Hardened Heart.

(1-2) Ps. 19:14; 24:4; 28:3; 55:21; (3) Rom. 2:29; 8:27; 2 Cor. 1:22; (4) 1 Sam. 15:7b; (5) Gen. 6:5; 27:42; (6) Gen. 24:45; Exod. 4:21; (7) Gen. 42:28; Exod. 4:14; Lev. 26:16; (8) Exod. 7:23; 252; 35:5, 21-22; (9) Exod. 15:8; (10) Exod. 35:25-26, 35 (KJV), 36:1-2; (11) Ps. 64:6; (12) Jer. 17:1.

Heat: (1) Adversity; (2) Pressure; (3) Anger; (4) Fire; (5) Wilting under pressure; (6) Judgment; (7) Noon (heat of the day); (8) Sun.

Also see Fire.

(1-2) Jer. 17:8; Luke 12:55; Rev. 16:9; (3) Deut. 29:24; Ezek. 3:14; (4) Acts 28:3; (5) James 1:11; (6) 2 Pet. 3:10, 12; Rev. 16:9; (7) 2 Sam. 4:5; 1 Sam. 11:11; Matt. 20:12; (8) Ps. 19:6.

Heater: (1) Turning up the heat (pressure, adversity).

Also see Fire, Fireplace, Kitchen, and Oven.

(1) Dan. 3:19.

Heaven: (1) The spiritual realm (second heaven); (2) The home of G.o.d (The Father); (3) Eternity; (4) The spiritual Kingdom; (5) The place of reward; (6) Permanent treasury; (7) The home of believers; (8) The angelic realm; (9) The throne of G.o.d (third Heaven); (10) Sky (first heaven); (11) G.o.d-given (from Heaven); (12) The place of unlimited blessings; (13) The place from which the Church is to exercise its dominion.

(1) Matt. 3:16; 6:10; Luke 10:18; Acts 10:11; (2) Matt. 3:17; 5:16, 34, 45, 48; 6:1, 9; (3) 2 Cor. 5:1; (4) Matt. 4:17; John 3:12; (5) Matt. 5:12; (6) Matt. 6:20; 19:21; (7) Matt. 8:11; Luke 10:20; 2 Cor. 5:1; (8) Matt. 18:10; 22:30; 24:36; 28:2; Luke 22:43; Gal. 1:8; (9) Matt. 23:22; Acts 7:49; 2 Cor. 12:2; (10) Matt. 24:30; Luke 4:25; James 5:18; (11) Luke 20:4; John 3:27; 6:51; (12) Eph. 1:3; (13) Eph. 3:10; 2:6.

Heavy: (1) Depression; (2) Grief; (3) Sorrow; (4) The glory of G.o.d; (5) Burden; (6) Responsibility; (7) Serious; (8) The big guns; (9) Physical thugs or spiritual giants; (10) Wealth/prosperity; (11) Honor/esteem; (12) Sin/guilt.

Also see Carrying, Fat, and Weight.

(1-3) Ps. 119:28; (4) 1 Kings 8:11; 2 Cor. 4:17; (5-6) Exod. 18:18; (7) As in, "Things were getting heavy"; (8-9) As in, "He sent in the heavies"; (10) Gen. 31:1 (cf. KJV & NKJV); (11) Mal. 1:6 (Honor is the Hebrew kabod, which carries the sense of weightiness); (12) Ps. 38:4; Heb. 12:1.

Hedge: (1) Protection; (2) Restricted or channeled; (3) Painful restriction; (4) A call to stand in the gap; (5) Wall.

Also see Fence and Wall.

(1) Job 1:10; Ps. 80:12; Matt. 21:33; Mark 12:1; (2) Job 3:23; (3) Prov. 15:19; (4) Ezek. 13:5; 22:30; (5) Hos. 2:6.

Heel: (1) Betrayal; (2) Strike from behind; (3) Past life; (4) Past revealed; (5) Trap/snare; (6) Hold back.

Also see Wall.

(1) Gen. 3:15; Ps. 41:9; John 13:18; (2) Gen. 49:17; (3) Ps. 49:5; (4) Jer. 13:22 (KJV); (5) Jer.18:9; (6) Gen. 25:26.

Height: (1) Measure of something; (2) Spiritual dimension; (3) The measure of a person (in human terms); (4) Heaven; (5) Spiritual high ground; (6) Pride; (7) Strength; (8) G.o.d's home; (9) Greatness and dominion.

Also see High, Smaller, Tall, and Taller.

(1) Rom. 8:39 (love); (2) Eph. 3:18; (3) 1 Sam. 17:4; Dan. 3:1; (cf. 1 Sam. 16:7b); (4) Job 22:12; Ps. 102:19; 148:1; Prov. 25:3; (5) Jer. 31:12; Ezek. 20:40; (6) Jer. 49:16; Ezek. 31:10; (7) Jer. 51:53; Amos 2:9; (8) Ezek. 20:40; (9) Dan. 4:20-22.

Helicopter: (1) Christ or a ministry of salvation (rescue); (2) Spiritual ministry; (3) Vertical lift; (4) Quick ascension; (5) In danger of pride (quick ascension); (6) Evil spirit (spying helicopter).

Also see Helicopter Rotor Blades.

(1-3) Ps. 91:12; Matt. 17:27; Luke 1:69; John 6:39; (4-5) 1 Tim. 3:1, 6; 1 Sam. 15:17; (6) 1 Pet. 5:8.

Helicopter Rotor Blades: (1) Leader's words that keep you ducking for cover; (2) Uplifting words.

Also see Helicopter and Propeller.

(1) Esther 7:6-7; Matt. 14:3-4, 8; (2) 1 Cor. 14:3.

Helmet: (1) Salvation; (2) Hope; (3) Protect your mind; (4) Keep your head down (watch pride); (5) Spiritual warfare.

Also see Cap, Hat, and Motorcycle Helmet.

(1) Isa. 59:17; Eph. 6:17; (2) 1 Thess. 5:8; (3) 2 Cor. 10:5; 1 Pet. 1:13; (4) Rom. 12:16; (5) 2 Cor. 10:3-5; Eph. 6:11.

Hem: (1) The place of overflow.

(1) Ps. 133:2; Matt. 9:20; 14:36.

Hemorrhoids: (1) Stress; (2) Straining to get rid of a burden/sin.

(1-2) 1 Sam. 6:11 (KJV).

Hen: (1) Christ; (2) Comfort, nurture, and protect; (3) Church.

Also see Chicken.

(1-2) Matt. 23:37; Luke 13:34; (3) Matt. 23:37 & Acts 14:27.

Herbs: (1) Bitterness.

Also see Spices.

(1) Exod. 12:8; Num. 9:11.

Hidden: (1) Dead to self; (2) Safe.

(1-2) Col. 3:3.

Hiding: (1) Guilt (awareness of sin); (2) Fear; (3) Shame; (4) Protection; (5) Ignoring an issue.

Also see Chasing, Concealing, and Running.

(1) Lev. 5:2-4 (unaware means "hidden from Him"); Prov. 28:1 (The Hebrew word for "wicked" here is Rashaa"amongst its meanings is the thought of "guilty"); (2) Matt. 24:24-25; (3) Gen. 3:8, 10; (cf. Gen. 2:25); (4) Exod. 2:2-3; Job 5:21; Ps. 17:8; (5) Lev. 20:4; Deut. 22:1, 3.

Hiding (G.o.d Hiding Himself): (1) Sign of spiritual adultery.

(1) Deut. 31:17-18; 32:16-20.

High: (1) G.o.d; (2) Exalted; (3) Heaven; (4) Spiritual ground; (5) Secure (tower)/ Security; (6) Spiritually lifted; (7) Proud; (8) Praise; (9) Wisdom; (10) Abomination to G.o.d (that which is highly esteemed among men).

Also see Height, Hills, and Mountains.

(1) Gen. 14:18-20; Ps. 18:13; 78:35; 83:18; (2) Exod. 14:8; Num. 33:3; 2 Sam. 23:1; Job 5:11; Luke 14:8, 10; (3) Exod. 25:20; Job 11:8; 16:19; 22:12; Ps. 68:18; 103:11; Isa. 6:1; (4) 1 Sam. 9:12, 14; 10:5; 1 Kings 3:4; (5) 2 Sam. 22:3 (KJV); Ps. 18:2 (KJV); Ps. 61:2-3; 91:14; 144:2; (6) 2 Sam. 22:49; 23:1; (7) Job 21:22; Ps. 18:27; Ps. 62:9; 75:5; 101:5; Prov. 21:4 (KJV); (8) Ps. 149:6; (9) Prov. 8:1-2; 9:1, 3; 24:7; (10) Luke 16:15; 20:46.

High Heels: (1) Woman in authority; (2) Businesswoman; (3) Woman wanting more authority (to appear taller); (4) Gospel outreach to h.o.m.os.e.xuals (man in high heels); (5) Worldly woman.

(1) Judg. 4:4, 9; (2) Acts 16:14; (3) 1 Kings 21:7; (4) 1 Cor. 9:22; (5) Prov. 7:10.

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